Rating:  Summary: For those with eyes to see and ears to hear... Review: George Lucas had unprecedented control over this film. Never before has one man had such technical expertise, financial resource, guaranteed audience, and absolute unquestioned authority to bring his singular artistic vision to the screen, therefore all praise or criticism justifiably lays squarely at his feet alone. The conclusion... The Emperor wears no clothes.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: Personally I thought that this film had more action than the rest of the trilogy combined. This film features good performances from Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor and George Lucas did a good job directing. I reccomend this film.
Rating:  Summary: Good Review: "~Here is the first chapter to a six film story. Now as beginnings go, it wasn't too bad. The story itself was involving and interesting over all. But some moments really detracted from the film. Specifically Jar-Jar. What his purpose is, I don't wanna know. But I could see where Lucas was coming from that he probably had his six year more in mind than us 30+ who saw the original as kids. something without fully understanding what they are writing about. It was an OK story that will continue on and if some people cannot reclaim some of that child like awe when viewing this, that's a shame.
Rating:  Summary: True Fans see the Plot.... Review: The problem with this movie is that it lays the basis for things to come. This movie wasn't about Naboo, or it's trade dispute, or Jar-Jar Binks, or even Anakin Skywalker. True, the midiclorian concept is borderline ridiculous, as is Anakins "immaculate" conception. Anakin is introduced, as is Obi-Wan, and Palpatine. The ENTIRE POINT OF THIS MOVIE WAS TO SHOW HOW PALPATINE WENT FROM BEING A SENATOR TO HEADING THE GALACTIC REPUBLIC BY SUBTLE MANIPULATION. Those of you who didn't see that from the start, aren't true Star Wars fans. This was about Palpatines rise to power, his smirk at Qui-Gons funeral should have showed you that, along with his comment to Anakin at the end. I give it 4 stars for things like the immaculate conception, and midicloreons, and Jar Jar binks. It's the basis for things to come, and that was the plot. The light saber battle gets 5 stars, as does the pod race. (True, it ripped off Ben-Hur, but Lucas knew that, he's not stupid.) Buy it, it's part of a huge story, and lays a foundation for all the other films. (I also give it a 4 because NO DVD? Content, scmontent, George, I want the best viewing experience I can have..DVD DVD DVD..)
Rating:  Summary: IT'S A FANTASTIC MOVIE - don't espect it to be like orginal Review: This movie is great. It has fantasic special effects. The storyline and actors are weaker than those of the trilogy. How ever it is enjoyable. I would only recomend it to those who don't expect it to be a movie with alot of character development and a big star wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I expected...But, well made. Review: I thought that darth maul had a very darth vader way about him. George did a good job with that. The whole mystic behind the sith was still there. The jedi had somehow changed... I don't know how to explain it but they were not the jedi we know and love from the original trilogy. I still loved the movie. George, don't feel bad. You can't make everyone happy.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie Review: This was a really good movie. I believe that if it didn't have the words "Star Wars" on it, all the people that say they don't like it would think it was a great movie, but the fact that it is Star Wars put their expectations way too high, and they were disappointed with the results. They expected the best movie ever, and all they got was a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Everything it is supposed to be Review: Star Wars has never taken itself too seriously. These movies were made to be fun. And fun they are. Overall, there are better films to see. But when it comes to fun, when it comes to the whole atmosphere and universe of Star Wars, nothing can beat it. Its not hard SciFi by any means.. but it is certainly entertainment at its absolute finest.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome to commercialism Review: A "must see" for Star Wars fans? And why is that? Because it's another Star Wars movie? I like to be a bit more objective than that.And objectively, what can I say? This movie stunk up the joint. With the unlimited time and money to put together a masterpiece, Mr. Lucas instead gave us great advertisement for the toy line, no plot line to speak of, horrible dialog, atrocious character development, and overall just an insipid waste of my time and money. This movie was not written. It was manufactured. The characters were one-dimensional, dull, lifeless, uninspiring. In short, it was a far cry from everything I loved about the first three movies. I give it two stars, instead of the one star it probably deserves, for the special effects. At least they managed to get that right, even if it was at the expense of every other aspect of the movie. While I was wowed by the exstensive and intricate visual display, the underlying plot and themes bored and disgusted me, and detracted from what little good there was in the movie. I hope that before the next chapter is released, someone involved in the creative process actually acknowledges that there are people out there with intellect that would at least like to have it stirred every now and again when they watch movies. Otherwise, I can't imagine it will be any better than this one.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Start Review: This film is two hours of a twelve hour movie, and it's exposition. Keeping that in mind, this movie is brilliant. I introduces so many elements of the Star Wars saga, while maintaining a voice all it's own. This movie, by the way, is the most jaw dropping two and a quarter hours of film you have or will (until Episode 2) see. The Pod Race and the final battle will not let you take a breath (that's a good thing!) and contain images the likes of which you won't forget. The music is marvelous, and should definatley been nominated (and won) best original score at the academy awards. Okay Folks, The Not so good parts- The acting is kind of stiff and first time viewers will find Jar-Jar Binks annoying. (I have seen it 14 times in the theatres and in viewings 2-14 I found Jar-Jar quite humorous) The tattoine sequences (not during the pod race) will hold your attention for about two seconds, sit tight though it does get much better after that section! FINAL CRITICISM- I know many many people have said the same thing and I will repeat it- I WANT DVD! But George Lucas wins, I will buy this edition April 4th (*punk*!) and when DVD comes out, THAT too. And I recommend everyone else does the same. :)rrrrrrrrr!