Rating:  Summary: The Start Of Something Great Review: For those of you looking for a fast-paced action movie,move on to another title. If,however,what you are looking for is a movie with style,decent actors in decent roles,a few awesome and awe inspiring fight scenes,look no further,this is definately the movie for you. Don't go into this movie thinking every question you have will be solved in a neat little package,because a surprise will be in store,it doesn't happen. However,by no means let that stop you from seeing this well above average,almost great,film. The cast is terrific,and little Jake Loyd is not as bad as some would have you think. The special effects will leave you stunned. What would a movie be without a great soundtrack? No need to wonder here because this one is great. I did have one problem with this movie,JarJar. From time to time I did find him a little annoying,but given the worthiness of the rest of this film,it was easy to get over my annoyance with JarJar. All in all,I think this movie did a fine job of setting up the rest of this continuing saga. In the end it leaves one wanting to know more and anxious for the next installment. If you've seen the first three,as I did over 20yrs.ago starting at the tender age of 4 and continuing on through the years,by no means miss this movie.
Rating:  Summary: It sucks! Review: It sucks. The phantom Menace was the worst attempt at a star wars comeback possible. With the exception of the billion dollar special effects the movie had horrible screenplay, acting, stage direction, and character development. Whatever you do don't buy this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Shameful. Sheer Greed. Review: A barely passable little movie. It features some of the most vulgarly bad writing and directing of the past decade. What was charming and clunky and even kind of clunky about Lucas' rather forced dialogue has since ossified into a stilted preaching quality, as the dialogue becomes little more than exposition. The attempts at comedy remain mere attempts. The less said about JarJar the better. And if that weren't bad enough, we are expected to pay more money for a widescreen version than for a pan and scan version! The widescreen SPECIAL EDITION is merely a scam, and a transparent one at that. George Lucas is now clearly interested in one thing, and one thing only: lining his pockets with money. And this is the creator of Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi? He looks more like the Grand Moff Tarkin.
Rating:  Summary: Phantom What? Review: This movie gives just enough to hint at the future ;however, it simply leaves you wanting. I didn't leave the movie feeling like I "knew" any of the characters enough to see them again in another movie. The race scenes, fighting scenes, and home scenes were good enough, but there was not enough background information to lead up to the scenes to understand why all the info given "fit" with each other. Even the "Ewok" movies made sense with or without the original 3.
Rating:  Summary: As good as Return of the Jedi Review: I must say this is a very good movie. In some ways it surpasses the best star wars films. But over all I would say this one is about par with Return of the Jedi. Special fx and action dominant the first and last segments of this film and in the middle is beautiful vistas of futuristic cities and desert "pod" races. The characters however do not develop enough for us to really grow close to them. Although Liam Neeson did a good job of acting and his character probably was the best. But characters such as Darth Maul didnt really get much screen time and yet his seemed the most interesting. This film draws criticism because it seems too much geared towards kids. But keep in mind most of the main characters are either very young teens or children. Which is done because the next film will take place ten years later and will show more maturity and discipline in all these characters. Especially Jar Jar and Anakin. I viewed this movie on both regular VHS and the Widescreen editions. The VHS is good for your kids but if your an adult and you want that epic effect and good quality I strongly suggest you get the widescreen edition.
