Rating:  Summary: A Great Edition of the Movie Review: I am glad that Lucas didn't wait to put this out. The extras on the DVD are top notch and the clarity of the picture compared to the VHS is striking. I can't wait to see the original three on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This was a great dvd.The best real action is Ultimate Street brawls at streetbrawls.com. Anyway - this is an awesome and incredibly well done DVD. Lots and lots of extras. Great commentary by Lucas, the producer, the sound man, etc. Interview with the composer. Lots and lots and LOTS of background materials on the making of the film, and the entire process of putting it together from initial writing to final production, and the making of the DVD itself
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: The nay-sayers are smoking dope to tell anyone that this movie stinks! It rocks on every level. From the special-effects to the somewhat complex plot, Lucas aquitted himself nicely in delivering THE most anticipated movie-ever. Here is my response to the non-believers who whined about "Lack of character development". They are just plane wrongo. The character development was in the foreshadowing of things to come. Episode 1 isn't a stand alone movie but part of a three act/film whole. Look at Star Wars. The only thing that really advanced was that Luke got his wish to get off the planet and do something. Solo kinda came around to help someone other then himself there at the end, which is about as far as a SW film as seen in the one chapter story arc department. You also didn't get to know Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars either. As I said above, what the cry-babies are failing to distinquish is that Episode 1 is not a stand alone movie. Wait until the next two chapters are out before you whine about a lack of character development. Another popular complaint is: "Who was Qui-Gon and why was he used more instead of Obi-wan?" Who Qui-Gon was is illrelevant cause he isn't the main character of Episode 1. Anakin Skywalker is. Only the realities of the story forced Anakin's debut to happen at the 30 minute mark. But one could say that Anakin dreams of being a champion, someone who mattered, did begin to come true. And the seeds were planted between him and Padme, as well as the soon to fester clash between him and Obi-Wan. The characters to keep an eye on are Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan. Maybe Yoda to an lesser extent. Again, foreshadowing. - Anakin behaved as he did because Lucas was again setting up how much he will change over the next film leading to his downfall. Scenes were deleted showing his inner rage and hatred (as witnessed firsthand by a poor child aged Greedo). Lucas was simplifying the naiveness of youth. "Jake Lloyd and most of the acting was bad." Wrongo! It was no better or worse than in the original trilogy. I thought Neeson was excellent. He gave Jinn a quiet nobilty and grace. Rules should not be apllied to TPM if they are not going to be applied to the original films. . Outside of two "Yippies," Jake Lloyd did just fine, especially in the final moments between him and his mother. And all eight year olds act like that. Star Wars movies have never been about acting. Just look at the post SW careers of Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher. This is not Mamet or Shakespeare! "But why did it have to pander to the kiddie element so much?" First off, these films HAVE ALWAYS been aimed at the kids. They are kids movies and that is straight from Lucas's mouth. Oh, like Star Wars and Return of the Jedi didn't pander to kid's humor with all the fart and burp jokes. Let alone all the times where Chewie started acting like a scared puppy or R2 was shocked or shot for comic relief. If those things are so annoying go watch (***) like "The Matrix." Another yawn-inducer. "Jar Jar was pointless! Why was he in the movie?" In every great quest story there is a friend, sidekick, etc who is there along for the adventure but has no emotional connection to the goal because he/she doesn't understand or believe in it. Usually, they end up being enlightened. I gurantee all of those idiots who complained about Jar Jar will be crying in their seats, just like when Spock croaked, when he dies a heroes death in Episode 3. His goofiness just shows he has a character arc in store. Lastly, the most popular and annoying complaint. "The Midi-chlorians de-mystified the Force." The whole Jedi myth thing was never looked into in Episode's 4, 5, and 6. Search your feelings, you know this to be true. The only place that it was explored in were the countless mass market tie-in books that you dumbasses bought en mass. Besides, there are two more movies to go, be patient and see where he takes it. Anywho, forget the stupid critics, they always have a self-serving agenda to push anyway and wouldn't know a fun movie if it bit them on their bums! For all Star WArs fans out there this is a keeper! Go buy the DVD it is outstanding!
