Rating:  Summary: Extended is better Review: I had seen the original movie in the theater and loved it, then a friend bought the extended version and showed it to all his friends and family a week before The Two Towers was released. We were all in awe with the little parts added that made the already great movie even greater. The added scenes make sense and are suttle enough to where you don't feel like any of them were unnecessary, in fact, you wonder why they weren't just part of the original movie released in the theater.
Rating:  Summary: Tolkien reader Review: I had the opportunity to see the movie last night. At first I was happy to see that the included enough about the Hobbit to let those who had never read the book understand the origin of the one ring. But the changes began early and for me they took away from the story those things which the author had intended to be points of change. Frodoe should have crossed the river alone, and it was the magic of Elron the brought the water against the Black riders. The Relationship between Strider and the Lady Aeowyn does not come until much later, and I don't see how it's addition does much for the movie other than putting an actor to work. People who read these books, read them more than once, and by doing so come to understand the story and focus on the pivotol points at which the story turns. This screenplay does not do justice to the origional book, but to the bank book of it's producers...
Rating:  Summary: A Great Film Review: I had the pleasure of catching a screening of THE LORD OF THE RINGS : THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING earlier this week. Let me tell all you nay-sayers, this film is incerdible! This is the one film to beat this year, not HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE. I won't discuss the plot or give away any spoilers. I must say that Peter Jackson and his crew have done a superb job of translating Tolkien's trilogy. The movie runs nearly three hours and doesn't nearly come close to feeling that length. The acting is so amazing you would think Jackson cast the actual Fellowship! Liv Tyler even gave a great performance for her role as Arwen, though her role is a bit small. The digital effects and landscapes are nothing short of awe-inspiring. ILM should be ashamed for the work they have done to this point. I found nothing wrong with this movie at all. From the comprehensive prologue to the breaking of the Fellowhip at Amon Hen, I thought this film was outstanding! It easily bests any STAR WARS flick. I can't wait to see this one again! I have my tickets and will definitely be at the theater December 19. Enjoy this film!!
Rating:  Summary: Eye Candy. Review: I had the pleasure of seeing " The Lord of the Rings" today, and it was absolutely marvelous! Everything absolutely resembled everything from the books, scenery, costumes and all. Also, the way nearly every detail was exactly as I, or anyone else, could imagine. One thing, it was awfully long for anyone under the age of 14-15, unless they are a huge fan!
Rating:  Summary: Eye Candy. Review: I had the pleasure of seeing " The Lord of the Rings" today, and it was absolutely marvelous! Everything absolutely resembled everything from the books, scenery, costumes and all. Also, the way nearly every detail was exactly as I, or anyone else, could imagine. One thing, it was awfully long for anyone under the age of 14-15, unless they are a huge fan!
Rating:  Summary: Same sound problem -- caused because of clipping... Review: I had the same problem with the sound, and fixed it by sending it through my television and turning the volume down a bit. The only explanation I have is that the DVD was recorded with very high gains on the battle scenes, and some stereo systems can't handle the full signal. Tempering it by sending it through an intermediary source helps it not to clip. It does tell me that I need to go out and get a new receiver before the next films come out on DVD :D.Awesome, and every bit as thrilling as it was in the theatres (though I miss the big screen). All Hail Jackson!
Rating:  Summary: The spirit of Tolkien is alive in this movie. Review: I had to edit my review, now that I've re-read "Fellowship". A couple of things for the critics of this movie: 1) Yes, the movie is long. Have you seen the book(s)lately? If Jackson had tried to fit the story into the standard 2 hr. package, it would have ended up like the Bugs Bunny version of Wagner's Ring Cycle (I can see it now ... "We must destwoy da wing and banish the dawk lowd fowever!"). If you've read the book, then you know that there were major deletions already. (see below) They put in what they had to to make the story work. 2) Please stop telling us that Sauron should'nt appear as a physical being. YES he WAS a physical being when Isildur "cut the ring from his hand" (which would be quite a feat indeed if there were no finger to cut it from). While the ring was lost he re-manifested as the "lidless eye engulfed in flame" but the text makes several references to his early human-like form and even described him as wearing dark armor, etc. In fact, I would tip my hat at the movie makers for trying to receate Sauron exactly as Tolkein described him. 3) A movie should be faithful to it's source, but the point of making a good movie is to make a good movie. If the movie had given the same proportion to the story that the book did, we would have found ourselves watching nearly two hours of Frodo and company just getting out of the Shire. Would you have wanted to sit through every single song and poem? Some things would have not translated very well. Other things were omitted simply for length's sake. And while I missed Tom Bombadil, I realize that his segment of the story was a likely candidate for exclusion because his character COULD be removed without harming the structure of the plot. You should also notice that he was omitted from the animated version as well. I will repeat the statement from my original review: No film or television endeavor of this magnitude will be complete. They will, by nature, have their shortcomings. Like the "Dune" series, we must appreciate the best efforts of the interpreters. This movie has everything I could have asked for. The plot is intact, even if some of the elements are altered (and a surprising number of details that are, in fact, well attended to). The visuals are stunning, the cinematography is gorgeous, the music is effective, the action is tremendous, and the characters are well portrayed by the cast. This is a movie that could have been easily done very poorly. Indeed, those of us who are sci-fi / fantasy enthusiasts are so often disappointed. However, it is obvious that this is no effort that calls for an apology. It is a gem of a work, and deserves the accolades that it has been receiving. I look forward to the remaining movies with anticipation.
Rating:  Summary: Scared spitless! Review: I had trouble finding anyone to see this movie with! I couldn't believe when a friend refused to see it because of a chaste kiss in the trailer! No kissing in the book, meant NO kissing in the movie. Another friend expressed a low interest in seeing this film because they had refused to read the books in the 60's. I was just a stupid kid in the 60's and fell for the books, hook - line - and sinker. Was 20 minutes late to my first viewing. Got right into the journey of Frodo to Rivendell. I was struck by how closely they nailed the scenery and the very timbre of the dialogue amongst the characters. Still, I held the movie up to the book each time a scene smacked as differant from the book. I couldn't help it. Had just reread all 4 books in the past 2 months. Took a second opportunity to see the LOTR. Had to go by myself. The first time, I screamed out loud at the scary parts and rocked in my seat in the fetal position much of the time. I thought I'd be uncomfortable doing this alone. Even though I tried to control myself, I still flinched and sqeaked when appropriate. The creatures in this film were fantastic. I am having bad dreams and am afraid to walk the house in the dark. I'm a grown woman, with children of my own. But, I BELIEVE! I was scared whilst reading the books and I don't see how one wouldn't be: that whole good v.s. evil thing hooked me but good.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful and worthwhile Review: I had wanted to see Lord of the Rings for about six months after it came out, and finally managed it a few weeks ago. I was impressed, to say the least. The cinematography is beautiful and amazingly lush, and the acting is overall excellent. Ian McKellen as Gandalf and Ian Holm as Bilbo in particular were fantastic. The movie was very faithful to the book, keeping Tolkien's original spirit and room for imagination intact. A very worthwhile experience.
Rating:  Summary: must see Review: i hadn't read the books before seeing this movie. but i fell in love with the movie almost form minute one. i couldn't wait for the dvd. it's really good, and i can't wait to get the delux edition. Even though this version dosen't have all the features, what it does have is really good. if you don't want to buy it at least rent it.