Rating:  Summary: Overated and Over-hyped in advertising - still an okay movie Review: After viewing the movie in the Theatre, and yes I will purchase on VHS to complete my Star Wars Video Collection, I must say the movie was overated and over-hyped in the media for advertising, etc. It can never take the place of the thrill and excitement of the "original" Star Wars nor did it come close. There were good fight scenes and good effects but I felt disconnected from the characters. I'm sure you will enjoy this movie as a good average SCI-FI movie but it's not on the same level as the original Star Wars - so don't get your hopes up.
Rating:  Summary: Okay, I watched it, and I still can't understand the fuss Review: I mean, what makes Jar Jar Binks a negative racial stereotype. He's not even human, he doesn't sound like the cliche stereotype (except for the fact that when I read the book, his speech loooked a bit Carribean in print--but doesn't sound that way on film). In this film, he reminds me more of Lou Costello with his wackiness and excitability (when the head of state of his people confers general's rank on him, he passes out). I'm glad they chose an English guy for the younger Obi Wan Kenobi--if they'd hired some American dude, it would have spoiled the whole presence of the character. It's a bit of a reach to see little Anakin Skywalker as such a talented pilot at that young an age--an ability his son would inherit. But the book doesn't begin to capture the charm of Padme (aka the actual Queen Amidala). That girl can brighten up a room just by walking the door and has a serenity which transcends the fact that she's just a kid. All in all, this is quite a decent flick. It's far too easy to measure it against the original trilogy, but that's exactly what I suggest. Ignore all the hype and marketing, ignore all the naysayers who call it a ripoff of the orignal trilogy. It's one movie on a single cassette or disc. Watch it on that basis only.
Rating:  Summary: Great, except for 30 minutes of it... Review: Everything was great, especially the effects. Except for the 30 minutes of when they first reach Naboo, meet Jar Jar, and go swimming for his cohorts. Ugh. We almost left the theater. Good thing we didn't because we would have missed some of the coolest scenes ever. (Pod race and light saber fight scene.)
Rating:  Summary: I can't belive you people! Review: How can you people sit around and do this? How can you critic George Lucas's masterpiece? I thought this movie was EXELLENT! While I agree that Jar Jar was a bit much, and I'm a little ticked about Lucas not putting TPM out on DVD, I still loved it all. I mean, come on! This is Star Wars! Let me remind you that this movie was not meant to be like the others. TPM was meant to familiarize you with the characters, and to prepare you for the next movie. I don't care what anyone says, this is still my favorite movie. I think it should have been nominated for an Oscar.
Rating:  Summary: Fun for everyone.... Review: This movie is a good time.....that is if you and all your friends sit around cheering and hoping that the movie can some how re-script itself and Jar-Jar buys the farm, slowly. It can rate only 2 stars at best only for the fact it bares the Star Wars name, and it has Darth Maul. Other than that this was G. Lucas's way of saying look what i can do with my new software. This mistake can only be erased, well it can never be erased, but hopefully he will redeem himself in the 2nd episode. George, some really good plot twists have to happen in then next 2 movies to tie it all in... a lot of potential lies here....PLEASE don't screw it up!
Rating:  Summary: What a bunch of ***** Review: After reading the reviews here, it seems to me that a bunch of Star Wars geeks decided to give their collective 2 cents and conspired to give a bunch of 5 stars just to boost the ratings up. But even the most ardent Lucas freak has to admit that this installment of our favorite saga is weak, frought with annoying, shallow characters, a thin as Ally McBeal plot, and special effects that only seem to serve to distract from how awful this film really is. The original trilogy used special effects to complement and add a dramatic touch to the action (crude as they look today). However, in "Menace" the technology overwhelms the film (not to mention the characters and the plot) to the point where the viewer feels as if Lucas intended the special effects to sustain the movie. After a while it seems to be, in the words of a local publication, "One long Toys R Us commercial". C'mon now, you REALLY, HONESTLY, think this is a great movie? I think many people who have written reviews are simply blinded by their idolatry of Mr. Lucas, or they just can't admit that all that waiting in line and counting down the days until the movie's premiere was just a WASTE OF ENERGY AND TIME- JUST LIKE THIS MOVIE. Sentimentality, I'm sure, also has alot to do with the high ratings- if you grew up like me mesmerized by the originals (not to mention the merchandise), then you hate to admit that your fond memories of a wonderful cinematic experience are bastardized and reduced to this mindless repackaging job that has no refernce to what you originally saw years ago. Please Star Wars fans- admit that you can't go home again and replay the original trilogy-- maybe it will make Mr. Lucas reconsider continuing this farce.