Rating:  Summary: Sorry. It stinks. Review: Special effects do not a good story make. From the two-headed comical sportscaster to Jar-Jar stepping in the metaphorical symbol for this movie, Episode I just plain stinks. Here are some of my biggest gripes: Luke wasn't able to strike the emperor in anger or it would have resulted in his turning to the dark side. Quite a lot was made of this in Return of the Jedi. Ben killed Darth Maul in anger. Why isn't he evil now? This was a major lapse in continuity. Of course, there's always the possibility that Lucas will perform another round of constructive editing to his original masterpieces. All the mysticism has been removed from "The Force" with Episode I. The Force now has a scientific explanation--one which raises far more questions than it answers. If your ability to wield The Force is solely dependent upon microscopic creatures in your blood, then why didn't Ben and Yoda just give Luke a blood transfusion? He could have kicked Vader's butt in Star Wars. Instead of sensing The Force flowing within him, they actually give young Skywalker a blood test! Don't even get me started with the Gungan's. Stupid talking frogs with, what I can only describe as advanced water technology. This movie was created by a man who has been surrounded by lackeys too afraid to offer up even the slightest bit of constructive criticism. Lucas has lost his way. If you'd like to follow him on this comical Disney-like romp, then go on ahead. As for me, I'll remember the first (last?) three episodes as they were--before they were tainted by an old man who's forgotten the child within. Episode I doesn't exist in my world. This movie was a disaster from beginning to end. Major disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: A (VERY ) Long Time Ago... Review: I just watched the Episode I DVD with the commentary feature on and got some insight as to what might be wrong with the Phantom Menace. When George Lucas made the original movies in the late 70's/early 80's, he was a serious filmmaker. He approached movie making the same way someone like Francis Ford Coppola or other serious directors did. The only difference was that the subject matter of Lucas' films(outer space adventures) was usually the fare of lousy B movies. In the DVD, Lucas continually reminds of special effects shots that were impossible to do in the originals. It seems almost as if these technological constraints forced Lucas to focus on such things as plot, character development and witty, sharp dialogue.During the commentary,one of the F/X guys chimed in about how much CG scenery was packed into each frame. Maybe thats the problem. In the originals, the focus was narrowed on the characters. We got a real sense of who Han Solo and Luke Skywalker were and what they were about. In the Phantom Menace, they were so concerned about making fake things look real they forgot what was really important to movie fans. It really makes you realize how long ago it was since the original trilogy came out. I almost wish Lucas didn't wait 16 years to make this movie. If he waited maybe 5 or 10 years, we may have seen the REAL episode I.
Rating:  Summary: Good, But Not Great, But Good Review: It's easy to say that following in the footsteps of greatness is hard, but Star wars has done it before, with "The Empire Strikes Back" being better than the (real-chronologically) first Star Wars movie. "The Phantom Menace" does have incredible computer-generated scenes, including the underwater city of the Gungin, and the capital city of Naboo. The fight scene between Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn, and young Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the best ever (right up there with Liam Neeson's sword-fight in "Rob Roy"). "The Phantom Menace" is a good movie, but it could have been better. Here's my list of suggestions: 1. Less Jar-Jar Binks. I would not eliminate the character, as some would, but he gets too much screen-time. Less is better. More is obnoxious. 2. More of Qui-Gon Jinn. This is a critical character, and we hardly get to know him. He definitely should have survived the first movie. I hope that he reappears, in ghost form (like Obi-Wan Kenobi does in Episodes V and VI) in Episode II ("Attack of the Clones"). 3. More Darth Maul. See #2 above. 4. More explanation of the Jedi-Sith dispute. We know who is bad and who is good, but are given only sketchy details of an apparently long-standing feud. Darth Sidius could have been shown teaching Darth Maul his heritege; we'd get more necessary background information, and Darth Maul would have become less one-dimensional. 5. I'll get booed for this, probably, but here goes: Eliminate the pod race story-line. It was unnecessary and I think it was inserted only to give the special effects people a chance to show off. More believable ways could have been found to demonstrate Anakin's skills and potential. 6. Give us more of Anakin's life on the slave planet, so we can see how a child could mature into Darth Vader. I will still go see the next movie, but I will not watch "The Phantom Menace" several times, as I did the first three Star Wars installments.
Rating:  Summary: A must have DVD for those lazy afternoons ... Review: I know that this Star Wars has received some mixed reviews from the die hard fans that have PHd's in Star Warology, but, as far as I'm concerned, a mere wookie mortal living in Ft Lauderdale, this is one great DVD ..... As far as I'm concerned I think Jar Jar Binks absolutely rules and it's one of the greatest characters ever to come out of the mind of Lucas, right afer Joda ..... For those of you that have surround sound at home with a wide screen television, the technical production of this movie will let you put those amps and speakers through their paces ..... The movie is cut in an anamorphic widescreen ration of 2.35:1 which for the uninitiated means your wife won't be sitting beside you complaining that everyone in the movie is too fat .... What can you say when video, sound and special effects are perfect ...... hands down one of the best DVD's around today .....
Rating:  Summary: The movie itself gets 1 star but the DVD has great features. Review: I am a big Star Wars fan. I loved the first three movies, and I really wanted to like this movie, but I just couldn't. The whole thing felt forced and disjointed with the known Star Wars universe... just a flashy showing of digital effects. But worst of all is the child actor - and I use the term loosely - playing Anakin. His utter inability to emote even a quasi-convincing whoop of joyous victory overshadows any annoyance I may have felt at the infamous Jar-Jar or the cheap army of Binks clones for the last battle scene. All that being said, this DVD has some great extras that makes it worth getting even if you're a Star Wars fan that wants to smack George Lucas with a newspaper for disappointing you with this bewilderingly shallow-even-for-a-Star-Wars-flick movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie awsome DVD Review: If you liked the movie or you at least kind of liked it and you love DVDs this is one of the best. 2 dics i full of extras showiing everything you could want. If you are a DVD fan this is a must to get.
Rating:  Summary: What a disapointment Review: I consider myself a big star wars fan, and I wish I didn't waste my money on this DVD. The hype on this is very over rated. All the news on the deleted sense being so great. They were ok but the better ones of course were on the second disk and not part of the movie at all. Who was the idiot that decided that one? I don't know about anyone else but I buy DVD's to see the deleted sense during the movie not separate! Save your money. It's not worth it unless you are a die-hard fan but even then be prepared to be disappointed.