Rating:  Summary: Lord Of The Rings, the ultimate movie Review: The Lord Of The Rings is now my favorite movie of all times. I have seen it 6 times already and never grow tired of it. It is the ultimate good against evil story. It teaches you morally and has had a big emotional impact on me. The visuals were breath taking and the acting was done so well that you don't even think it's acting. It's like these fantastical creatures (Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs...etc.) really existed. It was true to the books and it is just too awesome for me to explain in less than a thousand words! If you haven't seen it, see it! If you have, see it again!
Rating:  Summary: Excitement Awaits! Review: The Lord of the Rings is now my favorite movie. It has a lot of excitement and action. I have read the books and thought that The Lord of the Rings was fantastic , but when I saw the movie The Fellowship of the Ring it sent me to Tolkiens Middle-Earth. The orcs and the cave troll in the movie looked very real , and the actors did very splendid in the film. This movie deserves 5 stars because it is magnificent and followed the book very well. So that is why you must own the DVD today. Peter Jackson has done a wonderful job on this film. So buy it for DVD.
Rating:  Summary: A Gem, but not quite the same gem it was Review: The Lord of the Rings is one of the best known fantasy stories of all time, and here is finally in a production that can do it justice. Most of the scenes are done brilliantly, using the beautiful and well-chosen landscape of New Zealand, which captures Middle Earth excellently. The cast was also well chosen, with especially good performance by Ian McKellen as Gandalf.There is only one quibble that I have with this movie: the old axiom "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Events were drastically changed during the chase on the way to Rivendell. The original version (which did not introduce the elf lady until after the chase) was much more gripping. Also, an element of mystery at the beginning of the story was lost... the original made certain that we had no clue what was going on until the Council, where we finally get the whole story. Ah well. It's still so utterly great that I would strongly reccommend buying it, as a DVD or a video.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings Review: The Lord of the Rings is one of the best movies ive ever seen i give it 5 stars.i love jrr tolkins work.
Rating:  Summary: The Ring To Rule Them All! Review: The LOrd Of the Rings Is the best movie ever. First Frodo is the best looking hobbit ever with the curage to fill a human. It Keeps you on your seat through out the whole movie, guessing what will happen next. Its exciting,Pippin(Billy) is funny, he'll make you laugh out loud!
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST!!!!! Review: The Lord Of THe Rings is the best movie i have ever seen. Elijah Wood does a perfect job as Frodo and Sean Astin was a perfect Sam. All the other actors and actresses did perfectly were great too.
Rating:  Summary: Magnificent! Review: The Lord of the Rings is the BEST movie of all time. Peter Jackson has donne a great job. Cast,crew,locations,special and visual efects are amazing. This movie get under your skin when you watch it. It's greater than Star Wars. It suprises how J.R.R. Tolkien could have such fantasy as he described all he's ideas in the book. I say, only great mind can do it. And J.R.R. Tolkien was a great man and he,and he's Middle Earth, still lives in OUR imagination. In The Lord of the Rings you can see what is real frendship and it can make you cry. It made me cry, and I'm proud to say it 'cause you don't see movies, or read books, such as The Lord of the Rings. All I can say now is:" Can't wait for Two towers!"
Rating:  Summary: Will someday be required viewing for film students Review: The Lord of the Rings is to our generation as Wizard of Oz was to Cinema Past. It has redefined the way we watch movies like no other films before it. There's not a whole lot I can say about these films that haven't been said already. You OWE it to yourself to see these movies. The Extended Versions of these films are in my opinion are superior to the theatrical cuts, just for the fact that I can't get enough of the Lord of the Rings. Here is my advice if you've never seen LOTR before. Watch the theatrical cut. If you love it, come back and be ready to have your senses pounded because the Extended Cuts will rock your world. If you have seen the theatrical cuts and are debating about getting this because you were lukewarm on the movie...buy it. Don't even hesitate for a second. Buy the extended versions. Questions you may have had are answered and the places that seem a little short in the movie are better explained.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful work done!! Review: The Lord of the Rings Movie is an excellent recreation of the fantasy books written by JRTolken. Unlike most films, the Lord of the Rings takes the words right out of the books to make the movies. Usually movies would edit scenes, change the story line, or take a scene from the other books! THis one doesn't at all. I should know because I've read the sceries twice! Thanx
Rating:  Summary: The Best Review: The Lord of the Rings movie is great. The actors were great and the battle parts were great. The hobbits were done perfect and the orcs were done so well one would think that they were real. This movie was done just right except for one thing, they left the Barrowdowns out and enlarged Arwen's parts, but I don't care. My only regret is that Legolas (my faverit person) didn't say very much, but I suppose that is for the best, after all he is an Elf and they never say very much I suppose. Aragorn and the rest were done great....