Rating:  Summary: Marketing Priorities Puts Script in a Galaxy Far, Far Away Review: This is a lame excuse for a film, be it a Star Wars film or another film. George Lucas certainly spent more money and time on the toy and burger chain tie-ins than on the script. That's what happens when special effects and stunts saturate a film such as this that has no substance--and howlingly bad acting to boot! So the DVD is loaded with extras--everything to camouflage a poor film!
Rating:  Summary: OK for an ordinary movie, bad for THE SAGA Review: As everyone probably agrees, technically, Lucas has evolved and this is his best so far, naturally. Unfortunately, it seems that the rest got lost in the technological "show". Sure, the pod race screams, the jedi fighting is the best yet ever, but what on earth is that...Jar-Jar? (I thought the ewoks were already a sacrilege). I agree with all those people that say Jar Jar was SO bad he practically ruins the movie. Luckily on DVD you can skip scenes... But a bigger sacrilege is the quick and dirty improvisation of R2-D2 and C-3PO; they didn't naturally fit into the plot; if it were really them then why was there no "click" to the Skywalker name in Star Wars IV? A memory erasure is too cheap to explain why 3PO could forget his maker... and why wouldn't Obi-Wan remember little R2-D2? (don't defend this hole with senility). It feels too artificial like Lucas was afraid everyone would forget it was a Star Wars film without any of the original characters...it's true that people who love star wars also love Luke, Han and Leia and I think it is a shame that Lucas went back in time rather than forward because frankly, wouldn't we prefer to know what happens to them? Basically, if you've got home cinema then this DVD is not bad; the sound is perfect and hence the pod race is stunning. I've watched the original Trilogy at least over a hundred times and unfortunately, I think that after two or three times this movie gets boring really fast. A real shame. Hope it gets better next time out. One last thing -- why is it that Jar-Jar talks like a gay black slave and "Trade Federation guys" sound like uneducated Japanese who speak really bad English and that Anakin's "owner" resembles a muslum? Is Lucas consciously making racist statements???
Rating:  Summary: Episode one is no DVD it's an interactive journey. Review: Director George Lucas has been testing the great many fans of Star Wars patience by not releasing any of the films on DVD,but now giving into fans on Tuesday,October 16 2001,Star Wars:The Phantom Menace Episode 1 will be released.When a treaty signed with the trade federation and the republic is met with a harsh reaction Queen Amidalla(Natilie Portman),halts trade agreements and sends in two Jedi to investigate Qui Gon jen(Liam Neesom) , and a very young Obi One Kenobi(Ewen McGregor)meanwhile they are attacked by droids and find out a secret plan of the federations to plan a full scale invasion. They pick up help along the way including one of r2d2 while escaping a second attack of the fedration they land on the planet Tatooine all the while the federation and Lord Sidius sends his most feared foe Darth Maul to hunt for them.On the planet they find a young boy named Anakin Skywalker:Luke's father who helps them out by joining a race , all the while the two jedi's are figuring out the mysterious Phantom Menace. But not before an all out war with the trade federation , the planets future lies with Anakin Skywalker but will the federation destroy the republic , it eventually leads into a death duel for the two jedi's what will be the outcome seven deleted scenes and many interactive journeys seamlessly enhance this Star Wars DVD experience it's worth the wait.
Rating:  Summary: Not The Same Movie! Review: For the DVD release, George Lucas added a few deleted scenes to the actuall film. The pod race is a lot longer! The change is definatly for the better! The 5.1 audio is so cool! And the new hour long making of Episode 1 is the best documentary I've ever seen! I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan and I'm raving about this DVD! This is definately something you want to own even if you own the VHS. This movie tells the story of how young Anakin Skywalker is freed from slavery leaving his mother behind to start his training as a jedi knight. And you get the feeling that he and Queen Amidala like eachother a little to much as the Queen fights to save her people from the trade federations attacks. Buy this 2-disc DVD for all ages!
