Rating:  Summary: From Zero to Superhero Review: Tobey Maguire swings into new heights of excitement in the crowd-pleasing blockbuster "Spider-Man". After being bitten by a genetically-enhanced "super-spider", the life of social outcast Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) gets an unsuspected turn as the wall-crawling, web-slinging hero Spider-Man. Now, New York's freindly neighborhood spider-man will face the wrath of the maniacal Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe) and win the admiration of sweetheart Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst)."Spider-Man" is a sensational box-office spectacle that combines rousing comic-book adventure and strong human drama. Director Sam Raimi has capture the spirit and heart of the comic that surely satisfy audiences and fans of the genre. The well-paced storyline is captivating and the characters are deep and interesting. The action scenes are straight out of the comic-book and the visual effects are good but not quite "amazing". Tobey Maguire is perfectly cast for the role of Peter Parker and Willem Dafoe delivers a devilish wicked performance as the Green Goblin. The cast also includes Kirsten Dunst, James Franco and J.K. Simmons. Fans of Sam Raimi's work will notice Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi in small roles and expect a small cameo by Lucy Lawless (Xena). Columbia definately scores high marks for their latest DVD release. Presented in a widescreen format. The picture quality is bright, sharp but not quite flawless. The Dolby Digital sound is clear and very enjoyable. This two-disc special edition DVD is fully loaded with extras and special features. They include filmakers' and SFX commentaries, behind-the-scene footage, trailers, TV spots, Music videos, in-depth look in the world of "Spider-Man" and DVD-ROM extras. The animated menus are colorful, bright but sometimes not easily to navigate. Overall, this DVD scores an "A-".
Rating:  Summary: About time Review: This has to be one of the best super hero movies ever made, the dazzling special effects will blow you away. Thanks Raimi
Rating:  Summary: Hyped-up shooey Review: Spiderman is a laughable copy of other films. I was literally laughing when he does the slow-motion matrix move...There is so little originality in the film. Yes, some of the graphics are pretty cool (thus the 2 stars and not 1) but the script and acting are atrocious. Ironically, Kirsten Dunst's character is trying to make it in acting and when Peter asks her about her audition, she says, "They said I need acting lessons". I couldn't agree more. The closing dialogue between Peter and MJ is hilarious(it's not supposed to be.) I'm glad I rented this movie. I will NEVER buy it. It is nothing more than glossy super-hero garbage. PS (Tobey M is the most feminine super hero I've seen.)
Rating:  Summary: Scared Miss Muffet from the theater! Review: One of the most irreverent films. The characters in this film are 2-dimensional. The storyline is not that strong. The storytelling is choppy and disjointed. Some of the effects don't look too impressive because you can see that it's been computer generated. Kids will enjoy it for its sophomoric action. Not a film that will enrich the mind.
Rating:  Summary: What A Web This Movie Weaves! Review: Transitions from comic books or cartoons to live action feature films don't always turn out for the better. A film based on a superhero is hard as well. It worked for "Superman" and for "Batman", and now, it has worked for Spider-Man. To be perfectly honest with you, I was never a Spider-Man fan. I really didn't know anything about the character or the history or any other characters. It certainly was nice going into this movie to realize that you don't need to know anything to get into it. It's all pretty much laid out for you and you don't need to be a rabid fan or Spider-Man junkie to figure anything out. Tobey Maguire plays dorky Peter Parker. A nerd who's just kind of there. During a class field trip, Peter is bitten by a mysterious new species of spider. By the next morning, Peter has gone through some kind of metamorphosis. He doesn't need his glasses and his body has gotten more muscular. The spider bite has given him spider like abilities and super strength. Things go badly when there is a family accident, and Peter then knows right then and there that he has to use his new abilities and help people. Enter rich businessman Norman Osborn(Willem Dafoe),who is the father of Peter's best friend. Osborn has gone through a change himself. He masquerades as The Green Goblin, and soon becomes Spider-Man's arch nemesis. Through all of this chaos, one thing stays constant - Peter's love for the beautiful Mary Jane Watson(Kirsten Dunst). Director Sam Raimi is known for smaller films like the "Evil Dead" trilogy, as well as "The Gift", "A Simple Plan", and others. Some wondered if he had the stuff to handle such a big, epic film. Oh yes, he does. He does the job perfectly. It also doesn't hurt when you got a great cast doing good work. Maguire passes for Spider-Man, but he's far more interesting and intriguing as Peter Parker. Peter has real character. Something to play with. As Spider-Man, Maguire gets to do fancy stuff and wear a cool costume, but all of the character and charm that Maguire gives us as Peter, quickly goes away once he puts the costume on. Willem Dafoe is a great actor. I think everyone knows that. He really makes Norman Osborn a creepy fellow, even before he turns bad. Like Spider-Man, he loses character when he's The Green Goblin. Kirsten Dunst is well cast as Mary Jane. She has the sweet, pretty girl next door thing down that would make anyone wish she had lived next door to them when they were young. I don't think she has ever looked as beautiful and radiant as she does here. The rest of the cast includes film veteran Cliff Robertson, Rosemary Harris, and a small cameo by the great Bruce Campbell. The movie goes by at a pretty nice pace. It's never boring or slow. It keeps going and it's a fun ride. Pure popcorn entertainment. The only problem I had with the movie were the special effects. Yes, they were fun and really took you for a ride, but I couldn't get over the fact of how faked it looked. That's really disappointing. With a movie like this and with the way effects and everything are nowadays, fake looking special effects are the last thing you would think a movie would have. Especially a movie like this. It makes one scratch their head. The movie would of been so much better if the effects were more realistic. It's been done hundreds of times. I've seen it. What's the deal Sam Raimi?. All in all, this is a colorful and fun ride for everyone to enjoy. It joins the rank as good superhero films. It's not in the 'great' catgory like "Superman" and "Batman", but it did what it was supposed to do and it was a lot of fun. Check this film out. Go Spidey Go!!.
