Rating:  Summary: Bond Falters... Review: Corniness and Sci-fi battles are included in this entry into the Bond series. Roger Moore comes back as James Bond, 007, and he must pursue the head of a computer company named Drax. He has a boring name and does manage to be boring throughout the movie, absolutely listless until the moment he dies. Jaws is back, which can be seen as bad or good. The villain, who seemed so original and cool in Spy Who Loved Me, is merely a distraction here, he is only in a few scenes and none are memorable. Plenty of gadgets and special effects, though, which keep this from having no redeemable value. There was little here to keep me watching, except I noticed the door tone on the apartment is the same as in Close Encounters. Really, if you are a Bond fan, do not buy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: The joker of the pack - in more ways than one... Review: This is one of the most intriguing series-based films ever released. Gone is James Bond's (Roger Moore) hard character with a dangerous approach to everything, who gradually faded away in the five films pre-dating this one, and is replaced by a wise-cracking spy, more reminiscent of James Coburn's Flint than James Bond, who seems to know his escape routes before the time even comes for him to plan them!However, a classically evil villain is played by Sir Hugo Drax, a multi-billionaire who is concerned with various strange events regarding his newly developed Moonraker space shuttle, though the movie is a far cry from the Anti-Nazi original novel by Ian Fleming, based around the Moonraker Nuclear Missile. Whilst the movie is generally aimed at the humour-nerves of the audience, there are some almost frighteningly serious moments (for example, when Drax's assistant - Corrine Dufour - is savaged by guard dogs, and when a scientist in one of Drax's nerve gas labs accidently breaks open a vile of gas, demonstrating to Bond the power of the stuff). The movie is full of excellent witticism, which makes a change from the general stupid-humour of Live And Let Die, an excellent example being when Bond puts a powerful dart into an enemy's heart - "You look desolated Mr. Bond." BANG! "Heartbroken, Mr. Drax." Classic. Perhaps a little long, and the middle of the movie could be shot better (messing around in Rio de Janeiro gets tiresome even after the second time of watching), and Jaws (Richard Kiel) is not quite as good as in The Spy Who Loved Me, on account of the silly love affair he has halfway through this movie. Jaws is the baddy Bond couldn't beat, so why do the two join up at the end? I felt a little lost that Bond should simply escape because of Jaws's change in feelings - surely the metal-toothed one should make for an excellent fight scene and death in space? (that's exactly what I expected when I knew the movie had Jaws in and was set in space). Fairly good plot, and the LASER-based space battle at the end is very intense, and the opening scene is on par with the Man With the Golden Gun and The Living Daylights - a free fall jump from a plane and a space shuttle is hi-jacked off the back of a jumbo jet mid-flight! This is Bondian action at its best, though the movie lacks some of the more subtle touches of the "real" Bond classics - these touches are indescribable, and thus only an examlple will suffice: "Do you expect me to talk?" "No mister Bond, I expect you to die." all the while Bond is nearly emasculated on a gold topped table by an industrial LASER. etc. (from Goldfinger). An important addition to the Bond series, as it takes him to the final frontier, and also probably the lightest, but try not to cover your eyes up with a cushion when Corrine Dufour is hunted down. It's not that chilling. Honest.
Rating:  Summary: it was good! Review: Moonraker is certainly not a failure as so many people on this page are implying. I'd never give this film 5 stars, but it is my favorite movie just to sit down and watch on a rainy day, or whatever. The plot is not confusing; there's action, there's women, there's villains (damn good ones too), and the screenplay is rather entertaining. Also, the special features on this dvd are quite good. There's no reason to bash Moonraker because it isn't the best; it is the most comical and creative of all 19 films! Buy it!!!
Rating:  Summary: Even the Bond series has produced a few clunkers Review: Strictly for die hard Bond fans (like me) who simply must own every Bond film. You know you're in trouble when the best thing about a movie is a 7'2 killer with metal teeth. Richard Kiel is great as he reprises his role as Jaws. For the rest, Moonraker, the 11th Bond movie and Roger Moore's 4th, is surprisingly bad. Moore's worst. What were the people who made the outer space Star-Wars-inspired gizmo-flick thinking. Poor special effects, stupid... sight gags, obnoxious one-liners and a truly insipid plot doom this mess. Lois Childs is beautiful as the Bond girl. Aren't all Bond girls beautiful? I could never figure out if she was with CIA, NASA, or just a brillant scientist astronomer. No matter; she and Moore have zero chemistry. There is one exciting chase/action speedboat scene on the Amazon (river) which showcases the beautiful scenery. Drax is one of the least compelling and poorly acted of all Bond villains. The plot and squence of events just don't make any sense. Bernard Lee deserved better in his final performance as M. The 007 movies just before (TSWLM) and just after (FYEO) are Moore's best and are among the best in the series.... Moonraker ranks down at the bottom, barely ahead of LTK. Laser fire aboard a space station? Aren't you afraid of breaching the hull and killing yourself too? A killer flower released into the atmosphere? Never mind the radar jamming; a space station contructed to completion in outer space without ANY authorities noticing? A gondola battle? A fight in a glass museum without either combatant getting so much as nicked by the thousands of shards of glass? An assassin hiding in a coffin in a canal in venice? ....
