Rating:  Summary: Maddening But Worthy Review: ... There are few irrefutable facts to be listed in regards to the release and reception of The Phantom Menace. I'll limit myself to the following: It made two truck loads of money. It permitted an onslaught of cynical marketing in its name. It failed to meet the expectations of its fans. As for the first item, raking in the cash is no big deal these days; it reveals nothing either way about the quality of the film involved. As for the second, to have expected no marketing campaign, or even a reasonable one, would have been presuming to understand the incredibly complex, avaricious and unstoppable engine of greed that powers the corporate multiplex of interconnected media. It may or may not have been within George Lucas's ability to control; at any rate, I honestly doubt that Lucas's primary intent in revisiting his galaxy far, far away was to make sure that he had sixty katrillion dollars instead of thirty. But on to more pressing matters. One's ability to enjoy 'Phantom Menace', I suppose, depends greatly on how invested one was in the original trilogy. For someone like myself--white, early thirties--the investment is considerable. So, like many of my ilk, I do not like this film. I don't like its cartoonishness. I don't like how it plays fast and loose with Star Wars icons. I particularly don't like the sloppy script. And, like just about everybody, casual fans included, I hate the fact Lucas seems to have abandoned the character-based formula that powered the original trilogy, opting instead for a political/historical canvas of sorts. But I can also see things in this film that nobody, not even its apologists, ever seems to mention. How about Lucas's technical virtuosity? How about the film's gentle good-nature? (I'd give a big wad of cash to anyone who disproves my theory that 'The Phantom Menace' is the only major American release of the last twenty years to include not a single sarcastic moment or line of dialogue.) I seem to be the only person, fans of the film included, who seems aware of, and grateful for, the deliberately old-fashioned feel to this film. (Perhaps one of the reasons that popular bane, Jar Jar Binks, bothers me so little is that he's easier to deal with if you've seen as many old westerns, B serials, and war films as I have, each with their own similarly broad comic relief.) Much more distracting to me were the action sequences in the film that were scuttled by inappropriate "humor" that had nothing to do with Jar Jar. The kid in the space battle going "Waaaah!" like Macauley Culkin, or the two headed announcer who absolutely ruins the pod race. Action scenes are the bread and butter of Star Wars, and that sort of tinkering is unforgivable. It's maddening. 'The Phantom Menace' is a maddening movie, a film of endlessly annoying details and flawed conceits built upon an artful, learned, and heartfelt skeleton of ideas and intentions. That seems to be my final verdict. As I write this, Episode II is only a few weeks from release. I have no doubt that, like 'Phantom Menace', most of the movie-going public will like it well enough, but not love it. And, like any number of Star Wars die-hards out there, I will love it at its core . . . . . . and not like it much. PEOPLE WHO'LL LIKE THIS MOVIE: nobody George meant to, DVD collectors, ... the overly sentimental (like myself). PEOPLE WHO WONT LIKE THIS MOVIE: anyone who can't stand kids in their action movies; anyone owning a Boba Fett action figure.
Rating:  Summary: Average movie; Great DVD Review: This DVD has an avalanche of extras that will keep you amused for a long time. Now, about the movie itself. As you would expect from a Star Wars movie, the visual and sound effects are outstanding, and there are some great action scenes. However, the overall plot was dull and the script wooden. This in turn made the main characters a little dull, especially Liam Neeson. Jake Lloyd (Anakin) and Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks) are liabilities in the film. Those old enough to remember seeing Star Wars back in 1977 will probably be slightly disappointed with Phantom Menace because it seems to be oriented towards children 12 and under. Don't lose hope, though. From what I have read, Star Wars: Episode 2 should be a more mature, serious venture than Episode 1.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, the Humanity!!! Review: The original Star Wars trilogy was a defining part of my childhood. Born as I was in 1971, I was just the right age to fall headlong into this amazing new world Lucas created. I was one of those kids that showed up early at toy stores, breathless at the thought of collecting the latest Jawa action figure or Land Speeder...anxiously awaiting each subsequent installment of the series. I'm so glad that by my late 20s, the old thrill had faded, or else I would have been EXTREMELY upset over "Episode I: The Phantom Menace"...perhaps the biggest let-down in film history. What was with all the fart/"poo-doo" humor? Can anyone clear this up for me? Extremely infantile. Or could anyone have thought of a MORE boring plot device than interplanetary "trade and taxation"?!? I still can't figure out what all that was about. One minute their talking about taxes, the next we're watching some alien animal fart. Jar Jar. Perhaps the single most despised and insulting single character I've ever had the displeasure of loathing. Every second of screentime made my blood boil. Oh, and Anakin. Could they have found a WORSE little actor? Did anybody take this kid seriously, EVER?!? Did he ever convey a single believable emotion? Not that I remember. Good thing he wasn't the central character in the entire freaking movie!!! Folks, the party is over. It's time to shift allegiance to the new great fantasy epic of our time: Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.
