Rating:  Summary: The Power of the One Ring Review: The movie, like the ring, has this irresistible power. It consumes you and pulls you to it. To adapt a phrase, "It WANTS to be seen". I've only managed to see it three times on the meager savings of a college student, but I find myself trying to plan seeing it again, I can't say enough about this movie. When you see the movie you feel like you are IN middle earth. Every little detail is believable, that's what makes this movie so good, the details. Amazing effects, outstanding cast, beautiful scenery and so much more, this movie has everything and, I think stays true to the essence of the book. As I watched, I heard lines that I remembered straight from the book. Like when Gandalf falls into the abyss and utters "Fly you fools," before falling. While there were things taken straight from the book, it was condensed and certain things from the book were left out. Such as the encounter with Tom Bombadil, and some things were changed, like Arwen saving Frodo instead of Glorfindel meeting the companions and sending Frodo off on his horse, which I think was more dramatic, but, that's just me. I found that in whole the main idea was there. I also like how at this point they make Arwen and Aragorn's story more prominent. It does not detract in any way. One qualm is that it did seem hurried along, things happened very fast, and yet the movie is still three hours long. Obviously, they couldn't follow the book exactly, that would have added at LEAST two more hours to the movie, and I understand that, but everything else is so close to the book that I am very pleased with the result. They should have not cared about length and put an intermission in, maybe we'll get some more ont he DVD? Having read the books though, I obviously know the story. But what was so wonderful even still about this movie is that it still found ways to get me emotionally involved. For example make me nervous, when the ringwraith is sniffing for the hobbits which I was pleased about because that sniffing is described in detail in the book, or startle me, like when Bilbo tries to take the ring again in Rivendell. I even cried when the fellowship grieves Gandalf, even though I know that... well I won't ruin it for people who haven't read all the books. Little twists like this kept me on my toes and made me fall even deeper in love with a story already dear to my heart. The cast is amazing too, not only are they wonderful actors and make you believe in their relationships and the feelings they have about the things going on around them, but the look of each character is perfect. Not perfect to how I envisioned them when reading, or how you or anybody else envisioned them when reading, but perfect because they each have enough of the basic descriptions given in the book that your own imaginings kind of adapt to what you see on the screen. Gandalf has the hat, and the beard, and the way he lets his emotions about the "halflings" show, is so heart warming. Frodo, well Elijah Wood looks other worldly to begin with perfect choice I think. In the book it talks about Frodo and Bilbo looking alike, and I wonder if they could have found a way to do that, even though I think Ian Holm does a wonderful Bilbo. Also it was supposed to be both Frodo and Bilbo's birthdays at the party. They have the same birthday and explaining that in the movie may have shown how close their relationship is better. Sean Astin is PERFECT as Sam, that way he has of speaking, who knew a Goonie coulda come so far. Merry and Pippin are just that, Merry and Pippin, they just look the part to me. Sauruman is just amazing, honestly, the moment you see him you know he's turned evil. I like how his fingernails are rather long like claws. John Rhys Davies is absolutely perfect to give Gimli that dwarf spark and attitude, like a friendly little Klingon, perfection. Legolas, I don't know where they found this kid Orlando Bloom, but hold onto him, he's masterful. When I read somewhere that he took archery classes and that's really him launching those arrows within milliseconds of each other, I thought, he really IS an elf. Which is why I can't wait for the next two movies to see how they conclude this epic adventure, and especially to see how they've portrayed Gollum, one of the most interesting, scary, and even pitiable characters ever. The few teases we get of him in the first movie are not enough, and I'm on pins and needles. Whatever the next two movies hold I know they will live up to the books as this one and keep the feeling of Tolkien and his story intact. After seeing the movie the third time I was pleased to be graced with a "preview" not a trailer of The Two Towers! The preview was such a tease. I think they ruined it for people who haven't read the books, though, because they show Gandalf coming back. But I was pleased to see how different he looks as Gandalf the Grey as opposed to Gandalf the White. They showed the Ents! I'm so happy! They will be interesting to see. Plus they give us a tease of Eowyn, and more of Gollum! I am so excited and anxious to see this next installment, I can't wait until Christmas!
Rating:  Summary: This movie IS "A Passage to Middle-Earth" Review: THE MOVIE: First of all, this a fantastic movie, and I think that A Beautiful Mind and Fellowship of the Ring should both have gotten Best Picture. The 5 stars go for the movie alone. You likely already know much about it, and if you don't, read the editorial and spotlight reviews. It is completely true to the spirit of the books, and I loved seeing what could only be imagined before (especially Sauron in physical form and his Eye). You won't be disappointed by this film in any way unless you really wanted to see Tom Bombadil.DVD Features: The Quest for the Ring and A Passage to Middle-Earth are great behind-the-scenes looks at the movie, and if you see them, you can skip the Houghton-Mifflin feature because most of it is repeat information and/or interviews. My favorite feature was A Passage to Middle-Earth because it had a decent length, it had wonderful insights and information, and it did not have a "made for TV" look to it. The trailers, TV spots, music video, and video game preview are all about what you would expect if you've had any experience with DVD extras. The previews of the Extended Version and The Two Towers provide tantalizing glimpses of what is yet to come for Lord of the Rings fans. I am looking forward to the Battle of Helm's Deep, but I also want to see more of the friendships evolve, and it looks like Peter Jackson & Co. are going to do a splendid job with both. My ONLY gripe with the extras is that they do not go into much detail about places and events after the Fellowship leaves Rivendell. If complete information on every aspect of the film is what you desire, or if you only want to buy one version of this movie, wait for the Special Extended Version due out on November 12th. Otherwise, I would advise you to buy both; you will get two versions of the film and 3 discs of special features in all. Enjoy the DVD, and I'll see you at The Two Towers in December!
