Rating:  Summary: Bullseye! Wait a second. . . Review: As the familiar strains of the Star Wars theme begin, the excitement in the movie theater is so thick you can reach out and touch it. Has George Lucas done the unimaginable and created yet another epic for the new generation? The answer would be. . . just about. Yes that's right. The effects are stunning and the movie is better than most I've seen, but it falls just short of that Lucas Magic we all have come to expect. Despite this fact, though, it is a great movie, and had it been made by any other person, it would be hailed as the greatest of their career. I definitly recommend this movie, but don't expect it to stack up to the original Star Wars films.
Rating:  Summary: NOT WHAT I EXPECTED BUT A WORTHY TALE SHARED! Review: I have to admit that I am a die hard Star Wars fan, I grew up with those well known phrases such as Live long and prosper! (just kidding! ) MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! etc, and when I heard this movie was coming out, I was in Star Wars Nirvana! So much anticipation and expectation, to experience again the wonder of your first time, like being a virgin again! It was however not to be. I gave this movie 5 stars because of what I had originally hoped it would be, but wasnt, I found instead an appreciating for what it is meant to be, which is a thoroughly enjoyable tale, a begining of the original Star Wars classic! There are instances within the movie that people have found disappointing, certain characters like Jar Jar binks, our young anakin (could you imagine a child less like Darth Vada! ) and Queen Amidala, or the lack of Darth Maul scenes that had so whetted our appetites from previews (WHY DID HE HAVE TO ..... SO SOON! ) and I must admit I aggreed with some of it. But I have discovered that I can enjoy this movie on a different level, and perhaps it is best not to have such high expectations but go with the flow of the movie! All that aside, I feel that you may find in this first installment something worthwhile. This is our view of the universe before the Empire before Darth Vada, one whose story I will eagerly be following! There is much to enjoy and to find exciting, new characters to share an incredible journey with, I wish George Lucas the absolute best, So keep it coming Ill be standing in a really long queue waiting to watch the next episode like everyone else!
Rating:  Summary: A fantastic movie Review: For everyone saying this movie is a lame boring piece of junk. I say to them lighten up! It is only a movie after all, yet a very good movie. If anyone out there has never seen this movie I suggest to you to view it as soon as possible. Nearly everything is perfect. Jar Jar Binks is not a total dope like some say.
Rating:  Summary: good besides a few samall flaws? Review: Hi1 Since there are two of us, this is my favorite movie besides the follow, "breakfast with tiffany" This movie is almost as good as the first one that came out 7 yrs ago. The speshel effects were better back then. thisa movie has lost F lawS 1its boeif lawS 1its boeif my
Rating:  Summary: Depending on your age, you'll either love it or hate it! Review: George Lucas definitely tried to appeal to younger audiences with this film, and I feel that people under 20 will enjoy this one more than those over 20, due mainly to characters like Jar Jar Binks, scaled back violence (as compared to the original trilogy), and superb special effects. Older audiences may not only find that the special effects take away from the story line, but they also find characters like Jar Jar to be especially annoying. Overall, I think that George Lucas tried to do a lot of character building in Episode I, and although I didn't particularly hate the movie, I did find it to be the LEAST ENJOYABLE so far out of the four Star Wars movies. Note: I would actually give this 2 1/2 stars.
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Misfire Review: I have seen the original trilogy a countless number of times; but I have no intention of ever watching "The Phantom Menace" again. Once was enough! Why? It wasn't much fun to watch with its convoluted storyline and parade of CGI creatures. (I thought the puppets in RETURN OF THE JEDI were bad; but Episode I was 10X worse!) This movie just DRAGGED. Also one would think that a director with all that talent and money would do something original rather than ripping-off other films- the Pod Race is a pathetic attempt to re-create the legendary chariot race from BEN-HUR. (I'm sorry, but that phony CGI scene cannot hold a candle to BEN-HUR's which was done with real, flesh and blood, stunt men and horses.) The only decent parts of this film were Liam Neeson's and Ewan McGregor's performances, and the final light saber duel between the Jedis and Darth Maul. Yet Lucas even screwed that up by constantly interupting the best light saber duel in the entire series with a lame CGI land battle and little Ani's adventure in space. Speaking of Annakin, why didn't Lucas just make that character a teenager? It would have made the scenes of Natalie Portman's Queen warming up to Annakin a little less cringe inducing. And if Lucas really did have to portray the future Darth Vader as a child, why couldn't he have found someone other than Jake Lloyd whose acting ability wouldn't pass in a sitcom let alone in the most highly anticipated film of the decade? I found Lloyd more irritating than Jar-Jar, and I HATED Jar-Jar! Right now I have serious reservations about ever paying to see Episode II. Lucus really dropped the ball with this turkey!