Rating:  Summary: Hint: camping in line for 30 days = too high expectations Review: This is a three star movie that earns an extra star just for having the STAR WARS majic. Not the best in the series (Empire), but not the worst(Jedi). Special effects were great, however they were used too often. It also felt like Lucas was trying to cash in on the old sereis by having cameo's for R2D2 and C3PO. Here's a hint, people want to see new stuff (i.e. how the empire came into being, the Sith, Obi-Wan, downfall of the Jedi council, etc...) and not re-hash the old series. In the end, the flaws in the movie were outnumbered by great actors and that old STAR WARS majic.
Rating:  Summary: People use some commone sense, Please! Review: This review is not so much a review of the movie, but more a review of the people who have pulled this movie apart.Let's start off with my favorite pet peeve, that young Anakin Skywalker does not permeate with the evil of the future Darth Vader. Do you think that at 6 or 8 years old that young Adolf Hitler gave any kind of signs as to what he would become? Anakin is just a boy, he is not evil just waiting to get bigger or older. True he turns evil, but as Obi-wan said in the original Star Wars that Vader was once a Jedi Knight who turned to the dark side. Pet peeve #2; Too many loose ends in the movie. What ends were loose? Don't they continue in the next two prequels? Didn't they have "loose ends" in Star Wars? and Empire? Pet Peeve #3; I couldn't follow the plot. Give me a break! Senator Palpatine used the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo in order to get Queen Amidala to suggest a "Vote of No Confidence" in Supreme Chancelor Velorum. Why? To gain that position himself in order to further his goals of total control over the universe. Naboo, Queen Amidala, Darth Maul, and the Trade Federation were all pawns in Senator Palpatine's overall plan. Pet Peeve #4; I hated Jar-Jar Binks. I liked him! He added a comical part to the movie and showed that everyone despite thier appearance or race can contribute greatly to society or in this case the galaxy. I will conceed that I would have like to have seen more of Darth Maul and less of Jar-Jar. Finally I think the coolest part of the whole movie is when Qui-Gon Jin punches through the blast doors with his lightsaber and starts cutting through it. WOW! Second coolest was the lightsaber duel at the end. Keep up the great work Mr. Lucas, however consider this. Make the three sequels to Star Wars now while all of the original cast is still alive. Those three films would be #1, #2 and #3 for a long, long time.
Rating:  Summary: One more complaint Review: Don't get me wrong I'm a complete nut for the Star Wars series. But by not releasing this film on DVD my feeling that George Lucas does not really care or understand what he has created has been confirmed. His devoted fans of 23 years have been for many weeks begged him to release his films on DVD and he has seriously let us down. Consumers have been begging him to take their money but George apparently wants to hold out for more. He touts his films as being state of the art but he wants us to buy the inferior picture quality of VHS so we'll all end up buying both versions. He knows that because he sold a lot Special Editions to people who already owned the original. Does anyone seriously buy the press release from Lucasfilm? There are a lot of firms doing excellent transfers to DVD all George had to do was pick up the phone. (How busy could he be? I hope he's taking bathroom breaks.) Even a bad or mediocre DVD is better than VHS anyday. Personally I believe this decision and even parts of the film PM has seriously undermined the spirit and the good cheer the original trilogy gave us.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Please Review: Sorry, I won't buy it on VHS. I'm more than willing to wait until the DVD version comes out. George Lucas is just trying to milk everyone for more money buy getting them to buy the VHS now and then hopefully getting you to buy it on DVD later. No thanks! Say no to VHS!