Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship... Review: I have got to hand it to director Peter Jackson. It is quite an undertaking to bring author J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved Lord Of The Rings saga to life on the big screen. Sure, there have been a number of filmed adaptations over the years, but none have reached this level of quality or scrutiny. When I first saw the film in theaters late in 2001, I thought--wow--this is probably gonna make a great DVD. I avoided the first DVD release, because very early on, (while the film was still in theaters) I heard news on the web, that a more extensive release was due before the 2nd installment was to hit movie theaters. Of course, that has now come to pass, with New Line's Platinum Series. The four disc set breaks down this way: Disc 1-has part one of the extended cut of the film. This version of the film, supervised by Jackson, incorporates 30 minutes of additional footage. Composer Howard Shore created new music for these new scenes as well. There are no less than 4 commentary tracks to choose from. More than 30 folks who worked in front of, and behind the camera, on the picture, contributed their thoughts. I would think that number is some kind of DVD commentary record, in terms of participants. Disc 2-has part two of the extended cut of the film. The 4 commentary tracks continue. For the most part, each track provides both unique insight and a few facinating tid-bits about the film. The track featuring actors, Elijah Wood, (Frodo), Sir Ian McKellan, (Gandalf) Liv Tyler (Arwen), Sean Bean (Boromir), John Rhys-Davies (Gimli), Billy Boyd (Peregrin), Dominic Monaghan (Meriadoc), Orlando Bloom (Legolas), the great Christopher Lee (Saruman the White), and Sean Astin (Samwise ), is the most fun of the commentaries (but the others have merits as well). A few of the added scenes seem like mere padding, but a good majority of them, help make things a bit more interesting. For non-fans, this cut may seem too long, but if you stick with it, its worthwhile Disc 3-Six solid documentaries cover the original book of Tolkien's, and the pre-production process. A look at the film's costumes, creatures, models, weapons and armor that takes viewers on a comprehensive look at how things took shape before filmming began A cool interactive pre-production photo gallery, complete with comments from the artists, and hundreds of images. The film's locales of Middle Earth are outlined on an interactive--very helpful, if you happen to be a RINGS neo-phyte. Topping off the third disc is a storyboard to film comparisons of key sequences in the film. Disc 4-concentrates itself with the production of the film. 11 documentaries highlight this part of the process. Post-production, film editing, music, sound design, marketing, and the film's final release are also examined at length. Rounding out the last disc, are multiple galleries of behind the scences stills, and a gaggle-full of exclusive DVD-ROM content. The film is very well made, and tells the first part of Tolkien's epic, in style. The action and effects are well executed. The best thing about this film is how the books characters are brought to life by a talented cast. Frodo's unlikely journey that will save Middle Earth has begun... The 4 DVD set is highly recommended, especially for fans of this version, with this many quality supplements as extras, you shouldn't be disappointed. For all others, the price tag of the set, may be a bit steep, Therefore, I recommend renting the previous double DVD set first, see what you think, then you can go from there. 4 and a half stars.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: I have had enough of the old cliche,"Oh what a disappointment the movie was, the book was way better!". Look, if you want to read a good book--read The Lord of the Rings. If you want to see a good movie--see the The Lord of the Rings. Both should be judged independantly from each other and one should never attempt to determine if the movie version (of ANY story) is as good as the book version. Really, how could any mere million or billion dollar movie ever compare with the flow of one's imagination when reading a great work? The movie was good. The special effects were great and fun to watch. And the story is good, of course. Do not let these nose in the air, too sophisticated for Hollywood magic boo-sayers sway you from seeing a good flick, because on a scale of one small popcorn bag to one large bag of buttery popcorn--I give this movie an extra large bag of popcorn with extra butter (and a free large coke) rating! Plus I am glad that there is a good trilogy to make up for the disappointment of the new Star Wars movies. Anyway, that's a diffrent review. Again, the movie was good--the dvd is okay. I am not sure why this dvd version required two discs--some of the documentaries it contains is repetitive. On disc-1, when you select the special features option, instructions inform you to insert disc-2 for special features. I find that rather silly. Also, I have tried to watch the doumentaries, but I keep falling asleep on them...what does that say?
