Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode One - The Phantom Menace Review: TPM is a great movie! The only problem I have is with Jake Lloyd's lines. They could not possibly have been any more unrealistic. "Yippeee?" "This is tense?" Please! It has a very good detailed and in depth plot. You just have to saee it a few times to fully understand. I thought Jar-Jar was not as good as Chewbacca, but he is okay. I'd say that it is 3rd best out of 4, RTJ being the worst. The Ewoks are in the same annoying class as Jar-Jar. What was Lucas thinking. Also, the VHS quality is appalling. I do not have a DVD player, but still can see that the picture quality was terribly inferior to other VHS movies. I think Lucas purposely made the VHS tapes poor quality, so everyone who has already bought the VHS version will definitely buy the DVD version if it ever comes out, and he will make the money twice.
Rating:  Summary: Quit your whining! Review: I am tired of all this, "I hate Jar Jar, he ruined the movie!" Maybe you guys didn't realize but Star Wars isn't just for adults, kids love it and Jar Jar was for them. Of course the movie will seem more childish, Anakin is child in this one, there is more to come in the trilogy and we will see how this young boy will eventually become Darth Vader.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent addition to the legacy Review: Star Wars Episode I was a special effects marvel and meshed perfectly with the other SW movies. Jar-jar Binks may have been a little excessive, but provided some comic relief to a very dramatic plot. As with the rest of the SW movies, when taken together, the sum of the whole is greater than the parts and this movie is well worth inclusion in your video collection.
Rating:  Summary: Why did'nt it get an Oscar for Special Effects ? Review: Star Wars Episode I is an excellent beginning to the saga. It is a prequel "to be commended." Watching the Academy Awards, I was disappointed that it was'nt recipient of a special effects award. The special effects are one of the highlights of the film, as are all Star Wars films. The plot, contrary to popular opinion, is excellent. The plot is appropriate for a prequel. Episode I tells the origin of the Force, the Jedi, the Sith and we see an innocent Darth Vader as a boy. Pay attention to what some of the characters say. They foreshadow future Star War events. For example, Anakin says, "I had a dream I was a Jedi and I freed all the slaves," or Palpatine, "We will watch his career with great interest." The acting is well-performed, particularily impressive is Natalie Portman's role as the bold and intelligent Queen Amidala. Liam Neeson's role as Qui Gon is equally ensemble. If you get this film, buy the soundtrack. John Williams has done it again. Spectacular scenery, the Pod-Race is unforgettable, and the action (light-sabre duels) have been mastered to an art. For those faithful to the original Star Wars films and feel the new are "just for kids" or for a "younger generation" you are wrong. Pay attention to the dialogue. This film is also for the original fans since it unlocks the mysteries never revealed in Empire and Jedi. Buy this film and May the Force be with you.
Rating:  Summary: PEOPLE WANT THE DVD! Review: I liked TPM even though I feel it was directed just for kiddies George must have tried to make this new trilogy darker and more dramatic something similar to TESB not like ROTJ one thing of TPM that I missed was like a big space fight more like the end of ROTJ I don't hate Jar Jar but It would have been better if he wasn't in the movie or if he was a more normal character more serious just like an ally to the Jedis not something in their way I'm not buying the VHS version I'm waiting until 2006 when George will release the six pack. At least George should had released a DVD edition really simple just the movie no previews and no deleted scenes no interviews only the movie as how we saw it on theatres I've even lost some of my fan believe for star wars because of TPM and because there is no DVD edition of TPM until now 0/2 George I hope Episode II will be better
Rating:  Summary: Want to know how goodSW:TPM really was! Review: To review this movie you have to step aside from the modern trend of bashing cultural phenomenoms and really look at what this movie tried and achieved. George Lucas has a vision that he wowed the world with with the first three movies. Episode one is the most carefully laid out ground work and introduction to the story we have already seen since 1977. With the FX of today Mr Lucas has managed to bring us nearly unimaginable visions. Droid armies fighting Gungans, a galactic formula one race that literally blows you away and every scene filled with more than you can capture on an initial viewing. This movie had the hardest task of living up to Star Wars and it's sequels. Many people took the easy path of knocking it because they don't understand the effect their own expectations can have on something they love. In time, with the perspective of the next two prequels, Episode one will be as revered as the others. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Alonso's review Review: I don't care what everybody says. This movie is great. I saw it 14 times in the theater and everytime with my star wars t-shirt on. Anybody who doesn't like this movie can go and %&/%"!.
Rating:  Summary: A Terrible Film Review: Thank goodness I rented it before I bought it. While the CGI creations were very impressive they were unable to compensate for a dull and lifeless film. Despite the presence of both Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson (both of whom are genuinely wonderful performers) the acting was wooden at best. The kid who played AS was truely dreadful. Halfway through the film I realised that "Farscape" the television series, was a far better choice for SCIFI veiwing than this billion dollar mess.
Rating:  Summary: Episode I- A Very Mixed Bag Review: For some reason, I was looking forward to purchasing "Star Wars, Episode I- The Phantom Menace". Having gone to the theater four times last summer to see it, the video purchase was a given. However, the experience just isn't the same. Watching at home, I was able to analyze the film's problems, most notably some exceptionally silly dialogue(the one that really sticks out is the Jake Lloyd as Anakin "The biggest problem in this universe is that no one helps each other" line). There are some talented actors here- Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn and Ewan MacGregor's Obi-Wan are fine, but Natalie Portman's constant wardrobe changes detract from her performance(what's with the Queen's British accent and Padme's American dialect?).Jake Lloyd, is, well, raw. One must wonder what Haley Joel Osment could have done with that role. On the plus side, the lightsaber battle with the two Jedi versus Darth Maul was fantastic. Too bad Lucas didn't want to keep Maul around for Episode II. The pod race is nifty as well, although not as refreshing on the small screen. There's also too much going on at the end with an uninspired space battle, a childish sequence involving the Gungans and the Trade Federation Battle Droids, and the aforementioned(but very cool) lightsaber duel. Yes, the special effects are well done, but there's nothing in the film that makes you say "How'd they do that?" And this whole situation with no DVD in the near future. Why, George, why? After five viewings, I've seen enough of "The Phantom Menace" to hold me over until May, 2002, when hopefully, we'll see a darker Episode II...although, how dark can it be if Jar Jar returns?
Rating:  Summary: Worthy of Star Wars Review: The Phantom Menace is not the greatest movie when viewed by itself, but is a great build up for what is to come in prequels 2 and 3.The special effects are spectacular, with amazing cities created full of life and each with it's own distinctive feel. The architecture of the city of Theed is grand and is breathtaking when seeing a long shot over the city. A gripe with the special effects is that it is a little over the top. The overall appearance of the film is too much like an animated film. The battle of the gungans against the droid army is spectacular in it's complexity, but is too fake, with bright colours and a virtual environment. It doesn't have the same feel as the battle of the ewoks in Return of the Jedi, which was similar, but more real. Nothing comes close in any film to the power of the light saber weilding Jedi. The final battle scenes are highlighted by the long dual between the Jedi and Sith. The greatest moment being in the hanger after freeing the pilots, and the soundtrack starts as the doors open to reveal Darth Maul. The Phanom Menace does miss some character development of the original Trilogy, with a character like Han Solo missed greatly. The movie lacks the dark and evil feel that was so great in all of the old three movies. The Phantom menace is a good start to the Star Wars saga. All we need is Darth Vader to appear, the closest thing we get from Phantom Menace is hearing him after the credit soundtrack finishes, then the Saga will truly begin.