Rating:  Summary: Great DVD!!! The movie could be better... Review: Now, I'm a HUGE star wars fan. I am also a purist. So I was furious when the storyline didn't quite work with the original trilogy. I'll get off that path now, though because this could turn into an essay.If you enjoy a good martial arts fight, see this. Forget the rest of it. I enjoy this movie for the special effects, Ewan McGregor, the INCREDIBLE! fight-sequenes and the beautiful costumes. The movie does not hold with the original trilogy as much as I'd like, but since Episode II is going to AWESOME, you'd better see this first. The special features on this DVD are to die for. Go immediately to the fight and costume short features. They created an entirely new form of martial arts for this movie. If you're a martial arts fan or want to know more about the Jedi, this feature is amazing. The theory behind the fighting is really intricate. Costumes are just beautiful. Need someone to make me costumes like that. =) In short, get this movie for the DVD features and the connection it has to the SW universe
Rating:  Summary: I am a fan but, what is this huh? Review: I liked the old ones a lot, and when I heard about Episode 1, 2 and 3 I was very exited, I bought my ticket one week before. I was happy, but then the movie started and, dear God. What was George Lucas thinking. The movie is way TOOOO infantile, what was the point of putting such an painful character as Jar Jar Binks, the worst chracter ever. And, no villan what so ever, if you have a character like Darth Maul, use it, make it talk, but not hide it, I remember the good old Darth Vader, but in this movie he was a way to merry little kid, even in movies children can be good characters, not some Cartoon Network wannabe's. The story has always been good, but, don't spoil it George, I hope the next two episodes are better, and please...Don't destroy your empire Mr. Lucas, you could have done a lot better. But until you do, as another customer said, shove all this childish nonsense up your Jar Jar Binks and give us the dark and serious Star Wars like THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, the best Star Wars.
Rating:  Summary: This Film Ruins The Legact of Star Wars Review: Any Star Wars fan who has not seen this disaster need to avoid viewing it at all costs in order to maintain respect for the series. This film is somewhere between the Teletubbies and Muppets in Space. So be warned: This film is marketed towards 6-10 year olds ala Harry Potter. If you need a Star Wars fix, keep watching your VHS tapes of the real movies in the series.
Rating:  Summary: Are Star Wars fans getting old??? Review: Lighten up! The film and DVD are both fantastic. Any true Star Wars fans will love every minute of it.
Rating:  Summary: Mirror Image Review: I think George made Watto a little like himself. "Great storyline, superb acting, tastefull humor, and delightful characters don't work on me....only money!"
Rating:  Summary: GL ruined Darth Vader!!! Review: From what I now know from the abomination called The Phantom Menace, Vader's childhood was total (...). He was a "Yippee" shouting, cornball of a person. He hung around with a cartoonish orange looking frog named Jar Jar, who would annoy the heck out of the normal sane person. No wonder he turned to the Dark Side. If I had to endur Jar Jar's antics for that long, I'd go insane too. Also Anakin/Vader built C-3PO, the droid he happens to be looking for in A New Hope. What was George thinking! Why does every character from the originals have to be added in. I'm suprised I didn't see a little Chewbacca running around. I think C-3PO should have been built somewhere else, or in the background and somehow met the crew later, maybe not in Episode 1. He didn't even hardly speak anyways. He had but two lines, so what does it matter. All we get from it was another corny connection. When I now look at Vader, I don't seem to feel as threatened or him being as feared as before when I think of him saying "Yippeee" as he runs off from a "hard" days work. Now to get on some of the real weak points. The acting. Is it too much to ask for decent acting? Star Wars may be better than any other movie out, but at least the other movies have acting in it. They just seem to cardboard and wooden. I mean check out the part where Qui-Gon says, "There is a chance many Gungans will be killed". He acts likes he's reading off a que card. I never got any real feeling about the characters. And I just have to ask this question. Why is it that Jar Jar and Anakin get more lines than Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul? I know I would have rather heard more about the Jedi vs. Sith relationship and less of Jar Jar's "Ex-squeeze me" and "How rude". What is this, Full House? Please George, if you listen at all to the fans, just do something about the weak points from this movie, put the ego aside. If he was so unhappy with the originals that he had to change them 20 years later and want to change them again for DVD, then please say he will change this one. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't like the idea at all that this is the beginning Episode for the saga. I wouldn't want to show this first to someone who has never seen Star Wars. I may be a perfectionist, but I do wish he will come to reality and do better with Episode II, but he HAS to fix this one also.
Rating:  Summary: Critics Are Off-Base; This is A Good Movie Review: Of all the movies released in recent years, undoubtedly the one that has been given the most unjustified criticism in recent years is "Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantomn Menace". The reasons for this are varied, but the truth is that this movie is quite good. This is of course Chapter One in a six part story (a fact most critics of the movie seem not to understand the implications of:). The movie is therefore not going to give you a "they all lived happily ever after" though it is amaingly able to come close to it. Brilliant effect is piled onto brilliant effect and there are many great sequences: the journey through the planet core, the escape from Naboo, the pod race, and on through the finale. The only criticism is that some of the acting is a little stiff (Natalie Portman's Queen Amidala is a little weak though she does just fine as handmaiden Padme) and that C3PO is left on Tatooine and thus misses the last third of the movie. I would point out that once Episodes 2 and 3 are released, I believe the reputation of Phantomn Menace will soar, as I am sure there was some forshadowing in various places that one just can't see without seeing Episodes 2 and 3.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: It was the 2nd best Star Wars movie so far (the best was Return of the Jedi).
Rating:  Summary: A Great Start to a Promising new Trilogy! Review: I was very happy with The Phantom Menace and even more happy with the DVD. A true classic and a necessity for anyone's DVD collection.