Rating:  Summary: Selling Merchandise or Making Movies Review: On the whole, this was very disappointing.First, I will say that watching the two Jedi's fight with light-sabers made me grin from ear-to-me. The memories it brought back of pretending to be a Jedi knight, fighting trees with my broomstick, were joyful. But then it ended. This one continued the downward slide into silly, childish, merchandising begun with Episode Six. I thought the failure of Return of the Jedi were the Ewoks. Neither the original nor Empire Strikes Back had characters whose only purpose was to bring in little kids. They were annoying and belonged on a Saturday morning caroon. In fact, we can only assume that the merchandising wizard Lucas created them for that purpose. Now we have Jar-Jar Binks. Ripped from the Disney formula of having a stupid side-kick in every movie, this character is an unfortunate metaphor for the movie. Where the original had villans and action, this has stooges and games. Even the "king" of the underwater people was more of a clown than a leader. But I'm sure the action figures moved a lot of McDonald's Happy Meals. And the pod race was an unecessary repeat of the forest race in Return of the Jedi which was itself a rip-off of Ben Hur and just about every James Bond movie. And was Darth Maul the biggest let-down in movie history. For weeks we hear of this villan and see his ridiculous face everwhere -- do they ever explain what happened to his head -- and he does nothing for the plot. Lots of bragging, one big fight, he kills Liam Neesan and dies. What's up with that? Well, maybe he sold enough action figures that Lucas will bring him back in the nest installment.
Rating:  Summary: Movie Review, but unless the DVD has no Jar Jar... Review: Very Disappointing. I am a die hard Star Wars fan, which is why I believe I was so disappointed with this movie. I ended up seeing it twice on opening day, but fell asleep during the hour and a half "plot- building" portion of the movie the second time around. (Jedis fly to Naboo. Jedis kill droids. Jedis imitate Jaques Cousteau. Jedis rescus Queen. Jedis fly to Tatooine. Jedis watch boy in pod race. Jedis watch horribly over dramatic acting of future dark lord of the sith. Jedis fly to Corcusant...) In my opinioin, this was a passable movie. It was entertaining at times, but I will not be seeing it thirteen times in the theater as I did for the first Star Wars. I did see it a second time, but only because I had already prepurchased the tickets. If it was up to me, I would have seen the Matrix a third time instead. What was wrong: * Lack of Epic Scale - If Episodes IV, V, and VI were comparable to World Wars I, II, and III (whenever that is going to be) then Episode I was equivalent to a civil war in a small South American village. The first three movies were EPICS, they told stories of good vs evil on a galactic scale. Episode I told of a minor skirmish of political beauracracy that was very uninteresting. * Lack of Memorable characters, droids, vehicles - The first series gave us Luke, Lei, Han, Darth Vader, C-3P0, R2-D2, Obi-Wan, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, Millenium Falcoln, the Death Star, Star Destroyers, X-wings, Y-wings, etc...This first movie gave us Obi-Wan. There are more characters and machinery that I would never want to see again, than see return. From a merchandising standpoint, how does Lucas expect to make any money of those ridiculous looking donut shaped warships? In particular, Darth Maul is a particularly weak character. The only time he shows up, is when it is time to deliver some much needed action to a dragging plot. There should never be comparissons between Maul and Vader, as they don't even come close to comparing. Vader is the embodiement of presence and character, whereas Maul is just some face painted goon. * Terribly annyoing characters - Anakin, Jar Jar, anyone from the Trade Federation...Hopefully all of these characers will be dragged off and shot during the time between this movie and the next. * Horribly mangled English - Jar Jar, anyone from Naboo who was not a human, anyone from the Trade Federation, anyone from Tatooine who was not a human...When you can't understand what is being said, it really is hard to develop a plot. * Awful acting - Anakin, every single extra or bit character...on the bright side, Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, and Natalie Portman did a very good job, Ewan in particular. However, all of the bit characters were terrible. In particular, the Naboo fighter pilots stood out to me as terrible method acting. (Note to future script writers and bit actors: whenever you speak aloud your observations or your thoughts, chances are yor acting will be unbelievable.) * Bastardizing legends - Jedi explanation of the Force in Star Wars, "A universal energy field that binds us all together, guiding our actions". Jedi explanation of the Force in Episiode I, "A bacterial infection"...I much prefered the religious and mythical overtones of the force in the first three movies to the genetic engineering of Episode I. Question: If we know that "midichlorines" create Force sensative individuals, why aren't there a couple billion genetically engineered Jedis out there? * Transparaent "surprises" - About five minutes into the Naboo invasion, the Queen and "Padme" switch places, supposedly in secret. Yet, after seeing "Padme" on screen for about three seconds, i said to myself "Self, why did the Queen take off her makeup?". Apparently the invading robot forces with their digitally enhanced optical inputs could not discern this difference as easily as my puny eyes. * "Nothing can beat Destroyer droids" - According to this movie, two Destroyer droids can pretty much beat any invading force. These things show