Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE! Review: This is the GREATEST MOVIE EVER! Man you all need to go and see it or buy it on tape. Most people love it but some don't but you know what! Forget the people who have bad reviews on it. This movie has a GREAT plot! It is loaded with dramatic, fast past, fantastic CGI, and so on. WOW is all I have to say. I have been a Star Wars fan my entire life and the movies keep on getting better. Admit it (the people that put it down) you all know you loved it. I think that these people didn't like the hip and hated the movie for that. Oh well at least I liked it!
Rating:  Summary: This is a movie for SW fans of all ages. Review: SW1 is a very good movie that got a lot of press about not being up to par with it's predecessors. Well, that's some awful tough competition! This movie is the first episode of a story that does not have a surprise ending because we all know it! Now, if you don't think that's a difficult story to write, you have my blessing.
Rating:  Summary: Introduction to the NEW Trilogy Review: I liked Phantom Menace alot. I went to it thinking it would just be an introduction to the new trilogy with no real story or anything. But it had a story! And I thought all of the characters were played good by the actors. Except for Anakin, yes the actor who played him was only a kid. But there have been other kid actors who could act alot better than he did. (The kid in Jurasic Park, ET, Sixth Sense, not saying any of them should have played Anakin, but kids that could act.) And I liked Jar Jar Binks. The special effects were great in this. I can't wait till they put this on DVD. The CGI chracters were all great, Watto was good, and the puppets were all good too (I thought Yoda looked very good, I don't know why people said he looked fake.) Even if you didn't think this was very good, I think you will be happy you buy it or at least see it for when the next two come out, it may be more important then. And another thing, people are trying to compare this to the old trilogy and saying it isn't as good. I don't think you can compary it to that one. It's a whole new trilogy, whole new saga, and yes it is differn't from the old one. And if you didn't like it, just let the new generation like it, and try to remember how it was when you saw Star Wars for the first time in theatres twenty years ago. Summary: Great special effects. Good story. Good acting. Good CGI/Puppets characters. May the Force be with you.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: The Phantom Plot! Review: Let's start this by saying I am a very big Star Wars fan. With that out of the way lets begin... There are 3 reason why I gave this movie 2 Stars. 1) The plot of the Star Wars Trilogy has always been one of plot twists, and this movie has enough, what this movie doesn't do is explain who is who. Who is the trade federation, who are the Jedi, who are the Hutts. Mr. Lucas has assumed (properly I admit) that those who see Star Wars 1- have seen the other 3 movies. But if I show the Star Wars movies to my grand children they will see SW1-first, and not have any clue about what's ging on until SW4 2) The charaters are the most shallow ones I ever seen. Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan have no chemistry together. I never once in the 3 times that I saw the movie believed that Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan were teacher, and student for any length of time more than the 6 months it took to film their scenes. Then there's Darth Maul, who has two lines, and has no ability to put fear into anyone. Mr. Lucas has short changed these characters no development with them, we see them and then there gone. Not even 10 minuets into SW4: A new Hope we were afarid of Darth Vader, and his storm troppers, no Maul is not one to fear, just to laugh at for having to many tattos. Then thers the jedi- for being a group a good natured i'm in harmony with the force people they are really a group of Jerks, no wonder Anni (Anikin's girlish nickname) turns to the Dark Side, and kill the Jedi, I would to those good for nothing Jerks. 3) The plot incosistances. Yoda was Obi-Wan's trainer, and princes Leia's father was Bail Organa, not Bail Antilies. I know this is Georges story but maybe he should have checked his source material. All in all I have waited sence 1983 to see a new Star Wars movie, and I was largly disappointed. Shame on you Mr. Lucas the force was not with you always, so do us all a favor let someone good like Speilberg, or Terinteno dircect the next movie, and make it a good one.
Rating:  Summary: "The Force is strong with this one.." Review: I have loved Star Wars from the very first time I saw A New Hope on tape. Coming from a true fan who loves these movies for what they are, a great way to be entertained, I must say that the Phantom Menace is a great addition to the saga. I say saga not original trilogy because this movie is the beggining of a saga, which includes the original three. The Phantom Menace is probably not the best Star Wars movie, that would belong to Empire Strikes Back. But it is up there with the other two. The effects in this move are unlike anything you've ever seen. Although the movie has a more clean, advanced look than the first three, the effects still fit in well with the Special Edition Trilogy. The story, I think, wasn't the most original ever. But it was a great adventure, good guy vs. bad guy, save the day kind of movie, which is what all the Star Wars movies are about. I thought the actors did a great job, especially Jake Lloyd, who had to play a tough role. Jar Jar was the comic relief, not to be taken seriously (as many people have). The Jedi were awesome, and Yoda was still sprouting wisdom that fans will love. I have read many reviews on this movie and one thing that comes up a lot is that no one could make an emotional link with the Phantom Menace like they could with the original three. This to me was easy. From the opening scroll I had chills up my spine every time I realized this was a Star Wars movie. The podrace, space battles, Jedi Duels, they were all great. My favorite part in the whole movie is when a group of maybe twenty people, including two Jedi and armed guards, stop dead in their tracks as doors open and a menacing dark figure blocks their way with nothing but a stare. That's movie magic people. All in all this is a great movie. Watch it with an open mind, don't think about what's happening, just enjoy it for what it is, a great start to a great set of movies!