Rating:  Summary: I'm convinced that George Lucas is a buffoon Review: George, George, George. It's been 22 years can't you think of a way to end a movie other than having a little ship fly into a big ship, blow it up, and save the day. Luke Skywalker took his little ol' X-Wing and dropped two bombs into an exhaust port. OK that worked in 1977. Return of the Jedi sees Lando attack yet another Death Star. This time flying into it and blowing it up. OK well see my review for that movie. Now in 1999 Anakin Skywalker flys a fighter into a mother ship, this time lands, and starts shooting the place up and flies out? How will Star Wars II end? I have a prediction. A little ship will fly into a big ship and blow it up. Biggest disappointment since the Star Wars Holiday special.
Rating:  Summary: A Few Thoughts Upon Seeing It A Second Time Review: I just watched the The Phantom Menace again on video, not having seen it since it was out in theaters, and had a few thoughts to share with my fellow Amazon.com customers. - The first hour or so is WAY too fast-paced. I realize Lucas is making what is basically an action-adventure film here, and that he doesn't want to lose the attention of the adolescent and pre-adolescent males that are his target audience, but JEEZ! It's really hard to follow what's going on without liberal use of the "Rewind" button - an option I didn't have upon first viewing. It's also a shame in that Lucas has assembled such a fine cast (Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, etc.) and allows them so little breathing room. - As a screenwriter, Lucas makes a wonderful director. Watching TPM, I was reminded of Harrison Ford's remark during the filming of the first SW film: "George, you can type this stuff, but you sure as hell can't say it". If I heard one more person shout "Yippie!", I was gonna strangle somebody. - I noticed that the very last thing you hear on the soundtrack (at the end of the credits) is Darth Vader's breathing. Nice touch. I WOULD recommend this to all my fellow SW fans out there, but y'all have probably seen it a couple dozen times anyway. Let me just say, then, that despite its flaws, TPM was still one of the best SF films of the 90s. I can't wait for the next two films to come out. Let's just hope Lucas slows things down a bit for them.
Rating:  Summary: Worth Seeing Review: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace is definitely a movie worth seeing. It is somewhat superior to the original trilogy when it comes to the action. The Phantom Menace contains non-stop action that is very exciting to see. The plot is another story. When seeing this film, one finds it difficult to see where the plot is headed. That is because the plot of this movie is somewhat weak and undeveloped. (Thus the missing star). Also, the movie seems to be nothing more than a western story transplanted on other worlds. Personally, I think The Phantom Menace is more of an adventure movie than a science-fiction film, only with science-fiction elements added to the action, such as otherworldly planets, alien beings, and robots. Although the plot is weak it is still my opinion that The Phantom Menace is worth seeing, and what it lacks in plot development it makes up for with the action sequences, especially the nerve frazzling desert podrace and the thriller of a climax which is an intense laser sword duel. Other action-filled sequences such as the intense space battle, the riveting battle fought between an army of robots and an army of aliens, the sequence in which two Jedi Knights narrowly escape a death trap set for them on a space station, and the sequence in which the queen ruler of the besieged and invaded planet of Naboo escapes the dangerous planet along with the two Jedi Knights who resued her from imprisonment makes this a film not to be missed by any means. It is not neccessary for one to be a Star Wars fan in order to enjoy this film. In my opinion Jake Lloyd, Ewan McGregor, and Natalie Portman display the best performances. Lloyd plays Anakin Skywalker, the nine year-old slave boy who is the future Darth Vader. Ewan McGregor plays the role of young Jedi Knight apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Natalie Portman plays Queen Amidala, ruler of planet Naboo.