up twice in the movie, and while they are really cool to look at, they are apparently unbeatable to any invading force, whether human or Jedi. It is particularly galling that the two Jedis in the beginning of the movie, who have just mopped up anything the Trade Federation throw at them, run away so quickly after being set upoin by these droids. If these things are so great, why didn't the empire use them in episodes IV, V, and VI, and why in the world didnt the Trade Federation use these to invade Naboo instead of their pathetic "Roger, Roger" attack droids?!? * Weak Beginning and End - The previous three movies started strongly and finished conclusively, even the second which had the arduous task of developing plot for the third movie. Episode I "ended", and yet the movie kept going for another fifteen minutes. It sounds more like I hated the movie than merely being disappointed, but it did have its bright spots. Ewan McGregor was great as Obi-Wan, the lightsaber duels were excellently coregraphed (but still a pale refelection of Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader, Luke vs Darth in ESB, and Luke vs Darth in ROJ), the special effects were indeed very good (when not used merely as screen shots), and the plot answers some age old questions (Why did Obi-Wan teach Anakin himself? How did the Emperor come to power? Why does Anakin become Darth Vader). Yet there was far more wrong with the movie than was right. I think the ultimate test, is whether this movie would have made any money without the previous three movies. I strongly believe that Lucas would have lost a lot of money on this movie without the crutch of a twenty year old Star Wars legend to lean on.
Rating:  Summary: The story continues with great FX but less character Review: For some, the first trilogy represents a wonderful myth based on classic themes; for others who don't know what all the fuss is about, it's childish drek with lousy science and illogical continuity. Harlan Ellison assailed the STAR WARS movie as dribble, citing, for instance, the fact that the space ships make noise in space (where there is no sound). If you accept that Lucas is making a grand mythology - and that is clearly what he is attempting - then how does the beginning of this new trilogy (the story of the fall of Darth Vader) hold up? Where it fails for me - besides the fact that we are following the story of Darth Vader, whereas personally I am more interested in the story of Obi-Wan - is that, in PHANTOM MENACE, the characters are not nearly as personable as Han, Luke, Leia, and family. For all the goofy acting and mournfully trite dialogue perpetrated in those movies, the performances created characters we could feel we knew and liked, whereas in PHANTOM MENACE they are more like figures, played with sobriety as if enacting a museum piece. No personal connection is possible with little Annakin, the dynamic duo jedis (although Ewan MacGregor does an impressive job emulating a younger version of the character created by Sir Alec Guinness, in body and voice), or even the amazing-looking villain with nothing to say and no back story of his own. To make up for the lack of character, Lucas throws in the digitally-animated nuisance of Jar-Jar Binks, a "loveable" character most fans love to hate. Is there anything endearing about this thing? Without personable characters, the mythology is in danger of becoming grandiose; and that would be a sorry fate for what began with STAR WARS.
Rating:  Summary: HIGH EXPECTATIONS NOT CAUSE FOR DISAPPOINTMENT......... Review: I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and even though I give THE PHANTOM MENACE only two stars....I do it for good reason. My opinion of PHANTOM MENACE is quite simply explained. The original Star Wars looked real!!! It looked real because it was real!! Models and sets. That was the beauty of it! PHANTOM MENANCE, it seemed, was written in a manner to suit the computer effects they could do. Many of the scenes served absolutely zero purpose, other than to show off the computer CGI JUNK. Which, quite frankly, didn't transport the audience to a GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY, but instead into George Lucas' computer. The other thing that ruined the movie for me, was the way they chopped up the final battle. Cutting back and forth between the battle in the field and the lightsabre battle sucked the intensity, suspense and excitement right out of it. Leaving me going... humph, instead of WOW!! It's a bad movie. It's a cool movie, but it's a bad one....
Rating:  Summary: Episode I:On DVD!!!!! Review: I think the movie was excelent.I own the movie on VHS.But the DVD sounds a LOT better than the VHS,mainly because on seven deleted scenes.I am a big Star Wars fan and eventually I hope to get all four movies when they are released on DVD.If a good movie is made,the DVD is always wonderful!
Rating:  Summary: TPM Rules Review: TPM was a great movie, there are no boubts there. "She has it where it counts," in the words of Han Solo. First, Star Wars is not sci-fi. Star Wars is fantasy with sci-fi elements. Think of Lord of the Rings, make it much more creative and exciting, add a deeper plot, and put it in space wth much better developed characters, and you more or less have Star Wars. I am not trying to say that SW is like TLOTR; it is fantasy. TPM had great characters, a great plot, and was the perfect introduction to the Star Wars universe. Some fans hated this film becuase of its "kiddie appeal," with characters like Jar Jar. This film can appeal to any audience, and any audience can see it in a different ways. Kids see it as an action movie; adults see it as a movie with symbolism, themes, etc. In conclusion, TPM is a good movie and a worthy purchase. May The Force Be With You (MTFBWY).