Rating:  Summary: Just ask yourself what Star Wars is really all about... Review: We've all heard plenty about what's wrong with this film...poor plot development, poor character development, poor acting...etc. People, the same things were said about the original trilogy! What it boils down to is, you'll like it or you won't...the same is true for any film. I like it. Maybe it doesn't have the best plot ever, but look at what Star Wars is all about. It's about fantasy...escaping the reality of our own world in favor of one where exciting adventures take place, and nobody has to worry about tax day.
Rating:  Summary: Great entertainment for the whole family Review: The Star Wars movies are made so that the whole family can watch and enjoy and Episode 1 carries on that tradition. It proably could have been alot more if there was more action and violence but that was and is not the point to these movies. The story is an excellent precursor to the setting up of the rest of the series and the action is very well balanced against the rest of the storyline. Darth Maul made an excellent villian, even though it was a rather short career. Overall the movie has an excellent blend of action, humor, and plot to keep the whole family entertained and the special effects are top notch. This is a great family movie, there is a good lesson within the story, and I would recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Mystical Mumbo-Jumbo or Insight to the Saga? Review: It's a great movie from start to finish. Buy it and watch is twenty times, just like the first one. And, watch it again in the theater, because the money goes for charitable cause on the re-release. I've seen three major threads of critcism against Star Wars, Episode One: 1. It's not as good as the other movies 2. The acting and dialog are wooden and slow 3. The special effects aren't as good as other movies on the market In order: 1. SW TPM is a great story. If you know anything about the story you are watching unfold, it stands on its own, no problem. If you doubt this, go back and watch the prior three movies, then watch TPM again. Count how many things you missed the first time. Did you notice the personal Palpatine Guard is nearly the same as the dreaded Imperial Guard of Lord Sidious in the last of the series, except for color of the uniforms? Did you see the visual and storyline clues about where Princess Leia comes from (Amidala's daughter, sent to Alderaan to be hidden from Darth Vader; we know she was adopted from the first 3 movies). Sure, there are some major holes in the story, but when viewed as part of the saga, it is far more insightful into what and why things happen in the original trilogy. 2. The dialog is slow - and predictable at times; but remember, most of the plot is emulating Royalty, and precision of words over dramatic flair. The Jedi at times seem dull, because they come across as overly serious - how "perky" would your attitude be if you were a lifetime devotee of one cause, to the exclusion of all else? No, it's not The Lion King or some other Disney Cartoon - it's Star Wars! If you think TPM has slow dialog, again, go watch the original - some of the acting is so awful in SW IV A New Hope, it's laughable. Maybe Lucas just didn't have the number of takes needed to get it right, or the actors really stunk and got better - look at the outtakes from the "Luke Skywalker" screen tests. 3. Fewer things explode spectacularly, true. You have to almost be a computer graphics geek to appreciate how much easier "A Bug's Life" is, or how much easier all "People" films are - try mixing the two - Animated Characters with People on a grand scale and the film is AWESOME! My observation: Jedi skills have obviously slid a bit from the days of TPM.
Rating:  Summary: A really fantastic movie! Review: I can't understand why so many people don't like this movie. It's one of my favorite films of Star Wars. The characters will develop more profoundly in the next two films. The special effects are overwelming. I've seen this movie seven times and every time I see it again there are details I hadn't seen before. My suggestion to all of you is: look at it as you did at the other three films.
Rating:  Summary: Whats Wrong With You George? Review: It is funny how all the great reviews for Phantom Menace portray the Star Wars Trilogy as a story for kids; the reviewers then "logically" conclude that Phantom Menace is just an extension of this theme. How wrong they are. It is true, the Star Wars Trilogy can be enjoyed by people of all ages, but it can only be appreciated by adults who associate with the multifaceted themes resonating in this great epic. Phantom Menace on the other hand, is a movie which can only be appreciated by children and at the most, marginally enjoyed by adults. This is not a bad thing, but for those of us who really love what Star Wars stands for I can only say that Phantom Menace has been a huge disappointment. Stars Wars was not made popular by children but rather by Sci-Fi fans who were starving for something great. Phantom Menace is overly cute and the characters are very under developed, for those of you who had a hard time dealing with the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi I can feel your pain. George Lucas chose technological wizardry over content. Hmmm...what would be the best way for George to cash in on Phantom Menace? Make a great film or pander to kids and then blitz them with toys which you own all the rights to? I am sorry to say that George really butchered Phantom Menace with his over active imagination fueled by nothing other than sheer greed. Trilogy never had so much assinine content, Empire Strikes Back was completely devoid of it and it is no coincidence that it is considered the best episode by Star Wars fans. The Stars Wars Triliogy is not a story for children, it certainly does not contain the level of juvenile content that Phantom Menace is infested with. Why then do so many people think Phantom Menace is just following in Star War's footsteps? I just can't understand it. Wouldn't you love to kill Jar Jar? I know I would. There are a few touching scenes, Anakin leaving his mother, the light saber duel with Darth Maul and Natalie Portman's acting in general is excellent. So take your kids to see Phantom Menace, they probably will enjoy it and you will also smile, but only because they had a good time.