Rating:  Summary: Gets Better With Every Viewing Review: When I originally saw this in the theaters (opening week, of course), I was somewhat disappointed. When it came out on DVD, I rented it and liked it better. I bought the DVD and have viewed it several times since then. Each time I like it better. There is much more to the story than meets the eye (and Jar-Jar gets less annoying). Although the transfer isn't the greatest, it is still good and better than some theaters.
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas is the master Review: even those of you hate Jar Jar should love this flick, because the more you hate him the happier you will be when Anakin eventually cuts him down!!The Duel of Fates alone makes this a must have :)
Rating:  Summary: Most underrated film of 1999. Review: STAR WARS - EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE was an excellent movie! Whoever thought it was bad either a) must not be a true Star Wars fan or b) didn't understand it. Well, I have to say that I don't fit under either 'a' or 'b'! I just love this new second-part trilogy and totally can't wait for EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES! Anyway, THE PHANTOM MENACE was supposed to be the first chapter in the whole Star Wars sega. It's basically the introduction to how it all started, so of course it was a much "lighter" chapter because it was before the Dark Side. It's about how Naboo came under attack and the introduction of Anakin Skywalker (future Dark Vader, for those who are totally clueless) and all your other favorite characters. This is before Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Hans Solo so of course they wouldn't have been in this movie! I mean really people - what are you thinking? The only character whom I thought was semi-annoying was Jar Jar Binks. His character was slightly humerous, but mostly he was just stupid...although he's an important character in this Star Wars sega, and you'll find out later on. I thought the kid who played Anakin was okay. I mean, he wasn't the best but c'mon - give the poor guy a break! He was like, nearly eight years old or so when they filmed this. And George Lucas had chosen him out of thousands of other kids so there must have been something about him that caught Lucas's eyes. The other cast members like Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson, etc. were also superb. Yes, they were a little stiff but I think that is what Lucas wanted. Even the storyline and plot weren't all that bad and the diolouge had some clever parts. And yes, the movie WAS long but aren't all Star Wars movies really long? Anyway, now onto the DVD. The DVD for THE PHANTOM MENACE is fantastic! Seriously. This DVD is totally worth your money and much better than the boring video version which has like, nothing on it except for the movie. It has all kinds of cool special features to it like never before seen footage, games, trivia, cast and crew interviews, a music video, the making of EPISODE I, visual effects, sound effects, and much, much more! This DVD is hours and hours of extra bonus footage and fun. The DVD itself comes in 2 discs. The picture quality for the movie is top-notch and (if you've got a big TV screen) it makes you feel like you're watching it in the movie theater again. You can watch the DVD over and over again and keep finding new stuff that you didn't discover before. If you're starting a DVD collection, then I strongly urge you to go out and purchase this DVD for your collection. It is worth both the extra special features and the movie! Can't wait for A NEW HOPE, EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, and RETURN OF THE JEDI to be released on DVD. And when all six films are completed, I hope George Lucas will create a special box set featuring all six episodes with even more special features to add to the sega! THE PHANTOM MENACE is an excellent movie and I totally recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing new here Review: A great movie shouldn't have to rely on outside material or previous knowledge (ex. sequals, prequals, books, etc), it should just convey its message on its own. This movie isn't a great movie and neither is it any good. This movie relies on previous knowledge and old characters. Oh I can understand why we have Obiwon, Anakin, and a short appearance by Yoda. They are requirments in the Star Wars epic. But why do we need to have an appearance by R2D2 and C3P0? Why do we need such simplistic hooks to draw us in? They are totally unneccesary characters that don't add value to the story. Add a new character with Jar Jar, obviously to draw in the kids, and you got a horribly annoying cast of characters (Anakin was another majorly annoying character). In the preview comericials we see extensive scenes of Darth Maul. He only is on for about 10 uneventful minutes. Oh we get a good battle scene with him but the character wasn't fleshed out enough. Another character that deserved more explanation was Obiwon. Personally, I belive the movie should have focused on the development of Obiwon rather than the annoying Anakin. Another bad thing about the movie was all the pseudo-religious and genetic talk about the origin of Jedi Knights and the Christ-like birth of Anakin. I don't mind stuff like that but the information was out of place and didn't flow and seemed too corny. But I can't say I wouldn't get this movie. I'm a diehard Star Wars fan and hopefully somebody will get this for me as a gift. It was okay better than some no-story action flicks out there. But it was neither great or good.
