Rating:  Summary: In a world of magic. Review: I saw the film 2 days after the premiere. It was awesome, breathtaking. One long rush, from beginning to end. The only "problem" is that some of the peaceful middlesekvenses (e. g. the first meeting with the elves, Tom Bombardilare) are left out. Some spoken lines differ a lot from Tolkien (Let's hunt some orcs!!!), but that maches the movie. If a person is biblic about the book, the film migth be to "fresh" and a large disappiontment. The actors do a wonderfull job, and in the end, you wish that the film goes on just a minute more, though you know it is ending. Seeing the film, was better than Christmas and New Years Eve, together! I can't wait for the sequel!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Too Good To Be True. Review: I saw the film today and i only have one thing to say ... When is the TRILOGY Special Edition DVD released ??? I WANT IT.... Fantastic movie... Amazing characters ... and very very good special effects ...
Rating:  Summary: Must See DVD Review: I saw The Lord of The Rings in a movie theater (after re-reading the trilogy) and was absolutely enthralled. Many times it was like Tolkein's words were leaping out of the book onto the screen. I have waited for this movie for ages and it was all that I hoped it would be (I have the original VHS tapes of the Hobbitt and the semi animated version). However the beauty and excitement of the movie could not completely wipe out the discomfort of the theater seats--the noise of the people munching and drinking (and talking). Now I have the DVD and have seen it twice in the comfort of my home--and seen things that I missed before--the coffee got cold and the munchies uneaten--the 3 hours went so fast I could not believe it was over. The special features on the second disk I could have done without since I had already seen them on the Web and the TV--except for the preview of the 'Two Towers'. I will buy the extended edition of this DVD but I could not wait until November so I bought this one first. I await the second movie with excitement in my heart--I have always wanted to see a 'live' version of the Ents. So suspend your disbelief--'Middle Earth Lives' and Jackson has made it more real--see all of the movies and read the books and buy the DVDs so you have the magic forever.
Rating:  Summary: WONDEDRFUL!!! Review: I saw the movie after it was out for only 2 days. I had been looking foward to it for months and the wait was worth it! I liked it so much I saw it twice.You can't call yourself a lord of the rings fan if you don't see it.
Rating:  Summary: best movie of the century Review: I saw the movie and i really liked it.I had to see it twice to get everything but it was so good i would want to see it a third time. it keeps you on the edge of your seat. You can not wait to see the next scene. The cast selection was really good too. The actors played their parts really well and the movie flowed. I can not wait till the other movies come out. The effects were great and at some points you felt as if you were in the movie as well. It was one of those movies that are really worth paying for and seeing. This is a great movie and it shows what all movies should be like.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME! Review: I saw the movie and was amazed. Then I bought this DVD and it got better. Excellent movie overall and the DVD has tons of features. Two disks with extended scenes give you things you never saw in the theaters. Dolby Digital 5.1 allows me to use my home theater system like never before! In addition to the appendicies, you can also look around for two easter eggs...hehehebottom line: awesome movie, awesome set of disks...click the buy button already!!
Rating:  Summary: it was bad Review: I saw the movie on Christmas Day. I have to admit that the battle scenes and the special effects on them were good, on that I would rate it excellent. But thats all that kept me from walking away from the movie. The rest was plain boring. The plot in its self was good, but it took 20 minutes to climb a friggin mountain. Then when they got to the top there were even more. And most of the mountains hardly anything exciting happened. If they were to cut out the parts where nothing happens there would be two or less movies. Buy it on DVD when it comes out so you can skip that ...(stuff). DON'T WAIST YOUR TIME IN A THEATRE WATCHING IT!
Rating:  Summary: I have saw the preview. Good, But not great. Review: I saw the movie today, i went to a special preview event hold worldwide this day; and the movie was shown to all the sponsors. The movie i can say is good, it worth going to cinema for it. But it is too long, almost 3 hours long!!!!! The photograhy is incredible! the costumes, the effects, the sound. The theme is good, but sometimes is very slow and a little boring. I general, it is a good movie, not fantastic, but it is a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: First Movie Review: I saw the previews for this movie, and it looks like it will be great. They did all three movies at the same time, so the actors could stay in character, and the casting looks new and fresh. I have no doubt that I will watch this movie more than ten times. We have all been waiting a while for this movie trilogy, and finally our demands are met! :) I gurantee that after this movie, millions of copies of LOTR and other Tolkien stories are going to bought by movie lovers who haven't known the world of Tolkein yet. I just can't wait, I am so excited, read on!
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly good because it is amazingly true to the book Review: I saw this film on the opening day, and, when it was over, a scowling man walked past me, saying out loud, "That elf who rescued Frodo was not Arwen, it was Glorfindel." Evidently this guy makes a living reading JRR Tolkien, or something, because my reaction, like many others, was "Who could possibly care?!" If you're watching the movie and living the story, you have just finished the dreadful battle on Weathertop. Frodo has just been cruelly stabbed by a Nazgul with a morgul blade, and everyone is desperately trying to save his life. Strider points out that Elvish medicine is the only thing which can possibly save Frodo...and a real life Elf shows up with a fast horse! There is a thrilling chase on horseback to the river, an incredible scene where this courageous Elf makes the river itself rise in a rage against the slaves of Sauron.... ...and the only thing you can notice is that the Elf is a female, not a male, and moan about it? I'll give you a clue: most studios, actors, and directors would give their right arms to be able to make a film this good. And PJ's secret, which he has talked about all the way, was to be slavishly faithful to the book and to Tolkien. Everybody involved in these films felt the same way. The attention to detail, the numinous acting, the wonderful cinematography -- all of it was done by people who always referred to the book before doing ANYTHING. And it appears to me that, by putting the scenes with Saruman INTO the storyline (rather than saving them to be recounted later as a long flashback by Gandalf) that they have clarified and even enhanced the story! Sure, some cuts were made. Tom Bombadil works in the book, but in the movie would have been a fault that everyone would have jumped on: who is this guy in the forest who never shows up in the story again? Why are we wasting time with him? And, in the case of Arwen, two characters were carefully and skillfully blended to streamline the story and enable greater character development. I have my own criticisms of this film, I guess, but they pale into insignificance before my awe of what these people have done. This may not be the greatest film ever made (who knows? tastes differ!) but it sure is a candidate and a lot of people seem to have decided already that it is. Well, artistic quality is not usually put to a vote, and I'll gladly leave that question for posterity. The only thing I can add is that it was really worth my [money]