Rating:  Summary: Michael Lonsdale is great as HUGO DRAX Review: People took this movie differently because of that it took place in space and the upsetting return of Jaws. Richard Kiel is okay in this one. I wasn't to impressed with Roger Moores performance. View to a Kill was the worst performance.
Rating:  Summary: This is probably the silliest and funniest Bond movie ever. Review: I think this movie is quite underrated. Yes, it is sillier and more unrealistic than most other Bond movies, but it's also perhaps one of the funniest. I think it's quite good. It is entertaining all the time and it never gets slow or boring. It's fun to see Jaws (Kiel), from The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), again. In this movie, he's actually speaking. Once. The Austin Powers movies have borrowed and made fun of things from many of the Bond movies, but especially from this one and especially in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999). This is the third time Shirley Bassey sings a James Bond title song. She did it in Goldfinger (1964) and Diamonds Are Forever (1971). It's a quite good theme song. This is not the best Bond movie, but, as I said, I think it's quite good. It's a must-see for everybody who likes the Bond movies or anybody who likes action movies or action comedies. I give it seven points of ten.
Rating:  Summary: Moonraker Review: After classic Bonds Dr.No, From Russia with Love and Goldfinger and the stunning photography in Thunderball and On Her Majesty's Secret Service, this is an embarassment to the taut, ruthless and dashing character that is James Bond, reduced to here to an absurd cartoon-like plot and silly characters. Total excess, in my opinion, the low point of the Bond series.
Rating:  Summary: Aw come on, it can't be that bad Review: As much as people here trash the movie, I think it is a good Bond film. Out of all the Bond films, this one seems the most visceral to me. It isn't the best of the Bond films, but I found that I really enjoyed this movie. The plot, although a tad far-fetched, was good enough to drag the movie along and the story required Bond to travel around the globe, from Britian(of course), Venice, California, Rio De Janero, and even space. Lois Chiles, while in my opinion is the least of the Bond girls, still fits the bill, and Roger Moore is my favorite Bond actor, and he takes his role in this film confidently. Jaws is my favorite of the Bond henchmen, and I liked him in this film more than the previous one, "The Spy Who Loved Me." Also, this was Bernard Lee's last role as M Bond film before his unfortunate death after this film. All in all, "Moonraker" deserves more than it is given by the public.
Rating:  Summary: Bond in Space Review: Though it came after Star Wars, and seemed poised to jump on the LucasFilm bandwagon, (like Star Wars, "Moonraker" includes a space-launch facility hidden in the ruins of an ancient temple) this epsode actually seems like a James Boind version of an episode of Space 1999, or one of those 1960's era Gerry Anderson shows like Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlett. Here, Bond discovers that an industrialist obsessed with manned space travel is developing a doomsday weapon to realize his goal - an idea that seemed old when it appeared in "The Spy Who Loved Me." With secret research labs in innocuous sites thruought the world (like a venetian Palazzo), Drax prepares his twisted dream to remake the world. Nevertheless, "Moonraker" was light years of fun and it's not the worst Bond ever filmed. Everything that makes other people hate this movie seems to work for me - like Lois Chiles as the icy Bond Girl (a brilliant Bond-babe? who'd a thunk it?) or the laser war at the climax (I can imagine ten million ways it could have been a bigger rip-off of star trek and much cheesier than the finl result) or the cheap laughs ("Golden Gun" actually excelled or reeked in that category) and finally, the return of "Jaws" - who actually threatens to take a chomp right out of the movie. get this tape.
Rating:  Summary: Probably the worst Bond film Review: There is no element in this film that establishes the character Ian Flemming created. The producers sold out (in result almost destroying the franchise) in attempt to try to top the money Star Wars made in 1977. All of the special effects didnt prevent me from falling asleep half way through the movie.