Rating:  Summary: GOOD SPECIAL EFFECTS, GOOD STORY, NOT WORTH THE HYPE! Review: The first thing that comes to mind when a Superhero film is made is how much is releated to the comics and how many element changes were made. Though I am a Superman fan, by putting down this Spiderman movie your probably thinking I am comparing well ok Superman 2 is a classic that will always remain top of the pile. But lets concentrate on this film, some element changes have been made to this comic hero, for starters his suit, the darker red and blue, kind of pulls that comic book feel out of the film and lacks beauty of the original from the series. The story was good but the movie in my eyes moved past to quickly for me, everything kind of was happening at once. Green Goblin's suit was made of armour in this film, in the comics it was a tight costume which looked much better. The special effects were well done, but from someone who is computer minded like me, I kind of felt that a lot of the web swinging and climbing up walls looked unreal. Spiderman opened in cinemas 14th June in the UK here and lets just say that a few of us were kind of disappointed. Hollywood its back to the drawing board.
Rating:  Summary: all about the spider Review: for first im a big fan of spider-man anyways. I was very plesed with the movie that sam raimi brought to the big screen.this movie was exciting from the momment it started. the characters really stood out like tobey maguire did a extremely well job of playing the role as peter parker.as William Dafoe did a good job of playing the role of the green goblin.the fight scenes were really good between the the super hero an the vilian. all and all this is a movie i recemmend for all ages from kids to adults
Rating:  Summary: Shocker Review: I was pleasantly shocked at the creativeness of this movie. The effects were amazing to say the least. The movie theatre was packed full of very small children, my 5 year old sitting beside me, my other 3 older children close by, and the place was totally silent. Glued to the screen they were captivated from the beginning to the end. I was very skeptical that Tobey Maguire could be a Super Hero, he enters as such a quiet, meek and shy boy but becomes this sweet, caring do-gooder that you can't help but love. I have never been a Spider Man fan, but I can't wait for a sequel. They better keep Tobey though, nobody else could pull it off.
Rating:  Summary: No match: the best superhero movie of our times Review: I can't believe J. Shannon's review: third place after Superman and Batman! There is no match: for sure Batman falls well behind Spiderman. Spiderman delivers far more fun, more action, more character development, more realism (the New York setting is much better than the gothic/appalling Gotham City), more entertainment, more thrill, more! Tobey is a perfect Spiderman and the movie is the one you could see again many times. Batman is too dark and boring. Superman was nearly perfect for its time, as much as Spiderman is for ours. So I would put Spidey at the first place, together with Superman with a second place reserved to X-Man... for sure NOT Batman! 2002 CGI is not perfect, of course, and Episode II is the clear example (the incredibly unreal Anakin riding the monster in the arena sequence is unbelievable from a Lucas movie!), but I was less distracted from Spiderman's CGI than by the Episode II scenes. I can't wait to see Spiderman "flying" again through NY buildings.
Rating:  Summary: Review on Spiderman Review: Spiderman is a new movie still in theaters. It's based on a cartoon but it has real people in it. This movie could be compared to Batman becasue they were both cartoons made into a movie with real people. I think Spiderman is a bit more realistic because it mciht actually happen that he would get bitten by a deadly spider and instead of killing him strange things happen. Not quite as strange in real life but it's fiction movie so it doesn't matter. The actor that plays in Spiderman was the main character on Pleasentville. Tobey Macguire. This shows that Macguire can play in nearly any movie with any script because Pleasentville and Spiderman are completely different. This movie was good because it had a little bit of all kinds of genre in it. There was action, comedy, romance, science-fiction, and the part with the Green Goblin could even be considered fantasy! It was really good also becuase of the incredible graphics. When Spiderman was swinging through the sity with his web it looked real! The only thing that could use changing is the Spiderman versus the Green Goblin part. At that part you can tell what's going to happen. Even though it's full of action and fighting it's not as exciting as it could be. Spiderman is probably good for people age four to fifty. It's too loud and would upset people under four and has to much blood and violence for most fifty-year-olds. All in all I think Spiderman was a really good movie!
Rating:  Summary: "SPIDERMAN'S" NEXT VILLAIN...MIKE TYSON?? Review: I was eagerly anticipating the big fight, where "Spidey" takes on "Iron Mike"...why, you may ask? Every idiot who's played 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out' knows that the action sequences in Spiderman were all digital. And, for that matter, the quality wasn't much better...every sequence with Spiderman, to me, was at best the equivalent of the digital Randy Moss from 'Madden 99'. Was there only $$ forty-nine ninety-nine in funds allocated to the special effects budget? Also, a mild irritant during the picture was Willem Dafoe's somewhat "meaningless" presence in the picture. One of the things superb "comic" books have, in general, is an adequate nemesis for the hero. It makes one's heroic deeds that much more..."heroic." Lex Luther and Magneto (of Supermman and XMen fame, respectively), were ambitious "thinking men's" men, had purpose, and, ultimately, were the driving force of the story. What was the "Green Goblin's" purpose? To wreak havoc?...well, unfortunately, that was it. Dafoe's mere presence was a joke...he looked like a reject "Mighty Morphin Power Ranger," and spoke as if he were dubbing his lines from a remote soundstage in Kyoto after smoking 12 packs of Camels. His "villany" was totally ineffective, uninteresting, and half-concocted.
