Rating:  Summary: Opening Moves Review: A lot of people don't think much of this film. To be frank, I was pleased with the resulting product. In fact, the only thing I did not think appropriate was the film's TITLE!The whole point of this film was esentually to show how Anikin was admited to the Jedi order and would eventually be fated to bring down the galaxy. The story is told almost in a child like way. Though serious, it has a light-hearted nature at it's core that is almost like A NEW HOPE. But it is not a out-and-out war film like the 3 original films. No, this is a different genre altogether -- politics. It shows what would eventually lead to the Republic's fall. The End of the Begining. It's told with a light-heart -- because it's all down hiil from here. Lucas clearly knew what he was doing. The next 2 films clearly will get darker. I enjoyed this episode much and eagerly await the next 2. I am only saddened that Lucas canceled episodes 7 through 9.
Rating:  Summary: Bad But Addictive. Review: If you watch this movie more than three times, it becomes addictive. You know like watching Demolition Man (or any Stallone movie for that matter) that's absolutely terrible but goes well with pizza, beer and no questions asked. I personally got a kick out of Qui Gon and his "Don't think, feel" philosophy which has gotten the human race in tons of trouble all ready. Yeah I am going to use that philosophy in dealing with everybody from now on. Portman's acting was...well it was better than...well okay it wasn't that great but what you were expecting a Shakespearean experience watching a Star Wars movie? Jar Jar was a character that never should've been created but I am not George Lucas so who am I criticize. Attack of the Clones, stupid title but you know we're not talking about a movie that will define the genre, it may define a generation for a few losers, weirdos and people who live in their parent's basement, but it won't be the topic of discussion two hundred years from now. Hey Phantom Menace is better than half the Star Trek movies and I must say with better acting. I look forward to Attack of the Clones!
Rating:  Summary: MOVIE [destruction] Review: Ok so i thought his was going to be a good movie but i was soooooooooooooo disapointed like many fans. Kill Jar jar there is a lot of holes between this one and episode 4 queen amidala will almost get killed before episode4 so why not kill jar jar. Portmans dialog was so monatone that it dove me carzy it that there accent to have no emotion in there voice. jake loyd should of gone to acting school of had more trainers. I would much rather see a giant puppet (chewbacca) than jar jar at least chewie felt like a real person and he added somthing to the story and lukas didn't try to overuse him. this movie was a sad chapter in this saga i hope that the next one will have a story and emotion. THEY SHOULD OF JUST THROWN 150 MILLON ON A TABLE AND LET US WATCH IT FOR 2 HOURS BECAUSE THAT'S ALL THAT THE FILMAKERS BASICALY DID. OHH CAN WE PLEASE SEE ANOTHER C.G. SHOT UHHHH IT GOT OLD.
Rating:  Summary: Well, it is the first part of a trilogy Review: I was not that impressed with this move. Everyone complains about Jar Jar and other very similar things, but I can look past that to some degree. The main problems I saw were the following: The 'force' was interesting as something mysterious but this movie knocked the foundation of my interest right out from under it. This is a movie about Star Wars and some things need to exist without explanation. Everyone in the SW universe grew up with that garbage as part of their fictional character's culture, so they do not need explanations of every little thing. Besides, leaving some things unexplained lets the viewer fill in the gaps with their own imagination - as is the cast in the SW trilogy (before the special editing). The story. Yeah I'm not the first one to mention this, but you need more. Darth Sidious' plot to come to power seems like a - ...I can't believe the cards are falling this way, I better cash in on this!' when it should show that he was behind the scenes in every little aspect. That was a big dissapointment. What is the deal with the 'chosen one' angle? A setup for the obvious 'I don't need you/I'm better than you' conversion to the dark side that is sure to come? In the movie, Anakin comes across as clumsily shooting a missle into the ship to destroy it from the inside out. In the book, there was a little force action motivating him to do it. I like the book better than the 'oops' feel that the movie gave. My rants go on, but I'll just say that I'll probably read episode 2 and decide if I want to watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Oh my Star Wars fans, Where did you go wrong? Review: That's exactly what George Lucas would say about all the bad reviews that this movie has received over the past few months. Jar Jar Binks, Kwi-Gon Jin, Obi-wan Kenoby, Senator Palpetine, Anakin Skywalker, and Watto are the reasons I give it five stars. If you people who gave it bad reviews! here is what it's about. Two jedi! Kwi-gon Jin, and Obi-wan are sent to investigate and solve the problem that has occured on Naboo. They must pursuade the senate to help, or the results could be catastrophic. Are you convinced yet? Well, I doubt my oppinion will sway you. I'm not going to reveal the rest of the plot to you. I like this film because it's a very good film. I also like Darth Cidious, and Darth Maul. I also like how Darth Maul's light saber is double bladed. I also like the pod race scene. I also like how George Lucas directed this Star Wars film...P>I highly recommend this to future fans.