Rating:  Summary: Hey Spidey fan's... Review: This collectors edition DVD set is awesome! The actual film cell is amazing. It is the scene where Spidey, in the burning house, is dodging the Green Goblins flying blades(one of the best parts in the movie). The box that the set comes in is very nice. this is well spent money for fans and non fans alike.
Rating:  Summary: Asinine tripe Review: Like the comic book it's based on, Spider-Man lacks real substance. The actors sleepwalk through the highly predictable scripe and Sam Raimi delivers direction that is chaotic and jerky. The entire film is little more than a showcase for CGI effects that have become so commonplace in films today that they look about as convincing as a pen and ink sketch.
Rating:  Summary: Web Sight Review: Average High School student, Peter Parker, (Tobey Maguire) gets bitten by a genetically altered spider, while on a field trip. Soon after, he develops powers and abilities like a spider.... The film is very faithful to its comic book story, with only minor differences, that don't matter much. Maguire is very good as Peter/Spiermam. He is able to balance the geeky dorkdom of Parker, early in the film, and the daring-do of our hero, quite effectively. The rest of the cast is good too (with one notable exception, more on that in a moment) Kirsten Dunst as love interest, Mary Jane Watson, gives her the proper amount of spunky-cuteness, (as she is in the comic book) without overkill. James Franko as Harry Osborne, Peter's pal, puts his best foot forward. Now for that notable casting exception, I thought the worst performance in the film was given by actor Willem DaFoe. As wealthy businessman and Spidey's arch enemy, Norman Osborne/Green Goblin, he was just doing his best to win an award for the person who could sound most like DeNiro from TAXI DRIVER. Now, I know the character is supposed to have a split personality, but I just didn't buy him in the role. It didn't help matters that the goblin costume looked like something out of the TRANSFOMERS. It looked and sounded better as described in the "making of the movie" book, than it did on film . A few bits of casting trivia. There is a fun cameo by actor Bruce Campbell in the film. Eagle eyed viewers will also spot Stan Lee, Spiderman's creator and actor Ted Raimi (The Director's Brother) in the film Directed by Sam Raimi, the film is perfectly paced. As the first film in the series, there is a lot of ground to cover. and yet the film zips along at a good clip. As for the CGI and effects John Dykstra and his crew do some pretty cool stuff to make the "webhead " come alive. The action is nicely staged. Still the final battle could have had a bit more punch to it. The 2 disc DVD set is packed with extras There is weath of behind the scenes material that for the most part is well produced and fun (disc 2). The factoid subtitle track is very informative, giving spidey history and film tid-bits. The 2 audio commentaries are a mixed bag in terms of stuff not already covered elsewhere in the set. Music videos, theatical trailers, t.v.spots, and filmograghies/character bits round out the main extras on disc 1. Aside from the aforementioned making the movie features, disc 2 also has a gag reel, Tobey Maguire's screen test. and more history on the comic book legend Each disc also includes DVD-ROM Material SPIDER-MAN is a comprehensive DVD set that I highly recommended with **** and half stars
Rating:  Summary: Spiderman: From The Comics To The Silver Screen... Review: Spiderman (the movie) is a good adaptation - bringing an old classic comic book character to life on the big screen. Tobey McQuier plays the role of Peter Parker to a tee... I can't imagine any other actors (others considered were Freddie Prize Jr and Leonardo DiCaprio) doing a better job. Kirsten Dunst fits in the role of the somewhat clueless girl-next-door. The only issue I had was with the role of the Green Goblin (Willem DaFoe). I am a big fan of Dafoe's and many of his previous works are simply wonderful ("Platoon", "Mississippi Burning", "Last Temptation of Christ", "Clear & Present Danger", etc). It just seems that his green side was comical (no pun intended), his lines were weak and overly trite, and his costume was a joke. Fortunately for this film, it centers around Spiderman and tho we're introduced to Dafoe in the first half of the movie, the Green Goblin really doesn't kick in until the second half. Director Sam Raimi did a fine job incorporating live action with computer animation... Spiderman goes from 0-60mph in seconds going from building to building and landing on NYC taxi cabs. One of the highlights was Peter Parker entering the wrestling ring as "The Human Spider" - downright funny! The cast includes long time buddy of director Raimi's, Bruce Campbell (the ring announcer) of "Evil Dead" & "Army of Darkness" fame; and long forgotten Cliff Robertson as the sentimental Uncle Ben. DVD extras include: Several commentaries, Chad Kroeger's music video "Hero", gag reel, the HBO making-of-the-movie, trailers, wonderful Spiderman comic book archives and much more. A good flick - and I have to remind myself this is a spin-off of a comic book character... to be taken light and unrealistically. Probably not too many Oscar nods, but regardless... it's a fun movie to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Movie! Review: I loved Spiderman! I know it didn't follow the comic exactly, but it came close enough for a movie. The action was cool, the acting was good, Tobey Maguire IS Spiderman, what more could you ask for? It has a great soundtrack also. If you're a fan of the Spiderman comics, don't hesitate to see this movie, it definitely won't ruin it for you. If you have never read Spiderman you won't know any better than to think it's just a really cool movie, so see it anyway!!! This movie rocks!!!