Rating:  Summary: Great movie, however it didn't have the preview I wanted. Review: The movie is great, great to have the DVD quality sound and picture. However the add-ons were a little dissapointing. First they have a prieview for the "Special Edition DVD". Which says to me that if I really want the good DVD, I have to buy another one. Plus it has some Fox and Learning channel shows that featured the making, but stuff I've already seen.Then I thought it would have the full Two Towers preview, but had a making of type preview that was fairly dissapointing. So my recommendation would be to wait for the Special Edition.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent DVD For An Excellent Movie Review: The movie itself is a masterpiece, and is one of my favorites. The DVD makes the movie much more of great experience. The only problem that I've had with this DVD is that you can't view the movie in its original, theatrical form, but its not too much of a problem because the added scenes really add to the movie, and I now think of the theatrical edition as the lesser edition. The movie itself had to be split up onto two DVDs because of all the commentaries that are now on the DVD. With many movies that I've seen, the commentaries will start off strong and interesting, but will soon be reduced into long gaps and the director saying, "I really love this shot here..." and then trailing off again. Not so with this DVD. All I have watched so far is the director and writer's commentary, and it is very interesting, and there are very few long gaps of silence. This DVD is huge, and it will take me a very long time to get through all the features on it. As an added bonus, on this DVD you can find the Two Towers trailer that was attached to Fellowship of the Ring while it was still in theaters, and you can also see MTV's spoof of the Council of Elrond scene. The second two discs have a treasure trove of stuff to go through, and I haven't seen much of it, but what I have seen is very interesting. This DVD is a must have for any LOTR fan, and is a welcome addition to my DVD collection. The sound quality seems to have been improved dramatically from the theatrical DVD release. All in all, this is a great DVD worth buying. The packaging is even interesting to look at.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Amazing DVD ever Review: The movie itself is absoloutely amazing! Now, with extra scenes that Peter Jackson has added, polished and scored it is way better than the original movie. With the extra DVD's you can watch and learn how hobbits are made small, what big-atures are and tons of extra information that is essential for all LOTR fans. Of course it also has the most gorgeous guy in the world in it. Who is, no surprise, Orlando Bloom!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Movie is great - DVD: not so much Review: The movie itself is WONDERFUL. My complaint is with the DVD. The 2nd disc - which promises features - is just an advertisement for the Special Edition DVD, to be released in November. There are no deleted scenes, no cool features, nothing! Just the director driving in his car talking about how great the Special Edition will be. ...
Rating:  Summary: The Best DVD Ever!! Review: The movie Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a masterpiece. I saw the movie several times in theater, and bought the theatrical release on DVD. When I bought the DVD I already knew I wanted to get the extended DVD also. Getting them both was worth it. But if you are only getting one get the Extended DVD it is far better than the Theatrical DVD. The extended DVD comes with four discs. The first two discs contain the extended movie, and discs three and four contain supplementary material of how the film was made. The plot of the theatrical movie and the extend movie is the same. The story is about a young Halfling (a hobbit), named Frodo Baggins who inherits a gold ring from his uncle. The ring turns out to be the One Ring, which has the power to enslave the world. Frodo along with his companions must journey to Mordor and cast the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom, before Sauron (its maker) finds it and casts middle-earth into darkness. Some people, who loved the books, were disappointed upon seeing there was no Tom Bombadil. They hoped that he would be included on the extended DVD but they are going to be disappointed again. I feel that it was a wise choice not to include him. Though he is a fun character, he is a distraction from the main plot of the story and is better left out of a film. I loved every moment of the original release and wanted to see more. I got my wish. The Extended movie has thirty minutes of new footage. It is wonderful! The new scenes were added very smoothly, and unless you watch closely you might miss some of the subtle changes. The first scene that I noticed different was when Isildur is being attacked by an ambush of orcs in the prologue. It showed exactly how the Ring betrayed Isildur and how it was lost. Throughout the whole movie new scenes are added and for those who have no background of Lord of the Rings, they make it much more understandable. The final addition was in the chapter "The Departure of Borimir", with Aragorn saying his final farewell to Borimir. The extended movie explained the hobbits better. The opening scenes of Hobbiton are different from the theatrical release. The movie starts (after the prologue) with Bilbo Baggins trying to write his book. He reveals the different aspects of everyday Hobbit life. It shows the hobbits as little people who love a peaceful, happy life, with no adventures. I feel the additions made it clearer as to why Fordo and the other hobbits are willing to risk their lives to try and preserve their way