Rating:  Summary: ENOUGH BAGGING ON THIS FILM AND ENJOY IT FOR WHAT IT IS Review: The first time I viewed The Phantom Menace, I must admit I did not like it very much. Like alot of people, I thought the characters were stale and Jar Jar was stupid and that the film od'd itself on computer graphics and by the end, I didn't care what the hell happened I just wanted to go home. Now mind you, I am not the biggest Star Wars fan but I do love all of the movies, have most of the old toys and love it when my nephew can quote a line or tell me the relations between the characters. Once this film was released on video (widescreen), something weird happened. Everything flowed alot better. Perhaps it was because there not claustrophobia from the hundreds occupying the theater, or I could finally hear the dialogue crystal clear, as opposed to the new and improved theater sounds, but this film was incredibaly entertaining and while I can still see some of my earlier points come up, I also know that once the series is done, I don't think people will bag on this film much. I think people are bagging on this the way they first ripped apart Back to the Future 2, until the series was complete and now it seems to be everyone's favorite. Sure some of the acting is wooden, but this film isn't supposed to be the involving story of Luke discovering his manhood and his place in the universe, but rather a political film about the unraveling of the galaxy and how everything is beginning to hit the fan. If you still can not understand Jar Jar, here's an idea... closed caption and just think his species has to die, because he or they are not in the last films. Afterwards, I rubbed my head thinking something was wrong with me--was this the same film that I bagged on when it arrived in the theaters? It was and yet everything was clearer than before--and the visuals were not in my face, but rather atmospheric on the television screen. Please, dear people--don't bag too hard because when the series is over, I'm sure you will like this one as well. .... So far this whole series was very good and I can not wait to see this epic completed--and I am not even a huge Star Wars fan but I do like to see credit where credit is due. However, I do have something to say to George Lucas about the Phantom Menace--the only reason why the Sand people shooting at the pods is funny is because we have seen A NEW HOPE--however, years from now when the series is done and kids want to watch it, it will be very hard to just start at EPISODE 1--because the injokes simply will not resonate and they may be forced to track backwards anyway. Next summer we will all see how this saga continues and until then, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU. Cheesy, I know--but what are you going to do? :)
Rating:  Summary: Almost as good as episode IV! Review: The stainless steel space craft and the duck-like war robots are master pieces. The underwater monsters are better the 20 Leagues Under the Sea. Again we have an historical drama in a fantasy of the future... with the Texas Rangers of the future fighting the gun fighters and robbers. And we have the very young being groomed to be great men because they are special. Identity deception like that in Shakespeare play undershadows the plot. Lucas is the master of the unknowable future.
Rating:  Summary: Watch this film if you have imagination. Review: If you have imagination and a love having a good time, this film is fun and you'll enjoy watching it (especially when the DVD comes out). There is a great race scene, a sword fight without comparison, and a fantastic musical score all of which contribute to a fun film. George Lucas's imagination of another time and place make for an exciting adventure. . . if you let it.On the other hand, you are a cynic and are going to analize the film for the 2 hours of running time, you'll hate it. Star Wars is about having fun, laughing, and dreaming. Episode I is just like the 3 original films in that respect. Too many "fans of Star Wars" have lost the pleasure in watching the films. It's like analyzing how the rides at Disneyland work. Don't think, just get in the seat, take the ride and have fun. Unfortunatly, many of these fans have built up Episode I so much in their minds that nothing could match the expectations. They no longer watch to have fun, but to see if it matches their expectations. Trust me, put the film in and enjoy (especially for kids!).