Rating:  Summary: Along came a spider! Review: Spider-man is great. Great visual effects, just as fast (or rather slow) as the matrix. It has it all-great characters, great plot, great special effects and of coarse great sound editing! It is almost exactly like the comics/tv cartoons! Probably one of the only differences are that... I'll let you know after you watch it (don't want to spoil it). This movie is worth watching! It's worth the wait that all Spider man fans have been waiting for. It's a film that's appealing to children, teenagers, and adults! I haven't met anyone who hates it! It has both romance and humor! Dunst and Maguire are perfect for the role! It's a movie that let's you know how wide an imagination of a director can be. It's a touching story and at the same time a fast action movie that you wouldn't mind watching over and over again! In a way it's like the comic book coming alive! It's for all Lord of the rings-Harry Potter-The matrix- and Batman fans! It's basically concentrates on Peter Parker-a guy who's in love with Mary Jane. It's a kind of movie that Alanis Morissette songs would really go with since she has songs to support all the moods that you'd feel as you watch Spider-Man (and hey she has a song called Mary Jane!). Overall it was really worth the wait. It's better than any movie I've watched all summer! The movie packs together a lot of excitement. Just like Lord of the rings it's touching and at the same time exciting (I know I've mentioned this before!). No one could have made it any better than Raimi (although I'd like to watch a movie directed by Peter Jackson and Raimi). Spider-man is no old super hero movie (although it does have a damsel who is constantly in distress)-it's a modernized fast creation that could only be imagined as you read the comic books-until now! It's a spectacular flick that you should watch if you haven't watched it yet! It's a movie that very rarely bores you. It doesn't stretch a scene by giving you too much detail. It's really worth watching on the big screen! -------------------------AHMED MASHHOOD--------------------------
Rating:  Summary: Swing Into The Theatre For Fun And Action! Review: Toby McQuire is Dynamic a Peter Parker. Kurstin Dunst is totally believable as his girlfriend Jane! Need I say more! Sam Rami did an exciting job with the technical and emotional "strings" of this film. He through in action, adventure, special effects and some great stunts in the origins of Peter Parker (aka SPIDERMAN). It has a great story - nothing new or innovative, but definately believable. Even William Dafoe looked like he had a great time as the villian and above all that the love story was wonderful and refreshing. (Granted certain scenes ay have been a luittle too long - but it didn't deter from the overall film itself.) This movie is fun for the whole family and the Peter Parker "narative" that opens and closes the movies makes your feel like the next "Comic Book" (movie - sequal) will be out soon. Lets just say, when Spidey swings into action, the movie shoots in high gear. Go see it!
Rating:  Summary: spider-man Review: This was one great movie.Spiderman is about a nerd that gets bit by a spider and becomes a hero.This movie is mostely about how spiderman got to be and is pretty close to the comic book story.Tobey Maguire plays Peter Parker.Parts of the movie is funny when spiderman goes up against a wrestler named Bonesaw.I also loved the cgi effects when he is flying thru the air and jumping from building to building.Spidermans arch enemy in this movie is the Green Goblin which is played by William Dafoe and the green goblin is as strong as spiderman.I can't wait till Nov 1 when this is suppose to come to dvd.It will be a 2 disc set and I hope it will include the deleted scene of the world trade center.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely FANTASTIC! Best film i've eva seen! Review: Take your average geeky guy, mix him with a radioactive spider an what do ya get? SPIDERMAN! This is without a doubt the greatest film i've eva seen and if you havn't seen it yet....GO AND SEE IT! DONT WAIT FOR THE DVD, SEE IT AT THE THEATRES! Tobey Maguire plays the webslingin superhero brilliantly and Kirsten Dunst is perfect as MJ coz she is soooo HOT! I didnt move a single inch while the movie was on, I was still stuck to the screen while the credits were scrolling and Chad Kroeger was singin HERO! Ive seen it twice now and Im going again next week! Oh yeah and another thing, dont think just because it is taken from a comic book that you have to be a dork who reads them! I havn't touched a SPIDERMAN comic in my life and this still rocked my world! Great special effects, brilliantly acted, great soundtrack....FILM OF THE YEAR!