Rating:  Summary: "The Phantom Menace" got the Proper # of Stars! Review: You can now call me an ex-star wars fan...that is if there's some miracle and the next one is phenominally better then this one, which I doubt it will be. I mean, the role of Ja Ja whomever was totally for kindergardeners and the story was TOTALLY geared towards children. The plot was poorly written, I mean C3PO shouldn't have been in that episode at ALL. The only things worth mentioning were (some of) the story line and the pod race. Otherwise this movie turned a once legendary director George Lucas down the drain. Don't get me wrong I used to be a Star Wars fanatic. Seriously my screen name was named after one of the characters and I joind clubs of star wars, even made a homepage for it. But now my respect for Lucas is nearly shot...the only thing not making it completely is watching the original ones. The reason why Star Wars was considered phenominal at the time was because no one has ever created such spectacular effects, not to mention flawless acting (What ever happened to Carrie Fisher and Mark Hammel anyway?). But now with computer animation already invented there is no hope (no sw pun intended)...I mean, if he decided to do the Star Wars when we were first pioneering computer animation it wouldn't been a little different. I was also very annoyed at the Yoda character. Was that actually Frank Oz and a real Yoda? He looked computer animated and it didn't sound like the original. I think Lucas is past his prime and now when looking back I really think it was a bad idea to create the first three epsides (he should have just started right after "Return of the Jedi" stopped)...the main factor being poor computer animation. It lossed the whole "Star Wars-y" feeling...the only thing being the music and the opening sequence of a story description fading into the background. If you're an Star Wars fan and MUST have it then go ahead, otherwise I'd like Lucas to know what's best for him and leave this stuff for Nickelodeon. Signed, A Betrayed Star Wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: Fast-moving,fascinating Review: Terrific, fast-moving prequel with a fascinating insight into the origins of Annakin Skywalkers past, the war within the Alliance and the Jedi Council. I thought Ja Ja Binx was overratted and that Annakin Skywalker's master was the most underrated character in the movie. But some great acting and special efects with a fast-moving plot makes this movie a beauty!!
Rating:  Summary: What is wrong! Review: What is going on with these reviews! "Jar-Jar is bad." And all that stuff is totally wrong!!! Don't think that George just relized his mistake, he noticed that people didn't like his movie, and some did, like me! Okay, enough of that, it starts when the two Jedi knights, Obei-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon-Gin, come to the droid control ship as ambassoders, and fight a TERRIFIC, not BAD, battle with the droids. They escape on the ship heading for the planet of Naboo in invasion, and meet a clumsy Gungan named Jar-Jar Blinks. After a narrow escape with four water monsters, they reach the Queen's palace, and fight their way to save her. They rocket away, and after a sharp hit on the fighter ship, they meet R2-D2. They land on the desert planet of Tatooine, and meet young Anakin Skywalker. After A TOTALLY TERRIFIC podrace, Qui-Gon relizes the boy is the next Jedi, and has more 'M' things inside his body than even Master Yoda. They travel to another planet, and there the queen stays for protection. That's all I'm going to tell you, and don't believe those harsh reviews, because this is a GOOD movie.
Rating:  Summary: SOMEone had to give this a proper rating... Review: it IS star wars, and thats the only thing keeping it from getting only one star. it looks like star wars, even feels like it sometimes, but kindergarten-choice of characters and dialogue relegate this to the realm of "after school special" ... on nickelodeon. all the special effects in the world dont make up for the fact that a clown like jar jar has a MAJOR role in what was supposed to be the biggest motion picture event in ALL OF HISTORY!! its the equivalent of starring teletubbies in phantom of the opera. the only good things about this movie were the pod race, and natalie portman. even the fight scenes with darth maul were [terrible], by that point the power rangers could have made an appearance and it wouldnt have hurt the movie.. cuz it already was so bad! the worst part is.. you have to watch it, cuz its star wars. but thats what [video store] is for. i wont be purchasing this dvd.