Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: Come now. What were we really expecting from Star Wars? Iwatched the first Star Wars with a bunch of non-Americans while livingin India and they were appalled that we held it in such high esteem. They likened the acting to that of most Bollywood fare. They are all still great movies. Yes, some of the best...
Rating:  Summary: If you are a real "Star Wars" fan pre-order the box set. Review: I love "Star Wars". I so excited about the box set.It's "star Wars" and, the name itself should be enough. Youhave to experienced it, in widescreen. I'm surprise that the next one will be coming out in 2002. I gald George Lucas is taking his time with these movies. It's an unfinished story. Even when the other movie were finished, I felt that the story needed something else. Well I feel blessed that I was able to see "Phatom Menace" and I hope, I'm around to see the others. Anyway "Star Wars" rules over any movie ever made. This is my opinion. ( BUY THE BOX SET)
Rating:  Summary: No nearly as good as the original series... Review: Lacked one major thing, Character Development. Yes the effects were great and I give them props for it, but without knowing where the characters are coming from this movie lacks substance... I waited to see this movie, about 3 weeks after it came out, and I was really disappointed. Having seen the original series only a few days before. There was just too much hype this movie couldn't live up to. All in all I give this movie 2stars for the effects plus 1star for the story. I personally wouldn't buy this movie, but I know in the future it will be one that I would rent a few times.
Rating:  Summary: If I could have, I would have rated this movie a -5 stars. Review: Totally unbelievable from the start. The era was supposed tohave been before the first three episodes and yet the robotics weremore advanced and prevalent in this movie than in the former three movies. And what is with their stupid "roger roger" response to everything. The movie is superficial and lackluster, with none of the depth and sheer enjoyment of the former three. I had looked forward with great anticipation to seeing it, only to be extremely irritated. I almost walked out of the theatre halfway through it. I will buy this on dvd, when it comes out, because I plan to have all of the series as a collection, and I don't want to be missing part of it. Other than for that reason, I would not buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Review: I thought Star Wars: Episode I was alot better than the original trilogy. They should make an Episode II and III. I mean heck they shouldn't have made a prequel trilogy they should of just made another sequel right after Return of the Jedi like Star Wars: Episode VII. But I think it's neat by the way they are making a new Star Wars trilogy I think it's awesome. I can't wait to get The Phantom Menace when it hits on video it will be cool.
Rating:  Summary: Patience is everything Review: OK, you all you need to find your innerchild and watch this movie! I was 11 years old when the first film came out and I was hooked forever. This movie is for those 11 year olds today..and guess what..most of them loved it! So many of you complained about Jar Jar..did you know people said the same things about R2D2 and C3PO when the first film came out? Or that people bashed Yoda's character? Come on you guys this is not a great sweeping Epic drama like Gone With the Wind it is a wonderfull joyous trip to fantasy and dreamland! If you cannot take some of the step there on your own then no wonder you didn't enjoy it. Lucas cannot do all the work, your imagination has to work too! This is an excellent film. The people who asked about the difference in the technology have to think about how the Empire came in a destroyed things later, the Jedi, the Republic..think of the dark ages when mankind plunged into a dark period of history and much was lost. That is why the equipment is not a pretty in 4, 5 & 6. The Republic is over and the Empire has control..no one has the money to be pretty. Enjoy this film as you would if you were 11 and you will love it!
Rating:  Summary: Flavorless Eye-candy Review: This movie really looks great, but I can't seem to remember much of the plot or the characters.
Rating:  Summary: Decent DVD Review: At first, TPM seems impersonal and distant. Perhaps it is, but the DVD seems to come with plenty of goodies to explain why: Lucas had to work backwards. At times the film seems a bit cheesy ("R2-D2, meet C3-PO", "Obi-Wan, meet Anakin Skywalker"), etc. etc. However, it seems like the elements here are necessary for building the audience up to Episodes IV through VI. The only real complaints I have are not related to the DVD itself, but to elements of the film.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Movie of All Time Review: Why do critics say such nasty things like, "Phantom Menace has a weak, convoluted plot" or "it lacks depth of characters," or "it's visually busy, but paradoxically boring?" Don't they know that this is but the first part of a huge merchandising campaign? Don't they understand that George Lucas has expanded from the first trilogy, seeking new ground in saturation of subliminal toy advertisements in every frame of the picture? Those who pan this movie should get a life! Our economy has been blessed with over 400 billion tons of Phantom Menace toys and games, not to mention real cool candy. And then there's Jar-Jar Binks. "Mesa knows you gonna go and buy de toys and stuff, ah dat for sure!" The original trilogy just didn't have the commerical "oomph" behind it that this one does. What a wonderful difference. Oh, so what if the plot dragged and the acting was horrible? After viewing this wonderful film, I ran out and spent over half my college savings on some really AWESOME Darth Maul fashion accesories. Thank you Mr. Lucas -- you have restored my faith in filmakers as well as the artistic integrity of today's movie audiences!
Rating:  Summary: Only the most jaded would not like it Review: Have we grown so old and jaded that we can't see STAR WARS through the eyes of a child again? Not I: This movie was a blast from beginning to end, leaving me wanting more. As for you stinkers that found it too childish or silly: You've totally missed the point.