Rating:  Summary: This movie was okay. Review: I hope the next one is better.
Rating:  Summary: SO COOL! Review: Oh man! This movie is great! I think it's one of Lucas' best!There is just about non-stop action, thrill, and suspense! And one ofthe really good things about this movie is that there is no blood, gore, extreme violence, or any nudity. I can't wait until episode 2 comes out, I know it will be just as good, or even better! END
Rating:  Summary: As Good As The Original, But Different Review: George Lucas is finally realizing his dream of telling the "complete" store. The special effects in this movie are top notch. The characters are well portrayed and the acting was great. Though a lot was computer generated, you could really feel like you were part of the action. And for those who say Jar Jar Binx was annoying...well, I beg to disagree. He brought a measure of humor to the movie that would allow even the youngest of viewers to be drawn into this magnificent film. I loved the new characters -- especially Jar Jar -- and can't wait to see what Lucas has in store for us next.
Rating:  Summary: *shakes her head* Review: People, wake up and smell the coffee. I'm sick and tired ofpeople criticizing every aspect of TPM. And you know why they do?Because we're all growing up. Think about it. When you first fell in love with Star Wars. You were young, a kid, it was the coolest thing! It captivated you and made time stand still for those 2 hours. Because it *WAS* timeless. That's just how Star Wars is. Now all of us Star Wars fans are older, and more conscious of ourselves. We don't let ourselves be carried away like we were when we were kids. And that is why people of this generation are bashing the Phantom Menace. Because they can't just sit and enjoy it and be mesmerized by it, and watch with wide eyes like they did when they were kids. They can't let themselves go to a galaxy far, far away again. They have to nit-pick it, analyze it, and find every little detail that's wrong with it. People, Star Wars is entertainment! And the best entertainment there is! Look at all the young people that have become Star Wars fans because of Episode I. That was you 16 years ago! Think about it. And next time you watch the Phantom Menace, forget about everything else and LET yourself feel like a kid again. How bad can letting your conscience go for 2 hours be? Just enjoy it like you did 16 years ago. The difference is timeless.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest "Star Wars" yet! Review: This has got to be the greatest movie ever! Not only does ithave amazing special effects, cool villians, the perfect touch ofhumor, and mind-blowing music (John Williams), but it also has an intricately woven plot. And who doesn't want to laugh when Jar Jar steps in "icky-goo", cheer when Anakin *accidentally* destroys the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship, or cry when young Obi-Wan Kenobi rushes to side of his dying master, Qui-Gon Jinn? The greatest!
Rating:  Summary: BEST STAR WARS SO FAR! Review: I thouhgt this movie was great. The special effects were outstanding. I will admit jar jar was a bit annoying, but thats no reason to hate this movie. The reason many people did'nt enjoy it was because it did'nt live up to the hype. It was impossible for it to. This movie was talked about and inticipated years before its release. There was no way it would of lived up to that hype. It was a great movie though and if you enjoyed the other star wars films or sc-fi/action movies you'll love star wars-episode one!!! Can't wait for the rest of the prequals!
Rating:  Summary: MANY FLAWS BUT GOOD ANYWAY Review: Personally I think there has never been a better movie but as it went along I saw many flaws. 1. How could Anikan build C-3PO if Cybot Galactica were the ones that designed him. 2. How can they mesuer the Midichlorins if the FORCE is all around. 3. Why didn't Darth Malue screm when Obi-Wan sliced in half. Even though he was instantly dead he would have felt something. 4. Why didn't Qui-Gon die instanly. 5. Why don't more Jedi members speak. 6. Last I herd R2 didn't have any thing to make him stay on a ship especally when it went to hyperspace. As soon as I can think of more flaws thats all I have to say.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting philosophies, not a great movie Review: I guess I'm not a Star Wars geek. I enjoyed the original 3, but I didn't like this one. I enjoy all of mixed pholosophies mixed into a wierd intergallatic setting. I have to admit... I did enjoy it somewhat, but I've seen better. Not worth dressing like a Star Wars character and wait in line for a week or so. (You guys, learn that this is FICTION. You waste too much elbow room with those maniac costumes in lines, and scare the children and the public.) The little boy speaks so unnatural-- like he is reading lines off of somewhere. Still, what a superb acter is he. This boy will age like good wine, assuming he will change and grow in character selection. Is it worth to buy it on DVD? I say that this is good enough to rent on VHS for a night from Blockbuster.
