Rating:  Summary: I've been waiting for this for years Review: I have always wanted to see a movie version of the Lord of the Rings. I have feared, at the same time, that it would not live up to the novel(s).This movie does just that. It is amazingly well done. Yes, I know there were some aspects added and that it wasn't 100% true to the novel. All of this is easily overlooked due to the incredible vison of Peter Jackson and the craft behind the movie. For those who are not Tolkien fans, my wife thought it was enjoyable, though she would not see it again. I think everyone should at least give it a try - fan or not of the genre.
Rating:  Summary: This is what we have all been waiting for!! Review: I have been a fan of "Lord of The Rings" since the early 70's. In all that time I have been waiting for some one to make a decent movie out of the book. We won't discuss the fiascos that were done way back then. Well, they finally did it! They did an awesome job. If you are an LOTR fan you will greatly enjoy this movie. For those of us that are purest, there may be a slip here and there, but all in all it was a very well done film. My wife who has not read the series (I know, but what can I do? I love her.) did not care for all the violence. If you consider the books, it kind of has to be there. In any event, fan or not, if you like fantasy you should see this film. If you haven't read the books, order them now! Then go see the movie. It is very very well done.
Rating:  Summary: The next Star Wars Trilogy Review: I have been a huge Star Wars fan ever since the first movie came out. No movie has even come close to Star Wars.....until now. When I 1st seen LOTF I was in such awe. What an emotional, beautiful, gripping, and feel good movie. When good overcomes evil it feels SO rewarding in this movie. In many ways this movie is very spiritual in nature. Your classic good vs evil. LOTR has really left its mark on me. I haven't been taken by a movie like this not since Star Wars A New Hope. The music is so beautiful, the scenery is breathtaking, and no matter who you are you will find someone in the movie that you can relate with. The cinematagraphy could not have been done any better. Some of the shots in the movie are just downright awesome. My fav shot is when the Fellowship are in the underground caverns and they are running in the huge open cavern away from the shadow demon. The sweeping long shot was SO awesome. I can honestly say that LOTR is the best movie I have ever seen. A movie that has captured my heart and soul. Bravo!!!
Rating:  Summary: A film adaptation that does the book proud. Review: I have been a Lord of the Rings fan since I was 6 years old; that's when The Hobbit appeared on CBS, and Ralph Bakshi's animated Lord of the Rings hit theaters. It wasn't long before I was nagging my mom to buy me the books, so I could see if they were as good. (They were better.) Tolkien's imaginative and groundbreaking books opened my young mind up to a new world; one filled with mythical quests, brave heroes, strange creatures, and vile villains. I tried to keep my expectations for Director Peter Jackson's film low, so I wouldn't be disappointed, but enthusiasm got the better of me, and I was ripe for a letdown.....one mis-step and Jackson could ruin the whole thing.....and he hits it out of the park!!! WOW!!!! From the opening moments, it's easy to see Jackson's love for the books. Attention is paid to even the most minute detail, and book-purists will be glad to hear that he has crafted maybe the most faithful page-to-screen adaptation ever, bar none. I'm sure there were things in the book that were left out, but other than Tom Bombadil, I can't remember anything. For the uninitiated, LOTR follows Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit, on his quest to throw the evil "One Ring" into the fires of Mount Doom, where it was forged, thus freeing Middle-Earth from an age of darkness. He is accompanied on this quest by a fellowship of Hobbits, an Elf, a Dwarf, 2 Men, and a Wizard. They are pursued by various and sundry servants of the Dark Lord Sauron, who forged the Ring, and his underling, the traitor Saruman (Perfectly played by the Legendary Christopher Lee). The performances are all strong, especially Sean Bean as the Warrior Boromir, Viggo Mortensen as Strider, and Ian McKellen as Gandalf. I thought Hugo Weaving made a great Elrond. The effects are mindblowing! I was totally taken in by the way they made full-sized actors into Hobbits, and seeing the large John Rhyes-Davies as Gimli the Dwarf was incredible. The HUGE battle scene in the beginning, and the hordes of Orcs in the Mines of Moria show that, if used properly, CGI can look totally realistic. I've been a Peter Jackson fan since The Frighteners and Dead/Alive, but when I heard that he was going to be directing the Rings movies, I wasn't sure..... Well, I am now. If The Two Towers were playing now, I would have gone as soon as LOTR let out. He did that good a job. Bravo, Mr. Jackson, for crafting one of the most entertaining and visually stunning pictures I have ever seen. Now if only I didn't have to wait another year for part II......
