Rating:  Summary: This trilogy grows and gets better. Review: The first of the series LOTR's was a slightly better than average movie, but an excellent adaption of the books. This trilogy actually gets better as it goes along. Once I had both enjoyed and suffered through LOTR I, I was able to savor most of FELLOWSHIP, but there were parts that just made me want to take a nap. I am not a fan of extremely long camera shots of facial expressions, especially given the limited range of expressions emotted by some of the hobbits in particular. Liv tyler also only had one facial expression, her poker face. I give LOTRF 4 stars and RETURN OF THE KING 5 stars. The special effects and the masterful battle sceens are an absolute WOW!
Rating:  Summary: "Nobody tosses a Dwarf!" Review: The first part of LOTR is wonderfully made into a live action film! The movie starts with a long prolouge explaining how the One Ring was made, what happened to it, and where it is now. By strange chances, the One Ring is now owned by Bilbo Baggins of The Shire. Bilbo leaves the ring to Frodo and off to Rivendell. Frodo soon is off on an adventure to destroy the one ring along with a followship; Nine walkers against the Nine riders of Mordor. The locations are amazing and truly look like they're from Middle-Earth. My favorite line is "Nobody tosses a Dwarf!"
Rating:  Summary: For once, this truly IS the movie of the book. Review: The first thing that strikes you about Peter Jackson's Fellowship of the Ring is that the production values are incredible and it looks oh-my-god gorgeous. If you didn't know better and hadn't seen some of the earlier abortive attempts, that could almost distract you from the fact that for once, this movie is almost TOTALLY faithful to the book. If you liked the books, but were disappointed by the Rankin-Bass animated Hobbit or the confused, mangled 1990 animation-over-film Lord of the Rings that ended halfway through what should have been The Two Towers, you should consider this movie -- and especially, this VERSION of this movie -- a must-see. OK, granted, there are minor changes here and there for filmability, and to adapt to the fact that it's not really possible to fit all the dialog of the original book into a movie people will sit still to watch. But by the standards of any typical Hollywood "adaptation", this is verbatim chapter-and-verse. Dear old Professor Tolkien would be proud.The Shire is unmistakeably the Shire. The Hobbits and Gandalf are perfectly true to character, Strider "looks foul but feels fair", the Ringwraiths are perfectly malevolent, and Rivendell perfectly beautiful. (Not to mention Arwen Evenstar... be still, my beating heart. In the words of a good friend, "Must remember: Aloof, unavailable elf-princess. Aloof, unavailable elf-princess.") Caradhras is as threateningly impassable as ever, although in that scene you'll notice a significant divergence from the book. (If you've read the books, it'll jump out at you. If you haven't, you probably won't care.) And then there's Moria ... and oh, my, there's Khazad-Dum. You will dream yourself in Khazad-Dum. It's breathtaking. And then ... there's the Balrog. So, you've been playing AD&D for twenty years, and you think you know all about Balrogs, huh? Well, let me tell you, you don't know a Balrog from a hole in the ground, until you've seen Fellowship of the Ring's Balrog. "Who'll kill the Balrog, who'll kill the Balrog / You kill the Balrog, while I climb a tree..." Buddy, there ain't no tree high enough. Not even in Middle-Earth. Fellowship of the Ring would almost be worth it for the Balrog alone. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Peter Jackson's production of Fellowship of the Ring, particularly in its full-length extended edition, has redefined the state of the art and set the standard that the rest of the movie industry will be trying to catch up to for probably the next ten years. And without giving anything away, The Two Towers (which, at the time of writing this review, hit theaters two weeks ago) continues to set the standard ... it's at least as good, if not better. I can hardly wait to see what goes into the extended version of The Two Towers. And then we have another year to wait for Return of the King. ...Anyone got a time machine? I'm not sure my heart will stand the suspense.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, my dreams are on the big screen! Review: The first time I read the books, well, I never expected any book to immerse me as much as they did. I have been looking forward to the movies for a long time, and so, I had my opening night tickets a week ahead of time and was at the theater an hour early. Two days later I was back again. So far I have seen it 4 times, and am going again. The whole movie was incredible, the acting was superb and if the oscars ignore this film, then they should have their head examined. Can I single out anyone in particular? No, although I will say that Sir Ian McKellan was superb.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Adaptation. Review: The first time I saw Lord of the Rings, I must admit, it didn't do much for me at all. I found it to be a very long movie that wasn't extremely exciting. However upon viewing it the second time, I noticed how much better the film was when i watched it again. I overlooked the fact that it was a 3 hour long movie, and noticed how excellent the story was. The story being very simplistic leaves room for more exciting scenes as well as more exciting twists of the story. Although the movie doesn't fallow the book exactly, it is truly an excellent adaptation of it.
