Rating:  Summary: An Incredible DVD for a fantastic movie! Review: I absolutly love this DVD and this movie. The extras are amazing. If you are a hardcore Star Wars fan or even a small child you will enjoy this. And of corse the movie itself is top notch. One of the best movies since the classic trilogy. If you buy it watch everything. I did and even after 6 hours of extras I was left wanting more. I cannot wait untill Attack of the Clones comes out. And by the way I like that title and I like Jar Jar Binks so get off my back! Peace, and may the force be with you!
Rating:  Summary: Gotta get it on DVD! Review: I bought this movie when it was only available on VHS about a year ago. I went ahead and bought it on DVD when it was released and I am so glad that I did. I noticed my VHS version lost a lot of quality over the past year. This DVD version comes out with crystal clear video as well as audio. Not only that, it comes with a second disc that has a lot of features like the making of the movie, deleted scenes (which will probably be added to the movie in twenty years as a "Special Edition"), and others, which are really fun to watch. I imagine the movie has been reviewed over 10,000 times so I won't even bother. All I have to say is that Star Wars Episode One is a great, entertaining movie. So, those who had this movie on VHS, buy it on DVD to re-experience the quality in audio and video.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome, but.... Review: the main thing I have been looking for was not here. That is additional Darth Maul scenes. Was hoping to see the scene with the "Fear" dialog...I know, a Phantom Menace "Special Edition" can't be far around the corner, right? Make us by the same movie again but for a few additional scenes/features. Should have been on this one.
Rating:  Summary: The worst film ever made? Review: This movie is so laughingly bad, it left me speechless. The writing is amateurish, the dialogue gibberish, the sets looked like they were from a Roger Corman film, the plot horrible. My God, what happened? This looks like George Lucas 12 year nephew made it. It's AWFUL.
Rating:  Summary: First step into a larger world Review: Which is very much the case now that Star Wars has made the leap into DVD! Still you could have wished to have seen the deleted scenes in the movie when it was out in theaters to begin with! Probably would have softened the blow the critics gave it! Still that is what DVD's really are all about, and this one is very special indeed. While taking us into the making of film, we also got to see the theatrical trailers (the teaser I liked the most), as well as interviews with the cast and crew. Now in terms of the story and the characters themselves, I really did like the story format, and how Anakin Skywalker begins his road to the dark side of the force. It does mimic the other Star Wars movies, but in a way it makes you really think of the paths these characters have or will take. It's also very much the case of what George Lucas would have done with the previous movies, if he had the digital technology back then. Ultimately, "The Phantom Menace" really does stand proud, and apart. I can't wait to review "Attack of the Clones" when it arrives on DVD. A great movie all together!!
Rating:  Summary: Incredible DVD of an underrated movie Review: Like most "Star Wars" fans, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of "Star Wars" -- any "Star Wars" -- on DVD. The wait is finally over and it was well worth it. This DVD is, without question, the best DVD yet. The picture and sounds quality is outstanding (those who complain about the DVD not being available in DTS sound must remember that is only a matter of preference as many like myself think DTS to be much ado about nothing), but the main reason for getting the DVD is the specieal features and brother does this have special features. The enumerous items on the second disc include deleted scenes (including a few I wish had been included in the original film) not to mention the single best behind-the-scenes documentary I've ever seen (called "The Beginning"). The usual DVD toys are here such as all the trailers (including the "Tome Poem" TV spots) . The only things missing are more stuff with the actors and an all-music track (a terrific DVD special feature that is too sparingly used by studios). As for those who continue to gripe about "The Phantom Menace" as a film, I'm sure the vast majority of their population are of those who watched the film only once. I, too, was disappointed by the film when it first came out; it was good, but not "Star Wars" good. Then I saw it a second time and discovered it was better than I remembered. Then came a third viewing, then a fourth and a fifth as it became better each time I watched it. It is certainly not the best of the four movies, but the film grows on you as it as the hype from the film's release as well as expectations vanish. With no hype and a familiarity of the story, your eyes wander to the amazing costumes, effects and set design as it becomes easier and easier to ignore Jar Jar Binks' more annoying traits and accept him for the amazing visual effect achievement he is. If you've seen the film only once because you didn't like it, I recommend renting this DVD and I think you'll have a change of heart. If you do like the film, BUY IT! Now, if we can just get George Lucas to release his death grip on the original trilogy . . .