Rating:  Summary: Overshadows original theatrical release!! Review: The new and extended scenes alone are worth buying this new DVD, even if you've already got the first release. I can't even begin to tell you what a difference there is between the two films, and there are lots of great details and pieces from the book that are incorporated into this edition that just makes a perfect movie even more perfect. The special features are mind-blowing, and anyone who loves Lord of the Rings just HAS to get this special extended edition!!!
Rating:  Summary: Makes a great film even better Review: The new Special Extended Edition (SEE) of the Lord of the Rings takes a movie that was already one of the best film adaptations ever, and easily the best fantasy movie ever made, and takes it up another level. The extra footage is not comprised of a few additional scenes, but rather of many (dozens) of scenes that are simply longer, a line of dialog here, a lingering shot there. Overall, the length of the film is extneded a mere 30-some minutes, but so much is gained. Anyone who liked the original theater cut needs to see this version. Anyone who thought certain elements of the book should not have been left out also needs this version. The commentray tracks are varried and interesting, including a track with commentary from Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, one featuring members of the cast, one featuring the designers, and one featuring the production/post-productionists. Often you get 4 or 5 differnet version of the same story. I enjoying using the "A-B" feature of my DVD player to watch particular scenes over and over with the different commentary tracks. Going beyond the film, the additional features on the extra DVDs are nearly as impressive. The cast interviews and production information are full and interesting, and ther is so much about the process of getting the films made that any fan will enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: A superb production of epic proportions Review: The new Trilogy for generations to come. I was lucky enough to see the movie last night (December, 15th) and I was blown away. The production in this movie is simply amazing, the careful treatment of even the smallest details make of this movie a feast for the senses. Magnificient photography, beautiful locations, amazing visual effects and a very well cleaver casting. At three hours, the movie is packed with action, intrigue and fantastic creatures that will take you to Middle Earth and leave you with a smile. Go and see for your self, you wont be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: A DVD worthy of a film worthy of the book Review: The novel is unique and has a rare and wonderous brilliance. The film captured it as well as time and the medium of film could allow. True, there were changes and characters and events lost, but one only has to reread the novel to understand why. Now this extended edition does what only more screen time could make possible: make the film even more enjoyable, vivid and three-dimensional. Once you see this longer version, it is impossible to imagine the film without the seamlessly added additional scenes. But more than that, the creatively and lovingly crafted additional material makes the 3rd and 4th discs almost as fascinating as the movie. Far beyond mere 'making of' documentary material, these discs are a primer on filmmaking as an art and craft. Don't miss them.
Rating:  Summary: One Major Concern Review: The one major concern I felt after seeing this movie was feeling pretty sure that any other movie I watched after this one was going to seem pale in comparison (except maybe for the sequals). It must, of course leave out much of the detail in the book, but wow! The producers did a pretty good job of craming the essence into 3 hours.
Rating:  Summary: This movie has POTENTIAL!!! Review: The only reason that I gave this movie 3 stars is because it has not been released yet, so I cannot realisticly give it 5 stars. If The Felloship of the Ring lives up to the pictures and movies that I have seen on the internet, it is going to be a landmark film! It has the star-power (big names from recent and classic films, plenty of renowned stage actors, and some promising newcomers to American audiences), it has the faithfull attention to detail (courtesy of a literal horde of artisans and lingusists who are all Tolkein fans), and it has the budget and length to do the story justice. Unfortunately, the hype could be a double-edged sword, because I and all of the other fans are expecting a masterpiece. However, if any film can live up to its own hype, this will be it! I plan on writing another review once I have actually seen the film.
Rating:  Summary: Great buy! Review: The only reason this DVD edition did not get 5 stars was because they separated the movie into 2 DVDs, which means in the middle of the movie you have to get up and put in the other DVD. I find that just a bit annoying, unless you're one of those lucky people that owns a 5-disc changer DVD player. Anyway, the movie is great. It's about a hobbit named Frodo Baggins who acquires a ring which wields the powers of darkness over its owner. Frodo and his companions must try to take the ring back to Mount Doom, where it was made and the only place it can be destroyed, before the ring's evil takes over Frodo and turns him to the dark side. All the while, the ring's maker, Lord Sauron, has soldiers looking for the ring so that he can be restored to power and rule over Middle Earth. This edition comes with 2 discs full of special features- interviews, pictures, and the "how'd they do that" type of featurettes. The featurettes about how they made the Hobbits look small and all their visual effects were fascinating. I don't think they included enough interviews with the whole cast. It was mostly with the Hobbits. They should have interviewed Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn/Strider) and Orlando Bloom (Legolas) more. You are also able to listen to commentaries throughout the movie if you so choose. There are a multitud to choose from: the cast, directors and crew, and the visual artists or something. The cast one was disappointing because they didn't even include commentary from Viggo Mortensen or Orlando Bloom, which are 2 of the 7 main characters in the story! The commentary was obviously taped in several sessions, one with all the hobbits together and everyone else was individually, which means they insert it into moments of silents when the actors who played the Hobbits aren't talking. Mostly, Elijah Wood does the commenting. They exchange some funny stories about what happens on the set. The restored footage to the movie is great. It reflects more of the way Hobbits are, and there are some scenes which will help you to understand parts in the second movie, such as their daggers, rope, the Elvish bread, and such, which Galadriel gives them and they show them with these gifts in the second movie. Overall, the package total is an A!
Rating:  Summary: Get this for the DTS track and the extra 30 minutes Review: The only thing I can really add besides the kewl extra 30 mins is the included DTS ES 6.1 track.