Rating:  Summary: The End of the Magic! Others think it's the best???? Review: I Have seen many reviews written for this movie, 43 to be exact. Some I agree with, some I don't. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I know that expectations have been a little high and people have said that if you put the expectations aside it was a good movie. I have to disagree on that. Expectations aside, it was a computerized show! It confuses me that people say that only the true star wars fans appreciate episode 1. How can I appreciate a movie that HAS a story that's put in poorly? What I mean is that the story was there, but it was put in really bad in my opinion. Jar Jar Binks is especially annoying. Having him make stupid jokes, having all these special effects run the movie, and having all these weird aliens, you would think that George Lucas was directing this film towards little kids to "WOWWW" or "Ahhhh" about the neat fly by ships, neat planets, and a billion aliens overrun the movie. Characters is a big complaint in the movie. The casting was awful in my opinion. Let's characterize some characters. Queen Amidala- well dressed, looks like a goddess, no personality, acting 3 out of 5 stars. Princess Leia- great personality, has an interesting story esp. with her and han, acting 4 1/2 out of 5 stars (no one can beat Harrison Ford) Jar Jar Binks- annoying, annoying, weird, obnoxious,looks completely animated, no importance to the movie, acting 1 out of 5 stars C-3PO- (different version of jar jar) funny, annoying I will admit, though plays a much more interesting part in the trilogy, warm character, acting 5 out of 5 stars Anakin in Episode 1- nothing interesting, all around not interesting, acting 2 out of 5 stars Darth Vader VS. Darth Maul (hard to rate) Darth Maul- scary in a good way, very quiet (reserved), dark dark character, acting job 4 out of 5 stars, not of much importance though. Darth Vader- scary, dark character. has the classic breathing sound, unlike Darth Maul who just is remembered for the neat designs on his face. Huge importance to the story, neatest character out of all of star wars, acting 5 out of 5 stars! Overall I wouldn't say episode 1 is a horrible movie or really bad. It is poorly done out. The things that need to happen is less aliens, more of a story, a good sense of a relationship with the characters, and much less special effects. In polls that I have seen, The Empire Strikes Back is rated top. It has the best story, everything from romance, evil, drama, powerful parts. It also has the least amount of weird places and least amount of weird aliens. Episode 6 almost always followed in the polls. And Episode 1 and episode 4 kinda go back and forth, although I don't know why episode 4 is rated so low. Maybe since it was the oldest. Anyways, that's all I have to say!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome!!!! Clean FUN entertainment for all ages! Review: I will begin by saying if you think you could do better then knock yourself out! The first Star Wars was written as a stand alone movie with expectations of earning only about $35 million. Instead, and to everyone's surprise, Star Wars has grossed nearly One Billion Dollars world wide. The Phantom Menace also grossed close to one billion world wide...(Gee! It appears someone liked this film!) The Phantom Menace is written as 1/3 of a complete story arc and Star Wars was made to stand alone in case it bombed. Personall I am amazed at how many fans out there are quick to judge this film. I proves that Americans are fickled and just plain spoiled when it comes to entertainment. Many fans fail to realize that all of the movies cronicle the rise, fall, and REDEMPTION of not only Darth Vader but humanity in general. We see the apathy of people and the corruption of goverment and how both are blinded to the cunning and ravenous forces of darkess eager to consume them both. The Star Wars Saga has Biblical similarities with regards to the rise and fall of an anti-christ like figure ( Palpatine ) and the tyranical, Beast like, govenment (the Empire) he imposes using anger, fear, and agression. ( sound familiar? Look at recent headlines ... Global Union anyone?!) At any rate no movie is perfect yet this film has something good for everyone, including the younger members of a family. It is clean, devoid of profanity, gratuitous sex, and graphic violence. A true rarity for Hollywood ( perhaps that is why most critics didn't like it?! not enough raunch for them) Of those I know, who said they hated this film none could give me a tangible reason why! Nor could they tell me what they would have done differently! We all had such high expectations! Addionally, everyone I know who was disappointed with the film as both the wide and standard version on video tape and can't seem to wait for it to be released on DVD!(?) My Mother, who is not a big sci fi fan, loved the movie and cant wait until 19 May 2002! Warning!!!!! Possible Spoiler ahead !!!!!! The mystery of the Force has not been diminished by the inclusion of the Midiclorients explained by Qui Gon in SWTPM. It is the guess of this fan that Lucas mentioned this issue and its connection to the Force force since the next movie deals with clones. It is a logical deduction that if you clone a Jedi or Sith you will have a Jedi or Sith clone complete and with powers intact. I forsee in the third installment, after Anakin turns to the Dark Side and becomes a Sith, that the now self proclaimed Emporer (Palpatine) will have Vader Cloned... Hence the true problem in the clone wars! ...In episode 2 you find out that there are numerous Jedi...too numerous for one person to eliminate. So the cloned Vaders scour the galaxy for Jedi and eliminate them thus confirming Obi-Wans statement " Vader hunted down and killed the Jedi" from a certain point of view of course. I said all of that to say this. It is not over! Most of the ill perceptions an reviews of this movie are premature since it is less than half complete. I would wager against my new racing pod that everyone who said they hated this movie more than likely has it in there library and are equally or more likely, chomping at the Bit for episode two's release in less than a year! Thank you BKB
