Rating:  Summary: Decent, Not what you might expect. Review: TPM isn't a bad movie, but not a particularly awesome one either. The special effects are excellent, but they don't make up for the bad screenwriting and under-average directing. The lack of character development was probably the biggest letdown. Even though having some of the best actors like Natalie Portman and Liam Neeson, the characters had no chemistry. Still, the movie was entertaining and graphically pleasing. It could have been a lot better, but i still think it's worth it to buy the video.Classic trilogy SW fans won't be totally pleased with Episode 1, but it's still a decent movie to see.
Rating:  Summary: Getting to the root of a bigger story Review: First off some simple facts. Number one: Star Wars is a science fantasy, not a science fiction. The difference? Science Fiction is the projection of possible future worlds and technologies. (Some one give me a buzz when a super world power creates a death star as a deterrent to war as the atom bomb was in the beginning, or when some one has full mastery of the force.) Number two: Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace is not a fully stand alone movie, rather it is a chapter in much bigger story. A story which, until now, was told with no real history or origins. The Phantom Menace is the first of three chapters that will explore the rise of Anakin Skywalker (played by Jake Lloyd) to greatness as a jedi to his eventual downfall and metamorphosis to legendary villian, Darth Vader. This movie is only the first of three, but it has already begun to establish certain key elements of the original trilogy. Such as Senator Palpatine's (Emperor Palpatine) manipulation of galactic politics concerning the invasion of Theed, and the emotional issues surrounding the young Anakin as he seeks to become a jedi. Idealy, the story is simple in execution and follows the same saturday matinee formula that made the original movies a success(i.e. a winning formula), boasting outstanding visual effects, that when put in it's proper place along side the original three, it becomes all the more understandable and all the more enjoyable. A great addition. Now all we need is Episodes two and three.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars is still Star Wars Review: No matter what any one says this movie is still Star Wars at it's best.It only had to live up to the biggest hype in movie history.Well it may not have lived up to the average movie viewers expectations but Star Wars isn't for the average movie viewer.Star Wars is for all of us out there that actually have an imagination.For those of us that left this movie not only excited by what we just saw but wondering what does Episode II have in store for us.That is what makes Star Wars better than any average Sci-Fi movie or any average movie at all for that point.Yes Jar-Jar is a terible character but Jar-Jar is not what this legacy is all about.So Lucas created one bad character in four movies.Does that mean their no good any more.The point is that Star Wars is not about one movie,it's about an on going saga and sagas have pieces and Episode I is just that.A large piece leading us into what will be the greatest story ever told!
Rating:  Summary: I HATE LUCAS ALMOST AS MUCH AS JAR-JAR! Review: First off I loved the Sw trilogy. But Episode 1 was like a combination Jedi and Barney. Jar-Jar had no place in the film. A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR FAAAAAR AWAY! This animated suicide reason was spouting off the worst of what ultra modern(MODERN) society thinks is cool! Now off of Jar-Jar onto young Anakin. Well George ya did it...you found a worse child actor than the Home Alone kid. Where was the Sixth Sense kid? Now the only reason Lucas made this film must be because Star Wars posters and figures stopped selling, because he sure as heck didn't make it for the fans. Instead he went the big money way of making a children's movie. True the kids love it but in 10 yrs they'll hate themselves for it like teenagers with Sesame Street. And the latest sin of Lucases is not releasing this or any other Star Wars film on DVD. The vhs release has a minimal amount of features and is horribly over-priced! ... DOWN WITH LUCAS!