Rating:  Summary: A joke of a movie Review: I've seen this movie twice, once in the theaters, and once with some friends on VHS. Here are my thoughts blow by blow through the movie (some mild spoilers): -- The beginning text crawl and the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wans dialogue were pretty lame. Pretty sophomoric. The Asian aliens on first note didn't really bother me but the second viewing I really noticed it. I'd be insulted too. -- The lightsabre fights had no point other than to look cool. They could have been avoided but all the Jedi did in this movie was fight. Seemed a 180 from their philosophy in the original trilogy. The whole "Force push" idea is ridiculous -- if it's that easy to break a droid's neck (Qui-Gon flicks two fingers as an afterthought, no concentration) -- WHY EVEN HAVE LIGHTSABRES??? Why not just do that all the time? The old Force required concentration to do things. -- The dialogue was stilted and about 4th grade level. -- Anakin has no personality traits, he is simply a vessel from which the audience can live vicariously through. Although you could argue Luke was like this too, he had guts, got angry, and was a decent character. Anakin is garbage. -- The Force is space bacteria? That is lame. (...). -- The pod race had no emotion whatsoever. Anakin (...) was blowing by people on straight aways. What's exciting about that? -- The final fight scenes were insulting to all viewers over 10. The lightsabre scene was cool but on the second viewing it was pretty stupid. The Jedi's spin for no reason and Obi-Wan keeps twirling his lightsabre for no reason. They do stupid stuff that looks cool the first time but after that looks pretty stupid. (...) Overall I'd say this movie is a joke. It's almost as if Lucas was making fun of his own series. (...). Lucas seems to have less of a grasp on the Star Wars universe than many of his fans. What this is is a 2 hour toy commercial.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest DVD out there... Review: Ok so this isnt the best star wars movie, but still its very underrated by critical [...]. The Movie is great but the DVD is spectacular the sound is unbeleavible ( especially with surround sound !). The shots are stunning and the special feature are actually watchable. Plus its loaded with DVD easter eggs [...]. The eggs feature funny outakes and a secret documentary. Some of the deleted scenes are inserted into the movie which is great! Some though you have to access via the special features. Another Great feature is the 2 hour "The Beginning" a great Star Wars 1 documentary. Plus its got exclusic DVD-ROM Episode 2 Trailer only available to owners of the DVD (must have DVD-ROM). So all in all this is a winner and this is why we have DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Too Much Violence Review: Effects-soaked saga is now on DVD, with dozens of special features. Jedi Knights uncover a galctic plot and meet a gifted boy with an uncertain future.
Rating:  Summary: Underappreciated, Underrated FX Masterpiece Review: Episode I is not the best of the four Star Wars films but really the comparison should not be made. The sonic boom of technology and computer animation over the past 20 years has vastly changed the possibilities on screen (see Shrek, Toy Story, or Monsters Inc). Lucas has given us a modern day version of a Star Wars tale. The main difference between the two generations of films is that in the early movies the focus was on character development, whereas now the focus is on eye candy. Don't get wrong, I love me some good eye candy, and Episode I has plenty of it. The lightsaber duels in the desert and at the finale are nothing short of breathtaking, and the pod race is easily the best scene in the film. The character development in Episode I is there but not nearly as in depth as any of the first three. Episode I serves as an introduction to such characters as Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Princess Amadala, and Anakin Skywalker. It is pretty clear that George Lucas wanted to make a technically superior film with Episode I and in that respect he has succeeded. However, I do believe that the best is yet to come. Lucas claims that Episode III will be the "darkest" of all the Star Wars films depicting Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader, and that is great news for those of us who believe that the Empire Strikes Back was the best of the first three films. Anyway, no self respecting Star Wars fan should be without this DVD. The sound quality is superior to anything I have ever heard and the extras and options are fantasic. This is a great bargain. Highly Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars fanatic here Review: The first time I saw this movie in theaters, I was disappointed....mainly because I had researched it and watched it while trying to get answers for the original trilogy. Sense then, i've developed a love for this movie. The DVD is better than the VHS. Some of the deleted scenes are now incorporated into it. The pod race, which originally I felt seemed like one of those cartoon character races (I forgot what they're called. But like scooby doo racing the flinstones and some other characters...and then those bad guys constantly cheating and trying to win). You knew anakan was going to win. There was no suspense to it. However, even though we still know he's going to win, it actually preps you up. It gets you more into the energy of watching the race (and I'm no sports fan. I couldn't care less who wins so the only enjoyment I could find is in the danger of the race). The only annoying thing I have noticed during the pod seen is what appears to be a red lasor pointer being pointed into anakin's eye. I've noticed it sense elsewhere also. Was someone toying around on set or what? Also in some segments anakin's face goes from clean to dirty to clean to dirty to clean to dirty. Some of the wind keep blowing sand off his face and then back on it or what? Overall, I tend to watch this movie more often than the original trilogy because I've seen the original so much that its absolutely sickening. I can't keep my attention on what's going on at all. The DVD is great. I love playing around with special features and this has a ton. Remember to find the easter egg. Go to options and then type 11 enter 3 enter 8 enter and you'll get a pleasant surprise. I don't know how to get the egg to work on the dvd rom drive, however. Jar Jar's problem with being in this movie is that his character just doesn't fit the mood.
Rating:  Summary: Phantom Menace Review: This movie served it's purpose well. I think that it explains many of the situations we enjoyed in the seccond trio of stories. I realy enjoyed the enhanced sound and graphics of the dvd over the video tape. If you have a surround sound system this dvd is a must.