Rating:  Summary: Jar Jar Binks, me thinks you stink! Review: The only way the next Star Wars Movie ("Attack of the Clones"... maybe because the title "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" was taken?) can be any good is if Jar Jar Binks gets sucked into an X-Wing engine and shreaded into a fine mist! Lucas left out the one thing that made Star Wars great, gritty realism. The characters are too sweet, the ships to clean, and the plot too thin! Darth Maul was wasted... and so was my $$!
Rating:  Summary: Fun Movie -- Great DVD Review: "Phantom Menace" was much maligned when it came out, largely because it wasn't "sophisticated" enough. Well, the originals featured some incredibly ham fisted acting too, we were just younger then. The fact of the matter is, "Star Wars Episode I" is a highly entertaining, visually spectacular movie. I can guarantee that you will not find better CGI elsewhere, and the story line, while somewhat obtuse, has great pacing and is fairly engaging, even touching at points. Moreover, the acting is probably better than in the originals. Liam Neeson and Ewan Macgregor are accomplished actors in their own rights, and Nathalie Portman and Jake Lloyd proved themselves to be burgeoning talents.As for the DVD, I was pretty much blown away. The sound and picture quality are literally without parallel. I have never appreciated the technology of my home theater system more than when I first popped in this DVD. To put things in perspective, my dog was actually walking from speaker to speaker, trying to figure out who was talking! The picture is brilliantly sharp, and the included THX tool assures that your levels are properly adjusted (assuming you feel like going to the trouble of using it). The extras are pretty standard, but no less enjoyable for that fact. George Lucas' commentary offers some interesting insight into the film, both in its creation and its final form. The cut scenes from the pod race are spectacular. Although far too long to include in the body of the movie, they are immensely enjoyable to watch. It is important to note that it is not an option to view these scenes within the movie, as has been suggested by other reviewers. Some of them are included in the movie, as well as some extended transition scenes, but the viewer has no control over which ones. All in all I found "Phantom Menace" to be a highly enjoyable, if not particularly deep movie. Moreover DVD is the perfect format for such an effects charged, popcorn movie, and the creators of this DVD did not miss. It is loaded with extras and proved to be an enjoyable way to pass an evening. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: It made over $400 million so someone must've agreed with me. Review: Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace is probably the most misunderstood sci-fi/fantasy movie in recent history. Why this movie recieved so much negative response is beyond me. I thought this was a truly spectacular film. And I'm not just saying that because it's Star Wars,(although that is a contributing factor)but because it is not just another it's-science-fiction-so-just-gimme-the-money type movie, although that's what many people said it was. Also because we returned to that galaxy far, far away and learned more about it. We have new characters, new enviroments and a whole new story. Many complaints have surrounded this movie since it's release. Let's look at some of these,(there is nothing negative that anyone can say about this movie that I can't defend against.) 1. The story. I once remember George Lucas saying that a special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing. Well, I wasn't at all bored with this movie so there must've been a story there somewhere. 2. The plot. This movie did something different when it came to the plot. It was several different subplots rolled into one. Qui-Gon's training of Obi-Wan, Amidala wishing to protect and save her people from the Trade Federation, Anakin's discovery by the Jedi who realize how strong he is with the Force, Senator Palpatine's rise to power which will lead to the downfall of the galaxy, the first meeting between C-3PO and R2-D2, Shmi's desire to let her son go free and fulfill his dreams, the rise of the Sith who finally making their move to conquer the galaxy, and the eventuality that Obi-Wan will train Anakin. I think it would be difficult for someone other than Lucas to tell so many stories in one movie. This is probably what led to the confusion of what the plot actually was to others. But that's just my theory. Anyone who want's a quick and easy version of the plot. Senator Palpatine(aka Darth Sidious)used the Trade Federation and the problem they presented with the trade route taxations. He would then have them blockade Naboo which would allow the Queen Amidala to overthrow Chancellor Valorum and Palpatine would take over, therefore moving his Sith plan into fruition. Valorum then sent two Jedi to try and negotiate a settlement. You can easily figure out the rest. I agree that this could've been clarified better. But altogether I liked the idea. 3. The acting. Well I hate to admit this, but Star Wars never really had great acting. It had good or at least decent acting. I felt this had the same feeling as the other movies. 4. Jar Jar Binks. Ah, yes, the underappreciated Gungan. All right, I can actually see why a lot of people didn't like him. But I'm not going to yell at you about it. I'll just say that I think he's awesome and not annoying. Probably because I'm not easily annoyed.(Not with movie's anyway.) 5. Anakin Skywalker. He didn't bother me one bit either. I mean come on, he's just a kid, remember he's not going to stay like that forever. 6. Too kiddish. Yeah, I can see that too, but this didn't bother me either. I say, hey, give George a break. This was his last chance to make a happy Star Wars movie. Remember that Episode's II and III are going to be a lot darker. 7. Too much visual effects. Well, can you imagine how impossible it would be to do most of these sequences in live action? Exactly. 8. The midichlorians. This is probably the most misunderstood element of this movie. Let me explain what it is. This just proves that not everyone can use the Force and become a Jedi. The more midichlorians one has within him, the stronger that being is with the Force. This is how Qui-Gon was able to determine that Anakin was the chosen one. 9. Character development. This is probably the only thing I think that could've been improved. I would've like to have known more about Qui-Gon's past. The rest of them I think we're fairly developed. Now that that's out of the way, I hope many of you look at this movie with a better viewpoint now. But even if you don't like the movie, I still suggest you pick up the DVD and watch "The Beginning" documentary. It may not drastically change your perception of the movie, but it will show that it's more than just a two hour toy commercial as many people say it is. Trailers, TV spots, deleted scenes, documentaries, animatics, commentaries, pictures, DVD-ROM and easter eggs galore. This is NOT a DVD to be missed. Star Wars. I love those two words more than any other movie title. 10/10.