of life. Some of the most beloved scenes that were cut in the original release were able to be reintegrated into the film, such as the scene with Galadriel and the gift giving. I feel that this sequence was especially important for the future films. It shows where Sam got his special Elven rope. Legolas receives a new bow in the same scenes; while Merry and Pippin are give special Elven daggers. The scene also shows Gimli falling in love with Galadriel, which was a great part in the books, and will now be a great part in the movie. There is more character development especially for Aragorn and Galadriel. Aragorn reveals that it is his love for Arwen the drives him and gives him much of his solemnness. He loves her but does not with her to die a mortal death. This is portrayed in a new scene that occurs on the way to Rivendell. In it he is singing about the fate of Beren (a mortal man) and Luthien ( an Elven princess), and looks quite melancholy. He does not wish to claim the throne of Gondor because he fears the weakness of men. Galadriel too has more depth. You get to see her more relaxed and happy while giving the gifts to the fellowship. You also get to see her joy at Gimli's devotion to her. There was a lot of humor added to the movie. For example there is now a scene at the Green Dagon (an inn) with Merry and Pippin singing on top of a table, and Frodo is dancing around. There is also some added humor over new jibes Legolas gives to Gimli, outside of Moria. The movie has a feel of reality, as if the story could have really taken place. Everything has such depth and detail which adds to the credibility of the story. The makers of Lord of the Rings blend the use of special effects and other technology seamlessly into the movie. This adds to the story and makes it more plausible. It doesn't take over the film or detract attention away from the main story. All of the actors/actresses do a terrific job. The actors/actresses seem to become the characters. I really liked the performance of Elijah Wood who played Frodo. He somehow manages to show the ring's power eating away at his soul. Cate Blanchett who played the Lady Galadriel, did a wonderful job at appearing both good and dangerous. She also looks quite terrifying when being tempted by the Ring. I could go on and on because all the actors/actresses gave Oscar winning performances. Some people have not been impressed that the movie has to be split onto two DVDs. I think it is a minor inconvenience, and the fact that there are four commentaries is more than enough to appease me. Over all I think this is an essential DVD for any DVD owner, if you don't have a DVD player you might want to consider getting one, just for this DVD. If you already own the theatrical DVD and you enjoy it, I think you will like the extended DVD ten times better, I did!
Rating:  Summary: Scratch that warning to Mac users! Review: The movie runs just fine on my Mac. It's only a few interactive features that require a PC. By the way, this version is far superior to the theatrical release. Buy it!
Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition Gift Set Review: The movie that should of gotten the award for best picture this movie & this DVD Gift Set is simply amazing no i mean it's absolutely fantastic Peter Jackson is the lord of directors & yes this movie is in DTS sound now own of the Greatest films that goes beyond the book this year on Dec. 18 The Two Towers & next year 2003 The Return of the King
Rating:  Summary: bakecan Review: the movie totally blew me away i loved it and frodo's eye's were perfect now i totally whorship him to ... .... for any one who really cares. The movie followed the book very closly and movies usually don't do that they kind of stream of to places that are no where close to the book. i thought that peter jackson did an excelent job directing and being drunk outside of the prancing pony. any way back to frodo he was the the best the movie was very powerful and wouldn't change the actors especially not frodo, merry(merridoc brandybuck), pippin ( peregin took), sam gamgee, bilbo, gandalf,sauron, strider( aragorn) sauruman,gollum i wouldn't change any one those where just to name a few i would not change the actors at all thanks for reading this if i could see or get any thing of lord of the rings i would be first in line( theoretically) i would wait for ever if it would take that long. well not forever cause i am pretty impatient
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, almost great DVD Review: The movie was amazing, perhaps one of the three best book adaptations of all time. Lucas and the people doing the Harry Potter books should take a lot lessons from this movie. The DVD is somewhat dissapointing, in part because it's a tease for the 4-disc volume coming out later. That version will be extended with deleted scenes and, I believe, have commentary tracks. Which means the current version is lacking in both of these elements that really add to DVDs. This set has 2-discs, one with the movie and the other with extras, which are mostly behind-the-scenes featurettes. These are interesting, but I really want the commentary and deleted scenes. If you absolutely have to have TLoR now and can't wait for the 4-disc set, buy this. If you have enough money to buy both versions, buy this. If you just want the movie, buy this. If you can wait a few more months, only want one set of TLoR DVDs and want all the extras, pass on this and wait for the 4-disc set.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings Review: The movie was awsome but the unedited movie was even better. It was like seeing a totally different movie. I highly recomend you see it and if you haven't read the book read it its even better then the extended edition of the movie.