Rating:  Summary: The fourth best "Star Wars" movie ever Review: My all time favorite movies would probably be the First Star Wars Trilogy Installments and the Toy Story movies? Why? Because I have a thing for intergalactic dogma and the notion that the toys I used to play with talk behind my back and grapple with the same emotions I do? No, because the accessibility of these films are unbelieveable. Anybody with a brain can enjoy these films. They entertain children without coming off as idiotic to adults. So, how does Episode I fit into the subject? The movie doesn't know what audience it wants to pander to, and maybe Lucasfilm didn't care to decide because they knew people would see just about anything that had the words "Star" and "Wars" in close proximity. Too bad, because the only people that I think would get a real kick out of the topical nature of the film's plot, characters, and lines that at best were flat and at worst made me cringe would be kids! And there's nothing wrong with that, except that I thought that Star Wars was a FAMILY movie. When Qui-Gon Jinn knocks out Jar Jar Binks to calm him down, only kids laugh; everyone else cries tears of joy because he finally shut up. There are only a few and far between moments in the movie where the entire audience extrapolates the same emotion from a scene (Anakin's heartrending departure from Tatooine is a popluarly cited example). I was thouroughly disappointed. As for the DVD extras, who cares? The extras should complement what the main course is; here, it's like an M&M that's no chocolate and all colorful candy shell...
Rating:  Summary: I still have mixed feelings... Review: ... about this movie. I have seen the original trilogy more than 15 times and this movie 3 times so far, yet I cannot decide whether I liked it or was disappointed in it. First of all, I'm from that gang who didn't like Jar Jar (let's not use strong words here and let's not be impolite, but I DIDN'T like him). He is the equivalent of the funny characters in cartoons -- to me he was annoying and got way too much screen time. Second, I didn't like Jake Lloyd. He didn't act, period. There are so many child actors out there who are good, like that one in The Sixth Sense or the one in Harry Potter (sorry, I'm not very good with names). Those two would probably have been too old for the part, but there must be others!! Well, if you got this far, you are interested in what I have to say... I don't know WHAT I was expecting of this movie and what it should have been in order to attract and awe me like the original trilogy has. And if even I don't know, how could I ask Lucas to know?! But something was definitely missing and wrong - apart from Anakin and Jar Jar, that is. Perhaps it's the magic that a childhood fairytale has and that at a certain age you aren't able to sense anymore. Perhaps it's just Han. I don't know. I watched the movie intently everytime but it simply doesn't catch me like the old ones have. I don't get the thrills I got every time I watched those. I am unable to identify with any of the characters and care for them. I hoped, feared and rejoiced alongside Han, Luke and Leia everytime, but Obi Wan and Qui-Gon just leave me cold like I was watching some strangers. The special effects are good, we all agree about that, but perhaps they were overused... like many reviewers have said, Lucas paid more attention to them than to the story. And what about Darth Maul? (Yes, it's MAUL, not MALL or MAUI or whatever... Amazon.com should really check those spellings). He wears that ridiculous painting on his face and he's supposed to be the villain? My oh my... Now Palpatine/Sidious, THAT was a great villain... Anyway, like (almost) everybody out there I hope that Episode II will be better...
Rating:  Summary: good movie Review: I simply cannot understand what the fuss about this film was after everyone was dissapointed. This is actually quite a good movie, maybe not as good as the originals but it had everything that makes a good Star Wars movie, the villain, the good-guys, the comic relief[okay maybe Jar Jar let this one down]. Also some great visuals and some super cool battles. The podrace is a real blood fueler i might add.
Rating:  Summary: Best. DVD. Ever. Review: This movie suffers from mixed reviews. People Love it or Hate it (on the net, anyways. Most folks I know in the real world think it's a fine addition to the Star Wars universe). No denying that or the fact that one side probably will never change how the other side feels about it. I myself, I love it. It's not as good as the original Star Wars or Empire Strikes Back, but it's on par with Return of the Jedi, which still puts it in my top 4 all time favorite flicks :) The biggest problem I have with it is the Gungan/Battle Droid battle. It's just a little too video game looking there. Other than that, the FX were amazing. Liam Neeson totally embodies the status of Jedi Master. Jar Jar may be annoying, but his presense is not ruinous to the movie. I could go on and on, but there's no need. Everyone has an opinion on the movie, and now you know mine. Let's talk DVD. Everyone raves about "The Beginning" documentary, and it deserves it. But I couldn't help but think I could easily watch another hour or two of it. As imformative as it is, it still seems only the tip of the iceberg for the making of the movie. The web docos were all nice, I enjoyed each and every one. Lot of info in those few minutes. I liked the deleted scenes, but I know there are more out there, so come on George, cough 'em up! It was also nice to see the previews and trailers again. They are well put together and still get the anticipation pumping to see the movie even after watching it numerous times. Also a very imformative commentary from George and the Team at the Ranch. This is a well stocked DVD and worth the wait. It's saying something when the movie's detractors are raving over the DVD, but as a big fan of the flick, it's simply over the top. Well done, George, my man, and bring on the Clones!