Rating:  Summary: Best movie of the summer Review: i really hate the critics that complain about the movie's hype. This movie(although not as good as the original trilogy) is an excellent piece of work. I think the computer generated/enhanced graphics make all the difference. I recommend that anyone who likes star wars, or people that don't should watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Tease Review: With all of it's flaws (and we all know there were a few) there is no denying that Episode 1 was still a good fantasy film. Sure the tone was a bit childish at times, and the witty banter we came to expect from the original trilogy was sorely missing, but it was still a good fantasy film. It was still able to transport me back to the fantasy lands of my youth. I'm not sure what else a summer fantasy/adventure film is supposed to do. If it's supposed to make me altertnately dread and lust for a bleak future in a strange twist of psychic self-mutilation (ala The Matrix), then i'll take Jar Jar over Neo any day. Besides, the Matrix looked like a 2 hour long Gap commerical whereas Star Wars featured beautiful scenery, lush backgrounds and a beautiful princess. I guess I'm just an old romantic. As far as the flaws are concerned, what struck me as the films biggest flaw was that it was basically a teaser or a warm up for what's to come, which (cross fingers, knock on wood, levitate an x-wing) should be absoultely incredible and heart-breaking. The Phantom Menace seemed more of a showcase of "this is what we can do now" than a well flushed out story. I hope Mr. Lucas and his pals really crank out an epic for Episode II ("Episode II - The Clone Wars"? hint hint, hope hope). Methinks the potential is good. At least, I hope so.
Rating:  Summary: A Creative and Artistic Masterwork Review: Twenty-three years ago, George Lucas gave the world a simplistic, modern day fairy tale that combined age-old storytelling with special effects wizardry, that featured wonderful creativity in its depiction of a far away, fictional galaxy. In 1999, Lucas invited us back to his imaginative creation, but in a way we had never seen before. With advances in special effects, Lucas can now create vast, beautiful cities, even more unusual creatures, and epic battles, all of which make his world a more interesting and exciting place to adventure in. Episode I is the opening chapter, it sets the stage for the tumultuous events that will tear apart the galaxy in bitter civil war. The main plot of the film is the quest of the greedy Senator Palpatine to gain power as chancellor of the Republic. Palpatine as secretly launches an invasion on the planet of Naboo by using an organization known as the Trade Federation, whose ships and droid armies capture the planet. Two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, are sent to negotiate with the Federation, but when the invasion begins, their goal is to protect the planet's queen as she travels to the capital to plead for assistance from the Senate. Along the way, the Jedi discover Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who they believe to be fulfillment of a prophesy of "The Chosen One" who will bring balance to the force. Palpatine sends his apprentice, Darth Maul, to intercept the Jedi and capture the queen, but he is unsuccessful. The queen and the Jedi arrive in the capital, where then queen appears before the Senate. Palpatine manipulates the queen into making a call for a new chancellor in the Senate, of which he is a prime candidate. The queen returns home without help from the Senate, and attempts an attack on the invasion force with the help of the Gungans, an alien race living on Naboo. The Phantom Menace is a thrilling, beautifully crafted film that serves as a worthy opening chapter to the Star Wars saga. It was made with its sequels, Episodes II and III in mind, and therefore leaves questions yet to be answered in those films. It has all the excitement and creativity of the original Star Wars, but it looks and sounds far better. Bring on Episode II!
Rating:  Summary: This is what we waited for? Review: George. Grow up. Sci-fi isn't supposed to be embarrasing. This movie was supposed to live up to the hype. It was supposed to be a treat for Star Wars fans off ALL ages. It was supposed to be literaly the BEST movie of the decade. What we got instead was one of the worst movies of 1999. It's a contender for the Annual Golden Raspberry Awards. "Independence Day" was FAR better! Please do better next time Mr Lucas. If you want inspiration to insure a masterpiece with the second film, please see "The Empire Strikes Back". I forgive you. Just don't let it happen again.:-)
Rating:  Summary: Buy for the lightsaber fight Review: because the story is pathetic. It starts off good--it could have made for a great movie. However, the characters were about a centimeter deep and there was no emotional response at all, except for disgust-mine. Well, alot of people think the FX are great, but I disagree. It looks fake. The saber fights and the music are wonderful though. Buy it for these.
Rating:  Summary: perfection Review: All I have to say about this movie is that it was SUPERB! My wife and I enjoyed it so much. It was enjoyable and full of exciting scenes. We can not wait to get the collection in our home. This movie can be described in one word: AWESOME!