Rating:  Summary: An Outstanding Movie. An Average DVD. Review: Jaws, starring Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hammilton, Jeffrey C. Cramer, Susan Backline, and Carl Gottlieb, begins at a party by a fire near the Atlantic Ocean, where a group of teenagers are smoking some dope and "Making Out". One young man, quite drunk, follows a young girl named Chrisie Watcans (Susan Backline) while she goes for a swim. However, the man passes out by the Ocean and does not hear the young girls screams while she is yanked into the water. The film goes to the next day, where we meet Sherrif Martin Brody (Roy Sheider) and his wife (an excellent Lorraine Gary). When Brody hears of the shark attack, he asks to have signs saying "Beaches Closed" put up. However, the greedy mayor (Murray Hamilton, also excellent) debates with the excuse being money. Well, due to the mayor's choices, mayhem follows....Jaws is an instant classic, remarkably entertaining, NEVER boring, and always keeping you on the edge of your seat. As most people know, the shark is not seen for nearly half of the film. This is WITHOUT A DOUGHT Steven Spielberg's most well known, and most respected film. He gets wonderful performances by Roy Sheider, Richard Dreyfuss, and particularly Robert Shaw, who's charecter starts off shallow, and then suddenly he's telling his lifes story, the USS Indianapollis. However, Universal Pictures doesn't offer the best DVD it propably could have. Universal Pictures did terrific DVDs on such films as Nutty Proffesor 2 The Klumps Uncensored Director's Cut, The Lost World Jurrasic Park, The Birds, Psycho (1960), Psycho (1998), and many more. The list of great Universal DVDs could go forever. But, this one falls quite short, especially when you consider the fact that this is Jaws' Anniversary Collector's Edition. The disk contains a documentary, The Making Of Jaws, that is very good, and an informative look at the behind the scenes material. There are also deleted scenes, that propably should have been deleted (although it might be interesting to see the scenes in the movie, and see if it takes away the power). There are also outakes- and in my opinion- the group of unfunniest outakes ever in the history of film. For goodness sake, there are SIX outakes. There's also some [awfull] "Shark World" thing, but that holds no interest to me. There's 3 Trailers, and a few other things, but NO Audio Commentary. That's a shame. But, on the positive side, the picture is GORGEOUS!!! The old version video was almost unbearable, and then this comes!!! Wow!!! The picture is quite spellbing. So, all in all, a great movie, go and see it today. But I'm waiting (with hope) for a box set of the whole series with 3-D glasses for Jaws 3-D, and exclusive director's cut's to come before I'll buy any in this series. Jaws is Rated PG for Some Violence, Breif Language, and Partial Nudity.
Rating:  Summary: an overlooked scene Review: This is an all time favorite of mine. It's just when I use to see it on regular Television or on a Movie Channel, I heard a dubbing sound where Richard Dreyfuss is examining the first victim and when they cut to the part when he lifts her hand (on the DVD) he said "Now this is what happens..." (?) and then they cut to another piece of dialogue that doesn't flow with that scene. On Television or on a Movie Channel they would dub in "And this is what happens when a shark attacks." I think that's what it said. But I know a dub when I hear one.
Rating:  Summary: JAWS 25 YEARS Review: This movie is great! No dought this is the best killer shark movie ever. Anyone who likes good horror movies must see this.
Rating:  Summary: Farewell and Adieu... Review: ...to you fair Spanish ladies; farwell and adieu to...oh whatever! Great film! Did they "need a bigger boat"? Naaah. Not really. What makes a film like this one truly great? Well, for one thing something that you don't find in many summer blockbusters nowadays: ACTING. Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss, and Robert Shaw successully bring to life a small town, island-bound police chief who's afraid of the water; a scientist and shark expert; and a cracker-munching, chalkboard-scratching, radio-bashing, Spanish Lady-farewell-and-adieuing shark hunter, respectively. This movie has yet another thing going for it...a rare and underappreciated gem (at least in this day and age): CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Isn't it great?!! We actually get the pleasure of getting to know these guys. And you know what? They're actually kinda likeable! They're also the perfect trio to catch this Great-White-Hannibal-Lecter roaming loose in New England waters. You have Matt Hooper: calm for the most part, highly intelligent as well as resourceful. And there's Capt. Quint: smart-aleck, daring, and battle-scarred; probably not too educated, unless the sea can be called a classroom, and, if so, then imagine that every set of shark jaws hanging on his walls is actually a diploma; he is the man of strength. Enter, Chief Brody: husband, father, cop; but on this voyage, he is more-or-less a blend of the other two. Another thing this movie has going for it, which, fortunately is not so rare a commodity these days is a great film score! But how many other great main themes consist of only 2 notes? Zero! I can't wait to see this film on DVD. Unfortunately, our good friends at MCA/Universal don't think that anyone owns VHS players anymore; or if they do, all of them prefer pan-and-scan to Widescreen. This is one of those films where you're just not watching the real movie (the way it was intended to be seen) unless you're watching the whole movie.
Rating:  Summary: An Alien Plot Review: Most center on the shark when the aspects of this film's plot go even further towards shore. The film is about a town. It is about a traditional sea of income, and the shark swallows the hope of needy men and women. This need brings out the greed in the mayor. The shark is playing its role by doing its part in leading the characters out to it through starvation. When both begin to starve they find one another. Man's survival through another's decline is one significant theme. One man loves the shark, another despises, and this one indifferent, yet wants justice and peace. All are selfish as is the town's prime function to unite for lives. I could call this film a satire, but it isn't one. IT certainly is a gold mine for an intellectual, because it isn't about a shark. The shark, I believe can be symbolic for a moment. I love questions.
