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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Trilogy was soooo much better...
Review: After having seen the original Star Wars trilogy an uncountable number of times, I have to say this one did not meet my expectations. I think that George Lucas focused way more on the effects than the storyline and characters, and perhaps if the effects were toned down some it would be a little better. I'm glad to have the history of Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, but it just wasn't done very well. Jar-jar should be deleted, as well as Anakin, who, I'm sorry to break it to all his fans, will turn evil and die. There were a couple of scenes where I was actually rooting for the evil droids because Anakin was so incredibly annoying. If you like sci-fi crammed with effects, you'll like this. But if you're like me and would rather have character and storyline development, and you're a big fan of the trilogy, you probably won't think too highly of this movie.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Star Wars ruined
Review: I never could have imagined o worse episode to the series. Where has the soul of the first films gone... This movie was the worst and i hope it will stay that way it was awfull (except the bad guys) after seeing the movie all i could thing was that i must have watched the wrong movie but then you will have to watch it just becouse it is a star wars movie lucas should have done better...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disappointing.
Review: What a letdown. I'm a diehard Star Wars fan, and I can't tell you how mediocre this film is. My heart started pounding with excitement when the opening music blared and the Star Wars logo appeared on the screen. It was all downhill from there. The much-hyped pod racer scene is dull and free of suspense- how many laps are left? Who's ahead? You can never tell, so after a while- who cares? Can't hold a candle to the speeder bike chase in Return of the Jedi- or any scene in the original trilogy for that matter. Liam Neeson's and Ewan McGregor's talents are totally wasted. Natalie Portman's performance is wooden, and what's with that accent? The computer generated effects are distracting and cartoonish. The finale is laughable. What a bummer. I think I'll skip Episode II. :(

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great special effects, dull human characters
Review: This movie has great special effects, but the human characters are dull. Liam Neeson is a fine actor, but in this movie, he appears listless and bored. Ewan McGregor, who plays Obi-Wan, has some potential, but his lines in this movie were too simplistic and banal. Natalie Portman was about as animated as a stone monument, and her costumes and makeup were really bizarre. It made Carrie Fisher's hairdo in Episode 4 look stylish. Darth Maul was an interesting character, but his face makeup and horns were silly looking. It reminded me of a WWF wrestler. I found Jar Jar Binks to be an annoying pest. Jake Lloyd's character was too young for me to believe he could accomplish everything he did in this movie. Let's hope George Lucas learns from his mistakes in Phantom Menace, and makes a more serious, mature film in Episode 2.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: 14 minutes of humanity
Review: I remember reading somewhere that there were 14 minutes in this film in which there were no special effects. Films have sure come a long way since the original Star Wars. Perhaps we won't even need actors in the not-too-distant future. We'll have computer celebrities. Computer programmers will become screenwriter, director, producer and actor.

In other words, this movie is one huge special effect, with smatterings of characterization. At times it's frustrating, because it's like playing a video game without a joystick! Still it's a terrific video game which speeds by despite its 2+ hour length. And when it's over, you'll still be wanting more (like a roller coaster ride, you'll wonder how it ended so fast).

