Rating:  Summary: Just like the book! Review: I have seen The Lord of the Rings twice since it came out in theaters. I absolutely love it!!! There are some kick... archery scenes with Legolas(Orlando Bloom) who is very attractive. Elijah Wood is perfect for Frodo....he has those big blue eyes and a brave heart! Just what I had pictured Frodo to be! The horses were magnificent! All it takes is a big black hoof with blood dripping down it to make your heart race. And Sam was loyal, brave and funny. As were the other hobbits. It was wonderful and soo much better if you have read the book! It's worth your while to go and see it! Trust me!
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings- awesome! Review: I have seen the movie "Fellowship of the Ring" 8 times now. A bit obsessive perhaps, but the movie has gone beyond any fantasy film of its kind ever. All the other films I have ever seen that dealt with wizards, knights, kings, etc, all failed terribly to impress...until this one. The plot, to me, is moving. It is of good versus evil and the terrible fights and ordeals one must go through in order to pervail. The speech Gandolf gives to Frodo in Moria, "...it is what we do with the time that we are given" has greatly inspired me in many ways of my own life. That is Tolkien for you. He may have Elfs (including one gorgeous one, Legolas, played by Orlando Bloom), Hobbits, Dwarves and the like, but throughout the fantasy is woven themes and words of wisdom. The story is deep, dark, heavy and sad, but mixed in with it is the beauty of Rivendale and Lothlorien, and the delightful simplicity of the Hobbits. The animations and special effects sail above and beyond what I expected. All the actors played their parts flawlessly. You definitely become drawn into the movie. One word of caution: do not take young children of 8 and below to this movie. It is not a children's film. They will have nightmares from the Ringwraiths and possibly the Orcs. They also won't understand it at that age, either. Lastly, the movie ends abruptly and this may surprise many, but that is how the book ends. It is, afterall, just the first of a trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: TOTALLY OBSSESSED!!!! Review: I have seen the movie 16 times, I have 3 part-time jobs to feed my hunger for LOTR merchandise, I have made all my friends see it at least twice. Need I say more? After that Phantom Menace fiasco, I've been waiting desperately for something like this to happen. I've also been waiting for Elijah Wood, my favorite actor for 10 years, to hit it big time. I am grateful that I'm alive to see this...I believe that The Fellowship of the Ring has its faults, but they are obscured into oblivion in the blinding beauty and grandeur of the entire production. Sure, I can do without the scene with 'breakdancing' wizards, which is painful to watch, really. But how can you complain when the Nazguls jump out at you with maximum terror? Or when the Fellowship breaks down in tears after Gandalf falls? Or when Frodo gazes into Sam's unwavering face and says "Sam, I'm glad you're with me"? The amazing acting, artistry, and technical wizardry all come to life in perfect grace and harmony under the leadership of Peter Jackson, who I presume would achieve the status of George Lucas after all three trilogies are released. My hope is that next year, the Oscars will realize its mistake and commend the people who REALLY deserve it. The preview of the The Two Towers guarantees that it will be grander, scarier, and better than The Fellowship of the Ring. The journey has just begun, and millions of fans including myself won't miss it for the world.
Rating:  Summary: Masterpiece Review: I have seen the movie before reading the books. This movie is indeed a masterpiece. I must agree with most of the viewers that most of us want more after three hours of the first movie. Three hours was about right although most of the people who has read the book want more. Some of the viewers dislike it and feel bored with it since they do not love fantasy movie in the first place. So my advice to those people, do not intend to watch it just because most of the people do and because it is a blockbuster movie. You might end up in giving bad review which to most of the people might not be true. I have read the book afterwards and I must say that Peter Jackson really done a great job in making the legend comes to life. All of the people involve in this movie deserve thumbs up. Even if this movie did not win some of the world award, I believe this movie has won many heart of the viewers.
Rating:  Summary: BEST MOVIE EVER! Review: I have seen this movie 3 times and I have absolutely loved it every single time! And I will say, you will either love it or hate it, but for the ones who love it, it's an amazing movie, as many will agree! The special effects are amazing, and all the actors/actresses are brilliant! I can't wait for the next 2 to come out - I STRONGLY suggest this movie!
Rating:  Summary: I couldn't believe my eyes/ears! Review: I have seen this movie 5 times (each time with different people). I just can't get enough. It seems as though this movie gets better and better after each viewing. I don't want to give anything away but this movie gets even more emotional every time too. The special effects are jaw dropping, along with the musical score and sound f/x. I have not read the book series, but I heard that the makers of this movie left out alot of boring scenes, and that this movie intensified some scenes better than the book did. I think Peter Jackson did a superb job at making the characters real; You can really connect with them in a personal way. Even though you sit in the theaters for 3 hours, it doesn't seem that long. The ending was not disappointing to me as it was to others, even though you are left wanting more. It ends where the first book ended and where the second book starts.
Rating:  Summary: A dose of reality about a "boy" movie Review: I have seen this movie four times so far, and each time it has gotten a little bit worse. In fact, I might have been tempted to give it a full 5 stars after first viewing. Heaven only knows what I will grade it after seeing it a few more times. It simply does not hold up to repeated scrutiny, in my opinion. I have moved beyond the razzle-dazzle of the effects, which are admittedly pretty special. The considerable charm brought to the picture by the cast seems to wane upon repeated viewings. I like to think I have finger on the pulse of today's youth culture. While I myself am not a mother, my "day job" is daycare for a number of young kids. They keep me young at heart and well informed what young people are interested in. I didn't want to accept it at first, but it is true that The Fellowship of the Ring is a Boy's Movie. Just because they threw in a few token female roles doesn't mean the producers really had the female crowd in mind. I happen to think that Viggo Mortensen is rather studly, but don't tell my charges that! I was made fun of for days. (He does make for a handsome hero, you have to admit!) But my problem with this movie lies in what I see as a major flaw in the genre: fantasy. No logic is required to get the heroes out of a jam. Just cast a spell! Hey, with Gandalf around, who needs creative storytelling? If you think about it, never once are any of the "good guys" ever in any real perilous situations. I want some real suspense, I want high drama. Again, once the awe-inspiring special effects have become old-hat, these flaws really come to the fore. Overall, recommended for rambunctious boys.
Rating:  Summary: Hold Out A Little Longer Review: I have seen this movie many times at the movie theater and the only way to watch it is in wide screen. This is a great dvd with good special features. The only reason I give it four instead of five stars is because there is suppose to be another special edition coming out the first of November. It will be a three or four disk collection and contain somewhere around thirty minutes of extra scenes that are actually added into the film. It will probably be a better buy in the long run.
Rating:  Summary: ONE MOVIE TO RULE THEM ALL!!! Review: I have seen this movie over 100 times. I know this is the best movie in cinema history. enough said..
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: I have seen this movie six times. It never got old. The acting and casting were great; there were no cliches; the sets were good; the whole thing was spectacular. I love fantasy in general, but I'd never read the books before. After my first three times of seeing the movie, I bought the Lord of the Rings complete book set. I would recommend this to those ages 12 and up, because there are some parts that might be scary to the younger ages.