Rating:  Summary: Speilbergs best Review: Some people would argue that "Shindlers List" "Saving Private Ryan" or "Jurrasic Park" are all better than "Jaws" but I don't. Jaws is my all time favotrite Speilberg movie. The directing seems no holds bard and Speilberg even says that he was very stupid and out going at the time. I'm pretty sure that we all know that this movie is great so I mine as well move onto the extras. Because this is got extras out the anous!! Sorry. Anyway, its got some great extras like an hour long making of the film that is very insight full. They tell you stuff that you have never heard before. Other extras include theactrical trailors and some great deleted scenes. My favorite cut scene would have to be where Quint goes into a music store to buy some piano wire. A kid begins to play a flute and Quint begins to heckle him. If you enjoy extras i also recommend "Brazil: The criterion Collection"
Rating:  Summary: A One-of-a-Kind Experience!! 10 STARS EASY!! Review: You simply have got to admire Steven Spielberg's tenacity while mired in this seemingly endless project. He just wouldn't quit until he had created the classic known as "Jaws". And he pulled it off. We hear in the making-of documentaries of how the mechanical shark would always be on the fritz! And of the actors waiting for hours, or days, to complete a given scene! It must have been hell! Especially considering the locales! But this, in the final analysis of this landmark picture, actually proved to ADD to the suspense of the final cut! Because the darn maneater refused to eat, Steven was forced to shoot many a scene (intended to include the predator) without the shark...proving once more the theory: the scariest things are the things we CAN'T see! And when we finally see those huge jaws opened for the first time....WOW! What an impact! I still jump when I see it! This film has all elements that make up a classic thriller: tension beyond belief, suspense, great acting, and the occasional "Oh Jesus!" surprise shocks. I wonder how many people who have seen this movie were scared to death at the very end when the camera follows Brody & Hooper toward the shore...thinking, just maybe, another "bite" was coming! (I know I did!) Ever wonder what Jaws would look like if made today featuring all the advanced computer imaging?? Might have been interesting. But it certainly would NOT have had as much suspense as the 1975 Jaws, because no doubt the shark would have popped his head out of the water much earlier in the film. Nah....You can't improve on a Classic anyway! And Jaws is definitely that!
Rating:  Summary: SHARK! Review: Jaws is back in 2001 with it's new special edition and telling finally that they had to make it before July.
Rating:  Summary: They don't make summer movies like this anymore! Review: After his 2nd feature film, young director Steven Spielberg took up the task of filming "Jaws." Though he had major headaches with ever-changing weather, an ever-changing shooting schedule and a shark that didn't work, Spielberg did finish it, and used his images and John William's 2-note "warning" that had everyone scared out of their seats in 1975! After watching this film, it's no wonder it does so well. Our story takes place on the island of Amity, a small community where peace and tranquility reign, that is until the mangled corpse of a young woman is found on the beach. Investigating the case is Amity's Chief of Police Martin Brody. An early autopsy seems to indicate a shark attack, which Brody plans to take seriously, until the mayor (Larry Hamilton) tells Brody that he's mistaken. This is mainly due to the fact that the peak of tourist season is about to arrive on Amity Island, and the townspeople need those dollars to pay through the winter months. The chief tries to keep it under wraps until a young boy is killed, and then the aid of Oceanographic Institute member Matthew Hooper (Richard Reyfuss) comes to the island to confirm that a shark is indeed in the waters, and has to be killed. The mayore is still skeptical and nothing can deter him, except when Martin and Matt enlist the aid of a fisherman named Quint (Robert Shaw), to catch the great white terror. The movie works great because of what we don't see. Throughout the entire movie, the shark only appears for about 5 minutes. The rest is left to our imagination, the music, and the shark fin in the water. The character's are also played to perfection. Roy Scheider plays Martin Brody as a man who is the Cheif of Police, yet afraid of the water, and Larry Hamilton plays the mayor as a man who seriously won't let the possibility of a shark attacking tourists keep the islanders from making a buck during the 4th of July. Richard Dreyfuss as MAtt Hooper also plays up well with great lines, and one of his best roles to the time (his last being in American Graffiti. All in all, the DVD extras could use some more tweaking, the making of footage isn't all that great, outtakes are less than mediocre, as are a couple of cut sequences that definitely belonged on the cutting-room floor. If you really want to see a summer movie before they turned into $100 million pieces of garbage, see this film. I watched it 3 times a day!
Rating:  Summary: Scarred me for life! Review: OK, I find Richard Dreyfuss (in the years of Jaws, the Competition, Close Encounters etc) to be incredibly sexy, but nevertheless, that doesn't bias my review. Jaws was the first movie my mom took me to see in a theatre, at age 3. It scarred me for life! I have always hated the ocean and been terrified of boats ever since then. I am terrified of large waves and salt water. I blame this all on seeing Jaws at such a young age. It's a super movie, mind you, and I can easily sit through it (and often do), but I can't bear to go to the ocean. I asked my mom why she didn't take me to see Sweeney Todd when I was also 3 - but she said I was too young. I'd rather she took me there - that way I would at least be scared of eating meat and loud operatic theatre - a much healthier phobia, I'm sure.