Rating:  Summary: You have to be patient.... Review: This is not a movie you can rate by itself, you have to rate the whole 6 chapters and as far as I'm concerned the whole thing so far is unlike anything else out there and deserving of the ***** stars. None of the movies by themselves have great acting its not that kind of movie as an ensemble cast they are great and have a great chemistry but no one stands out as a great actor, the movies just plain work, they keep you interested and the story line is what keeps you hooked what will happen next? what caused this to happen? etc... and Jar Jar gets too much heat, he wasn't a mistake I rather enjoyed it and like in the real world there are anoying characters out there but you just ignore and keep on going. Bring on Attack of the Clones and the first trilogy on DVD. I can't wait.
Rating:  Summary: The Ups and Downs of Episode One Review: I can't say I hated EVERY minute of it. I thought the podrace was exciting and well done -- I liked the underwater-with-giant-beasts sequence -- Queen Amidala's outfits were very cool -- I enjoyed the two-on-one lightsaber duel at the end. The sprawling land battle scene between the droids and the Gunguns was very cool visually. Ootah Gunga, the underwater city of the Gungans, was freaking gorgeous! as were almost all of the locales -- Theed (Naboo's capital city), the Jedi Council chambers, etc.) Things I disliked about Phantom Menace: 1.) Jar Jar Binks (though I didn't hate him as much as other people did) His voice/language were very grating. The fact that Lucas felt it at all necessary to include something so goofball gets to me. 2.) I know for a fact that several members of the cast are incredible actors; I've seen them in other films. Yet they are SOOO wooden in Ep. 1. I have to assume it's Lucas's fault. He's become so enamored with his super-advanced non-linear editing system where he can digitally combine Take 7 of Liam Neeson with Take 13 of Ewan McGregor. So in love with the fact that he can just put his actors in front of a bluescreen. I feel he is robbing any and all spontaneity from the performances of his actors. There's no rhythm to their conversations. 3.) The boy playing Anakin (Jake Lloyd) was awful. But I can't help but wonder if he's victim to the problem noted above. 4.) What the @#$& is up with the Star-Trek-scan-for-lifeforms-in-his-blood-sample explanation of The Force?!?!? And the whole immaculate conception thing? Was any of that baloney necessary? I (and probably just about everyone else in the world) was perfectly content to have The Force be an ambiguous something that even a master like Yoda could only explain with poetry and vague-isms. I didn't see Yoda greet Luke's arrival on Dagobah and request for training by whipping out a handy dandy Lil' Jedi's First Aid Kit. 5.) The dogfight against the droid ships/mother ship was a joke. Not developed at all - no pacing, no one we cared about (except Anakin and that's debatable), no sense of what their objective was. The best dogfight was in Star Wars. Excellently paced, different people taking their shot at the trench, the emotional resonance of Biggs's death, etc. Even Return of the Jedi's dogfight had these elements, especially the sudden realization that the death Star was "fully operational" and then started blowing the big ships out of the "sky", will the Falcon be destroyed, if they DO succeed in destroying DSII Luke is dead, etc. I just didn't care about the Ep. 1 dogfight. Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have wanted to be in George Lucas's shoes by any stretch of the imagination. Fan expectation was immeasurably high. High to the point that I believe it would have been almost impossible to please them (us). But, that said, I think that removed from the excitement of seeing a new Star Wars movie, after fiercely clinging to a hope and prayer that this movie would be worthy of the Star Wars legacy, that after the incredible eye candy that a legion of production artists, animators, digital montage specialists, costume designers, etc. has faded from your retina, you are left with a slow paced, poorly acted film populated by characters we barely care about which dismantles beloved aspects of the original trilogy. I still pop Ep. 1 into my DVD player from time to time but it is never to watch the movie. I do it to watch one of the "making of" documentaries or to watch the podrace sequence or to freeze frame one of the gorgeous digital compositions. That to me is a sad, sad fact.
Rating:  Summary: Very cool movie : 0 ) Review: This is my favorite Star Wars movie (followed closely by all). All the actors give amazing performances (especially Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor...as Amidala and Obi-Wan). I like all the subtle humor Lucas puts into his movies along with the adventure, suspense, great story, and amazing effects. Everyone has been critizing Jar-Jar, but he adds some comedy when the story needs it. Jake Lloyd as Anikan is a decent actor (as much as you can ask from a 10 year old). I am very excited for the next film, no matter what the name is! ~Meg P.S. This is also a great movie to drool over Ewan McGregor!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars-Episode 1, The Phantom Menace Review: Golden Raspberry Award Winner: WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR "Jar-Jar Binks". Need I say More?
Rating:  Summary: Worst of the SW films - best DVD Package Ever Review: This film makes up for its mediocrity with it's extensive DVD package which is comprised of the best ever behind-the-scenes documentary, 7 completed deleted scenes and a whole host of other goodies. THe only down fall of this DVD is a poor video transfer (it appears blurry at times) and an audio track that is almost "too dynamic." Don't buy this DVD necessarily for the movie, get it for the extras.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent DVD of a pretty good movie... Review: I'm a sucker for this movie. I know it should have been better, but I love it anyway. But you probably know whether you like the movie or not already. What you may not know is what a fantastic DVD package this is. 1. Picture quality is unbelievable. 2. It will take you hours to get through all of the additional material, and with the exception of a feature on an Episode I video game, all of it is worthwhile if you're at all interested in this movie or the Star Wars series in general. Only complaint: there's some overlap of material among all the various features/documentaries. 3. The menus are clear, intuitive, and attractive. It's nice to see some real care taken in the menu design. 4. The "commentary mode" is the most consistently clear and informative example I've heard. No idle, disjointed chit-chat here. If you're sitting on the fence, buy this. It won't make you like Jar-Jar, or the sometimes clunky dialogue, but this is what all DVD packages should aspire to.
Rating:  Summary: What was George Lucas thinking?? Review: I love all the Star Wars movies, I can watch them over and over. But The Phantom Menace, was terrible. Jar Jar Binks drives me crazy and wrecks the entire movie. I wonder what The Attack of the Clones will be like? If Jar Jar Binks gets knocked off, I'll give it two thumbs up.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, considering... Review: George Lucas hadn't made a Star Wars film in over 15 years as he was busy running his empire (and being a single dad.) While the film felt uneven in a number of places, The Phanton Menace reminds you of why the Star Wars fims were so popular in the first place: loveable, memorable characters, unprecedented special effects and storylines that left you with a sense of wonder that appealed to the inner-child and philosopher in all of us. And you've got to admit--who else but George Lucas could have the world salivating and panting for more like a depraved drug addict while awaiting the arrival of a movie?!
Rating:  Summary: Just "Star Wars" Review: What is here to be reviewed?! It is just the next fantastic "Star Wars" movie! I love it!
Rating:  Summary: This movie is wonderful! and watchable! Review: This movie is great. I saw this while I was at the theatres in 1999. I'm a big Star Wars Fan, and while I watched this at the theatres! I thought that I would get this on video. I like the characters Jar Jar, R2d2, C3PO, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenoby,Kwi-gon Jin, and Amidala. This film has good scenes, good acting, good music and sound effects. Way to go George Lucas. This film is watchable. Don't listen to the negative public outcries about this film. This film is absolutely the beginning of the first of the Star Wars sogga. This film is highly recommended to all Star Wars fans in the near future. Buy this and have fun.