Rating:  Summary: A let down Review: I was a little kid when the first trilogy was released. I always liked those movies. This one I didnt. I tried to. I did. It just wasnt there for me. Maybe it was the way Anikin was played by that Lloyd kid, or the WAY OVERDONE special effects, or the lame jokes and even lamer Jar Jar.(Lucas, what the hell were you thinking with him?) Some characters in movies have been annoying, but NOTHING like that waste of space!! Yousa [bad]Jar Jar!!! Even the saber fight wasnt special. Sure it was fun to watch, but there was no drama to it. They didnt even know who DM was!! I hope part 2 is more interesting with an older Anikin.
Rating:  Summary: Please stop these, why do you insist on it?? Review: just a message to Goerge Lucas asking him, why do you insist on continuing these story..!???, YES star wars was marveleous, (at its time of production) and it is still so good now to watch, and the following two parts "the Empire strikes back" and "Return of the Jedi" was compatible with the First version and were suitable to be produced, but now, "the phantom menace" is so so ordinary, these kind of movies is not suitable at all for our time, the movie production technology is very high now, we dont need more space movies, the star wars triology is spectacular, it was unique and ...stop... any thing more will be so poor in comparison with the first one, pleeeeeaase, stop it Mr. Lucas, dont ruin what you did.
Rating:  Summary: Zombie Wars (but what about the boring special effects!!!!) Review: George Lucas wrote and directed the very funny 'American Graffiti' and the very imaginative 'Star Wars'. So what happend, George. What happened to 'Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace'??? The reason I bring this ancient movie (1999) up now is because Lucas' new film, 'Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones' is arriving in theaters in May of this year. I have a feeling this next film will be better than the last. I hope to GOD it is for everyone's sake. It really IS a good series (all except for the last atrocity - I give it two stars for its special effects and Ewan McGregor). There was a rumor going around: some of the actors, especially star Liam Neeson, noticed that Lucas was more interested in the technical aspects of the film rather than the actors. No wonder the acting was so wooden. Neeson, Natalie Portman (most of the time) and the boy (the one who played 'Anakin Walker - the future 'Darth Vader' - give me a break) all came across as wooden heads, and the boy is especially bad. Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't blame the boy. I blame Lucas for not working with this kid, and for allowing such brilliant actors as Neeson to stroll through the role like the lobotomized Jedi Knight he was. McGregor at least 'tried' to add something extra, but when you have a director (Lucas again) who cares absolutely nothing for the actor, the script, the story, etc., 'The Phantom Menace' is bound to become not only one of the worst movies in 1999, but one of the worst science fiction movies I have ever seen. I have read some reviews commenting on the red-faced Darth Maul. What a clown. He was one millionth what Darth Vader (James Earl Jones - remember him???) was. Maybe Lucas shouldn't direct these movies. Like in 'The Empire Strikes Back' (easily the best of the films) and 'Return of the Jedi', Lucas hired others. Maybe he has lost 'touch' with humanity. Maybe he himself, like his numbing creation 'Jar Jar Binks', has also turned into some kind of dull alien whose only interests lie in boring audiences with the latest in super-technology. I know at one time Steven Spielberg had expressed interest in directing one of them. Maybe Lucas should remain 'behind the scenes' (and I do mean WAY behind the scenes). The real talent is always in the writers (good writers, George), the actors, and the hundreds of craftsmen who put together such an eventful science fiction film. Sooooooo, 'Phantom Menace' was a real dud. Will I see the next film??? Even though I am not happy with the title 'Attack of the Clones'???. Another hour and they have come up with a MUCH better title, guarenteed. But remember this, Lucas doesn't care about titles or scripts or actors - afterall he is truly a cyborg with no emotions, something his fans didn't know I bet. Still, I look forward to watching the 'newer' Star Wars saga. It features actors like Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor (I loved him in 'Moulin Rouge' - you should see that if you haven't already), Samuel L. Jackson and Christopher Lee (I LOVE Mr. Lee). I also heard that Hayden Christensen is a HUGE improvement over that 'kid' (I don't blame the kid - I blame the director). And the special effects should be masterful no doubt (afterall, Lucas OWNS ILM up north). 'Attack of the Clones' (WHAT a title), I can only wish upon a midnight star, will be a VAST improvement over the disappointing 'Phantom Menace' which took the series to an all-time low. Please, George Lucas, move to the planet Endor or at least wake up and smell the Wookies. A meaningful story, good writing, attention to the actors is what makes a film GREAT. The special effects can only enhance a film's quality, and we know Lucas is an expert at F/X. Well, I am crossing my fingers that May's 'Attack of the Clones' is indeed memorable and falls into line with 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Hey, one can only wish, can't they.
Rating:  Summary: The best Star Wars ever. Review: This was a wonderful movie which was made excellently.My favorite character was Jar Jar Binks.This was one great action movie that will live on for years.