Rating:  Summary: Ep.1 is a disgrace to the first 3 Star Wars movies! Review: If I could give this movie a negative rating of -1 star Iwould. I'm a long time Star Wars fan. But Ep.1..... Very boring. Theonly thing in the movie worth watching is the lightsaber battle and that's about it. Trust me. I didn't get to see this movie in the theater, so I bought it on VHS widescreen, since DVD won't be out until the 24th century! Anyway, I was very disappointed in this movie when I finally got to see it. It also really made me mad that I spent about $30 on it. Next time, if I don't make it to the theaters, I'll just rent it first. Too many computer generated charaters! No story line. Looks like someone sat down with no prior Star Wars experience, and wrote the script in 5 minutes, and created alot of hype for a bad movie. It doesn't come anywhere close to the first 3 movies. They were actually great movies to watch. I'll probably give away my copy of Ep.1 since I feel ashamed at having it in my Star Wars movie collection. Ep.1 is not a real Star Wars movie, period! Instead of spending 2 hours watching Ep.1 (very bad movie!) I would suggest watching the original Star Wars movie (excellent!). Don't waste your time with Ep.1, you're not missing anything. Really. END
Rating:  Summary: misjudgement Review: I thought the movie was great, I don't agree with what alot of these reviews say. Some of the acting wasn't great, but some the acting in the original trilogy wasn't great either. When people went to see this movie, they were probably expecting to see the original trilogy when in fact it's a brand new movie. As for me, I will not make judgement about this movie until the year 2005, when episodes 2 & 3 are out. I think George is spanning each movie into the whole story. I also Have something to say to that anonymous viewer, If you saw this movie in the theater and did not like it, why did you buy the video? hmmmm? I hope people would stop comparing this to the earlier movies, because most movies out there now don't compare to the originals, even "Citizen Kane" you movie experts you. I don't know about you, but in the year 2006. I will be buying the StarWars Episodes I-VI Boxed set on DvD or a much better format. And I as a future filmmaker, and many other filmmakers, We hail Lucas as a Master. Who knows, maybe with the permission of George, He will allow me to Make episodes VII to IX or maybe "Tales of the Jedi" for the True Fans.
Rating:  Summary: Made me feel like a kid again Review: A lot of harsh criticism has been aimed at THE PHANTOM MENACE (mostly by rabid STAR WARS fans who wouldn't be happy with anything less than the sci-fi equivalent of CITIZEN KANE) but it really is a pretty good movie and certainly a worthy prelude to Episodes 4, 5, and 6. One thing to remember is that this is just the set-up -- greater and more complex stories (hopefully) await in the next two. But as such, this is still an amazingly creative film. Despite a 16 year absence from the STAR WARS universe, Lucas has managed to create something as stunning and jaw-droppingly awesome as any film since the first three. The story may not add up to much but, MY GOD, what sights we get to see! This is the most realistic and fully-imaginged science fiction epic ever filmed. Perhaps I'm just easy to please, but THE PHANTOM MENACE left me slack-jawed and giggling with glee. I felt like a 5-year-old again, watching the originals for the first time. Any movie that can overcome my now-ingrained cynicism about modern movies is tops with me. So there. In closing, I will say that I could have done with a little less of Jar Jar Binks. But that's a minor quibble. My 5-year-old neice loved him, so there you are. Something for everyone. Lastly (and most importantly): WHY IS THERE NO DVD OF THIS MOVIE! WHAT IS LUCAS THINKING! I DO NOT DO V-H-S !
Rating:  Summary: A Star For Each Good Scene Review: I gave this movie two stars because there are only two good parts in it. First is the podracing scene which was very exciting and well done. The second good part was the last lightsaber battle which was one of the collest things I've ever watched. The rest of the movie was poorly written, directed, and except for the more vetran actors like Liam Neeson and Ewan McCregor, the acting was pitiful. And I know you've all heard this a million times before but I'll say it again, Jar Jar Binks was one big mistake. The first time I saw this movie I thought it was very entertaining but had no real desire to see it again. Except for the die hard Star Wars fans, I think most people will feel the same way. Rent it once just to know what every one is talking about but don't waste any more money on it.
Rating:  Summary: A glimpse of the great things in store for us in Episode 2 Review: For those who did not like Episode 1, they simply do not understand the Lucas style of filmmaking. Episode 1 is just the beginning. Lucas didn't show all his best stuff in this film. If you remember the Star Wars Classic Trilogy, each successive film kept getting more and more exciting. The same will be true for the films in the Prequel Trilogy. Episode 1 is an exciting film, but it will be boring compared to Episode 2. The bad guys will be meaner, the action scenes will be more intense and the battles will be more epic. Once you see Episode 2 and 3, you will appreciate the genius of Episode 1.