Rating:  Summary: Someone please slap George Lucas Review: We've all been hoodwinked! The movie was terrible in the theatres and it's even worse on DVD. Why? Because in addition to the insult to our collective intelligence that is the film, we are also treated to a pontificating George Lucas yapping about making movies on the extra features disc. The much ballyhooed 'deleted scenes' are nothing more than elaborations on the already terrible acting and "look what we can do" special effects in the movie. Worse though, George Lucas drones on about how 'difficult it was to cut these scenes'. Please, let me at it, I have no such compunctions. For shame!
Rating:  Summary: Many many problems, very little to even them out Review: Most people have a very simple problem with this film...Jar Jar. To be honest I wish I could wrap up all of my problems in such a neat little package but to be perfectly honest Jar Jar was not enough to stand out among the other sheer problems with this film. Let's start with technical issues I had. The script was horrible. Parts of it were rushed, parts of it were strung out way too long making the pacing of this film a lot like stop and go traffic...kinda surprised I didn't get whiplash. Other than that however the movie, technically was awesome. Cinematography was great, the special effects were really cool (Though I must admit I was expecting something better from ILM.) and while the design did not in any way fit with classic Star Wars I can forgive that given just how damn cool everything looked. (Well except maybe for the Naboo city which was so obviously ripped off from Dinotopia.) The acting was horrible, but then again it was in the old Star Wars as well. Which is something I attribute to poor direction rather than the actors. Liam Neeson is a good actor and so are many of the others but in this film it was a sad sight. I suppose I could complain about the fact that each alien race sounded like a stereotype of a modern Earth like race. Like the trade federation guys sounding like Chinese or Japanese people trying to speak english and were preoccupied with money. Or the Gungans sounding Jamaican. But let's be honest, it's not a huge deal. At least to most of us it isn't. Let's get to the real two issues I had with this film. Number one is the insanely stupid way the heroes win the day at the end through sheer luck. I hear some people out there saying "Not luck, it's the force." Well it didn't look like the Force to me. It didn't have the mystical feel of intentional Will like Luke Skywalker firing the torpedo into the Death STar did. It felt like SLapstick luck. Hell the Three Stooges could have won the day the same way. Lets detail what I mean. Anakin Skywalker accidentally starts the ship and takes off for the battle in space because of autopilot. There was no intention there other than to hide and off he goes, where is the Mystical force in that? Then he accidentally flies into the main ship trying to avoid getting shot down and manages to land right in front of the main generator. Then he accidentally fires the main guns into the generator and manages to fly out of the ship without being harmed. It all felt like he was stumbling in the dark. Rather than the heroic against all odds force of Will that Luke seemed to use in the first film. And then look at the lightsaber duel with the two Jedi and the Sith. The Sith can handle both Jedi easily and kills the more talented and trained Jedi easily but when faced by a weakened young Jedi he gets suddenly easily distracted and stupid and dies. Come on, Obi Wan did not kill Darth Maul because he was better or because of the force, he killed Darth Maul because he got lucky that the nasty evil dude didn't cut him in half as he lazily drifted over his head in that slow as hell flip. Now lets get to the real issue. All of the above can be forgiven, but there is one thing that can never be forgiven. Throughout every movie, every book, every comic and every story the Force is treated as a mystical energy Unquantifiable and unknown. It permeates everything and flows around everything providing this mystical flow to the universe. That was awesome, it was the Force, it was Life. But all of the sudden they reduce the Force to a known, measurable, controllable lifeform known as Midechloreans that infest living beings and grant them the power of the force. Nevermind the fact that the whole idea is ripped off straight from Madeline L'engle books Wind in the Door, Wrinkle in Time and a Swiftly Tilting Planet but even more recent Parasite Eve. That really doesn't matter compared to the fact that the whole concept completely destroys the mysticism and wonder of the Force. Suddenly it can be measured and detected? How is that mystical or epic or wonderous at all, Just makes me wonder if I have to pay the Power Company extra for it. However this film does boast the single greatest fight scene in cinematic history (Well ok, American Cinematic history.). The Lightsaber Duel at the end is epic and awesome and the DVD may be worth buying just to watch that scene over and over again. But given the name of the next film (Attack of the Clones) and the many problems with this film I would rather never see this scene again than give any of my hard earned money to an egotist like Lucas. But we are each allowed our own opinion. I am allowed mine and you are all allowed yours whatever they may be.
