Rating:  Summary: Magical Review: The greatest fantasy film ever made. Period. No arguments. Eclipsing the works of Lucas and Spielberg, Jackson has made a cinematic feat that will live forever. The entire world of Middle Earth comes alive with terrific performances from everyone involved and stunning visuals. It simply gets better with each viewing. The emotional involvement of the characters make this film all the more compelling. No one will forget the beautiful beginning scenes of the Shire, nor the exciting, but terrible trek through the Mines of Moria. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: A must see motion picture Review: The greatest movie I have ever seen in my whole life! It starts out when Frodo takes hold of the ring of Sauron, the Dark lord. Soon he is on a journey with three friends Sam, Pippin, and a few others. When Gandalf, the wizard, is betrayed by Sauruman, Frodo and his clan meet Aragorn, a ranger, at a bar. Soon they fall into danger when a dark rider comes, and poisons Frodo with the sword. Frodo would had died if it wasn't for Aragorn. When they reach a place called Rivendel, where they find Gandalf, and get more companions, which makes them the Fellowship of the Ring. They go to the mines of Morian where they encounter orcs. Soon they break up in a battle with orcs, and the fellowship breaks apart. I love this story because it's so exciting and adventurous, my kind of movie, the best part is the scenery and the special effects, yes, this is the 1#. movie of the year
Rating:  Summary: WEAK SAUCE... Review: The hype currently surrounding these films is laughable to me now, even though a few weeks ago I was excited to see this first installment. Peter Jackson and crew have succeeded in destroying my memory of Tolkien's finely crafted, SUBTLE work. Subtle this film is not. More like mind-numbing, poorly conceived, inappropriately violent. Just another action movie, albeit a three-hour action movie. There is NO characterization, NO good dialogue, NO charm, NO enchantment, NO humor, NOTHING to enjoy. There is only a ring that needs to get from Point A to Point B. Blah blah blah...Big, loud, stupid, ugly. Poor special effects. Gratuitous battle scenes. Poor pacing. No emotion. I am so disappointed in this film. I really believe any one out there who is excited about this film is either a teen who has never read the books (but seen The Matrix a hundred times), an adult with a real soft spot for DIE HARD, or a geek who is in denial - who realizes there was a lot wrong with the film, but didn't quite find it "bad enough" to criticize so therefore falls head over heels in his/her praise for "the magnificient hobbit effects!!!" Hey guy...they're just filming actors at different angles, using a lot of close-ups, and substituting kids for adults in behind-the-back shots. This ain't ILM, folks... Twenty years from now, my kids will not be watching this film over and over. No one will. This isn't the new Star Wars, it's the new TITANIC, the new PEARL HARBOR - a film that is initially greeted with praise but soon forgotten as an overhyped mess. And the next 2 are already in the can, so drink up!!! I look forward to two more years of listening to geeks decieve themselves so they can jock Elijah Wood and Peter Jackson. Two stars for the cast....all good sports, especially Wood and Ian McKellen. Jackson led them like lambs to the slaughter, but at least they gave it their all on the way down.
Rating:  Summary: The Ring is True Review: The idea of the ring is somewhat real in my mind. It's historically noted that some objects may have power. Once I was reading about the legend of the Kohinoor diamond, written by Sri Chinmoy. "What interest could a spiritual master have in a diamond?" I thought as I sat in my little place in Eugene, Oregon. A place nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and a landscape similar to that seen in the movie Lord of the Rings. The question took over a part of my mind. I decided to take an unrelated trip to Africa just a few weeks after I read the story. On my way my flight was diverted due to bad weather, and I landed in London. The airline put me up in a nice hotel for the night, and in the morning I strolled past the Parliament building, and eventually wandered my way into a guarded castle. As I passed by a few objects inside, there - right in front of me was displayed the Kohinoor diamond! That's supposed to be a coincidence? Ironically, I was visiting the display of the crown jewels, the jewels of Kings. I thoroughly enjoyed the friendship that the characters had, such as Sam and Frodo. This movie is as good as the book!