Rating:  Summary: Tolkien is a happy man Review: The first time I saw this I was blown away, when I heard about Eliah Wood playing Frodo I thought it was a bad choice, I COHULDNT BE WRONGER!The movie does have some boring parts, but hey it is three hours long. Those boring parts are made up with action thrilled fight scenes which I personally thought were the greatest things ever.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME!!!!!! Review: The first time I saw this I was glued to the screen. If I had to go pee I wouldn't even though it was a 3 hour movie. It was the most coolest fanasty movie I have ever seen. I think that it is personally worth your time and your money. Just the way it was filmed and how it did digital effects was awesome. I have seen it about 5 times and can't wait to go another time...if it did have an ending then it would be a 6 or 7 hour movie and that would be boring. I can't wait till the next movie comes out in December. And then the next one. I wish I could be in one of those movies because of how it is directed and the cast. It would be amazing! Even though it should of won best picture thats alright. But A Beautiful Mind was awesome also, so I have no regrets for that one. Lord of the Rings is the BEST!!!!*
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: The first time I saw this movie, I wasn't too crazy about it, and didn't see why it was so popular. The second time I saw it, my view on this movie changed. Perhaps knowing that the movie won't have an ending after you sit there for 2 and a half hours had something to do with my change of heart, or maybe it was because I watched it over 2 days instead of sitting through the whole thing at once. But now, since I enjoyed this movie a bit more this time, let's get to my review of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. LOTR- The Fellowship of the Ring was based on the first book in the Lord of the Rings book triligy. The movies story, without giving too much away, is about a Hobbit named Froto Baggins who inherits a ring from his uncle Bilbo. Froto's friend and advisor, Gandof the Wizard, informed him that the ring is evil, and if found by the wrong people, all of Middle-Earth will be destroyed. Frodo then leaves so the ring wouldn't be found, and ends up at Elron, where The Fellowship of the Ring was formed to serve as the protectors of the ring before it is destroyed in the fires in Mt. Doom. Since this is only part one of a triligy, the story ends abruptly, and if you're not expecting it, can be very disappointing. This movie had great camera work, besides from a good story. Some of the camera shots in this movie were very impressive, and it all worked well for the movie's advantage. Then there were the special effects. ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) had a big part in this movie. There were the Hobbits, who were made to look like they were half the size as everyone else, and then the orcs, and Golum, and all of the other creatures involved in the story. The scenery was hugely ILM influenced too. While many shots were just straight impressive shots, others were impressive by the digitally added effects. I don't disagree with the academy awards that this movie won. It deserved it. Overall, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring was a very well done, feel good movie with plenty of action, great special effects, with the moral that good always defeats evil (except in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King).
Rating:  Summary: This is the best movie ever!! Review: The first time I watched The Fellowship of the Ring, I was simply stunned. I have never seen such an amazing movie in my life, and don't hope to ever again (except for the next two!!) The characters were extremely well developed, and true to the books. The setting was absolutely beautiful! Some things were changed from the book, but overall I thought the whole thing was extremely well done. I've seen The Fellowship of the Ring four times so far, and it's been fabulous every time! I can't wait to see it again! PS: I truly can't believe the people that rated this movie any lower than five stars. I don't know what their problems are, but don't let these people's reviews stop you from seeing the best movie ever made!
Rating:  Summary: Book is masterpiece = Movie a masterpiece Review: The formula of a great book = a great movie is almost never true. The Fellowship of the Ring is a wonderful movie because it has sucessfully brought the book to the screen. There are wonderful special effects and exciting action scenes, but they are all in support of the fanstastic story created by Tolkein -- rather than being created for their own sake. I applaud everyone involved with this movie for achieving this seemingly impossible task. Liked it so much I went home at 1AM and got out my copy of the "Fellowship of the Ring" for a fresh re-reading.