Rating:  Summary: Galactic garbage Review: Just a short note: for some reason I feel like commenting on this piece of trash.This is the film that shows the Star Wars franchise is out of gas. (Actually I thought Jedi showed that, but here it's confirmed beyond a doubt.) Almost no originality, and the few original elements (Jar Jar Binks for example) are best forgotten. Little plot, disjointed, the Force is explained as a concrete biological phenomenon, even as Lucas gets further and further into the mythical mumbo jumbo in the ever-convoluted dialogue. No one talks like this, and if they did no one else would listen. The space battles are not thought out or memorable, yet the way they destroy the big enemy ship harkens back to New Hope and Jedi--how many times is George going to pull this stunt? The kid has the expressiveness of a slug. In short, for a master of "action" filmmaking, Lucas has made the dullest, most plodding film of the last 20 years. It's really sad that the most exciting and likeable character is R2D2. But the biggest surprise is in the special effects. Face it, half the movie looks like a cartoon. All this digital crap looks as fake as 1960s model work. Maybe some day they'll perfect the weights and textures enough to make convicing computer renderings of creatures and forests and space ships, but for now it looks like we're watching a high tech Playstation game--impressive for a game but still laughingly fake compared to real life. Lucas is wearing the Emperor's robes, and no one wants to call him on it. But then--who'd dare? George, you were out of ideas 20 years ago. Retire.
Rating:  Summary: Sorry!!!! :( Review: Im sorry all of you star wars fans out there but I did not enjoy this movie at all.I found it very boring.Many times i found myself almost falling asleep.I think one of the main reasons i didnt enjoy this film is because of jake lloyd, who plays Anakin, and Jar Jar Binks. i found that Jake lloyd didnt do well, it seemed like he was yelling, not talking.It seems unrealistic that he could turn out to be Darth Vader.Jar Jar Binks seemed to ruin the the whole serious mood of all the previous Star Wars films.Also, all of the pre-hype on Samual L. Jackson, didnt live up.He didnt have a big role, and i was disapointed. I'm a very big Star Wars fan, but i didnt enjoy this one.Im praying that Star Wars:Episode 2 Attack of the Clones is much better, or I wont be seeing the other films that are coming. Yet again, to all of you die hard fans, i say i'm sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Darth Maul Is WICKED ! Review: 3.5 Stars I've seen quite a range of opinion in the amazon reviews and my opinion falls somewhere in the middle. I find the movie to be entertaining, if somewhat predictable, but very well produced. But if the movie is less than expected from hard core fans, at least a continuity of sorts is established by seeing Anakin as a young boy and Obi Wan as a young man. The video, audio and special effects are excellent, as expected for any Star Wars film.
Rating:  Summary: I had a bad feeling about this movie, but not so bad Review: It could have been badder, but Lucas and his crew saved 'The Phantom Menace' with a great cast, stunning special effects, and a beautyful art direction, but the movie gets very slow at the start, untill the Pod Racing scene. Anyway, get this outstanding and long awaited DVD version!
Rating:  Summary: Its for children, really. Review: 'The Phantom Mence' was one of the few movies I fell asleep to in the theaters. The character development is sloppy and the story is not really interesting. No doubt, it is for children. If you think otherwise, maybe you should have your head examined. ZZZ....ZZZZ
Rating:  Summary: OK! Let's really think our responses over! Review: I mean it. My first response to Episode 1 was the same resounding disappointment that was felt and expressed by many other movie viewers who hoped for and expected a progression in a style more fitting with the traditional Star Wars mythology. This just wasn't it. This was a phenomenal dose of glitz, far more than would have been neccessary, or even fitting, to really please those who have high appreciation for the trilogy. However, I highly doubt that Lucas was even thinking of this category of moviegoers through the creation of this film. In fact, I really hope he wasn't, because there is such a seemingly enormous break with tradition here, that the rift seems to be precisely the point. Though I did not see the movie in the company of any children, I am quite sure that this category of moviegoers were absolutely delighted with the movie (and perhaps the very people Lucan had in mind in the movies creation). In fact, if I had a child, I would rent this movie in a heartbeat for them to have fun watching. I'm sure they would. Somehow, it is in thought of the children, that I give two stars, and not one. (or none) For those who are keen on the trilogy, well, I just might even buy the movie for them, partly as a prank, and partly to fire up their creative analytical capacity to further explore how the movie veered or kept in sync with the style of the trilogy. My instinct, upon first viewing, was that it was completely out of sync with anything associated with what was previously known as Star Wars. And I was agitated by it. Frustrated. I noticed however, that the person I had gone to see the movie with, my father, quite enjoyed the film. And I realized that he, like many others who enjoyed the trilogy, but are not attached to its atmosphere and style, were precisely the folks, along with children, who may have had the most enjoyable viewing experience. It's interesting to think that a whole new breed of "Star Wars" interest has perhaps been born with this film. It has been born amidst the camp of moviegoers for whom this might have been their first Star Wars film (as in 6, 7, 8 year olds). Frightening? Perhaps. Interesting? Definitely. What will they think when the see the triolgy, after having been introduced to the Star Wars myth through Episode 1? (!?!) I would watch this movie again, as in a second time, for the same reason that I would give it to a fellow fan of the star wars myth. Simply to hone my analysis of how the creation and display of this epic veered in this particular path and to see if there exist any possible clues as to why Lucas decided to take this drastic, drastic shift. On a concluding note, I simply missed the architecture and emotion of the trilogy.