Rating:  Summary: Star Wars:Victim of Overhype Review: I saw this movie at our local theater last summer with my son. My wife and I have taken him to them all. My son asked me what I thought of Phantom Menace and I said in a word OverHype.Don't get me wrong any Star Wars fan worth his salt had to have loved this movie.I think what alot have people and the media especially have failed to remember is that George Lucas had alot to overcome with this movie.He's always been an excellent storyteller ie: Raiders of the Lost Ark,Star Wars,ect. This movie,I believe,was a foundation story to give a point of reference so to speak for the other movies. I believe the media as well as the people at 20th Century fox overhyped this movie. I think it would have been much more successful if this hadn't happened. But, such as the way of the world. All in all this movie is good fun,Hollywood thinks all Americans,need sex,drugs,foul language,ect to fuel a good movie,George Lucas has proved time and again you do not.Thank You,Mr. Lucas.
Rating:  Summary: You need to take things in stride. Review: Ok people, come on. Get real here. If yo uare all going to look at this movie from the standpoint of an adult, than be an adult while doing so. This movie is intitled "Episode 1: the Phantom Menace". The title of this movie alone should be enough to tel lyou that it is an INTRODUCTION above all else. All this movie was intended to do, was give you the very beginnings of answering all those questions we all had while watching the original series. "Who really was Anakin Skywalker?" "What's the deal with Obi-Wan and Vader's conenction?" "just who IS this Emperor Palpatine guy?" These are things that were just dropped on us, but now we are being giving the answers to those questions here. So be PATIENT. The only reason this movie didn't rate a perfect 5, is simply because while there was indeed character development regarding Obi-wan, Amidala, Palpatine, and Anakin, I'm still left asking myself "Who WAS Maul? And WHAT was his purpose?" More or less, a desperate attempt to clone Vader....it's not happening. Be patient all you grown-up children of the late seventies and early eighties, this was just the introduction of the characters, weit until the finally get to the Clone Wars, and the inevitable turn that young Anakin takes to the Dark Side. Until then, this is a worthy addition to the ranks of Star Wars. And hey, for all you cynics out there who STILL wish it would have held true to form...be prepared...Mr. Lucas is planning on ANOTHER installment of the Indiana Jones series. Yes, Harrison Ford with reprise the role, but chances are that all you loonies that hated this film, will find some reason to bash that one as well when the time comes.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Movie, Underated and Misunderstood Review: Let me first start out by saying that in no way is this movie inferior to Return of the Jedi, which is perhaps the worst 'great movie' ever made, either that or the greatest bad movie. It's beautifully filmed using f/x that actually manage to fill me with wonder(which is quite a task considering as I'm the Queen of 'oh that looks sooo fake!') and decently acted, especially on the part of Natalie Portman and the superb Liam Neeson. As for the story, I rather enjoyed it's slow pacing. It didn't feel the need to pound you over the head with an "intense" action sequence every 5 minutes. Overall, I think it's a good movie that is underated and should be viewed with more of an open mind. Remember, this movie wasn't made for 20-somethings, it was made for children the age the 20-somethings were when the saw the first one in theaters!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: This is one of Lucases best films. He has used a lot of special affects to make this one of his best movies.Ratings 1. Return of the Jedi 2.Phantom Menace 3.The Empire Stricks Back 4.A New Hope
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace breaks the barriers.. Review: The Phantom Menace was a film that took the entire nation by storm. This movie was not just for Star Wars fans, it was a film everybody could enjoy. Compared to a lot of what's out in theaters today The Phantom Menace just makes it simple. There is no grotesque violence, nudity, or sex. This film keeps you mesmerized by the story and especially the special effects, they are astounding. All in all if you are a Star Wars fan you will enjoy this movie and if you are not a Star Wars fan im pretty sure you will too...
Rating:  Summary: Give Me a Break! Review: People who actually form thier own independant opinions on things must objectively rate this as one of the most entertaining movies of all time--if they can be honest with themselves. The Special FX were great--the story was fresh without having to add gratuitous sex or gory violence(the jaded can't seem to live without this sort of thing). At the theatre I was on the edge of my seat during the whole pod racer sequence, and during Aniken's hair raising trip in the fighter craft. My whole family loved Jar Jar Binks and talked about him all the way home. I think Alien Intolerence should be the next target of the Civil Rights movement.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: Great Movie, I am a big fan! I loooooove this movie, I can't wait until April 4, could you send it before? Love, Bobby!
Rating:  Summary: phantom mess Review: The 'Star Wars' series is quickly evolving into 'Muppets In Space.' Jar Jar Binks - need I say more? 'Star Wars' and 'Empire' were both aimed at general audiences, while 'Return' and 'Menace' were clearly aimed at 5-year-olds. We can only hope that George Lucas remembers his post-elementary-school demographic and restores some adulthood to the next two prequels. Otherwise, he might as well just make more Ewok Adventures for TV and forget about finishing the 'Star Wars' cycle.
Rating:  Summary: A little too childish Review: This wasn't the disaster that some are claiming, but it's certainly a disappointment. My main problems were (of course) Jar Jar, and the so-called biological description of The Force. Lucas has dug himself a hole on explaining that one. Oh, and Anakin's blind destruction of the space station near the end was just plain stupid. Actually, the plot itself wasn't bad, since it does tie in to the rest of the "story". But the lack of any substantial character development was a major weakness. All will be forgiven if Episode II is better, which means it must have some of the characters actually feeling something. I want Episode II and III to be made for those of us in our late 20s and 30s who grew up with Star Wars. If Lucas wants to make movies for the ten year olds, he should start a new saga (Jar Wars perhaps?)
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT FILM Review: I saw this three times in the local theatre and was SPELLBOUND. In my view the performances were all very good from Neeson as Qui Gon even to Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks) and Ray Park (Darth Maul) Conveying menace in a man without words...convincingly...is VERY HARD...and Darth Maul did it well. Some say Anakin was stiff...I think personally not. He conveyed to me everything a young child may, if the child went through such events. Musically and visually the film was stunning. John Williams does a great job bringing new life to a familiar story with a score that is 90 to 95 percent new. Anakin's Theme, the Podrae Parade and The Trade Federation March all stood out...as did Duel Of the Fates and the funeral dirge. Both stole my breath. Storywise this was good, action-packed but filled with moments of tenderness and humor too. The midi-chlorian thing to me was a good explanation of why some people may be stronger in the Force than others. The fight scenes looked and felt so much more dynamic and energetic here. One thing I think to remember....It is not a good idea to compare this to the rest of the saga because then your expectation WILL go too high. The key with Star Wars or any fantasy film is to sit back, have fun, and let yourself be immersed in the world the film depicts. THAT is the magic of Star Wars, and it is still as strong today as it was 23 years ago... For the child in all of us...and the adults who love the feeling of awe we had when seeing Star Wars as kids....May the Force be with you...always.