Rating:  Summary: Oh Brother Review: What the heck was Lucas thinking when he decided to make this movie? (...) This is a pitiful excuse for a Star Wars movie. Lucas really should have quit while he was ahead. This movie has SO many problems. bad casting, bad acting by the child stars, horrible characters like Jar Jar and Darth Maul. Under developed plot AND an over developed plot (only Lucas could screw up on both counts) He tries to cram too much into this movie. I mean what are the chances that Darth Vader built C-3P0. He totally killed the magic of the force and annoyed the heck out of everyone by having the characters over explain everything. Ant the worse thing, The fact that Lucas used toilet humor in this movie. The only good to come of this movie is the soundtrack, the podrace, and the lightsabre fight. The rest of the movie is really lame
Rating:  Summary: Don't believe the hype. Review: Where do I start. I seen Episode 1 at the movie theather the day it came out with a friend of mine who is a big time Star Wars fan. I myself enjoyed the first three, I used to have pretty much all the figures and ships when I was a little younger. (Currently in storage). To make a long story short, I didn't think this movie was that good. Sure it was one of the most hyped movie ever, but it didn't even come close to matching that hype. What don't I like about this movie? Lucas tries to add more humor to it than the other movies. How many times is Jar Jar Blinks going to trip over something, knock something over and fall on his face? If I wanted to see type of humor, I would watch Comedy Central SNL and Chris Farley doing Matt Foley. I don't know what was more annoying Jar Jar Binks or Anakin. I don't blame the kid 100%, I think the writing was weak. He had too many speaking parts, plain and simple. I mean come on, he's out in space flying around. Ships are getting shot down everywhere and he tells R2 Hey let's do barrel rolls. Also what I really thought took away from the movie was all the "dumb luck" that happens. Jar Jar Binks screws up and takes out a dozen droids. Jar Jar screws up again, he takes out a few more. Anakin, flys into the control ship, just happens to fire the droids, hit's the control function for the droids. Also was it me or was the light saber fight very weak, especially how Darth Maul died. I give this DVD 1 star for the movie and 2 for the DVD. The DVD sounds pretty good, but IMHO there are other movies out there that sound just as good if not better. I personally think the only reason Lucas released this DVD was to build some hype for his next movie. He knew that his next one wouldn't get the same hype as Phantom after so many people walked away disapointed.
Rating:  Summary: At last...we will have a DVD Review: This is about as good a DVD as anyone could have hoped for from The Phantom Menace. I won't re-review the actual movie here. Too much cyber-space has all ready been spilled bemoaning the existence of Jar Jar. However, this movie is best when viewed on DVD - one can cue past anything cringe-worthy and just enjoy the good parts of the film. This is not EXACTLY the print that you saw in the movie. Lucas, in finishing some of the deleted scenes, has decided that not all of them should have been deleted after all. He includes more footage of Coruscant, which I feel is an improvement - any excuse to spend more time on Coruscant, the better. Of course, this is a 2-DVD set. There is no great need for this, all the information would have fit on both sides of one DVD, but then that would have cost us less money. One of the prime uses of the DVD is as a "key" to access special footage at the Star Wars web site. However, be warned that this special feature will not work unless your computer is PC. There is about as much behind-the-scenes footage here as you could possibly want: too much for me, actually. Best part: Ewen MacGregor after a fight scene, "My agent asked if I want to be in Star Wars...(...)-A I want to be in Star Wars!" This is just the thing to whet your appetite for this summer's upcoming Star Wars movie.
Rating:  Summary: Episode 1 Review: I wouldn't call myself a Die-Hard Star Wars fan, however I do enjoy the Star Wars movies. Episode 1 was to me an entertaining and well-placed addition to the Star Wars saga. I'm sure we all know the plot by now, so I will get right to my thoughts on the film. I thought the way the movie gave clues to Anakin's future was well done. Darth Maul was by far in my opinion the best part of this film. Where have you see Episode 1 merchandice without his menacing face plastered on it? The effects were specatuclar as usual. The fight scenes were very complex and well done. My only complaint is the too much may happen in the last 1/4 of the movie. It's a bit overwhelming. Death of a hero, the planet of Naboo is reclaimed,a huge battle, and the death of Darth Maul.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS Returns Review: This was a great movie. I enjoyed the special effects and thought the story was well written. It's a good look at the beginning of the STAR WARS saga we all remember. If you're familier with the movies, it's kind of predictable what will happen in future movies. But it's still worth it to see them as they come out. I recommend seeing this movie. It's quite good!