Rating:  Summary: Not A Fantasy Fan Review: I have been a mild follower of faeries and dwarves, etc. for as long as I can remember, but I had never read the Hobbit or any of Tolkien's marvelous works prior to getting a free ticket to see this movie on the opening release. I was absolutely awestruck at how well Peter Jackson portrayed this fantasy world as reality, and how I fell in love with it. I feel bad that some of the 'little' characters were not so well developed (as I found them to be once I started reading the books) and would hope that in the next two they get a little more life to their part of Middle Earth. This movie is by-far the best that I have seen in a very long time!!! I anxiously await the release of the DVD in August and November... I will be first in line to get them... and also at the opening of The Two Towers.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie I've Ever Seen Review: I have been a movie freak, for want of a better term, for over twenty years, have a large collection of both VHS and DVD, and consider myself to be pretty knowledgeable about what makes a good movie. I have my own top ten list, which has changed only slightly over the years, but the number one spot now belongs to The Fellowship of the Ring and it is a foregone conclusion that I will buy the DVD the moment it is available. For anyone who has ever read the book(s), all I need to say at this point is that this movie "IS" the book. If you haven't read the book(s), shame on you. Be that as it may, you owe it to yourself to have a look at this film. Definitely the best movie I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent representation of Tolkien's work Review: I have been a Tolkien fan since sixth grade, and I've read the series several times. Each time, I am amazed at the depth of description that Tolkien brings to the page and the depth of character in his created world. When I first heard about this film, I was excited yet skeptical; how could someone put to screen the scope of Tolkien's world without sacrificing something? This film, however, does just that. It gives you a remarkable feeling of the wonder of Tolkien's world, characterization, and history, all within the space of practically three hours. The images that the film creates are beautiful, and it's amazing to see the depths of Moria and the graceful boughs of Lothlorien depicted in color on the screen. I would totally recommend this film to anyone; it appeals to all ages and all walks of life. The extended DVD version of the film is also beneficial to Tolkien fans, as well as diligent viewers, because it explains some things that are boggling to those who watched the theatrical version in the theatre (including the size ratios and the gifts given to the Fellowship in Lothlorien, which is not explained even in film 2 when the cloaks are used). If anyone has ever wanted to know the scope of how this film was created, and all of the details that went into putting Tolkien's world on film, then this DVD set is essential.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies I've seen, ever! Review: I have been an avid Tolkien reader since I was twelve years old. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable, regarding the Middle Earth. So in saying that, I have also followed the bringing of the story to the Theaters. I had high expectations, but had great confidence in the making of it, more from the sense of felling then actual facts about it. Needless to say I saw the movie (3 time in one week - and will continue to see it again and again), I loved every bit as much of the movie as I did of the book. They compliment each other, the movie has awesome visuals of what Middle Earth could be, as well as candy to the eyes, and the book has all the detailed information to satisfy the imagination, and the mind. I think the Major Cinemas should come out with a information booklet for the viewers to guide them with a map and character information and bios (for non- Tolkien fans), my sister had never read the book before, so even after her second trip to the movies, she still got confused with names and locations.
Rating:  Summary: I have been waiting for this movie for a long time Review: I have been dying to see this movie ever since I heard that The Lord of the Rings was going to be made into a movie. My brother in law saw them filming in New Zealand and was able to offer me some early tidbits to help me make it through the waiting period. I was a little nervous that all the waiting would make the movie seem a bit anti climatic. But I was quite pleased with the outcome. It is just the right mix of developing the characters, action and drama to appropriately portray on screen the story of such a classic novel as this one. I was quite satisfied with the accuracy to the real storyline. Although I realize a few changes had to be made, it seemed clear to me as to why the filmmakers choose to mix it up a bit. To avoid ruining the movie for anyone, I won't go in to details on this point. Overall this movie was better than I had hoped for and I will definitely be buying this on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Totally Awesome!!!! Review: I have been eagerly awaiting this movie to come out forever. Everytime a preview came out I practically had a heart attack. The only thing I was a little wary of was if it would follow the book. Seeing that I've read Fellowship five times I was hoping it wouldn't disappoint me. So, on Dec. 19 I slept out at the theatre with some of my friends in below zero temperatures and waited for about tweleve hours before I got to see the first show in my city open to the public. It was completely and utterly amazing! First of all I decided after seeing it I was packing up my bags and moving to Rivendell! The sets are amazing, the casting is utterly perfect. The movie only strays from the book in two places which annoyed me slightly but the overall effect was amazing. I have to rave now about Orlando Bloom who plays Legolas. He was so amazing not only is he good looking for the ladies but he embodied completely Legolas, the other character that was simply perfect was Pippin. All the cast was wonderful Ian McKellen was born to play Gandalf and Eligah Wood nails the part of Frodo. This movie surpassed my wildest dreams. For people very true to the book be expected to not see Tom Bombadil and Farmer Maggot in the Shire and be prepared for instead of Glorfindel they have Arwen's part a bit expanded. Also the end is slightly different but you can see that for yourself. See this movie it is defnitly up there on the best movies ever made!