Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Film And Book Of The 20th century Review: I have to admit, the movie, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" is the best movie that I have seen in a long, long time. I have read the book myself twice and going on a third time and Peter Jackson's vivid adaption is much better than I expected it to be. His casting for the roles were near flawless, the acting exquisite and the visual effects (which won an Academy Award) were stunning. The movie itself contained all the themes within the novel: human interst, good vs. evil, triumph, love, romance, comradery, hope, persistence, and the anger it portrayed in fighting for a fight greater yourself and persistence. And the thing is is that these themes appear often throughout the movie and it NEVER gets redundant or boring. Also, Jackson managed to do what Tolkien always focused on during the creation of his literary classic: a respect for the characters and text, which is portrayed better than any other director could have done. It also conveys the effects and the storyline that J.R.R. Tolkien had in it, with the right attitudes and presences the cast carried with them, such as Ian McKellen's commanding and powerful presence he had in the movie; he did not need to rehearse for that, and I say again, Jackson's casting was great. This is one of the great motion picture classics that deserves to be recognized as a great film for generations to come.
Rating:  Summary: The Best I've EVER seen Review: I have to say that I was not sure that Peter Jackson could do justice to The Lord of the Rings. After all, this is one of the most treasured books of the 20th Century. I was very late in seeing the movie, in fact I did not see it until this year. Boy, did I really miss out. I absolutely love this movie. Although it was an impossiblity to tranfer the entire book to film, the director did a marvelous job. The acting was superb. My favorite character is Legolas and I really enjoyed the way that Jackson brought out his wonderful qualities. I'm sure that Orlando Bloom in all his gorgeousness had a lot to do with it as well. I highly recommend this movie. It deserved to win Oscars, however I feel that it should have won best picture. I am happy that it did win for Cinematography and Score. Those are the two aspects of this movie that were stupendous. This movie was very tastefully done. No gratuitous anything, just one magnificent piece of work that will stand through the Centuries.
Rating:  Summary: Speech! Speech! Speech! Review: I have to say that the first movie was far better written than the 2nd. With the first movie, one is journeyed into the coolest little world with the most exotic of all computer graphics and animations. The storyline was promising. The characters are full and enveloping. Then came the ending. I hated the ending in the first movie.Now comes the 2nd movie. Not only could the storyline have been told in 1/2 hour instead of 2 1/2, but adding to the torture was one action scene after another being chopped to death by one speech after another! What gives? The excruitiating pain of getting to the point in this movie was making my butt numb. Why cram a series of wonderfully written and engrossing books into 3 movies? The confusing hops from one country to another - one battle to another - one speech to another - one kill/death to another - was getting on my last nerve and causing people to actually walk out of the theater. Myself included. Let's hope the journey to the Center of the Earth has more substance and adventure.
Rating:  Summary: What can I say really? Review: I have totally been anticipating this movie...I loved every minute of it...I have never been to a movie before where the audience is totally mesmerized and quiet throughout the film...the people that went with me also agreed that honestly it has been the best film ever seen...one of my friends only complaints was having to wait until next Dec. to see the rest of the story or at least part of it...I can not say enough about this movie really...the 3 hours it played seemed like 15 mins...and the movie is very cathartic, invoking all kinds of emotions...from humor, sadness, edge-of-your-seat thrills...everything you can imagine...I reccomend even if you have never read the books, see the movie, it is everything you think and more...I definately will be seeing it again...
Rating:  Summary: Secret Scene on Extended Edition Review: I have viewed the film many times and stumbled on a secret scene. You find it on Disc One on the menu below scene 27. The way you select it is to keep pushing your DVD's selector downwards to select "New Scene" below scene 27. It should light up and you can select it. It is quite a funny scene from an MTV awards show (I think). It is a parody of the Council of Elrond and it is introduced by Peter Jackson. Enjoy this secret scene.
Rating:  Summary: Worth the Wait Review: I have waited 34 years for this film, since I read the books the first time. I hated the botched animated films. This is a true masterpiece. Peter Jackson has successfully captured the essence of Middle Earth. As with all readers of the books, I had created mental images of the landscape and the inhabitants of Middle Earth. Although the film is not always what I had pictured in my mind, what is seen on the screen is right. As a reader of the books there are characters and events I miss seeing in the film, but the essence is there.....and for those who have not read the books, perhaps this film will inspire them to take a lingering visit to Middle Earth. It will be a long year waiting for the next installment.......
