Rating:  Summary: Special Effects were great! Review: I had watch this movie 3 three times and enjoyed it verymuch. The special effects were splendid. However, the movie plot didnot satisfy my taste. Maybe because it is the first episode. I can not wait for the other to come out.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT! Review: Why is everyone saying this movie is so bad! The reason that it is so light is because this is the begining! Sure it wasn't as good as the other ones, but you have to realize that the other ones took place in the middle of a war! This one is just the start of this war. They had to make it light because of the darkness that George Lucas says that episodes ii and iii will be like. I thought it had a great plot, you can see many hints of whats to come in the plot line, and was just overall a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Every kid's fantasy (of all ages) Review: Lucas made a kid's film which is a chapter in a saga and he did it meticulously and very well.As a kid's film, it's fantastic in every sense of the word. It should not be compared to adult themed sci-fi films. Nor should it be compared to the other SW episodes in that they are just that; episodes in a larger story. I mean, who compares chapters in books? Naysayers dissect and analyze what they didn't like as passionately as SW fans do about what they loved. There's not much point in nitpicking here so I wont bother. I would recommend that all reviews (including this one) be read AFTER one has seen the movie for the first time. The kid in all of us will either secretly or overtly enjoy this movie. The video format will allow easy replay. I am still debating over whether to spend the extra $20 on the wide-screen version. I don't yet have the Phillips $15,000 plasma flat screen to take full advantage of the "letterbox" version, but I really dislike "pan and scan" versions, so I think I'll pop for what I think will be the better edition (widescreen.) DVD is actually the preferable format for diehard Star Wars fanatics -- but that won't happen till 2005(after the release of Episode III.) Anyway, enjoy it for what it is in itself - a really fun experience!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars TPM is awesome! Review: I saw TPM in the theatres 8 times, I know someone who saw it a record breaking 20! The storyline Lucas has developed for the Star Wars universe is the best out there...Only true fans will be able to see the intricate details of the storyline...and if you hated it because of JAR JAR you are ignorant...Look at the amount of work that went in to this project....Masterpiece of modern Cinema.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Trailer in the World Review: A fantastic film. It's only short-coming is that it must serve as the set-up for the next 5 films...a tough task while maintaining its own identity. In effect, I think it's the best trailer possible for the entire Star Wars Saga. I cannot wait until Episode II.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phanton Menace Review: I thought this movie was pretty good. It stayed right in line with the other Star Wars movies. The special effects were great! I think this is one of the best movies put out in years.
Rating:  Summary: Five stars simply isn't enough. Review: When I read other viewers whining about the movie not living up to the hype I want to beat them over the head with a 17-inch monitor. I saw this movie eight times in the theatre and once at a university screening. I enjoyed it every time. When the text "Episode I" climbed the screen on premiere night it was a special moment for everyone present. Many cheered. Some cried. I smiled. Jar jar was annoying at first but he is essential to the movie, so don't go blaming his charachter. Lucas wrote a great story, though the deus ex machina technique is a bit irritating. The light saber fights alone make this movie worth watching, and they put them above the other movies in that respect. This movie had more of a plot than the other three. In the others, the solution was obvious, the execution was the problem. In TPM though, the use of diversions is brilliant. The spacefighting scenes were okay. I think we all hope for some better sequences in number two. Also, maybe a jedi using two lightsabers...
Rating:  Summary: One of the greates movies ever Review: Quite simply, Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace is an absolutely brilliant movie. Slammed by critics and dissed byeven the hardest of Star Wars fans who expected too much, this movie is one of the biggest blockbusters of all time. George Lucas has the knack for a blockbuster (He has 3 or so in the Top 10) and with TPM, he was able to use his unequalled creative ability to the fullest to create something unparalled to which has never been seen before. To now realize he was not limited to technology or financial constraints, we can see the awesome spectacle that is The Phantom Menace. Then, most fans go out and tear it apart. Are you true SW fans? I was fearful that I would expect too much and I wanted to go to the theatre only knowing a little, which is hard because I am involved with Star Wars very much. The Phantom Menace couldn't even be ignored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, although the critics wished they had, because of the technical and CG brilliance of Lucas' ILM and Skywalker Sound. I am anticipating the release on VHS any day now and will have the patience to wait for it on DVD. Most of you don't know why there is no DVD release, so don't complain. It will happen and in the meantime, enjoy what we have been so lucky to have, STAR WARS!
Rating:  Summary: Underrated! Review: The Phantom Menace! Highly anticipated, yet to some, a huge disappointment. A disappointment only to those who expected to see 'the best movie of all time.' Episode I is merely an introduction; the first part of a 6 episode saga. A saga, which truly is THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. When renting this video, keep in mind that this is the beginning. Keep in mind that there are GROUNDBREAKING effects. Keep in mind that Lucas funded most of the movie out of his own pocket! This isn't a hollywood production. It wasn't meant to have flashy lights and a popular soundtrack. It is a story; the best ever told.
Rating:  Summary: Can't wait for Episode II and III Review: I stood in line four and a half hours to see the original Star Wars movie at age 5, and I just couldn't help feeling like that 5 year old kid again waiting for Episode I. I was not disappointed either time. I think that those who are too critical of this movie were kids themselves when the original came out. They are seeing the movie but forgeting to watch it through a child's eye. Kids don't read movie reveiws, I never did. They see the movie for what it is. They enjoy the creative story and the great special effects. They sit in sheer awe from what's playing before their eyes. They don't say, "That Jar-Jar character seems to me to be highly computer animated, and really ruins the whole movie experience for me!". Kids don't read the movie reveiw section of the paper and they are better off for it. So I guess you should ask yourself why you read them? Come on! Be a kid again...