Rating:  Summary: best movie ever Review: this movie is one of my favourite films ever. ive watched it hundreds of times and it never bores me, the one liners, the total mayhem that can be done with 1 ak clip..bennet...the funniest bad guy ever. sometimes i wish the old benster would just shoot john and the girl.....wonder what kirby would do??
Rating:  Summary: One of the best action flicks of the 80's !!! Review: ...if not the best !!!Like in life, you can't take everything too seriously, the same goes for this movie. This is simply a classic Arnie's action packed movie to enjoy and have lots of fun! When I first saw this movie back in 1985, It keep me to the edge of the seat the entire movie and I couldn't help but watching it again the same night ! I have never seen before so many extraordinary action sequences in one movie to that date ! It was the first time I saw Arnold in action and I knew he was going to be a bigger star than he was back in that year. I wasn't wrong! Also, the soundtrack from James Horner is a Masterpiece ! Highly recommended !
Rating:  Summary: X-mas shopping for the soul! Review: One of the best scenes in a movie filled with best scenes? Question: how do you get enough firepower to obliterate the waiting enemy that outnumbers you 2,000 to 1? Go shopping at your local SURPLUS CITY, of course. When I was a kid, this scene was the cherry on the sundae, yah know? It was like a wet dream and I'm not even a hunter? I don't know why this was exhilerating: I don't like guns, would never own one and I've only fired a rifle twice in my life. Maybe I had a mental defection of some kind, maybe my analyst can tackle this one next Tuesday. Oh well. Guns, guns, guns! JOHN MATRIX waltzes in and just takes pistols, sub-machine guns, AK-47s, M-16s, SMGs, bazookas, SS rocket launchers with custom plasma range detection, Glocks, Mustang cold-bolt 838s, howitzers, blue colored tanks, claymores, Colt Pythons, UZI 9 mms, side-mount gatling arrest air/surface exterminators, gas cans, scimitars, BB guns, elephant blasters, 12-gage shotguns with hair triggers - a short breath - he takes twelve inch knives, sharp sticks, Bruce Lee, electric guitars, cigars, grenades, a canoe, paddles, steel drums, fishing poles, chewing gum, floatation devices and a Sherman anti-trust tank. He knew right where to go, damn him. "leave anything for us..." How could anyone criticize this movie for trying to be good or trying to be anything more than what it is? And the director? He just pointed the camera and let the genius that is Arnold mate with the lustful mistress that is cinema. Even the title COMMANDO gets me shaking with laughter; simple, direct, commado. Other reviewers here have been quoting lines left and right, mostly overlapping with the obvious bits - it would seem we all are unified and understand the essence of this movie. From high-brained lawyers to trailer trash, there is something in this movie for everyone. It is probably one of the most quotable flicks since MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL... With movies like this loose in America, it's little wonder that our own el presidente figured we would be up for some ass-kicking and fiery explosions over-seas. I heard through the grapevine he had problems understanding certain elements of the plot, and needed some explanations. Top brass took care of the briefing, apparently. Anyway, my only wish now is knowing where I could get a copy of that hair-metal rock anthem that plays over the end credits? BTW - the COMMANDO score by James Horner is now available on CD at Varese Sarabande's website ... in a limited release of 3000 copies. I've already ordered mine, so I don't care about letting the big secret out. Cheers.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, but one of Arnold's lesser films... Review: It's no secret nor wonder that "Commando" is a cult hit for certain people (particularly teenage boys). This is one of those poor, poor movies that almost makes "Rambo's" fight scenes look like a child's program. The plot is ridiculous, the supporting cast is appalling, there are continuity errors about every five seconds, not to mention the pi$$-poor direction on Mark L. Lester's account. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as Col. John Matrix (where's Keanu Reeves?), an ex-commando who has retired from the Army to live a peaceful life with his annoying pest of a daughter, Jenny (Alyssa Milano, pre-babedom). Scene to look for during the introductory sequence: Arnold petting a wild deer with his daughter. No, don't laugh, it gets better, trust me. John's old commando team members start getting killed off by a bunch of assassins, including Bill Duke (who later went on to star in "Predator" [1987] with Arnie, too). John is warned of this too late - Mr. Duke invades Arnie's home and steals his daughter. Why, you ask? To give Arnold a reason to blow stuff up and kill an uncountable number of human beings, that's why. Oh, you mean the "plot" of the movie? A Cuban dictator (Dan Hedaya, with a truly horrible foreign accent) wants to overthrow the "Presidante" of Cuban so he can become the next prez. So he tells John Matrix to do it - or he'll kill Johnnie's daughter. The horror, the horror. Arnold kills many people and escapes from a flying jet plane while its pulling up into the sky (don't ask). He manages to land in a pond but reappear without any water on his clothes at all. He then seeks revenge on all of the people who threatened him and his daughter. Good line: "Remember, Sully, when I told you I'd kill you last? I lied." The film was directed by Mark L. Lester, the man behind the misfired comedy-action flick "Armed and Dangerous" with John