Rating:  Summary: A long awaited, spectacular masterpiece. Review: I have waited for years to see a version of The Lord of the Rings which lives up to the grandeur of Tolkien's book. After the disappointment of trying to sit through Ralph Bakshi's animated version, I was leary about ever watching a version of the Lord of the Rings. However, when I first heard that Peter Jackson was working on this film, I started to look into it to see if it was going to be well-worked. I was astonished to see that the production team for the Lord of the Rings was working as extensively as they were. Most often, fantasy films are treated in such a way that it almost seems as though they are thrown together in a rush. Not so with The Lord of the Rings, not so. Indeed, this movie is the product of much work and good work at that! The only day I ever skipped in my Senior year of high school (and my whole high school career for that) was the release day for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. It was well worth it, though. I was completely swept off my feet by the magnificence of this film. Most importantly, The Fellowship of the Ring follows the plot of the book very closely. It is most important in this movie because it sets the ground work for the other two movies which were filmed at the same time as the Fellowship. Jackson and his team most logically sorted the story and included all that was necessary in order to make the movie full, while not completely overwhelming. This movie is characterized by a high sense of adventure. When I read The Fellowship of the Ring, I get the same feeling. I feel that I am right on the paths of Middle Earth along with the Fellowship. Watching this movie, I was engrossed in Middle Earth in the same way. Also, Howard Shore, composed a most excellent soundtrack for this film. It fits the mood of the story excellently and enhances the its mood, making it even more enjoyable. Indeed, this movie is such a great buy that I bought both editions. When the first, regular edition came out, I bought it on VHS because I knew that eventually the extended version would be released. Having bought the extend version on DVD (If you can still find a collector's edition boxed set - buy it), I can without hesitation say that it even surpasses the original. The added footage does not drag the movie down and make it more boring and weighty. Instead, the movie flows even better and gives a fuller picture of Tolkien's work. Also, the copious amount of commentaries and other extra features are well worth the extra cost (though overwhelming to try to watch them all since there are so many!). There are few movies in this world which are 3-and-a-half hours long. There are fewer of those movies which I can bear watching. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring was not a chore at all to watch. I have spent many hours of my life (perhaps days) watching and re-watching this movie. If it were logically possible, I would give it 10 stars out of 5. Since that is not possible, I am resigned to giving it 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend it to all!
Rating:  Summary: A Whole Year? Review: I have waited nearly all my life for someone to translate Tolkien's masterpiece to th big screen. I watched the cartoon versions annually as a child, dressed up like Eowyn, and just longed for the big screen version. I began to hear rumors about 3 years ago and have been anxiously awaiting the release. Sometimes I thought the movie would never live up to my dreams since I have had them for so long. Oh how happily wrong I was! The movie is absolutely brilliant! The casting is brilliant! The Shire, Rivendell, and Lothlorien are absolutely breathtaking. The special effects are wonderful. I cannot hardly stand it that I have to wait a whole year to see the next installment and then another year afterr that to see the final chapter! The Fellowship of the Rings definately beats Harry Potter. Harry was good, but lacks the depth and beauty of Middle Earth! I sat in awe during the entire movie and when it was over, I could not believe that three hours had gone by! The work that everyone put into the movie must be applauded because it was absolutely breathtaking and brilliant! I can't wait to see it again!
Rating:  Summary: Worth the time you will spend Review: I have yet to read the books in this series and I am glad of that. I usually find books better than the movies they become, so I am usually let down by the movies. I will go out on a limb and say that I will probably find myself still very much appreciating the movie after reading the source. This movie is very well done. It has a feel of reality to it and as you watch the bouns material, you will understand why. This is a long movie but, despite the length involved, it never seems to drag along. The combination of story elements with the grand scale in which Middle Earth is presented lends itself to an anticipation of what is next. Many movies that I have watched on DVD claim to have bonus footage. For the most part they contain a few extra lines that do absolutely nothing to expand upon the story. Not so in this case. The added material here gives you more background on the characters involved as well as leaving in some material that is relevant to the following movies. The appendicies have so much material it's too much of a good thing. I did watch everything except the still images. There is a lot to see dealing with the "behind the scenes" workings of the movie, and some of it is very interesting, but it may not appeal to all. If you ask if I would buy this, I would say no. The only reason I say this is because I have heard rumor of a super-duper-hella-long fourteen hour version of all three movies to be released after they all have left the theatres. If nothing else, rent this to see all there is to be seen, but if you can hold out on the purchase, you may be well served in the future and save a few bucks at the same time.
Rating:  Summary: Addicted to the movie Review: I haven't gone back to a movie this many times ever in my life. Can't wait 'til the video comes out this summer (I hope). Action, romance, adventure, and takes the best from the book. Skips most of the slowest parts of the book, but you don't miss them (unless you really liked the poetry of Tolkien).