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars and then some! Review: This is incredible. Since George Lucas was filming Episode II about a week after Episode I hit the theaters, he held off on releasing the DVD because to him it wasn't finished yet. He has added back more to the movie in DVD format than was seen on the screen or the original VHS release. Now there is much more of the pod race scene. There is also an air-taxi scene which gives a better look at what Korasan (spelling may be off) looks like. If your a fan of Star Wars, it's a must have. Some people aren't sure they like the prequel idea. But the fact is, this story is and always has been meant to be shown as a 12 hour (singular) movie. Now it is on it's way.
Rating:  Summary: A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away Review: A great dvd release full of many extras that will entertain all the Star Wars aficionados.I hope that this one is the begining of a new Dvd Trilogy fully restored.I hope that the studio don't let us waiting more time to release this magnificent trilogy. Indispensable.
Rating:  Summary: If only this Phantom Menace were invisible Review: I bought this DVD mostly because I love the first 3 movies and remembered thinking this one was okay when I saw it in the theater. Watching it again, I could not believe how painfully slow this movie feels or how bad most of the dialog is. The movie opens pretty strongly with the Jedi knights on a diplomatic mission that quickly turns ugly. It was a pleasure to watch Jedi knights on screen at the peak of their powers after watching Luke struggle to learn the art through the earlier films. Unfortunately, the movie starts to go downhill quickly once they land on Naboo. The introduction of the infamous Jar Jar Binks is only one irritant as the story bogs down in an incredibly lengthy attempt to escort the queen of the Naboo back to the homeworld of the Republic (ironically, they scarcely get there before deciding to return to Naboo, making the whole thing an even bigger waste of time). Virtually the entire time spent on the desert world of Tattooine crawls by as improbable event after improbable event is inflicted on us. Young Annakin is impossibly wise and mature to the point that it seems almost bizarre when he is around other children quite some time after we first meet him. His character is an adult part acted out by a young boy. The battle with Obi Wan and Qui-Gon attempting to handle Darth Maul is entertaining to a point but badly tarnished by the two of them constantly (and uselessly) twirling around in circles between blows. This is done strictly for drama to prolong the fight. All the twirling allows Darth Maul to block both of their light sabers and battle them to a standstill for some time. If the fight were filmed realistically with 2 Jedi attacking from opposite sides at full speed he would be dead in 10 seconds. Without belaboring every flaw of this film (there are far more), suffice to say that this is for hardcore Star Wars fans only. Anyone who is simply looking for an entertaining film can find far better elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Not a Starwars bias review Review: I like all the Starwars movies that came out like everyone else. To be honest I felt a little disappointed in the Phantom Menace movie when it first came out. All the special effects scenes in the movie that were made in the movie were suppose to revolutionize the industry. The over all outcome was not exactly all that breath taking. In anycase I reserved a copy of Phantom DVD because I was thrilled to hear of the new deleted scenes and the extended pod race scene. To be honest even without the scenes I would have purchased it anyway. I was hoping that there was so much more that was missed in the movie and is now included in the DVD. Over all the set up and chapter selections were nice but not great. The special contents within didn't wet my appetite either. The missing scenes were short and I saw no reason why they shouldn't have been included in disc one. The DVD like the movie fell short in impressing me whatsoever. However I am a Starwars fan and I feel obliged to purchase it. On it's merits alone I would just put it back on the shelf. I forsee this edition will be forgotten and price reduced on a clearance rack in about a month. The only thing that will keep this in the spolight is the coming of episode 2 in theaters.