I don't think a Star Wars film could ever recapture the innocence that was in the original. But I must admit to loving Jar-Jar Binks, who mercilessly brings relief to the self-importance of many of the scenes. And I marvel at the fans who object to Binks, saying that he ruins the movie by interjecting comedy at the altar of Jedi-seriousness. Folks, it's supposed to be a fun movie, and should be enjoyed as such (Jar Jar would ruin the tone of Schindler's List, but not a Star Wars film). Lucas and company are not finding cures for cancer, nor are they creating world peace, or ending world hunger -- they merely built a roller coaster. And what a roller coaster it is!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not too shabby, Mr. Lucas...
Review: I had to do it... I had to get both versions of the Phantom Menace... I mean, I might as well wear out the pan & scan version and save the widescreen edition for special occasions (whatever)... anyway on to the film... I think enough has been said about the content of the film itself. There will always be endless debate about how great/horrible the movie was, about how funny/moronic/racist/utterly worthless Jar Jar Binks was/is... but I digress. The movie is actually enjoyable & very watchable (coming from someone who has seen it over 1 dozen times already)... like John Williams said, it's a great Saturday afternoon movie. Great introduction to the young Obi-Wan Kenobi and his teacher Qui-Gon Jinn (if he trained Ol' Ben, though, how come he never mentions him in the later films?, Darth Maul is totally cool and wields a pretty mean lightsaber, Jake Lloyd is adorable as Anakin, Natalie Portman is wooden as Queen Amidala, and Samuel L. Jackson & Pernilla August turn in pretty good supporting roles. The widescreen edition is presented in a pretty cool format, with the 35mm cell and the booklet. Technically, the video is above average. Good thing I bought the widescreen version; when I started to watch the pan & scan version, halfway through the film the picture became distorted & jumpy, eventually becoming totally unwatchable. When I returned the film for an exchange, the cashier mentioned that they had some problems with a lot of tapes that were returned for similar reasons... so much for THX mastering. The picture is not as clear as I though it would have (& should have) been; it tends to jump in certain places, and happens to be more noticeable in the pan & scan version. I checked it out on at least 3 different VCR's so it's the tape that has the problem. The Dolby Pro Logic soundtrack, however, is another story; rich and very deep in the bass parts, the soundtrack stands out from the get go (with the THX "test" before the film begins). The lightsabers hum all around the room and the starships sound (& feel) like they are taking off in your living room. Highlights include the various lightsaber duels (which put the duels in the original trilogy to shame), the space assault on the Trade Federation, the unbelievable Boonta Eve pod race, and the obligatory celebration at the end of the film. George Lucas tends to go overboard on some of the CGI in this film, with the cardinal sin of making Jar Jar Binks a major character. The film lacks the imagination that Lucas used in the first film. Instead of thinking a scene out (like the now legendary Creature Cantina sequence), with the current technology Lucas can just digitally drop crap into every scene without thinking about it. It shows in many of the scenes, none more so than the droid/Gungan battle. On the whole, however, the movie is fun to watch and pretty much geared towards children (how else to explain the cuteness of Anakin & the buffoonery of Jar Jar?) Pick it up and have some fun on a lazy, hazy (or rainy) Saturday afternoon(s)... you won't be disappointed you did...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible
Review: I got this movie just to see what all the fuss was about.

I am still wondering.

This movie isn't just bad, it's horrible. The special effets are cheesey. I mean they defy description. The muppests on Sesame Street look more realistic than the characters populated in this movie.

The story is icomprehesable. There is absolutely no suspense. It's worse- MUCH WORSE- than a Saturdy Morning cartoon.

I hated this movie more than ever movie I've ever hated before.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Looking for a good movie? Try A New Hope instead
Review: The Phantom Menace was over-anticipated. The movie itself has no relationships shown between characters, and by the end of the movie you forget some characters even existed (like Shmi Skywalker, or one of the podracers).

The other movies were well-paced and had a gripping storyline. This one focused more on CG, special effects, and overall, the tough job of trying to live up to its expectation. It had no storyline whatsoever.

Again, if you're looking for a good movie, try A New Hope instead.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Lucas had all these years and he still got it wrong
Review: I waited years and years to see the prequel, and this movie sure isn't what I expected.

Get rid of Jar Jar and the Gungans, get rid of Watto, get rid of Anarkin, get rid of the pod race, and you have a decent 1 hour movie.

This book was such a disappointent I probably won't waste my money on the other episodes. ;-(

Wah doh Ogedoda

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Relax, it's only Star Wars!
Review: Most people were preparing their bodies, minds and souls to receive George Lucas' wisdom through THE PHANTOM MENACE last summer. When it did not give people the meaning of life, there was a backlash. How could people ENJOY a movie with expectations like that? My thought: There loss! It's only STAR WARS. It's supposed to be fun. It's like THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS in space, but a lot better done. Yoda is Obi-wan's master, not mine! I get engrossed with these characters so I won't have to deal the deeper complexities of MY existence (at least not for two hours). The special effects are without equal. The pod race and the climactic light-saber dual stand as two of the best set pieces in the STAR WARS saga. And just imagine(if you must) Jar Jar Binks as your most irritating, but lovable, pet, and you're okay there. Besides, this movie is just exposition. I can almost garauntee Episodes II and III will not be this light story-wise. Lucas had to introduce us to everbody and get them in place. My view is he made the very best of a mundane and unenviable job. STAR WARS is meant to entertain us (the moviegoers), the deeper meanings and reasons should, really, only be relevant to Lucas. It's his spaceship, I'll let him fly it. I agree with Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson): "Don't worry. The Force will guide us."

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