Rating:  Summary: OH NO! GEORGE-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! Review: I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I just don't understand how anybody, especially Star Wars fans, can watch this film and not feel disappointed and cheated. What a bad movie! Besides the exciting pod race scene, Liam Neeson as Qui-Gonn Jinn and the all-too-short jedi battle at the film's ending(isn't it very un-Jedi-like to tag up on an opponent?), 'Menace' is boring, hokey and extremely frustrating to watch. And I am praying to every single saint that I can think of that Lucas DOES NOT tackle the roles of screenwriter and director for the next two films. Maybe hand those chores over to the likes of Lawrence Kasden(screenwriter of 'Empire')to write it or Frank Darabont to direct. Maybe this way, we won't have to watch ANOTHER big space battle finale or ANOTHER villain falling down a bottomless chasm, and we'll get something done with a little bit more style and originality instead of self-repetition and uninspired storytelling.
Rating:  Summary: Phantom Menace Review: I purchased both the pan and scan and widescreen versions. This movie has so much going on, that you miss ALOT with the pan and scan. Spend the money and get the widescreen version so you can see the movie the way it was meant to be seen. The overall quality of the video is average. George Lucas has always preached technology and in his film making has demanded the highest quality. He has praised new computer and digital technology in filmaking. Why he did not release this movie on DVD is beyond me. With this release George Lucas has not lived up to his reputation of giving us the highest quality entertainment. VHS can in no way compare to DVD picture quality and dolby digital 5.1 sound. A few years down the road he will re-release this movie on DVD and make us pay again. I loved the movie in the theatre because the sound and picture quality was so overwhelming. Unfortunalty, the VHS just cannot live up to this movie. The movie gets five stars, the video gets 3
Rating:  Summary: George Needs Our Money! Review: I guess what chaps me the most about this video is the price. I didn't need a book and some lame slide--I just wanted the movie. It was simply a way to justify charging almost double for a widescreen version. I guess when Lucas decides to release it on DVD we can all buy it again! I already have two box sets of the trilogy. God, I feel like an idiot. Thanks George!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace Review: Don't get the 'regular' cropped screen version. Other reviews you may have read warn of this tragic viewing experience. Only the wide-screen version will do. I was very upset at the cropped version which I viewed the other night. Don't waist your time.
Rating:  Summary: I wish they had a half star Review: This was a total waste of talent, George Lucas should slap himself silly. I don't know what he was thinking when he made this movie but it stunk. Let me help anyone who hasn't seen this yet, have you seen the original three Star Wars? If you answered yes then you've seen Phantom Menace, it's like all Lucas did was take the three established movies squish them together and toss in some big Hollywood stars. And who ever came up with Jar Jar should be ashamed of themselves. The only thing that makes this movie worse is the pimple faced idiots thinking it's the greatest movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Review: I looooooooooooooooowed the first ones and first i lowed this one but only becous i wantwed to lowe it. Wach the phantom manace and than one of the first one. Goerge Lucas was just thinking about the effects not directing or the script.
Rating:  Summary: READ RHIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS ! ! ! Review: READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS I lowe the starwars BUUUUUUt this one is not like the others. When i first saw it i lowed it but first jar jar binks was he as funny as 3 po. And anikan was a terrible actor, but thats Lucasses folt. If you watch the first moweis you will see that therre is somthing missing. i am going to ask you woul it not be cooler if anikan would not talk much and be mysteryus .And when he weant to the pood race and the air battle he would be wery not sceard and always be comed down he should and he would hit in ewery shot he fierd and eweryone should be wery surprised when they would see him becous hes not just a kid hes Darth veader as a kid. just reamember how darth veader was in the fighter battle in Star Wars 1 or actually 4. But i know i know than he was a jedi master much okder and all but still it would heaw been cool ihf anykan would heaw been like that. But the mowy was better than many other mowys. but i would heaw given the first star wars movies 5 or at least 4 and a healv star but this one only 2 or 3. I just think lucas was board of recording and directing the mowy and only wanted to start making the visual effects. If you think the mowy is great than watch it again then watch one of the first star wars you will see the diffrents. This mowy is more for babys. I hated Anikan in the mowy. And i hope lucas realeyses his mistakes and does better in the next film one other thing Liam neeson and Ewan where so you know dead so not like jedis at least Ewan i mean he was nothing like obi one was in the first films No remember him he was perfect. Quagon was nothing like obi one in the first films And Ewan was nothing like mark hamill but i heAW SEAD TO MUCH.p.s Dont speach enghliss wery well.
Rating:  Summary: The Beginning of the Saga but NOT the Beginning of the Story Review: OK, you're asking what! Episode:I maybe the "beginning" of the saga, but it is NOT the beginning of the story. I just watched my WIDESCREEN version. (Second time viewing the film.) I now see where this film is in the Star Wars timeline. The story actually starts back in Darkhorse Comics' series, "Tales of the Jedi", where the Sith are the powerful race. The Sith have had dealings with the Jedi in the past and lost. Now the Sith are out for revenge. "Now we will get revenge", says Darth Maul. The Sith are secretly using the Trade Federation, a body in the Republic Senate, as a catallyst to start a "change-of-guard" by throwing a monkey-wrench into the fragile Republic by illegally invading the planet of Naboo. Enter Senator Palpatine. A senator who's interest in gaining power in the Republic is quite apparent when he pushes to oust Chancellor Valorum for lack of confidence. I still question whether or not Darth Siduous is Palpatine in disguise, I'm not sure here. Enter Annikin Skywalker. A slave boy on the planet Tatooine, born to woman who says, "I carried him, gave birth to him. There was no father." Sounds like a premonition to me. ;) The Jedis have always had a prophecy that a boy would be born to bring Balance to the Force. However, as Qui-Gon wins Annikin's freedom and brings him in front of the Jedi Council, Annikin fears the unknown without his mother. As Yoda preaches, "Fear will lead you to the Dark Side", the Jedi Council hesitates to train Annikin of the Force for this very reason. The darkness starts to loom after this as Palpatine wins Chancellor of the Republic and pats Annikin on the shoulder with a twinkle in his eye. I have upped my review from 3 to 5 stars, based on my new understanding of this film.
Rating:  Summary: Only Buy This If You NEED To Own It Review: Everyone out there is well aware of the content of this moviealready so I will focus on the tape itself. Neither the Pan and Scannor the Widescreen is very good. The sound isn't too bad surprisingly enough, but the picture is terrible. The special effects are totally wasted on VHS as the colors are so washed out and the picture is fuzzy. Being a recent convert to DVD this is even more painful to watch. If you LOVE the movie and can tolerate its flaws at least buy the unbutchered Widescreen version. George Lucas is pushing off low quality on the consumer, what about those that just want a basic Widescreen VHS and have to pay for some cheap book and film strip? Don't waste your money if possible, wait for a DVD release.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie -- Horrible on VHS though Review: I still have the original Star Wars when it was first released on video. It has been watched, literally, over 70 times. The picture quality of this 20-year-old pre-THX video, looks better than this $29.95 brand new video. I have to back up the other reviews about how bad the transfer was to VHS. It looked like a bootleg in most parts of the movie. It is stamped with the THX logo, but you sure wouldn't know it by watching it. Oh well, maybe Lucas will improve it on The Phantom Menace Special Edition VHS in 2021.