Rating:  Summary: Great Beginning to the Greatest Sci-fi Trilogy. Review: In 1999, when i saw the teaser trailer, i couldn't believe my eyes cause i was anticipated to see it then when i saw it in May of 1999, i thought this movie was great dispite all the Public Negative outcry but i still think this movie is great. The DVD set here is great as the movie itself, it shows two Documentaries, Lost Scenes that never made it into the movie, Music Video, TV Spots, Trailers, Teaser, Making of " Special Effects", including the first ever George Lucas Commentary.Either you like this film or not, check out the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Nice DVD, bad movie Review: Wouldn't it be nice if Lucas had put as much thought into making the actual movie "Phantom Menace" as he did designing a DVD to explain how he made the movie? As a DVD this is a good buy if you are a Star Wars fan -- and who the hell isn't? -- are interested in the filmmaking process' nuts and bolts, or want to see how a movie that is 80% special effects is really shot. The problem is the "extra features" don't hide the fact that "The Phantom Menace" is a one-and-a-half star film riding the back of a five-star triology. Badly written, sluggishly paced, filled with one-dimensional characters, and frequent digressions from its own largely incomprehensible plot, this is easily the worst outing of the lot, and the only comfort for fans is that Lucas could scarcely do worse in "Episode II." Laim Neeson is pretty good as the worlds-weary Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn, though his character seems to have very little moral sense for a Jedi ("I didn't come here to free slaves," he explains at one point....well what the hell kind of guardian of peace & justice are you anyway?). The excellent Ewan McGregor is completely wasted as young Obi-Wan, though he does an excellent job of wielding his lightsaber. Natalie Portman (Queen Amidala) is cute as hell but either she can't act, which I doubt, or she can't choke out her dialogue without sounding like she's reading it upside-down in bad light on a moving train ("Now...ambassador...we...will...discuss...a....new...treaty...") and Jake Lloyd just plain sucks as young Darth Vader, though again it's hard to tell where his bad acting stops and the crappy script begins. Ian McDairmid is enjoyably smarmy as chancellor Palpatine, but since he's holding back his villainy for later episodes, he doesn't exactly steal the scenes he's in. And Samuel L. Jackson is strictly a cameo. The most striking character in the film, ironically enough, is Darth Maul, the super-badass Sith Lord who is Darth's precusor. Maul might as well be the Man With No Name for all the dialogue he gets, and those who thought he was going to give ol' Darth a run for his money as a villain will be disappointed. Maul is strictly a man of action, but what action! Actor Ray Park has some outstanding moves, and the lightsaber duel at the end is ALMOST, but not quite, worth watching the rest of the film. All in all, not worth the 16 year wait. My only suggestion, however, would have been letting Maul chop off Jar Jar Binks' head, preferably about halfway through the film, when it becomes painfully apparent this drivelling idiot is going to do his best to ruin an already flawed film. Hopefully somebody else will be quicker on the trigger in the next outing so we won't have to hear his stupid remarks or atrocious, space-rastafarian grammar.
Rating:  Summary: What were you guys expecting, really? Review: Doesn't anybody remember the Ewoks? Remeber when Lucas made Greedo shoot before Han? As good as Empire was, I still feel like I'm watching the muppets. Star Wars movies are basically for children. But even for a children's movie, this is a pretty bad one, and I'm not just saying that because of the hype. I really did try to like it. Any of those actors (minus the kid of course) are exceptional actors in their own right, especially when they are working with good directors and writers. They might have well been puppets, plus its hard to work in the shadow of Jar Jar, right. Technically,the DVD looks great and has tons of extras. But, if you're like me, you don't care how it was made or even why. The 2 stars I gave are for Natalie Portman for being so beautiful. I remember sitting in the movie theatre before it started thinking how I wish my dad (who told me sometime in the future there will be 6 more Star Wars movies) was alive to see this. When the movie was done, I thought he was better off.
