Rating:  Summary: An excellent movie Review: This movie is great with excellent special effects and SOME of the best sword fighting sequences that I have seen in the movies. Yes it isn't as great as the first ones but what sequel's or prequel's do. The deleted scenes are completed and look good unlike some other DVD's . I think most people were expected the greatest movie of all time and what movie can possibly live up to that kind of hype.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it (with some reservations) and tired of all the fuss Review: In the first installment of the Star Wars saga we learn about the origins of Luke's and Leia's parents. Their mother is Amidala, elected queen of Naboo, and their father is a slave-boy from Tattooine with a very special gift: Not only can he already reflexively use the Force to hone his skills as a pilot with no prior Jedi training whatsoever, he is stronger in the Force than anyone else ever encountered by the Jedi.There *is* a storyline here, if you care to find it. I guess the most annoying thing about this movie is Jake Lloyd's (lack of) acting ability. Even Natalie Portman's admittedly wooden portrayal of the Queen appears to carry some purpose; she was very formal while carrying out her official duties, but more relaxed when out of costume. I also don't see what all the objections are about in regards to alien accents. It *makes sense* that alien races so different from one another would have different accents when speaking English. (What do they call it in the Star Wars universe, "Basic"?) And for those who believe George Lucas was being racist in his choice of accents, I'm not seeing one single solitary objection to his portraying all Imperial soldiers with British accents in episodes IV, V and VI. Given Britain's imperial history, that could be construed as racism too or at the very least, stereotyping. Furthermore, although it is possible that George Lucas made some changes to the storyline between the 1970s and now, it is important to remember that *he had the ENTIRE story written* from episode I to VI before he ever started making A New Hope. That plot (or lack thereof) you all complain about in Episode I 'cause it looks so "contrived"? It's over thirty years old. He isn't just making this stuff up as he goes along. He had the opportunity to finally tell the first half of the story, so that's what he's doing. And finally, there *was* a point to the story of Naboo. Two points, actually. Number one, that's how Anakin and Amidala first meet. Number two, that's how Senator Palpatine ends up being elected Chancellor, thereby becoming the leader of the Old Republic. Which, if you were paying attention throughout the movie, you know he planned it that way all along. Knowing Palpatine is also the name of the Emperor in later episodes, an intelligent person ought to be able to put two and two together. So yes, I enjoyed this movie. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Rating:  Summary: Fix this film up!! Please! Review: I would rather have fungus grow on me rather than this movie. I can't believe this is the first chapter in the great Star Wars trilogy. The first one we're supposed to watch. It actually would have been good if they cut Jar Jar down and maybe had him speak in a foreign language, like when the Jedi first enter Otoh Gunga, it pans to a Gungan saying something in Gunganese or whatever. IT was aweful to hear, "Exsqueeze me" and "How wude" and "Mesa luv you". The Anakin character was corny and bascially cheesier than anything I've seen before. "This is intense" and "Now this is podracing" as he "maneuvers" into the control ship and accidentally blows it up. Man, the other pilots [stink]. I felt like I was in a bad slapstick movie for kids, with Jar Jar stepping in crap and having an animal fart in his face, and with all the Bugs Bunny sound effects. I can't believe this actaully made it out. Couldn't anyone tell Lucas that it made you feel dumbed down. I think, actually I know that if he fixed those weak points and actually made it stronger and a stand alone film, it really would be at the top, first, where it should be.
Rating:  Summary: Poor Characterization is a Great Spoil-All Review: The movie looks fine until this Jar-Jar Binks character shows up. The stupidity of this character completely turns me off. It makes the whole movie childish. More logical that such a character dies in battle. Should rename him as Jar-Jar Jinx. Wonder what Lucas saw in JJB. Let's hope we don't see any such character in future episodes or it will be another waste of time and money.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie ever. Review: Well Star Trek V used to be listed as my number one worst movie of all time, but this one edged it out. I loved the others and was so disappointed at this movie which is basically a 2 hour toy advertisment. I heard Lucas's defense of the quality of the movie was that the movie is "for kids". Kid are not stupid George. Also nice rip off of the virgin birth story, geeze can you get less orignial?
Rating:  Summary: The Film -> 5 Stars The DVD->5 stars Review: Episode I The Phantom Menace, altough it has been severely criticized by purists, remains an excellent starting point for the saga. As for the DVD edition, the features are just superb: deleted scenes, a bunch of data that originally appeared in the website and full leghth commentaries. No Star Wars fan should pass on this one.
Rating:  Summary: OK movie, Great DVD Review: By now, most people have probably seen The Phantom Menace, and either you like the movie, or you hate it. I thought it was good, even though Lucas decide to make this one a little more juvenile than his previous Star Wars films. As for the DVD itself, it is full of extras, spilling ove on to 2 disks. As a fan of Star wars, it was nice to have all the extra information on the making of the film, deleted scenes, and all the other features and "easter eggs", or hidden features of the disks. The directors commentary was good to have, so you can see what was going on in the minds of Lucas, McCullom, and the other designers and filmakers who worked on Episode One.
Rating:  Summary: Lousy movie -- amazing extra DVD Review: OK -- so everyone knows the movie was lousy. Anyone who argues ith that is in major "Star Wars denial". There are many major problems with the plot and general characterizations. Even though done well, I would have liked to see a little less CGI. Then there's Jar Jar... don't get me started. The extra DVD, however, is absolutely amazing. The "making-of" featurettes are awesome to watch. You can watch a couple scenes from original storyboard, to computer animation, to completed version all in side-by-side screens. Lucas takes you back to the very beginning, Day 1, of writing & conceiving of the movie. You get amazing detail into the creation of the wonderful costumes and sets, as well as the choreography for the fight scenes. Definitely worth the purchase.
Rating:  Summary: Move over Plan 9 Review: I was amazed at the animation in the theater, it must have covered the rancid taste, as curry did before refrigeration. My first viewing on DVD left me thinking great movie for MST 3000. Natalie Wood, Liz Taylor, Mickey Rooney, Shirley--- There are great child actors out there, but you won't find one here, and being the essence of the plot, it's lack sinks the ship. George has got to go back to the Drawing board, this movie only sports top notch animation. Its not fit for human consumption.
Rating:  Summary: The Force is strong with this one Review: Dont you hate it when DVD reviewers spend 10 paragraphs describing how cool a movie was instead of reviewing the DVD itself? Dont worry, I wont do that. The movie was good. Onto the DVD now. This being the first Star Wars DVD, you would think that a lot of features would show up. Well, dont worry about that. There are enough features here to keep your attention for days. First onto the audio and the video quality. The Video quality for the movie is outstanding, with crystel clear, sharp quality that really enhances it. The Audio is also excellent, especially the excellent musical score and all the sound effects that have been remastered. The Features is a good enough reason alone to own this disk. If you want behind the scenes features, documentarys and deleated scenes, you got e'm. The first thing people are going to look at, is of course, the Deleted scenes, involving a Waterfall sequence, extended Podrace clips and more. They are very interesting to look at and very satisfying. The Documentarys are also very cool, including a hour long documentary that shows Jar Jar tests, The sets being built and my personal favorite, the feature that shows early annimation tests for the podrace and sub sequences, be sure to look at the early versions that are increadebly funny and laugh out loud hilarious to look at. Just wait untill you see what a early version of Sebulba looks like! But theres more, if you are truly determened you might find the elusive(and very funny) Bloopers and outtakes, Hint: Watch every feature from beginning to end. Overall, this is a very cool DVD that is definiatly worth picking up. Dont miss it. The Good: Its a Star Wars DVD! Loads of features The bad: Nothing And the ugly: Nothing