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece Review: I have just finished watching The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (extended version). What a fabulous gift we have been given by all who collaborated on this epic production! A fan of Tolkein's work from childhood, I have been awaiting the film version with the anticipation my dog has for pancakes, yet have been fearing that the complexity and magic of Tolkein's vision would become lost in the translation from books to screen. No worries! As a film-maker, Peter Jackson's vision and planning are every bit as panoramic and meticulous in their media as were Tolkein's in the written word. The hours of documentary showing "The Making of..." evoke awe rather than demystify the process. The extended version is well worth the extra moola.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I have just gotten back from watching "The Fellowship of the Ring" and I have to say that this was the best movie I have ever watched. It has everything, the unforgettable fight scenes, the Death's of Gandalf and Boromir brought tears to my eyes. This movie is an instant classic that should be viewed by everyone as soon as possible. My only problem is the year waits between this movie The Two Towers and The Return of the King. I guess I'll just have to wait, and I already have my calender marked for the release of The Two Towers next Dec. 18th. For those of you who would rather not sit through a 3 hour movie, you don't no what your missing, it is well worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: Great transfer on to DVD Review: I have just recieved my DVD from amazon and I have to say that the transfer on to DVD is great. Everything about the DVD is great, I cannot think of a single fault. I'm looking forward to the extended edition out this November.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT Movie! Review: I have just started reading the LOTR trilogy, and my hubby has read them all a few times. We both really enjoyed the movie. We knew things would be left out, and accepted that as part of the movie making process - especially in books this size. After hashing it over, we came to these conclusions. Most of what was left out is not neccessary anyway - ie. Tom Bombadil - yes he's fun, but does not really progress the whole story. Unfortunately, we had issues with two things, mostly in the beginning. I felt leaving out the part of Gandalf leaving the letter at the Prancing Pony, especially with it's confirmation to trust Strider/Aragorn - was vitally important, and missing. Frodo was so suspicious of everyone, I had a hard time believing he'd just allow Strider in w/o confirmation of who he was. Also, I was extremely disappointed in how Merry and Pippin join the journey. I felt it was more compelling to show that it really was a conspiracy between the two and Samwise to not let Frodo go alone, but that they were determined from the beginning to join him. Instead of just bumping into each other raiding a field and then following along. All in all though - the movie was great, exciting and kept us interested the whole time. Oh, and the orcs, they were disgusting!
Rating:  Summary: Incredible. Truly incredible. Review: I have long been a fan of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as it's precursor, The Hobbit. After seeing the long-awaited film today, I am completely amazed. Peter Jackson is to be commended for creating a faithful, exciting, visually stunning film version of the Fellowship of the Ring. While the movie does have it's flaws, they are so small as to not be worthy of mention. And, also, the flaws are inherent in trying to condense such a long book into a film. The most noticable loss is of Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, as well as the Barrow Wights. They are completely skipped, and yet the film does not suffer for it. My only major complaint is that the film seems a bit rushed (yes, even at three hours), but I suppose that couldn't be helped. I HIGHLY recommend this film for all fantasy fans, but especially for fans of Tolkien's books. Hurrah for Peter Jackson!
Rating:  Summary: Best DVD I OWN Review: I have may dvds including the origanal version of lord of the rings, and i was wondering what they could possible put in the movie that would make someone buy it, but i soon found out. Love the new moments in the origanal story and the brand new sceans also. The two extra discs are also cool and give much info to the new fans on LOTR. A must buy for all who dont and who have the origanal.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is awesome Review: I have never been really into fantasy until I saw this movie. It is absolutely incredible, with awesome storytelling and great acting. I highly recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I have never been so impressed with a DVD before. Not only is the movie good enough, but the features are so...cool (for lack of a better word). I highly recommend anyone who likes this movie to buy the DVD. Not only will you love the movie but you will appreciate all the hard work that went into after you watch all of the features.