Rating:  Summary: A more than worthy beginning for the SW saga Review: Boy, do people hate this movie. I must admit I wasn't crazy about it myself when I first saw it. But upon a second viewing, I realized how good it was. I don't understand why people complain about it having no plot. Indeed, it does have a plot, and a good, intricate one, at that. As for the acting, that is unjustly maligned too. One does not go into a Star Wars movie expecting Oscar-calber thespianism, and the acting here is far from horrible. Even Jake Lloyd is not as bad as people say. He's a nine-year-old boy playing a nine-year-old boy. I wish the people who hate this movie and spend so much time trashing it would just give it another chance, and put aside all the negativity that has been directed at this very fine installment. I think those people might be surprised at how much they like it. "The Phantom Menace" is flawed, to be sure, but overall it is one of the most graceful, seamless, and visually astounding movies George Lucas has ever made.
Rating:  Summary: pretty good but it could of done better Review: well all i have too say is that the movie was good the lightsaber battles were awesome but the jar jar binks thing was pretty stipid george lucas must of been picking his nose and getting drunk when he thought of jar jar but it was a good movie and i hope you star wars fans will give it a try because come on its star wars
Rating:  Summary: In a galaxy far far away things got lame! Review: Well now, I've given this movie 4 chances now. And i still hate it. Dont get me wrong, I grew up watching star wars every day. But this movie isnt star wars, It seems to be a 2 hour long comercial for hasbro, And the many other marketing scemes G.L. has come top exploit with his movies. But you cant blame him, After all it's all about the bottom line, eh? If the next two movies reflect any similartiy to this one i'll be staying away from them. And if jar jar makes another apearance, Oh please help us all. And for george, Why not focus on a movie instead of money? You had a great thing, And now it just seems tainted. Well kids im almost finished whining. One last thing, Make george put the indiana jones movies on dvd dang it! Oh yeah, the movie got 2 stars cause even i have to admit the battle shots ruled, May the force be with your wallet, I know it's with georges'.
Rating:  Summary: Well, what can one say? Review: OK OK I'll admit it. This wasn't as good as the original, but HOW COULD IT BE????? Not even Lucas could live up to expectations with the hype we've created since the his announcement that he planned on making these movies (about the time of Empire Strikes Back). But let's face it. Look at Lucas's style. Was Episode IV REALLY all that different? Lucas always starts with a movie more to introduce the characters than to give them depth, and then he spends the second film doing that, so we can expect to see this happen with Episode II. Then, he rushes to a sterling climax with the third of a trilogy. And just think, Lucas has to keep excitement in these first three, and still BUILD to the originial trilogy. The only thing that ruined this particular movie for me was the annoying J.J.B. - and don't tell me he didn't annoy you too. All in all though, I found this an excellent beginning. I look forward to II and III personally.
Rating:  Summary: a new fan but an old one Review: I like the first one because it is the beginning. In human nature when you change something, people don't like it. I liked to meet obi-wan kenobi (ewan Mcgregor) before he became Alec guinness,in episode iv. Did you know what movie made Alec guinness famous? I will tell you THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI which is a war movie. If you haven't seen it please do, rent it or whatever. As i said ealier i am an old and new fan. some people don't like jar jar binks but he is comic relif. I am sorry about my spelling please forgive me. I am looking forward to seeing the movie on dvd that i don't own untill october 16 2001 but my review is basied on the vhs tape, which i have watched many times. Something instrsting obi-wans light saber is blue in episode 1 the same color as it is in episode IV why is that. Enough of me watch the first one and look for things that appear later in episode IV. han solo in episode 1 is born or just about to be or not to be?