Rating:  Summary: Watchable Review: This movie is okay, but it could have been much better. I enjoyed the original trilogy and had expected far more than this. The first disappointing thing that comes to mind is the acting. Most of it was very good, but every time I think of the movie, the first thing that comes is, "He did it. The little guy did it." (And those of you who seen the movie know what I am talking about.) There was hardly any emotion. You might have thought a dog jumped through a firey hoop at the circus. By the way the pilot was reacting as their ship was going down, the viewer hardly seemed to care if R2-D2 was able to fix the stupid thing. As a matter of fact, I almost did not want him to. That would be one less terrible actor in the movie. The second thing that comes to mind is the two-headed pod-racing commentator that looked like two different races of creatures stuck together. That was extremely annoying. But if you like special effects, this movie has awesome special effects and a very good ending. One thing that made Star Wars very popular was Darth Vader...
Rating:  Summary: a fun movie...untill jar jar shows up. Review: This dvd is packed with good extras and stuff like that, the usual making of the movie aswell as some special DVD ROM content. The movie is not as good though. Its definetely aimed at younger audience and it takes some steps out of the usual star wars style (why does Anakin call his mother "mom"? And why do they call him Ani?! Thats just not Star Wars!). The "comic relief" was a bit too much. Jar Jar was annoying as hell and probably did nothing but drag this movie right to the level of that ET atari game (you know the one that sold absolutely no copys and even bums wouldnt accept free cartriges? And then after they tried doing that they had to put every copy in some landfill in Mexico?) Uh, well anyway, at least hes not going to make a huge appearance in Episode II! If Phantom menace stays true to something of the star wars legend its the figthing. The lightsaber battles were awesome, as always and I'm looking forward to seeing Episode II (even more so after seeing the new "Clone Wars" trailer). For star wars fans this DVD is a must buy. For general movie watchers you might want to think a little bit before purchasing the dvd. I still recommend it, because Star Wars no matter what, is a classic.
Rating:  Summary: great Review: This movie was spectacular definatly the best star wars made
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars comes under too much criticism Review: Yes, this is a very good movie. I am continually amazed at the amount of criticism that is dished out at George Lucas and Episode 1. The core group of fans consists of a twenty-something crowd that grew up with these movies. They were a part of our young lives and the effect they had on pop culture simply can't be measured. So, George Lucas is faced with making these prequels under the pressure of "hey George, make me feel like a kid again." It is simply impossible to settle everyone's demands of what these prequels should look and feel like. After 22 years, it is natural for us to have our own views of what this "beginning" should look like. You have to take into account that we know how the stories ultimately end. These prequels are a means to that end. SW1 was a very well-done movie that will come under more scrutiny than any film in recent memory. George Lucas does spend a lot of time on the fx in the movie. He is also the Godfather of Sci-fi special effects. He is the pioneer of the craft. In 1977, no one thought anything like that could be done and look even somewhat realistic. So - again - I think people spend too much energy saying what looks too "CG" or not real enough. It's a fantasy environment! Look at Yoda in the movie. He looks like a puppet from K-mart. That's how far the technology has come. In 1980 Yoda was a marvel of creature creation. Now, things are going to be computer generated (note that Yoda is completely CG in ep. 2) to make the film seem more other-worldly. Whenever someone presents something brand new - it comes under fire and the next guy down the street will top it. Still - Lucas takes too much heat for his interest in creating a realistic environment. Lucas also answers fan demand. It's no coincidence that Boba Fett and Jango Fett are in Ep. 2. He knows they are the characters we want to see - and there they are. Lucas just can't answer every fan's demands. Ragging on Star Wars 1 is something that is currently en vogue. I expect Ep. 2 to come under the same scrutiny. However, just try to sit back and enjoy the movie!
Rating:  Summary: If not for the lightsabers and Natalie Portman Review: If not for the two above this movie would be a total waste of time and Portman is so so. Our good friend Lucas decide to flush the whole thing. The actor are so wooden i'd rather watch a kids play with the action figures. Hell, Frank Oz as yoda gives a better performance than all save darth maul. Speaking of which he is the only character that i would care to learn more about. Obi-wans okay, but to jaded to be so young. fortunately the final lightsaber battle rocks. however, it is short and lacks the whole feel of luke Vs. vader. bum it from a friend if possible. i'll go see the others just to see what they are like. don't waste money to rent or buy.
Rating:  Summary: This is Bad, Very Bad! Review: I know that's a tag line from Reboot not Star Wars but it fits sooo well. My first rational reaction to this was "It took Lucus 16 years to write this mess?!" It is pretty, I'll give it that much. The special effects are gorgeous and so is Ewen McGregor. That's not enough. This film has serious plot problems. Too many to go into here. In addition I felt that long sections of the movie were just commercials for the tie in products. The pod race is the prime example of this. You just knew there would be a pod racer toy and video game. Sure enough there were. The character of Jar Jar is so offensive that there are actually people out there offering bootleg tapes with the promise that most of his scenes have been edited out. Not since Barney has there been a character that is so hated. If you really feel you must spend money on this (I wish I hadn't)then by all means get the DVD. The special effects will look better and it will be easier to skip the really bad stuff than it is with video. OR better yet get the Weird Al Yankavic Live DVD where he does "The Saga Begins" His retelling of the story set to "The day the music died." It is a much more enjoyable experience.