Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable Review: Of course critics abound when a new movie in a series comes out. I tired to watch this movie as a stand alone and thought it was enjoyable. The storyline kept me going, the set design was awesome, and the Williams score was good. Overall, I enjoyed it and have seen it several times.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome, the DVD is very worth it (if you like the movie) Review: Yah so if you like the movie, get the DVD. DVD is awesome has everything you could ever want on a DVD.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best. We are a menace to the dark side! Review: I like this film. This film is the best of the Star Wars series. I like this film. I like JarJar Binks, and Anakin Skywalker. I also like the jedi too. I have this along with the original Star Wars Trilogy. I can't believe how many negative reviews this is getting. You people who gave this movie five stars are growing stronger in the force! while you people who poured out these negative reviews are of the dark side. This film is the best of the best. I also like Darth Mall. There are alot of things that I like about this film. 1. I like the Pod Race on the Tatowine desert. 2. I like the two on one lightsaber duel. 3. I also like the Gungams and Darth Cidious. This film is highly recommended to future fans. This film is the way of the future. Wake up! people!
Rating:  Summary: DVD: 5 stars; Movie: 3 stars Review: We all know that most everyone was dissatisfied with 'The Phantom Menace', but who really could be after all the hype it was subjected to? Everyone knows that when a movie is built up before its release and into something it's not, there will be a lot of disappointed people out there, and that's the case with this one. Yeah, Jar Jar is annoying, and yeah, there isn't the best action in the world, but hey, Jar Jar will be out--mostly--in Episode II and you have to explain some things in the first movie. Personally I enjoyed this movie. Of all four in the trilogy such far, 'Empire Strikes Back' is the best, followed by 'Jedi', 'Phantom' and then the original. But in any case, that's my take on the movie. Now the DVD: Picture Quality: 6/5. Not a typo, the picture is really that great. The scenes on Tattoine are amazing, as are the special effects, the space scenes and Naboo. If the FX don't blow you away, this will. Sound Quality: 5/5. Easily one of the best of any DVD around. The laser blasts are crisp, the lightsabers perfect and the explosions top-notch...the ships sound excellent too. Special Features: 6/5. This DVD is packed with them on 2 discs. Two trailers, 7 TV spots, a music video, and hour long documentary, 6 featurettes, 6 deleted scenes and a 12 part web documentary viewable without DVD-Rom, this should keep you occupied for some time. Overall: 5.5/5. This is definitely the best DVD I own, but not the best movie I own. I can't stop talking about how great this is, and I think you'd be a fool not to own this one. If you're a Star Wars fan you'll love it...if you liked Episode I remotely, you'll love it, and if you're looking for a good sci-fi DVD...well, you're going to love it too. Thanks for reading. Hope this helped.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible--nice special effects though Review: I have to admit that I enjoyed the old Star Wars a lot. It was an epic set in space and added greatly to the science fiction genre. And it appealed to all ages. I thought Episode 1 was cool when I saw it in the theatres, but after thinking about the plot and how it compared with the old ones, this is a piece of trash and a disgrace to the Star Wars films. This Star Wars isn't an awesome space epic (that even makes you think it really could happen) that appeals to people of all ages, like the the original trilogy, but more like a stupid action packed film for small kids. Perhaps Star Wars is used up, or maybe george Lucas doesn't care about it much more and doesn't put as much effort in it as in the old ones. For one thing, it is very babyish and superficial. The whole thing might appeal a lot to 7-9 year olds. I don't know what George Lucas was thinking when he put Jar-Jar Binks ( a comical and mentally retarded Gungan, one of the stupidest things about the movie-perhaps to make extremely small children laugh and like it better) in there, ,who along with the lame jokes turned it into an unbelievably ridiculous comedy. This is fiction and I know that of course this is a different galaxy and all, but I also thought that many things in it were way too unrealistic: the utter invincibility of the Jedi (except to other users of the force), the 15-year old girl solely ruling the planet, Anakin in the pod race thing, (although it was neat to watch), the force being re-defined as a concrete biological phenomenon which makes no biological sense, how Anakin goes into a fighter, has no idea how to use it and manages to become a sort of war hero and destroy the enemy's mother ship, and the whole plot line from the start about how the aliens want to capture Queen Amidala to force her to sign a treaty. Almost as if to make up for the stupid plot, there are way overdone special effects, and computerized aliens that give a feeling of fakeness to the film.