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST DVDs EVER MADE!! Review: I used to think that T2: The Ultimate Edition was a cool dvd, but now I have seen the special edition Star Wars: Episode I DVD. This DVD has over 6 hours of special features that include web documentaries that follow George Lucas around during the creation and filming of Phantom Menace (this is a real good special feature to watch if you have a lot of time to kill). Some people may have said that "Phantom Menace" was a dumb movie but those people should check out the fully-completed deleted scenes that are presented on this DVD. The deleted scenes (if you want to wait and see the deleted scenes for yourself scroll down and ignore what I'm saying) include an extended version of the pre-podrace action and more parts of lap two of the podrace, a waterfall sequence that shows Qui-Gonn Jinn, Obi-Wan and Jar-Jar (the most annoying character ever created) in the submarine trying to escape a very steep waterfall, More footage of Anakin leaving Tatooine, and plenty more. Other special features include: "The Beginning" a special 1-hour documentary created from over 600 hours (!!!!!!!!) of footage filmed during the making of the movie, Still galleries that include lots of photos and everything from behind-the-scenes, the original theatrical teaser and traile, TV Spots (including the original Tone Poems), "Duel of the Fates" music video that aired on TRL in May '99, a special documentary that answers the questions on why the new footage was deleted from the film (mostly running time isssues), and lots, lots more. The features for the film itself include: widescreen presentation, THX-Certified picture and sound, Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround EX (this was the first movie to have the EX soundtrack in theaters), 2.0 Dolby Surround, and audio commentary with Lucas and the other production guys, and did I mention the great sound and picture quality that puts the VHS cassette to shame. I have eight words to those who have hesitated to buy this DVD: ARE YOU STUPID?! BUY THIS GREAT DVD NOW! and can you please press the little helpful button on the bottom please!
Rating:  Summary: good lookin' dvd Review: all i can say is that this dvd is looking pretty darn good! keep it going lucas, three others still need to come out on dvd, and we are all waiting, patiently if not frustratedly (a new word i just made up). PS: oh and we are still waiting for indiana jones on dvd, lucas, when are you gonna release those?
Rating:  Summary: Make Jar-Jar more serious & it'll be better Review: A promising movie but somewhat dismal. Great SFX however. The "opening story" of the "Star Wars" saga. John Williams' score saves the movie. The Pod race steals the show.
Rating:  Summary: I've seen plenty of bad movies with cool special effects... Review: ...but I didn't expect Star Wars Phantom Menace to be one of them. I grew up with the original trilogy. I adored it as a child, and continue to as an adult. I waited sixteen anxious years for the release of Episode I, only to leave the theater feeling as if I had just had a bad dream. What can I say about this movie that hasn't been said before? Oh well. I 'll do it anyway. The screenplay, if you can call it that, is simply terrible. The dialogue is nearly impossible to listen to, the "story" is virtually non-existent. I don't think Lucas even know what kind of a story he was trying to tell. The dialogue exists only to string together the obviously fake, cg effect sequences. The special effects in the original looked better. There is virtually no character development, and as such, no character about whom you care in the enitre thing. A potentially great cast is literally wasted by Lucas in favor of his digital effects. The whole thing is bascially a video game that you watch, rather than play. The "story" if you really try to follow it, or make ANY sense of it, has more holes than the Moon does craters. The entire package is an insult to the audience. No matter what their age may be. Lucas had sixteen years to make this movie. After watching it, you get the distinct feeling that he spent those sixteen years inventing the special effects you see in the movie, but put off writing the script until the night before filming began. It is the biggest movie disappointment in the history of films. Seventeen years ago, Lucas said in an interview, that a special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing. He should have remembered that while he was producing this atrocity.
Rating:  Summary: question? Review: I have 1 question why are all of you buying it when you hate film. every one whines about it but your buying it. i didnt really like this film and i am not buying it. make a good purchase like the GODFATHERS or snatch. this is no EMPIRE, this isnt even jedi and jedi was the worst until this. the same with battlefeild earth it got up to like number five and jurasic park three its like six, and both roaly suck. and every one thinks it sucks but you are buying them, as a whise man once said if you stop seeing and buy sucky movies they will make less of them. so take my advise dont buy this cause it sucks. ps empire rules
Rating:  Summary: Wow. You gotta be kidding me. Review: I can't even believe that this is part of the Star Wars trilogy! I am not a big Star Wars fan. In fact, I don't really like it that much. But that didn't keep me from seeing this movie. I saw it and I wasn't suprised. I really didn't like the other star wars movies, they were ok, but this one was really bad. Damn! I probally won't see the next movie in this trilogy. And how long did it take Fox to release it on DVD? Two years?