Rating:  Summary: Kevin Smith said it best Review: This is an excerpt from what Kevin Smith had to say after seeing it. I agree most that if you went in with low expectations you liked it better and that the lightsaber battles were absolutely incredible. "Of the film, I can say many things. But the long and short of it is that I liked it - quite a bit. It starts great, ends great, and has great stuff sprinkled in between. Is there too much Jar Jar? For a small stretch, yes; but then the Binks quotient calms down considerably. Is the kid bad? I thought he was okay. He certainly wasn't wooden, as some people have suggested. He was a kid actor - no more, no less. I will say that - while it's probably unintentional, his exhuberance juxtaposes nicely against what he eventually becomes in the stories. Is it a puppet-heavy, CGI affair? There's a great deal of it, but not to the point where it's irritating (though the two-headed pod-race comentator was a bit much). I think the key is to go in with low expectations. I did, and I really dug it. Dug it more with distance. I'd see it again. The stuff I liked: Liam, Ewan, Darth Maul (who's in the 2:10 flick for maybe a half hour, tops), R2's introduction, the reappearance of the Tusken Raiders, the treatment of the Jedi as supreme badasses that are to be feared, the political subplot, the fact that Lucas slows the second act way down to introduce Anakin, and of course, the lightsaber battles. The use of the lightsaber in this flick is astounding; worth the price of admission alone. I'm sure in about a week, it's going to become quite fashionable to bash this flick - hard. But I'd like to go on record as saying I dug it. It's a good movie with great moments. Anyway, see the flick when it comes out. It's better than half the crap out there, and it's got history on its side. In a world of grades: B+ or A- In a world of stars: 3 or 3 and a 1/2"
Rating:  Summary: Jar Jar ruined it for me Review: This would have been an average movie for me if it hadn't been for Jar Jar Binks, the CGI reggae-talkin' muppet that doesn't shut up. I couldn't imagine what lucas was thinking when he gave as many lines to Jar Jar as he did. And now, according to starwars.com we get to enjoy yet another installment of Jar Jar in Episode 2! Help us please. Overall I think that Lucas focused entirely to hard upon the under-12 age catagory when he made this film - i.e. Jar Jar's idiotic lines and young Anakin the hero. If he wants to redeem himself for the next 2 movies, Lucas really needs to refocus and stop thinking about how he is going to market the next version of the Darth Maul action figure.
Rating:  Summary: A little disapointing... Review: but what can you expect from possibly the most anticipated movie of all time? Many people saw the movie and were disapointed, because they went in expecting the greatest movie ever made and then some. Many people watched Episode 1 and thought to themselves "What does this have to do with all the stuff from th other Star Wars movies?" And true, there isn't much that's really the same. There's spaceships, Obi-Wan, Anakin, lightsabers, the force, Yoda, bad guys with red lightsabers, droids, and it pretty much stops there. But keep in mind, this takes place how many years before the original Star Wars? And from there, how many years before Empire Strikes Back and then how many before Return of the Jedi? There's quite a large gap between these movies, and 2 more movies to cover it in, so many things will probably be cleared up. The movie by itself wasn't really groundbreaking, I must admit, but the special effect were awesome, and it laid down a good foundation, I feel, for the next 2 movies. So before you just slap the movie with a big "Disapointment" sticker, keep those things in mind, and maybe after we see Episodes 2 and 3, we'll look back on The Phantom Menace and see things we never saw before, just like the original 3.
Rating:  Summary: A Pretty Good Movie... Review: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace as an introduction to the Star Wars Saga successfully fulfilled its purpose. As a movie overall the CG was amazing and the battles were mouth-dropping. But at the end of the movie you feel like something was missing. The plot was true to Lucas' style but some of the lines were a little corny (Anakin's "yipee!"). This movie is a definite must have because it plays an important role in the saga. If your looking for a masterpiece either save your money for Episodes 2 and 3 or get one of the originals.
Rating:  Summary: Abandon all hope... Review: If you liked the characters and relatively good story from the first three Star Wars movies, than DO NOT watch this one. The shallow story goes right along with characters of the same. A fun sci-fi style movies with decent action, but a not too good story. Then ther is the real killer Jar Jar Binks. Star Wars albatross. Rent this one.