Rating:  Summary: The roller coaster ride Review: Let me make this plain to all those who didn't like it...The Phantom Menace is your typical action movie that sends you on a thrill ride and lets you off again. Also, Jar Jar was not utterly repulsive, we all know why he was there, but what I'm getting at is that this is yet another example of the roller coaster ride syndrome. Lucas needed someone to smooth the action over so it did not overwhelm the story and perhaps he was right, but sending in blubbering Jar Jar (how did he get along in life everyone wonders)? Well, to each their own. Also, it is quite obvious that this movie is mostly for the kids - they identify with Anakin and as in all kid movies, they always know more and can do more than the adults. How else to appeal to kids than that? I couldn't buy the fact that Anakin could pilot, let alone BUILD a podracer. If you were 10 or 8, or however old he was, would YOU be out there racing for life or death? Or how about C-320? Anakin is well versed in advanced physics and electronics development and just happened to tinker him together? Please. And last of all, the space combat scene where Anakin decides to join the WWII fighter like planes and attack the droid space station. If that really took place, Anakin would have been blown from the sky from the flak generated from the station. And for those of you who read this and think I'm wrong: If you'll remember the space battle, the other pilots were getting shot out of the sky and were having great difficulty just holding themselves together. And Anakin just happens to avoid getting blown up and just happens to land in the bay with the power generator? Get this, he does all of this without knowing how to pilot the thing and happins to shoot off the proton torpedoes when he tries to get out of the bay, blowing up the station in the process. I know some of you will think that because he knew how to pilot a podracer and the fact that he is "guided by the force", he would be able to do all of those things. Still, the force can only do so much with an underdeveloped brain such as Anakin's. About Darth Maul - in my opinion, he was frightening to a certain extent, but he didn't say much and so there wasn't much to fear. Had the movie stuck to character development rather than action, it could have been hailed as the greatest sci-fi/fantacy film since the original series, which also suffered from some of those same kid elements. But that's another story. For those of you who saw "The Matrix", and who didn't?, you'll remember how the characters were well developed and it was a perfect blend of great story and action. You know who you are and you know what I'm talking about. The Phantom Menance could have been a good deal more, explaining and remaining ON the story of the various worlds and the Jedi than filling it with so much action that it became just that - an action picture. And there you have the point of my posting. The Phantom Menance is merely an action movie for all ages, not the great sci-fi/fantacy story it could have been. When are filmmakers going to wake up and realize that sci-fi fans don't want hype and overused special effects (they should be used as a backdrop, not making up the whole movie)...we want story and ideas; those profound ideas that come from sci-fi! Where is the Foundation Triligy when you need it? Now that had story!
Rating:  Summary: . Review: A big-budget, silly little children's movie. Darth Maul, although even he looks a bit stupid in all that face-paint, is the only thing here that comes even remotely close to capturing the mystery and menace of the original trilogy. I am not a hardcore fan who was pre-disposed to hate the film and trash it for not being exactly like the original. But a stupid, poorly-made film is a stupid, poorly-made film. Special FX are not enough, and anyhow, while often impressive, the FX here are often quite gaudy and tactless as well. You have to understand that, for those of us who had a sour reaction to the movie, it isn't that we can't just "relax and have a good time," -- it's just that we figured, based on what we knew of Lucas' work on the original trilogy, that we would *not* be required to set aside our intelligence, aesthetic sensibility, and a host of other basic critical standards in order to do so. We're the people who went to see this because we wanted to be rescued from the typical stupidity and gaudiness of the mainstream Hollywood blockbuster -- not be suggested to it in the form of a tedious kiddie-flick. That sabre-battle at the end is pretty juicy, I'll give that, and there is a good moment here and there. Darth Maul was rather impressive, but he only has about 4 minutes of screen time, and presumably will not be returning. So what was even the point. Just for Lucas to tell us: "Yes, I am still capable of doing good things, but I consciously choose to toss it aside in favor of insultingly cheesy gimmicks aimed at 4-year-olds." Geh. No one over the age of 10 could possibly have found Jar-Jar's presence in the film anything less than physically painful -- I refuse to believe it. And those "alien accents" HAVE to go. What happened to good old subtitles over sqonky noises? That was *fine.* Aliens should not be speaking in italian, french, and japanese accents. They all look pretty goofy, too. In a bad way. By the way, the acting is TERRIBLE. I mean -- WOW. It's SOOOOO bad it's difficult to believe. Is this really Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor I'm seeing? I didn't think they were even capable of being this incredibly flat and boring. The little kid is awful -- it is actually embarassing to listen to him speak his lines. And the whole "climax," with him "accidentally" saving the day, and NARRATING the entire experience to us -- is profoundly dumb. I mean, even viewed as a KIDS movie this is awful. The Neverending Story is a "kids" movie and it's frickin' brilliant. Anyhow, I'm not going to say "don't see it," (to those few who haven't.) If you grew up on Star Wars, there is a very tiny part of you that will still find a few little things to enjoy here. But it shouldn't be such a difficult task to find them and pull them out.