Rating:  Summary: Stars Disappointing but because it is star wars it is a must Review: Dear Reader, I saw Star Wars ep. 1 the phantom menace in the theatres but not near opening weeks, i knew it would be crowded but i still had to sit in a crowded theatre like 2 months after it opened which was not suprising it was star wars. I came out of the theatre dissapointed for one reason, JAR, that is what his first name is. They should of some how gotten rid of him in the begining, but they kept him around and made the movie so freakin annoying.On a side note, this movie is supposed to be before the other star wars but somehow the technology is more advanced and it looks better in episode one, which was all George Lucas's fault, he should of that of that. Star Wars Episode one the phantom menace stars Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd (who is the worst child actor in the history of acting) and Samuel L. Jackson (Bit part pretty much) Sam was promised to have a bigger role in episode one attack of the clones. George Lucas promised not to make the mistakes he made in ep.1 in ep.2. But overall you have to buy this DVD or watch this movie because it is Star Wars and it will always be Star Wars, thanks for readin, kids seem to really like this movie so watch this with the kids.
Rating:  Summary: THIS FILM IS A LETDOWN Review: The main problem with the movie is Jar Jar Binks. There is no getting around it. Millions of people hate his rubber guts. He was given so much unfunny screen time that I won't be satisfied with Episode 2 unless those ...clones roast him alive on a spit....P>While EP1 isn't a terrible movie, its inferiority to the original trilogy is apparent if you watch this, then watch the originals. Sure, there is a certain amount of Geroge Lucas goofiness that is part and parcel with the Star Wars universe. Put in simple terms, the first three films were consistently fun, exciting and action-packed entertainment. EP1 is even flashier but is nowhere near as consistently fun... most of the movie seems to be either the plot exposition and set-up for the NEXT movie, or soul-robbing screen time for Jar Jar.
Rating:  Summary: LOOK AT THE WHOLE PICTURE!! Review: Episode one is just that, the first part of a serial. People who claim no continuity don't know there Star Wars chain of events. There is a reason for every part of Episode One. The Stormtroopers are not a regression of technology. They came about from the downfall of the droids. If you remember the achilles heel of the droids is the command ship. Droids don't make good soldiers, you need living beings. In the original (Ep-4) there are several references to "The Clone Wars". The "clones" become stormtroopers, an entire army of clones. Princess Leah acknowledges this to Luke with the famous line "Aren't you a little short for a storm trooper?" Yoda claims Anakin to be too old as an excuse not to train him because he sees danger in Anakin. BUT! Qui-Gon was right... Anakin IS the one who, as prophecy dictates, brings balance to the force. Remember Vader/Anakin kills the Emperor, NOT LUKE! Even Vaders line to Obi-Won "the last time we met... now I'm the master" hints to the prequels, a fight is going to occur in Ep-2 or 3. With upcoming episodes the evolution of Anakin to Vader will take center stage. Episode One is a vehicle to bring Anakin to the Jedi. If you recall the original Star Wars recieved mixed reviews when it was released in the later 70's. Now it's a classic. Keep watching you'll grow to love Ep-1 when the other pieces of the puzzle fall into place. One thing I do agree on... Jar Jar was idiotic pandering to the god of merchandising. Write him out of Ep-2 post haste.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars fans may have been a little dissapointed, but... Review: All real Star Wars fans saw this in the theater. Not everyone loved it as much as the trilogy. This is because these Episodes are like one big movie, cut into 6. The beginning of movies isn’t always the most exciting, but it is very important to set-up the story line. . . . . I will be the first to admit that Lucas' added humor (jar jar, singing number in ROTJ, ewoks, etc.) isn't always Steve Martin material, but hey it adds culture to the movie. I think Episode one was very important in the story line and set-up for Episode II "Attack of the Clones". This movie is like a computers 101 class. You mainly learn the basics and Key Terms so you can excel in the next class. Examples are the scenes of the Jedi Council, the Senate meeting, Darth Maul and beginning of the Emperor, etc. Also mentions of Mediclorians, the gambling nature of Jabba and most species on Tatooine, introducing R2-D2 and C-3PO for the "first time". There are so many of these things, it seems imperative that everyone buys this DVD. I am sure it will have plenty of "Making of the Movie" and maybe even sneak peaks at Episode II. Which I hear is a big possibility, hence the reason for the delay. Because if the DVD comes out in October, everyone will have it by Christmas and 3 or 4 months later Episode II will be out and have 3-4 months of Hype behind it. It is standard marketing not a cheap ploy to get you to buy both VHS and DVD versions. I personally can't wait and have this on pre-order already. I also own the VHS. But like everyone else will buy the DVD for the extra features and better quality of Video.