Rating:  Summary: Really Disappointing Movie Review: After seeing the first Star Wars, then the next two installments I must say I was really let down by this movie. Lots of special effects but no clear plot really left me wondering why I even bothered. Plus there were so many things going on, I felt overloaded with information but couldn't figure out what it applied to. This is only for the die hard Star Wars fans.
Rating:  Summary: 2001's Worst Video Transfer? Review: The only purpose to buy this DVD is to showcase just how poor video quality gets on DVD. This movie was showcased as a beautiful digital video experience in "Electronic Cinema" presentations. Utilizing superb digital transfers and high powered experimental video projectors there was an existing digital version of this movie that was superb. Why the consumer version on DVD looks so soft is anyone's guess. Could there be a "Collectors" version we will have to buy to see a good quality version? I make my living promoting quality home video. This is not a good example of the potential for picture quality with DVD production capabilities. JS
Rating:  Summary: in the begining...... Review: Okay, for the last time. Episode I is the first story of the saga. Therefore, it would be foolish-yes, foolish-to believe that it would be the same as the first trilogy. I constantly hear "fans" down the movie mostly because there were no Han Solos or Boba Fetts or Leias walking around. Duh, some of the classic characters weren't even born yet. The movie accomplished it's purpose quite well by telling us where this all started. I for one was excited to see the Jedi Counsel, young Anakin, and Princess Leia's mom. The story was intended to start things off. Some of these plot lines won't be answered until Episode 3 or are already reaveled in the latter three films. All in all, I got goosebumps when I saw Episode I in the theatre and they haven't left yet. Lucas strived for excellence and got it. The DVD features are just the icing on an already scrumptious cake. I love being able to skip to scenes like Queen Amidala's Senate Speech to anything with Darth Maul in it. If you got a DVD this should be in your collection. Do not listen to those naysayers still wearing their Darth Vader UnderRoos hoping that Carrie Fisher will visit them in her iron bra. Listen to true fans like myself who love good storytelling, great effects, and characters that will endure for a lifetime. Trust the Force on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good for a precuel!...although something's missing Review: The long time awaited Episode I is here, and even though it displays a lot of improvements when it comes to special fx, it wasn't quite what I expected. The plot is ok, the characters are interesting enough and make a lot of sense (except for that Jar Jar Binks fella), and actually starts to make sense when it comes to finding out where all got started. For the Collectors Edition, it's cool to have a frame of the actual movie (that comes enclosed), altough the display mounting lacks of quality (I mean, it's a collector's edition, you could've done better). Along comes a mini booklet with sketches and drawings of preproduction for Episode I, and the VHS wich claims to have a featurette specially produced for such and edition (I couldn't say if it's true or not, since I didn't purchased any other edition. Bottom line...I give it four 1/2 stars. I enjoyed it very much, and would recommend it for anyone who's a fan of true sci-fi with a twist of action. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing, but still worth owning. Review: Although this DVD is packed with goodies, looks great, and I am a Star Wars fan, the movie itself is disappointing. If you are expecting the same caliber storytelling from George Lucas as before, you are in for quite a surprise! Jar-Jar Binks is the most annoying character, and some of the storyline is a bit hard to swallow. Yes, one should suspend their beliefs when watching science fiction, but this was too much! The future Lord Vader as a kid yelping "Whoopie" was just plain silly! Granted he IS only a kid, but let's face it, the Ewoks were more appealing!!! On the other hand, the sets, costumes, pod race, and Darth Maul make it tolerable and still worth owning. Too bad he had to die off, Darth Maul is one of Lucas' best bad guys! Hopefully the next episode will be better!