Rating:  Summary: Somebody wake me up. Review: I admit I am not the biggest Star Wars fan, but this movie did put me to sleep. I just found the acting and the storyline horrible.What is even worse is that the DVD is so uneven in its video quality, that I found myself constantly checking my DVD player to make sure there was nothing wrong with it. Argh! The video presentation on this DVD could have been SO MUCH better.
Rating:  Summary: A slow start Review: A lot of people give this movie way too much ... complaining that the characters were flat or thrown at us too fast, or Episode I should have totally set up the grounds for episodes 2-6. Look at it reasonably! You can't expect George to give us EVERYTHING in one movie, what would be the purpose of Episodes II and III? I think a lot of people are missing the main purpose of this story: Anakin's first meeting with Obi-Wan, Palpatine's beginning's, and Anakin meeting his future wife and mother of Luke and Leia. A lot of things point to the fact that there won't be a huge span of years between Episode III and Episode IV, that's why there wasn't a huge amount of development in the first one. So come on, give the movie a chance, yeah Jar-Jar may be annoying and I can say I preferred Queen Amidala's pre-release voice (heard in the teaser trailer) as opposed to her present voice in the movie, but hey, Episode II takes place a decade after Episode I and since Jar Jar isn't in the original trilogy we can trust the fact that he's going to die at some point, hopefully sooner than later, and that's my two cents.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Supplements! Review: We already know the movie. So, I won't say much about the movie. Great special effects, but in general I found the movie not so captivating either. Anyway, the DVD is excellent. Especially the documentary was great. It made me to like the movie more. As I am a huge Ewan McGregor fan, I was so happy to see him behind the scenes. For those who already like the Star Wars Episode 1, the DVD will be a great pleasure.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent work George Lucas! Review: To tell the truth, I did not expect that George Lucas will make DVD till 2005. When I have seen the announcement on this disk, I have not believed the eyes. What I can tell about it DVD? Work on creation of a disk has gone right. Fine video, an excellent sound, good comments. It is looked on one breath.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Quality is Outstanding Review: If this is what the first 3 movies are going to look like, then I hope Lucasfilm is busy working on them. Clarity is outstanding. Better than the theatre version in that you can jump over the slow scenes.
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas...lucky (...) Review: I knew we were in for something bad with "Phantom Menace" when you look at what he did to the original trilogy a short time earlier. Listen folks, all you need to know is this: George Lucas has NO CONCEPT of what makes a movie good. All he cares about is filling the screen with unneeded special effects, many of which are hard to look at because they stand out so much. I will not comment on "Jar-Jar" specifically because it's no more ridiculous than the hundreds of other things in this movie. Save you money. If you want to buy your kids a nice "kids movie" I'd suggest "Toy Story(1 or 2)" or "Shrek". Heck, I've seen Saturday morning cartoons that had tighter stories than "Phantom Menace". (...) I have to assume that "Star Wars" was a lucky accident for you. Here's a tip for you: look into making the next "Final Fantasy" instead. (...)
Rating:  Summary: Wake me when it's over!!!!! Review: I must say that seeing this movie for the first time back in 1999 was just about the greatest disappointment in my life as a Star Wars fan. I'm still trying to recover before the next botched episode in this series is released next year. I can truly say I have been a good and loyal Star Wars fan all my life (although I don't give a hoot about all the off-shoot comic books, novels etc. that have come out in the last two decades--Mara Jade--what???), but I can honestly say I LOATHE this movie! The acting is dull and mindless, Jar Jar Binks made me shudder with revulsion every moment he was on screen, I wince and cringe at so many idiotic bits of dialogue and leaps of logic (Midi-chlorians for one--good God!) and empty attempts at inane humor. The flatness and barrenness of the whole over-produced, over-special-effected grandiosity of this mish-mash is a sincerely disheartening experience. I pray I may never have to sit through it again. Perhaps a five-year-old would approve of the silliness, but no adult Star Wars die-hard should suffer through this mess. The force of personality with which Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and (May the Force Bless Her!) Carrie Fisher give to the original movies, not to mention the clear-cut storyline and heart-pounding drama of the original movies as well, it totally lacking. Not that they were any Shakespearian actors, by my gosh, Carrie Fisher could wipe little sweetie-puss Natalie Portman all over the Death Star. My advise-- stay away from his travesty!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A good place to start Review: Although I haven't seen the original Star Wars movie in a while, I think this story fits nicely into the beginning. My only complaint as to it's beginnings is it still doesn't tell us how and when the Jedi academy came into being. That I would have liked to know...but...oh well. Episode One basically begins to show the fall of the trade routes and the rise of the Dark Lord, whom we know will become Anakin's 'Dark Side' mentor. And Anakin will, of course, be coaxed into the dark side and become Darth Vader. Right now, Anakin is a cute little boy, innocent and forthright. He wins a Pod race for the Jedi protecting the princess whom will become Anakin's lover/wife and give birth to Princess Lea and Luke Skywalker. The actress who plays this role (The Princess) seemed a bit stiff to me. I hope her role in the future movies relaxes a bit and falls into place. The movie was exciting and loaded with CGI shots...maybe too many shots. One of the main characters, Jar Jar Binks, is completely CGI and I found that a little disconcerting. With today's make up possibilities and blue screens, I believe an actor could've handled that role (I mean, look at Planet of the Apes!). Also, I have to wonder when --- or if --- we'll see an early Han Solo or Chewie. Although these characters didn't come into play in the original Star Wars until later, I think most fans would enjoy seeing these individuals humble (or not so humble) beginnings. The choice for the future 'Emperor' was ghoulish and nicely done (he's a real slime-bag playing the role of savior...perfect!). Obi-One was also well casted. And him taking on Anakin to train as a Jedi once Obi-One's master was killed by Darth Maul was well executed (gives some real meat and potatoes to the legend of Obi-One). We'll have to see how the next movie stacks up in the series. This one I'd give a B+. Well executed with too much CGI.
Rating:  Summary: ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE Review: Where to start. I cannot imagine this movie being worse. Did a monkey write the script? Could the acting be more amatuerish? The Jar-Jar Binks character is an absolute abomination, and the perfect descendant of those ridiculous creatures from "Return of the Jedi," which looks like "Citizen Kane" compared to this joke of a movie. An utter travesty.
Rating:  Summary: ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE Review: I don't even know where to start. What a joke. Did a monkey write the horrid script? Could the acting have been more amatuerish? Lucas lost it after the Empire Strikes Back. The Jar-Jar Binks abomination is the direct descendant of those cuddly little muppets in the sappy Return of the Jedi. What a travesty. One of the worst movies I have ever seen.