Rating:  Summary: DVD Review: I think the DVD will make up for the bad quality of the movie. I have a feeling that the next movie will be better than EP1. Someone said why not have it on DTS, I don't think this would be a good idea as for the low take up on DTS compared to DD5.1. But a separate DVD for DTS users would be a good idea. I myself am looking forward to it, and have read a strong rumor that a TRAILER FOR EP2 may be on it! Thanks Mark
Rating:  Summary: The difference between "It's good" and "I like it" Review: Forgive me for treading on holy ground. I have, indeed, been one to hold the whole Star Wars saga near and dear to my heart. This movie is awonderful spectacle that, I think, tried to please too many people at once. A victim of it's own popularity, I suppose. Don't get me wrong, I like the movie... hell, I LOVE the movie. I was just aware of too many things that seemed to be meant to "hook" a particular audience. Episode four drew it's strength from mythological archetypes (The young hero on a quest, the mystical mentor, the "rogue samurai", etc.) while this one... well.. marketing surveys. (the adorable high energy star-struck kid, the goofy comic relief side-kick... etc). Also, I'm not sure it's wise to mess around with that whole "virgin birth" (or similar idea therein) thing with Anakin. Lots of little plot and character inconsistencies, and... *ahem... certain cast members who just bugged the hell out of me. Not to slight it too much. I'm really not writing this to bash Lucas. Some of my favorite action sequences of the decade are in this film. There's plenty of high-octane Star Wars fun. The visuals are, of course, spectacular... first rate! And I do not, as some maintain, believe that the movie became an excuse to spotlight ILM's capability. What did you want? a Star Wars movie with "subtle" special effects? Natalie Portman is particularly good in her role. Oh, and just the IDEA of Darth Maul had me drooling to see this movie (And I was so NOT dissapointed with him when he arrived). Also, we see some of the basic premises defined (well, defined for those of us who didn't get around to reading the books) Things like: We know what the Jedi can do, but WHO are they and what is their role in the grand scheme of things? Similar issues with the Sith. Looking forward to the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Watchable, but bad acting ruins the movie Review: The movie on the whole manages to paint a wonderful picture of the world before the evil empire takes control. The all star cast do a good job, but it is not enough to overcome the flat acting of Jake Lloyd. The special effects are wonderful and the battle scenes surpass the first three. Unfortunately, there's a lot of history and myth to the star wars universe. If the first three episodes of star wars didn't exist, the movie would get a higher rating. The movie is entertaining and fun, but sadly lacks depth and mystery.
Rating:  Summary: Come on, IT'S STAR WARS!!!! Review: What did you expected from a Star Wars movie? Something less than 5 stars? These movies are the reason why movies were invented people. And specially this one is the reason why DVD's and Surround Sound Systems were created!! Since the moment I saw Episode 1 on a movie theater I imagined the day in which I could feel the excitement of the Podracing, the tension of the jedi vs.Sith battle, the space sequences, all of them in the comfort of my living room. And the extras...THE EXTRAS! Two critiques: 1)Where are the original movies on DVD? Where is the Indiana Jones thrilogy!? 2)Do I have to wait until October?! Oh man!!!
Rating:  Summary: A slug of a movie. Review: What can I say? Episode One is now two years old but still I have trouble watching it and not frowning at the whole atmosphere of it. It just isn't Star Wars. Sure, it's 30-something years before A New Hope and things are bound to be different, but what was lacking in mise-en-scene should at least have been recreated in style or tone. The style is all wrong because none of the original designers or artists were invlolved. And just how much CGI can one squeeze into a movie without it hitting overkill. Lucas as created here a behemoth of a movie that is both inconsistent, unengaging and unintelligent. His problem is that back in the 70s he, along with Spielberg, Coppola, de Palma, Scorcese et al had something significant to contribute to cinema at an artistic level. They all accomplished that, and all we have left are the assimilated remains of their expended genius. Luke Skywalker, the dreamer that every boy wanted to be, racing off on wild adventures away from ordinary life, is not substituted with an equally accessible character here. Everyone is already special. That's too bad. As for the DVD and it's multitudes of extras - who gives? Sure, all the supplementary material is a shrewd move on the part of Lucas but please, how far can he milk his fanbase before they all wake up and give him the collective finger. My fingers are firmly crossed for Lord of the Rings; even though this trilogy is destined to be CGI-hell also, we can rest more easily in the knowledge that it is at least a character-driven story, one about courage and spirit, and one that Lucas himself has forgotten how to write.