Rating:  Summary: Genius Review: There are only a handful of motion pictures that have transcended the medium they inhabit and have transformed the imagination of a generation. Among these are such films are "Gone With the Wind" and "Star Wars". "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings" will join the list. However, this movie has even surpassed those milestones in providing an exceptional visual and emotional range. The acting is easily better in this film than in "Star Wars" and has as many, or more, visual delights. The sweep of this movie manages to outdo "Gone With the Wind" by putting an entire world in peril and all its hopes on one small individual. Enthralling from beginning to end, it begs to be seen more than once, if only to catch those small details you may have missed the first time. Quite simply the best fantasy film ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Almost perfect... Review: There are only two ways this collection could have been better.1. If somehow they were able to put the movie on one disc (perhaps by putting putting the film on two discs, and putting two commentaries per disc) so you didn't have to change discs, but I'm no data-compression guru, so I can't complain too much. and 2. If Cate Blanchett were married to me and not Andrew Upton, and were that she was on the commentaries, if she were to give me a "shout-out". But she was absent from the commentary. Okay, maybe that's two things, but the part about her being married to me instead of Andrew Upton is more of a non-disc related issue, and more of a "I-need-to-get-a-life" issue, so I decided not to list it as a seperate issue with this disc.
Rating:  Summary: Do yourself a favor - see this film! Review: There are precious few movies that get this many things right. While there are plenty of actions scenes and SFX to go around, the real triumph of this movie is that it ultimately tells a very powerful, emotional story. It never lets you forget the heart of the story by trying to cover it with gimmicks. The acting, top to bottom, is as good as there has ever been. All the fantasic visuals and imaginitive scenes promote the story and it all is Tolkien, pure, to the very core.
Rating:  Summary: The definitive version Review: There are so many reasons to own this version I can't touch on them all here. The new 30 minutes of footage are used well. It slows the pace of the film down, making the film feel less frantic, so that when you're in the Shire, you get to dwell there a bit longer, absorbing the feel of the place and getting to know more about the peaceful ways of the Hobbits. Much more detail is given about Middle Earth, taking it a step closer to Tolkien's vision. Lothlorien, which seemed all but glossed over in the theatrical release, is seen as it should be from afar, golden and mysterious, and we're given the added pleasure of spending a bit more time there. At last we get to see the gifts of the elves, which makes sense later when they are used. It is wonderful to see each of the Fellowship's interaction with Galadriel (Cate Blanchett,) who is given considerably more screen time. The hints of Tolkien's fondness of songs and the shots of the band of hobbits and men sharing meals around the fire serve to fill in the feel of the books,as well as deepen character development. Both Aragorn and Borimir's character are more fleshed out by the added scenes. Then there are scenes of great beauty, such as the Sam and Frodo's first glimpse of the elves, which may not advance the plot, but are breathtakingly gorgeous. This is a rich, must-have item to watch over and over. Image and sound are first rate. An added bonus is the appendices, which are voluminous and informative. In here you'll find everything you wanted to know aboiut how this film was put together, from conception to finished production. Everything about this version is first class, even the elaborate packing, replete with gorgeous drawings from the world of Tolkien. Highly recommended
Rating:  Summary: Three Stars is a gift from Elbereth!!! Review: There are two kinds of people who will watch this movie. Those who have read the books and those who have not. I fall into the former category, so if you haven't read the books please disregard the following and enjoy the movie. But for those of you who truly adore middle-earth, beware! This is typical Hollywood. Gorgeous set design, powerful vistas, wonderful costuming and an absolute hack-job of a story! True to form, the screenwriter boiled all of the nuance out of the story and left only the A to B to C nature of the plot. Tom Bombadil is completely left out, as is Gildor and Glorfindel. Elrond is portrayed as a haughty and vengeful elf, a far cry from Tolkien's venerable loremaster. But worst of all, Aragorn, shown in the movie as a would be king hiding from his own destiny. HIDING!!! Aaaaaaarrrgh! They didn't even reforge the "sword that was broken!!!" Peter Jackson needs to be slapped all the way back to New Zealand. He is "nowt but a ninnyhammer" as the Gaffer used to say..... There is only one good reason to see this film and one only, that is Ian McKellan. He is simply fantastic as Gandalf. But, as they say, even a squirrel can find a nut. Namarie!