Candy and Eugene Levy. The early signs of an untalented director shine through here - the film almost mutates into a self-mockery of itself. I come back to the scene where Arnold is petting a deer with his daughter and cheesy music plays in the background. They can't be serious! The script is an utter mess of recycled action film plots, cliches, and dialogue. Arnie gets teamed up with a black chick (Rae Dawn Chong); luckily they do not get in a romance. I suppose the script had so many stereotypes in it they figured it wouldn't hurt to skip over a few. "Commando" is such an appalling film it is one that people love to watch and make fun of. It was Arnold's first film since "The Terminator," and it was the start of his one-liners ("Hey Bennett, I'll be back!") so if you're a fan of Arnie this film deserves some credit. The first time I saw this movie I didn't get it - I thought it was stupid and boring. Now I think it's just stupid. Best Lines: "Hey Bennett, I'll be back!" "You're a funny guy, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last." "And ma'am? Please don't bother my friend. He's dead tired." "Remember, Sully, when I told you I was going to kill you last? I lied." "Fly or die!" "Slitting a little girl's throat is like cutting warm butter." "These guys eat too much red meat!" "Let's party." "John, I'm not going to shoot you between the eyes. I'm going to shoot you between the balls!" "Let off some steam, Bennett." And the Award Winner for Best Line in the Movie: "I eat green berets for breakfast. Right now I'm very hungry." Best Continuity Errors: The length of John's ammo belt. A truck flips over grassy knolls many times, only for it to be intercut with shots of the vehicle driving on flat terrain. John, where's the water on your clothing? Is that a rope holding up Sully's leg? Didn't that guy die twice? Yes he did. Did something just throw that guy into the air?
Rating:  Summary: John Matrix Reloaded Review: John Matrix... wow... it must've took a few hours to think THAT name up, huh? Okay, here's what I'm gonna do... instead of a review, I'm just gonna post a bunch of quotes : "Remember when I promised to kill you last?"..."That's right, Matrix, you did!!"...".....I lied...."....."AHGhghhghghhghHHHH!!!!!" "Put the knife away, and shut your mouth" "I eat green-berets for breakfast! And right now, I'm VERY hungry!" "=v(K you @55hole!" *click* *click* "=v(K YOU @55hole!" "Let off some steam, Bennet!" "I DON'T NEED NO GUN! * tosses the gun aside and whips out a knife* I GONNA KILL YOU NOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!" "He's one gigantic mofo!" "Wanna see me kick some @55?" Well folks, that about sums it up. Commando rocks.
Rating:  Summary: what a film ! Review: what a film , a hilarious plot, unbelivable action scenes ( how can so many soldiers fire so many bullets at arnie and still miss.), the wonderfully stereotyped Bennet and sublime music. Loved it !
Rating:  Summary: Superbly Terrible Review: This movie is hilariously campy and bad. I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. The sound mix is horrendously bad. I had to turn my surround sound all the way up and I still couldn't hear what anyone was saying in the scene where Arnold gets his assasination briefing. Te picture quality on the DVD is really, really bad. It looks identical to the VHS. The over-the-top violence is just too funny. In one scene, Arnold goes into a shed and kills 5 people who have guns with garden implements. In the final scene, Arnold punches Bennett into a 20,000 watt electrical coil and Bennett immediately recovers and starts beating Arnold up. After that, the movie sort of goes into a fast forward and Arnold punches Bennett about 20 times in 10 seconds, even though he has just had one of his shoulder cut down to the bone and he has a huge gash in his ribs and can barely walk. If you want an Arnold movie that can be taken seriously, get Terminator or Predator. They are better, more serious movies the still have classic Arnold one-liners. This is still a great movie, just don't be expecting a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate B-movie. Review: The story is simple: Former Army unit leader John Matrix (Arnold Schwarzenegger) searches for his daughter, who has been kidnapped, while killing everybody in the process. Here you get what Arnold does best: kicking total arse. This is one of those movies that is so bad and so cheesy that you can't help but watch it. This is a great popcorn flick and it is much better than anything Vin Diesel is doing. Highly recommended for anybody who calls themselves an Action fan or B-Movie fan.
Rating:  Summary: Schwarzenegger Rules! Review: This is Arnold at his best. His funniest trademark quotes are in this one. I even love the corny nature to this movie, like the scene where Arnold smashes up Sully's yellow car, Then flips it over from its side and drives it away without a scratch on it, and this is just after he hangs Sully off a cliff with one arm and you can clearly see the cable hanging from Sully's leg, "I must warn you Sully, this is my weak arm!" From the scene where Arnold emerges from a security gaurd pile up and they go flying all over the place followed by him lifting up a telephone booth with Sully in it and flipping it over his shoulders, to the scene where he knocks the black guy unconscious with his elbow in the airplane and then breaks his neck in a headlock without anyone seeing it, "Please don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired." These are only a couple of fantastic scenes from a legendary action movie. If you've never seen this one (which is hard to believe), you've missed a true Schwarzenegger classic.