Rating:  Summary: no Review: it rocs de de de dn de de de di di di din ta dinta
Rating:  Summary: A stage setting epic Review: Many people have criticized this film. While i agree, the childish humor of jar-jar is tiresome and annoying, it captures a more simple, open feeling which is reflective of the young Skywalker. This film sets the stage for the upcoming tragedy that the other films part of. Peace is coming to an end, innocence has no place in the story being created by Lucas's vision. The parallels between Luke and his father are so easy to see in this film. My only dissapointment in this film (aside from jar-jar) was the Jedi council. It seemed a bit too oppressive and narrow minded... not that i would have any idea what such a society would be like. In all, i liked this film. By the third time i watched it, i was able to tune out Binks and focus on the story of the Jedi and Skywalker.
Rating:  Summary: I have a bad feeling about this . . . Review: A mediocre begining to the Star Wars saga. It seems like it is aimed at children too much for adults to care about it. Also missing is the sharp irreverance that the first films had. Lucas' dialogue reads like it is to be acted with the same importance of Shakespears. Even more offensive is the Steppin'-Fetchit Jar-Jar Binks. A character that is so annoying you hope that he gets killed off. Soon. Please. What the film really lacks is a strong, menacing evil figure (similar to Darth Vader) to contrast the good. The evil in the film is almost amibigously dull. Overall, nice special effects but a cardboard story.
Rating:  Summary: Let's face it... Review: The movie was basically [bad]. Some nice visuals, Darth Maul was pretty cool, but it had SO MANY flaws in character development, credibility, and plot that it's essenially a very annoying movie with some good effects. It's not just a case of 'my expectations were so high and of course it couldn't live up to the blah blah...' This is just a BADLY written and directed film. The 1 star I do give it is for the making-of part of the DVD which was interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Great Quality DVD, ok movie Review: "A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." was the classic phrase used three times back in the late seventies to early eighties in an introduction to a phenomenon so great it shattered all box-office records in those days. STAR WARS enlightened the many, young and old, geeky and non, etc, and George Lucas, the director, when he had completed the three part series, he hinted that he was planning on another STAR WARS project that would probably be introduced to the people when technology is at its best. Well, technology is DEFINITELY at its best now. And when THE PHANTOM MENACE hit theaters on May 17, 1999, it was the loudest, biggest, baddest, and ultimate movie of the year. It smashed ALL records, including its ancestor "A New Hope", but people left not satisfied, but as if they had just left from another mediocre film. I must admit though I enjoy STAR WARS, I felt that "The Phantom Menace" was not the best work that George had done. Maybe he was beginning to get the hang of it again. For all I know, he definitely took advantage of the special effects and the martial arts, but that was basically it. Natalie Portman's acting was not as good as her usual, and Jar Jar Binks, well, I just wanted to attain a laser gun and shoot him. Well, two years passed, and now the film has been released on DVD, the first of the six movies to be remastered onto a disc. And George MOST DEFINITELY took advantage of the DVD's capabilities, packing it full with up to 6 hours of behind-the-scenes footage, documentaries, and extras. I just loved it, and, of course, I watched it for six hours straight. This movie, though mediocre, was amazing on DVD, and I recommend it to all those who wish to come closer to the Force. Three years has passed, and now the sequel is on its way. I have seen the trailers, and, I'm telling you, this movie is definitely darker and deeper than the first, and it will be an excellent film for all to watch. I'm not tellin you nuttin', because I want you to watch the film instead.