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Review: The integration of previously deleted scenes is flawless. Furthermore, the added material brings the movie closer to a perfect recreation of Tolkien's vision.
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite Movie Review: The is the BEST movie in the history of the world. I love the specail effects!!! If you haven't seen this movie, you have to-because it is the BOMB!! Please watch it! It isn't scary like people say, and if you haven't read the book-do that! Elijah Wood is so good in it and I am just in LOVE with it. I have a friend who is obsessed with it, and she hasn't even seen it!!! If you like it you should also see and read the Harry Potter series and movies. You should also know the story of "The Hobbit" so if you haven't read the book-ask your mom or dad or somebody who has read the book. And don't worry- Elijah Wood is not that short, it is just a specail effect. The orcs are so not real, and you can tell that. At the end it stps at such a suspenceful part- as well as the Two Towers. So- SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring Review: the lack of a DTS sound track on The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring puts it into the "rental" category. wait for the DTS version due out next year before you buy.
Rating:  Summary: Dumbstruck. I'd give it 6 stars if possible. Review: The last few years have been a dark age for motion pictures. I like art-house and independent flicks, but I'm shallow enough to admit I love a good, old-fashioned multi-million dollar spectacle. Hollywood has spent the money over the past few years, but without any of the quality or genius required to make a movie great. All that changed with Fellowship of the Ring. With a modest budget (still the GNP of a small country) Peter Jackson has made one of the most incredible, perhaps THE most incredible movie I have ever seen. This movie is so incredible in fact, that it makes me curse all of the mediocre ones I've tolerated over the past few years and despise all the really crappy ones. Granted, I did read the books, but I've always thought the books had some problems. Yes I know, I speak sacrelige, but the books get bogged down in exposition and backstory and page after page of tedious poetry and songs and some of the characters seem out of place or inconsistent. Overall it's one of the greatest works of the 20th century, but it was difficult for me to get into because of the pacing. As if answering my prayers, Jackson has completely ommitted all of the things I considered tedious and has given us the story itself, free of warts, and with such remarkable skill and power that I sat like a little kid through all three hours, then wanted to see it again. I can't remember loving a movie, truly LOVING it, like this one since Star Wars. I told a friend it was the unexpected Star Wars experience of my adult life. Jackson has captured each character flawlessly and with all the grace and respect they deserve. His eye and attention for detail shows a true respect for the work. All of the ommitted details and scenes shows that Jackson knows what is truly essential to the tale... and what is not. Don't be fooled. This is not a three hour SFX extravaganza. It's a story of hope, courage, loyalty and honor like none that have come before. SFX will get you the quick buck, but it's those other things that will make this movie timeless. It's almost too much to hope that all three movies will be this incredible, but after all the crap we, the paying audience, have been shelled with over the years, we deserve something this good.
Rating:  Summary: really really perfect Review: the length of this movie does not mean anything except they tried their hardest to bring The Fellowship to screen from book, and succeeded. This is a wonderful movie with excellent acting, and it will go down in history as one of the greatest (along with the other two) fantasy movies ever created. Hats off to Peter Jackson
Rating:  Summary: My Jaw has Officially Become One With the Floor Review: The Lord of Rings is one of two huge, expensive, fantasy book adaptations coming out this year. The other being Harry Potter. I saw Harry Potter and loved and went into The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) with decent expectations, never expecting it to match Harry Potter. For the record, it runs circles around Harry Potter, trips him, and rubs his lighting-scarred face in the mud... twice. This film exceeded my expectations by such an astounding degree. Seeing the film was like reading the book again. The images on screen directly reflected the images in my head from the book. This is attributed mainly to Peter Jackson and his entire production crew at New Line. It was, for the most part, perfect. The visuals in Harry Potter look like Gameboy when placed next to LOTR's breathtaking effects. The acting is superb (even Liv Tyler and Sean Bean are incredible!), Elijah Wood and Ian McKellen being the high points. Easily besting Harry Potter and possibly the best fantasy film since Star Wars. In fact, I'll go as far as to call it the next Star Wars. Go see it at all costs.