Rating:  Summary: An instant Classic to Die Hard- Star Wars Fans. Review: Set thrity years before the Original Star Wars. The plot follows meeting young Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd),a boy with a gift, that could bring the goods for the force of being a Jedi and Will transform later into the Evil Darth Vader. Obi-Wan Keeobi (Ewan McGregor), the wise old Jedi from the Orignal Series, is a determined young apprentice and his master:Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson), who teaches him the way of the force. It`s the Beginning of the Rise of the Power of Senator Palptine (Ian McDiamid) is an ambitious senator of the galatic republic and the Rise of the Evil Emperor-Darth Sidious. It is a time, when the Jedi Knight are the guardians of peace in a turbulent galaxy and a young Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman) fights to save her people but in the shadows lurks an evil swordmen named Darth Maul (Ray Park) waiting for the right moment to Strike. Directed by George Lucas (American Graffiti, Star Wars, THX-1138) made an very entertaining Prequel to the Original Star Wars Series. Nesson & McGregor gives a Terrific Performances, this film has an great cast. DVD`s has an sharp anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) transfer and an Strong Dolby Digital 5.1 Expanded Surround Sound. The film was Nominated for Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Editing and Best Sound. DVD`s Extras are: An running commentary track by the Filmmakers. Seven Deleted Scenes, Documentary, Music Video and More. Die Hard Fans of Star Wars will love this. Digitally Mastered in THX Picture Quality and Sound. Arriscope. Grade:A.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful DVD, crap movie Review: After all these reviews I've read with people giving this movie an undeserved 5 stars, I would like to weigh in with my own. There's no doubt that the dvd is an impressive achievement with all kinds of special features. This is really the way dvds were meant to be authored, and stands up favourably with the best dvd publishers like Criterion. However, I'd give the movie itself 1 or possibly 2 stars. It is simply the worst Star Wars movie ever, with more holes than Swiss cheese. Especially the rubbish concerning r2d2 and c3pio. Is anyone going to credibly believe that Darth Vader did not recognise his favourite robots after all this time? Unless you subscribe to the theory that DV was actually a triple agent who was secretly working for the rebellion... And don't get me started on Jar Jar. It was racist, insulting and an utter waste of time, regardless of how many supercomputers and how many processing cycles they used rendering that waste of time. To sum it up. It's a wonderful example of how dvd mastering should be, too bad the content stinks to high heaven.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars on DVD Review: What can I say. We all know that Star Wars rocks. This DVD is a must for all Star Wars fans. You'll be able to enjoy this film time and time again without any loss of quality. The second disk is a real treat with it's additional scenes.
Rating:  Summary: It was okay.. Review: I'm not a Star Wars geek, but I do like sci fi movies.It's a must buy if you are a true Star Wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: The best DVD I've laid eyes on Review: Great from start to finish. A great film. Don't look to much into it, just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars finally on DVD Review: The Trade Federation has formed a blockade around the peaceful planet of Naboo. Two Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) are dispatched to negotiate. When the Trade Federation begins landing an invasion army on the planet the Jedi realize that there is more at stake than a simple trade dispute. With the Queens (Natalie Portman) life in danger they must hurry back to the planet and warn her and the people of Naboo. Star Wars is finally on DVD and Lucasfilm and Fox have put together a great one. This is the first film released in Dolby Digital Surround EX. It is the best Dolby Digital mix that I have ever heard. The surround speakers are constantly active so crank up the volume and enjoy. The film is presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen. The picture looks amazing, the only fault is the occasional edge enhancement. With that aside, this is still a reference quality disk. There are several special features spread over the two disks. The highlights are seven deleted scenes, "The Beginning" documentary, five featurettes and an audio commentary by George Lucas and Company. The audio commentary was excellent and I really like how they spread each persons voice to a different speaker and also used subtitles so you knew who was talking. When I first saw The Phantom Menace at theaters I was a bit disappointed. But I was expecting quite a lot. After several viewing at home the film has really grown on me. Even if you hate the movie you can't deny that this is one of the best DVD's ever produced. All the special features are great and I can't remember the last time I watched all the features more than once on any other disk. For the Star Wars fans who did not like the film, they may enjoy the supplements so go ahead and give it a try.
Rating:  Summary: Just OK Review: I waited so long for this movie, and was seriously disappointed. Being a true SciFi fan probably taints my opinion. Episodes 4-6 were excellent, especially 4 & 5. If you really liked Episode 1, and there are no other DVD's that you would rather spend your money on, this DVD has some nice extra's. (Got it as a gift.) I have seen it twice, which is more than enough times for me. My six year old nephew does not even like it. He would rather watch Spy Kids or see Harry Potter.