Rating:  Summary: Truely wonderful........ Review: There aren't enough words to decribe this film, absolutely, truely amazing! I waited a year to see this film and I regret doing so...this DVD made it more worth while. It's amazing, exclusive interviews, how it was made, every detail you want to know....I was blown away. Listen to the commentaries, especially the cast, informative and hilarious. Lord of the Rings have opened up a wonderful world for me. I'm reading the books, loving more of the cast and waiting very IMpatiently for the third movie: Return of the King. This DVD details it down to the book, like the gift giving, lembas bread, more of everything. I love it, and I know I'll be still watching it years on!(...) BUY THIS DVD, or you'll be missing out on a lot!
Rating:  Summary: The Best! Review: There arn't enough words to explain how good this was. It was amazing. This is a movie that in 100 years will still be the best movie ever made. The book was great as well and I think that they did a very good job at cutting the scenes that they didn't absoultly need. Sean Bean was an excellant Boromir. The cast was excellant. Before I saw the movie I thought that Gwynth Paltrow would have made an excellant Galadriel but Cate Blanchett was the perfect choice. And Gollum! Geeze, he looked awsomely freeky! I loved this movie. If you havn't seen it I highly recomend you do.
Rating:  Summary: This is how it's done! Review: There can be no better example of how to translate a novel to the screen than this movie. Granted, Peter Jackson is a Tolkien fan who has read and reread the Lord of the Rings trilogy as many of us have done, yet knowing this I was nontheless astounded by this movie's faithfulness to the written word. As far as I'm concerned, Jackson and company couldn't have done a better job if they'd had a video recorder hooked up to my mind's eye while I was reading the book!
Rating:  Summary: Simply could not be better Review: There can be no denying that the ethereal other-worldniness of this astounding fantasy series has been captured so wonderfully on film. This seemingly unsurmountable task has actually been overcome! The characters could not have been better chosen, especially those chosen for Gandalf, Boromir, Frodo, and...let's face it, there was not a bad choice there! Of course, the film does translate better if you had actually read the books. However, my wife (who has never read the books) was completely enthralled and asked me questions about several aspects of the film. Yes, the film does not answer all, but her enthusiasm and interest had been completely captured by the wonderment of story, character, setting, and drama. This film lacks NOTHING in these departments. Oh, and one special note. For the review stating something akin to "Tolkein is rolling in his grave," I just wanted to note that I have actually met his daughter, Priscilla Tolkein. I, for one, can attest to J.R.R. Tolkein's love for his story and to the ones that he told it to. In all fairness, I never have met J.R.R. and cannot comment on his possible reaction to a rendering of his work, but I can say this in defense of his family: could we please have a little more tasteful respect for the dead? Enjoy this film for the adventure that it is and stop putting words in other people's mouths. There are some frightening moments for kids, but I believe it will be a joy for those who have read the books. Two Towers...here we come!!!
Rating:  Summary: INCREDIBLE!!!!! Review: There could never be enough stars to rate this amazing movie high enough! I have seen it six times, including the Mindnight Premeire, and I can't wait until time number seven! Incredible acting, especially by Elijah Wood and Ian McKellen. I am a great fan of the books, and the movies are no dissapointment. Even friends who have never read the books, say the movie is the greatest. If you have not seen it already, what are you waiting for!?! It's amazing, I'd pay $100.00 at least to get it on tape. It is the best, the most amazing, I cannot say anything that wouldn't be an understatement. I'm only thirteen, and I was even crying over it, it's incredible. I heard it said once, and it's completely true, it is the StarWars for this generation. Stop reading my silly review and go see it for yourself! You will not be dissapointed! Guaranteed!