Rating:  Summary: Hit and Miss, But Mostly Hit Review: Writer/director/producer George Lucas' long awaited prequel to his blockbuster sci-fi saga is a flawed but fun family film. Set three decades before the original "Star Wars", "The Phantom Menace" has the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) coming to the aid of the teenaged Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman) when her planet is invaded by the greedy alien Trade Federation's robot army. While fleeing from the bad guys, our heroes meet friendly nine year old slave Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), a boy who may be the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, although we know he'll grow up to become the villainous Darth Vader instead. Complicating the plot is that the Trade Federation is a pawn in the evil Sith Lords Darth Sidious (Ian McDiarmid) and Darth Maul's (Ray Park) unfolding scheme to gain control of the Galactic Republic and destroy the Jedi Knights. Old favorites like R2-D2, C-3PO, Yoda, and Jabba the Hutt also have small roles, and we meet new all-CGI characters like Jar Jar Binks, a clumsy, cartoonish amphibian alien whose goofy antics and pidgin English dialogue is at first annoying, but grows on you. "The Phantom Menace" actually surpasses the original "Star Wars" when it comes to special effects, production design, and epic scope. ILM has effectively blended live action with computer animation to create believable alien worlds, the intense light sabre battles make the old fights look like child's play, and the plot's political machinations are surprisingly complex. However the acting is mixed, the dialogue is occasionally cheesey, there is too much slapstick and not enough true wit, and the characters lack the appealing dynamics of the original films. You also have to be very familiar with the "Star Wars" universe to keep track of where the story is going.
Rating:  Summary: A Menace to Hollywood society Review: After 16 years of waiting impatiently, George Lucas finally releases the forth Star Wars film which is actually the first Episode of a six part story. The original Star Wars film was Episode Four, Empire: Episode Five and Jedi: Episode Six which concludes the epic saga. The hype prior to release of the Phantom Menace was bigger than the Death Star and significantly, bigger than Marlon Brando. It was ridiculously hyped beyond belief and only the media was to blame. LFL actually asked for the hype to be contained, but by that time it had gotten out of control. Those of you who bought into that hype and were seriously let down by the film are brainwashed, weak-minded fools who will only like something when it is in vogue. Phantom Menace was getting embarrassingly poor reviews even before it's release. Which is hardly fair to any film. Even as the poor reviews came flooding out, Phantom Menace was making a killing at the box office. It has held its place as the second highest grossing film at the global box office underneath James Cameron's blockbuster, Titanic. The Film; The movie failed to meet expectations of the fans because they were expecting to see the excitement and enthusiasm of the original trilogy. There were complaints by some who wanted a "Han Solo" type character. Why would you want that when Han appears in the last three films? Other complaints were things like "Why are the two Jedi acting so wooden". Well one of the most important Jedi traits is to show NO EMOTION. But I guess an epic scope storyline like this one is way above and beyond that of the armchair critics of our "seen it all before and can't impress me" world. If this film was released in 1977 instead of the original, people would have accepted it more openly. But the sad fact is now that the people consider Star Wars as their own. Just because the audience of 1977 grew up it does not mean that the films also have to grow up as well. If they did would they fit in with the old series and come together as one 12 hour movie? I don't think so. Lucas himself said way before this movie was released that "The first one starts off very slow, it's a very innocent kind of film. As the series progresses it gets darker and finally we will see how and why he (Anakin Skywalker) gets into the mask and becomes Darth Vader" That statement was the key to understanding how the first episode was going to be played out. Nothing much really happens in this film. It merely sets up the next two and does it beautifully. We get to see a young Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd) meet for the first time. It also introduces Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman), the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. We also get to see a younger Palpatine (Ian Mcdiarmid) as a Senator on the magnificent planet capital, Coruscant. His political machinations seem to have gone unnoticed by so many. Palpatine who is the Senator of Naboo is also the sith lord, Darth Sidious. As Sidious, he uses the hugely rich and resourceful Trade Federation to blockade his own planet. As Palpatine he uses Amidala, Queen of Naboo to further his own political ambitions, which by the end of the film he has succeeded in. A glorious spectacle epic in scope, which has been unsurpassed by no other film. Phantom Menace is beautifully designed with spectacular results. It serves as an appetiser for the upcoming sequels and has secured its place in film history. Hollywood seems to be scared of Lucas. After all, he's the most successful independant filmmaker today. He seems to have a bad reputation just because he is a sucsess story and he accomplished it all on his own terms. They told him it couldn't be done way back in the 70s. They are still telling him the same thing today. Wake up Hollywood, Lucas' way is the way of the future.
Rating:  Summary: Good DVD, lousy movie Review: To me, this is the worst movie in the entire world, & the best DVD in the entire world. Has anyone in the entire world figured out that Star Wars movies are lousy. Why do Star Wars movies have to be lousy, I just don't know.
Rating:  Summary: cinfusing Review: i liket the red guy with hte floppy ears but i dont unnerstand what happens in the movie. who are the people with the red guy? why didnt queen armadillo kill all the bad guys? she's a queen cuz she can do that stuff. i like annikan too cuz he looks like my brother and my brother say s he wants to pod race like annikan. i have this dvd and i like it but i don't pay attention to the movie. i like the people in it.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible movie, um, nice DVD extras Review: Alright I'll cut out all the negative Star Wars vibes for all the geeks out there, this film was just plain boring, pure and simple. Boring, boring, boring. It was really boring.