Rating:  Summary: A Real Dud. Review: I haven't seen the original Star Wars in awhile when I saw this train wreck of a movie. Having seen the original Star Wars Trilogy a few hundred times, I can truly admit that the movies get worse and worse with each viewing. What puzzles me is the lack of good acting in all of these movies. In Episode One, truly the worst is that annoying kid portraying Anakin Skywalker. Hopefully, he will be banned from film making and find himself a real job. The script is so bad and so unoriginal, even a good actor like Ewan Mcgregor had trouble making his part believable. Which brings me to the worst part of this movie: the incredibily racist sterotypes. Don't believe me? In the opening scene we have the rat looking, broken english speaking, conniving Chinese aliens. Then we are introduced to a unintelligent, ebonics speaking, minstrel Jamaican. Of course there's also the flying, cheap Jewish Alien shopkeeper, with the giant nose included. George Lucas and Company may have created the most expensive piece of trash in American film history. While the special effects were stunning, the ignorance portrayed in this movie was what truly amazed me. The sad saga of commercial America continues...
Rating:  Summary: It could have more.... Review: This is the first DVD of the greatest saga in the movies history (along with the Godfather). I think this DVD should have ALL the options they could add. For example... Why to include only spanish dub version? Everybody likes to see the movie in its original languaje.... SUBTILES!!!.... we wanted SUBTILES..... They cold also give us an ULTIMATE EDITION... with all the deleted scenes included in the movie.... like the Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition... what a cool DVD!!...
I think they have to make their homework for the next DVD releases....
Rating:  Summary: Great special affects....dissapointing story Review: I grew up watching the first Star Wars Trilogy, and like millions of people I couldn't wait to watch The Phantom Menace. The special affects were definatly cool, but what happened to the story? I was really unhappy that they took several characters from the original trilogy, and made them look like jokes. For instance: Greedo, the Sand People, and mainly Anakin Skywalker. I HATE it when a character saves the day by pure accident. Anakin just happens to end up in the right spot at the right time, and accidently hits the right button that saves the Universe. And don't even get me started with Jar-Jar Binks, the Pod Race Announcer, and Jar-Jar Binks clan leader. Although the computerized characters were really cool to look at, sometimes it felt cartoonish, and I didn't feel like they meshed real well with the real actors. I missed the way the characters were in Star Wars, like Chewbacca, and the various faces in the Mos Eisley's Canteena. One of the cool things i loved about Star Wars in the first place is because I felt like I was in the movie, experiencing the adventures right along with Luke, Han and Leigh. Their world didn't seem that different from mine, but Episode 1 just seems too fake and less REAL...and it doesn't take itself seriously at all. I know there are a lot of Star Wars Fanatics out there grinding there teeth at my review, but please don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars and I loved certain scenes in this one, but It just didn't live up to any of my expectations. Buy it anyway though...it's deffinatly EYE CANDY!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great and entertaining! Review: I just loved being able to rediscover all the characters of this all-time best science fiction film. Without a doubt, lucas has brought forth an awsome addition to the trilogy. Visual effects are impressive ank keep you strapped in your seat 'til the last minute. Would definatly recommend this one to all audiences.
Rating:  Summary: Great DVD!!!!!!! Review: A great addition to what is already an excellent series. The extras on the disc are great also, enjoy!!!