Rating:  Summary: Not quite Star Wars Review: I didn't want to be excited by this movie, but as the lights in the theatre dimmed and the familiar strains of the Star Wars theme music began, I couldn't help but feel the same thrill I did watching the credits roll on the first three movies. But then the thrill went away. Yes, the special effects were wonderful, and Ewan MacGregor is amazing as the young Obi Wan, but the story falls flat. Perhaps it is because Jake Lloyd, as young Anakin Skywalker, has none of the sadness, awareness, or depth that I'd hoped for. Hayley Joel Osmond would have added more soul to the character. Maybe it was Jarjar Binks, the much hated computer-generated character. Much of his dialogue was racist, and I found myself wishing he'd get hit with a speeder or a flying rock or a stray laser beam. Anything to make him go away. Or maybe it's just that the fatal flaw of these "prequels" is that we already know the end of the story. Anakin cannot escape his destiny. He will be evil. He will be hated. He will be used. And as a lover of the first three movies, and the mythology that surrounded them, perhaps I don't really want to watch it happen.
Rating:  Summary: Good, Clean Fun (and how to get the DVD) Review: Lucas' latest installment in the Star Wars saga, while not being the best movie ever made, is good clean fun. Full of stunning visuals and sounds, Phantom Menace is a great sci-fi film that the whole family can enjoy. And to all those who have been complaining of the abscense of a DVD version of The Phantom Menace, here is how to get it... While it is not a true 'DVD' the VCD (Video CD, plays in Computers and almost all DVD Players) is available through Amazon z-shops, Amazon Auctions, and E-Bay for typically less than $25.
Rating:  Summary: This should say it all. Review: Ep.1 where to start. Bad acting, bad characters, etc, etc. It is obvious that Lucas made this movie for only one reason, to dupe all real Star Wars fans into spending their money on this movie. Whether you watched it in the theater or bought the stinking tape. This movie comes nowhere close to the original trilogy, and any real Star Wars fan knows this. I see some people stating that we love to trash this movie. This is untrue. If this movie had actually been good then we would have praised this movie big time. I really can't honesty see how anyone could give this movie 5 stars or anything above a 2 star rating. Do these people just sit down in front of their TV or theater screen and not judge at all the content they are watching or bother to question anything they see on the screen. Just because Lucas slapped the title "Star Wars" on it doesn't make it a true Star Wars movie. When you watch the original trilogy you are captivated by them. They have a real story and a mystery about them. Even after all these years, when I watch the 3 original movies I don't want to leave the room. They grab your attention and hold on to it. They have a certain magic to them and a magic you can see within the characters. This is how a Star Wars movie is suppose to be, and this is what real Star Wars fans were expecting. They have every right to expect that in a Star Wars movie. But Lucas seemed to have dollar signs gleaming in his eyes when he made this movie. Knowing that past real Star Wars fans would be thrilled that a new Star Wars movie would be released he knew they would all pay to watch the movie. But his hunger for money is what really did it. With a bad script in hand he made one of the worst movies ever and then hyped it up for us to swallow. And for the real Star Wars fans who then threw-up this piece of garbage we were really disappointed. No magic, just basically a boring movie that wasted 2 hours of our time, money and was a insult to the original trilogy. I was personally thinking after watching Ep.1 that this must be some kind of joke. This really couldn't be the next installment of a great movie series, could it? I'm in no hurry to see Ep.2 and Ep.3, especially if they are anything like Ep.1. In fact I probably won't watch them at all, and I'll either sell or give away my copy of Ep.1 and try and pretend that Ep.1 through Ep.3 don't exist, since they'll do nothing but spoil the original trilogy. Special effects are great and all, but Ep.1 used too many of them. Computer generated characters look too fake, cartoon like, and the audience can see that easily. And if you can see that easily, then you have failed to make something look real that isn't. What happened to using real costumes with real people or remote controlled robots inside? These look more authentic and believable than some poorly done computer generation. Ep.1 also had several inconsistencies with the original trilogy and brought up more questions than answers. Jar Jar along with the other corny computer generated characters are best suited for Saturday morning cartoons than a real Star Wars movie. It is clear that Ep.1 was totally made for little kids and for a little kid mentally and that the adult perspective was just a after thought with the hope from Lucas that all adult real Star Wars fans would be tricked into paying to watch this movie thinking it would be like the original trilogy. If Lucas wanted more money, he should have just made a little kids space movie and titled it "Space Junk Wars Ep.1" and left the whole Star Wars trilogy alone, that way the real Star Wars fans would not have gone to see it and be so disappointed. In conclusion, don't even buy this movie for your little kid. Show them the original trilogy that has real content and a real story with magic that inspires imagination and real thinking, and try not to let them see Ep.1 that's nothing more than cookie cutter Hollywood garbage for the brain dead portion of our society.
Rating:  Summary: I love It! But, it's weird... Review: First of all. anakyn is some kind of JESUS? Jar Jar Binks is too crazy. Where is the DVD God Dammit? But Darth Maul Brings the pleasure of fight. and episode II and III will be more Dark, you'll see. Darth Vader: I MISS YOU.