Rating:  Summary: More Good than Bad Review: I honestly don't see why everyone complains about Episode 1 so much. When it comes down to it, this is one of the finest Sci-Fi films to be released in years. The problem is that everyone wants to stand TPM next to it's big brothers, which it simply can't compete with.Complaints? Sure, I've got'em. Even with their age-old special effects, the original trio of SW films were written and executed with pure plot in mind. Lucas himself said that TPM was written for children, hence the relative simplicity in story and the lack of any profanity or "adult themes." I still don't understand how it didn't earn a 'G' rating. The events revolving around Pod Racing (which make up half the movie) and the Power Ranger-like Jedi/Sith fight scenes are all designed to make the kiddies say "Whoa cool!" Did it bother anyone else that Jar Jar recieved more character development than Darth Maul? And was I the only person who heard the name "Senator Palpatine" and said "Oh gee, I wonder what part HE'S going to play here? " But all things considered, when you stop saying "Hey, where's the swanky Han Solo character, and why isn't the Sith guy breathing really deeply?" and stand Episode 1 next to the piles of Sci-Fi garbage that make it to theaters every year, things don't look so bad. TPM towers in many ways over the last few Star Trek films and blows away such trash as "Supernova", the Alien clone, "Pitch Black," as well as other child-oriented sci-fi/fantacy films such as Pokemon. This is all, of course, my opinion. I could be wrong. PS: Leonardo is NOT staring in Episode II. That rumor was out the door months ago. Lucas prefers casting no-name talents over big stars in the first place, and I don't think he wants a flood of horny teenage girls that have never even heard the Skywalker name crowding the theaters full of true SW fans. Comments?
Rating:  Summary: A Question to ask Review: I only have a question for this why isn't this movie out on DVD
Rating:  Summary: Average, OK, but just OK Review: This is only a movie. So, if you're looking for some hookey entertainment for 2hrs+, then this is the one for you. But, for those who are looking for some quality film, then might I suggest buying something else. Here are the problems: first, the widescreen set: i got perhaps the most boring bit of 35mm film (with that bad pilot with the u-shaped hair). i got a worthless little booklet with no real insights into the mythology of star wars. but, if you are purist, and you want the widescreen, then this is the only way to get it. i'm beginning to associate Lucasfilm with Disney in my mind: both are a bit too money-hungry with their marketing and merchandise. and, now, more importantly, is the problem with the film itself. I suppose that all the criticisms against the film have been made, and so i'll not be adding to them in great detail. But all i have to say is this: you know there is a problem with a film when, on the one hand, the director is so meticulous with the cg characters, but on the other hand can't even decide if obiwan's hair should be either red or brown. the best part of the film bar none is the lightsaber duel, but why is it so short? it's cut together as though made for an audience affliced with ADD. i like jarjar very much, but please, please! next time put in some subtitles. yoda is a puppet. it's a shame because in Empire Strikes Back, yoda felt real. now, he's just a puppet. woohoo... he can blink. big deal. but, it's not horrible. it has its moments. it's just not brilliant. it's main problem is that it's suffering from split personalities. ON the one hand, it's trying to be a throwback to the saturday morning serial, filled with good guys and bad guys. On the other hand, it tries to create a more complex star wars universe by making it more colorful. So, you ask, what's wrong with that? i suppose the answer lies in teh little documentary included in the widescreen tape. nowhere in the documentary does one hear about the magical nature of the STORY. all one hears about is how great computers are. well, i hate to sound like a star wars freak, but that's exactly what A New HOpe was NOT ABOUT. think back to Luke in the trenches. that moment when he chooses to use the force and not to use the computer. Lucas ain't Luke in that respect. And Episode 1 is not like the original trilogy. It's just average. So, go ahead, buy this average tape. I don't care. It's only a movie. An average one.
Rating:  Summary: THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME! Review: Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace was not only the most anticipated movie of perhaps all time, but it was also the best. The charactors were fantastic, the special effects were unbelievable, and the plot was excellent. The CG charactors like Jar Jar, Watto, and Boss Nass were so real that they blended in perfectly. Personally, I'm sick of hearing all the bad reviews about this movie. Why can't we sit back and just watch an excellent film?
Rating:  Summary: Stop listening to the criticism. Review: I'll keep this short and sweet....like most fans i'd heard this was a comedown from the last 3 but thats rubbish....this film is superb.Neeson and Portman stand out. Widescreen is essential...
Rating:  Summary: Watch it- YOU WILL LOVE IT Review: Like millions of other fans of Star Wars I was angry at the reviews its had because peoples expectations were too high if your going to see it go in with an open mind. Everyone has a go at Jar Jar Binks for being so anoying but he dosen't play a massive part in the film. The lightsaber fight at the end is brilliant its very fast. I can't wait for Episode II and III to come out- I will be first in line for those.
Rating:  Summary: Just another thing Review: I just wanted to add to my previous review the fact that I did not buy into the hype at all about this film. I expected something less than the original Star Wars films. I didn't expect this piece of Saturday morning action cartoon surgary fluff. This movies reminds me of The Mummy: All action and no plot. I enjoyed the Mummy a lot, though. I didn't enjoy SW:Ep1 as much since it has so many "deus ex machina" device saves. What's that, you ask? It's where there's no way out for a character to get out of a situation naturally. Something unlikely has to happen to save the character. One or two for a movie is good. It makes for a good sense of suspense. But this movie is chock full of that and other unbelievable things. To all of you that think that this movie is great, I think you've bought into the new generation of wanting flashy pictures and sounds and don't care about a real story. Personally, I want a story that will carry me away, like the first two SW films, the Indiana Jones movies, The Matrix, etc. If you want eye candy, this is a great movie. If you want a story, look elsewhere. (You know, Lucas USED to be known as the great storyteller.) Sigh.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: Phantom Menace (widescreen) Review: The video transfer looks AWFUL! Very sub-standard. I'm very disappointed. Looks like a second generation recording. I'd wait for DVD release, or if you own a laserdisc player, bid on the Japanese LD version at eBay.com
Rating:  Summary: Curious ... Review: People don't believe that Anakin Skywalker could be born from a pristine union with the force, and that there was absolutely no way he could save the day at the end of the film the way he did. I mean, c'mon, that has got to be totally unplausible, right? But what do they believe in? Jedi, laserswords, comical robots, Muppets and Yoda? Makes you wonder just what kind of people are writing movie reviews these days. They're so quick to accept and even defend this galaxy far, far away but they have to question a direct allusion to Christ. I'm just looking forward to seeing Anakin walk on water in Episode II. On top of that, we already know he died, somewhat of a martyr, in vain for an evil and tyrannical emperor. Then he was resurrected as a harbinger of death that disenfranchised, disillusioned and conquered the galaxy in the name of said vile "father"? Plot twist? That could be a possibility - Anakin is born to his virgin mother through the hand of Palpatine, who reigns as God supreme because of his son. Just what is Lucas trying to say? Look out, because with these thinly-veiled metaphors the religious folk will be picketing the next ones until the DVD release.
Rating:  Summary: The saga begins Review: I don't know why people think that the phantom menace is the wost starwars movie ever. I thank people didn't understand the movie. You see people, this movie tells how the starwars saga begins. When the two other starwars movies comes out, I think the people will understand the phantom menace. P.S. I did't think Jar Jar was gay